.\" .\" This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the .\" Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL"), version 1.0. .\" You may only use this file in accordance with the terms of version .\" 1.0 of the CDDL. .\" .\" A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this .\" source. A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at .\" http://www.illumos.org/license/CDDL. .\" .\" .\" Copyright 2024 Oxide Computer Company .\" Copyright 2022 Tintri by DDN, Inc. All rights reserved. .\" .Dd September 21, 2024 .Dt NVMEADM 8 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm nvmeadm .Nd NVMe administration utility .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm .Fl h .Op Ar command .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm list .Oo .Fl c .Oc .Oo .Fl p o Ar field Ns [,...] .Oc .Op Ar ctl[/ns] Ns [,...] .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm identify .Op Fl C | c | d | Oo Fl a Oc Fl n .Ar ctl[/ns] Ns [,...] .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm identify-controller .Op Fl C | c | Oo Fl a Oc Fl n .Ar ctl Ns [,...] .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm identify-namespace .Op Fl c | d .Ar ctl/ns Ns [,...] .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm list-logpages .Op Fl a .Op Fl H .Op Fl o Ar field Ns [,...] Op Fl p .Op Fl s Ar scope Ns [,...] .Ar ctl[/ns] Ns [,...] .Op Ar logpage... .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm get-logpage .Op Fl O Ar output-file .Ar ctl[/ns] Ns [,...] .Ar logpage .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm list-features .Op Fl a .Op Fl H .Op Fl o Ar field Ns [,...] Op Fl p .Ar ctl[/ns] Ns [,...] .Op Ar feature... .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm get-features .Ar ctl[/ns] Ns [,...] .Op Ar feature-list .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm format .Ar ctl[/ns] .Op Ar lba-format .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm secure-erase .Op Fl c .Ar ctl[/ns] .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm detach .Ar ctl[/ns] .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm attach .Ar ctl[/ns] .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm list-firmware .Ar ctl .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm load-firmware .Ar ctl .Ar firmware-file .Op Ar offset .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm commit-firmware .Ar ctl .Ar slot .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm activate-firmware .Ar ctl .Ar slot .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm wdc/e6dump .Fl o Ar output .Ar ctl .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm wdc/resize .Fl s Ar size | Fl g .Ar ctl .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm wdc/clear-assert .Ar ctl .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm wdc/inject-assert .Ar ctl .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm utility can be used to enumerate the NVMe controllers and their namespaces, query hardware information from a NVMe controller or namespace, and to format or secure-erase a NVMe controller or namespace. .Pp The information returned by the hardware is printed by .Nm in a human-readable form were applicable. Generally all 0-based counts are normalized and values may be converted to human-readable units such as MB (megabytes), W (watts), or C (degrees Celsius). .Sh OPTIONS The following options are supported: .Bl -tag -width Ds .It Fl h Print a short help text for .Nm , or for an optionally specified .Nm command. .It Fl d Enable debugging output. .It Fl v Enable verbose output. .El .Sh ARGUMENTS .Nm expects the following kinds of arguments: .Bl -tag -width "ctl[/ns]" .It Ar command Any command .Nm understands. See section .Sx COMMANDS . .It Ar ctl[/ns] Specifies a NVMe controller and optionally a namespace within that controller. The controller name consists of the driver name .Qq nvme followed by an instance number. A namespace is specified by appending a single .Qq / to the controller name, followed by either the namespace ID or the namespace EUI64 or NGUID as reported by the .Cm identify command. The namespace ID is a positive non-zero decimal number. For commands that don't change the device state multiple controllers and namespaces can be specified as a comma-separated list. .Pp The list of controllers and namespaces present in the system can be queried with the .Cm list command without any arguments. .It Ar logpage Specifies the log page name for the .Cm get-logpage command. .It Ar feature-list A comma-separated list of feature names for the .Cm get-features command. Feature names can be specified in upper or lower case. All features can be specified either by a short name listed below or by the full name that the specification uses. .It Ar lba-format A non-zero integer specifying the LBA format for the .Cm format command. The list of supported LBA formats on a namespace can be retrieved with the .Nm .Cm identify command. .It Ar firmware-file Specifies the name of a firmware file to be loaded into the controller using the .Cm load-firmware command. .It Ar offset Specifies the byte offset at which to load .It Ar output-file Specifies a file system location to write raw binary data out to. .Ar firmware-file within the controller's upload buffer. Vendors may require multiple images to be loaded at different offsets before a firmware set is committed to a .Ar slot . .It Ar scope Specifies the scope of a given type of thing to look at, such as a log page. Scopes can either be specified by their full name or a shortened form. For log pages, the following scopes are supported: .Bl -tag -width Ds .It Sy controller Indicates that the log is scoped to the controller. The short form is .Dq ctrl . .It Sy nvm Indicates that the log is scoped to the NVM subsystem. There is no short form. .It Sy namespace Indicates that the log is scoped to the namespace. The short form is .Dq ns . .El .Pp For more information on the differences between these, please see the NVMe specification. .It Ar slot Specifies the firmware slot into which a firmware set is committed using the .Cm commit-firmware command, and subsequently activated with the .Cm activate-firmware command. Slots and their contents can be printed using the .Nm .Cm list-firmware command. .El .Sh COMMANDS .Bl -tag -width "" .It Xo .Nm .Cm list .Oo .Fl c .Oc .Oo .Fl p o Ar field Ns [,...] .Oc .Op Ar ctl[/ns] Ns [,...] .Xc Lists the NVMe controllers and by default also their active namespaces, printing a 1-line summary of their basic properties for each. If a list of controllers and/or namespaces is given then the listing is limited to those devices. If no controllers or namespaces are given as arguments, then all controllers in the system and their respective active namespaces are listed. When using the .Fl v option to .Nm , all possible namespaces of the controllers will be listed. .Pp The .Nm .Cm list command supports the following options: .Bl -tag -width Fl .It Fl c List controllers only and not their namespaces. .It Fl p Produce parsable output rather than human-readable output. This option requires that output fields be selected with the .Fl o option. .It Fl o Ar field Ns [,...] A comma-separated list of one or more output fields to be used. Fields are listed below and the name is case insensitive. .El .Pp The following fields can be specified when using the parsable form: .Bl -tag -width UNALLOCATED .It Sy MODEL The model number of the device, generally containing information about both the manufacturer and the product. .It Sy SERIAL The NVMe controller's serial number. .It Sy FWREV The controller's firmware revision. .It Sy VERSION The version of the NVMe specification the controller supports. .It Sy INSTANCE The name of the device node and instance of it. .El .Pp In addition, the following fields can be specified when listing namespaces, not using the .Fl c option: .Bl -tag -width UNALLOCATED .It Sy CAPACITY The amount of logical bytes that the namespace may actually have allocated at any time. This may be different than size due to the use of thin provisioning or due to administrative action. .It Sy SIZE The logical size in bytes of the namespace. .It Sy USED The number of bytes used in the namespace. .It Sy NAMESPACE The numerical value of the namespace which can be used as part of other .Nm operations. .It Sy DISK The name of the disk device that corresponds to the namespace, if any. .El .Pp When using the .Fl c option to list controllers, the following additional fields are supported: .Bl -tag -width UNALLOCATED .It Sy CAPACITY The total raw capacity of the NVMe controller in bytes. .It Sy UNALLOCATED The number of bytes not currently assigned to any namespace in the controller. .El .It Xo .Nm .Cm identify-controller .Op Fl C | c | Oo Fl a Oc Fl n .Ar ctl Ns [,...] .Xc Print detailed information about the specified controllers. For an explanation of the data printed by this command refer to the description of the .Qq IDENTIFY admin command in the NVMe specification. .Pp By default, a relevant subset of the .Qq IDENTIFY CONTROLLER data structure is printed. The full data structure is only printed when verbose output is requested. .Pp The following options can be used to print other .Qq IDENTIFY information: .Bl -tag -width Fl .It Fl C Print the Common Namespace Identification of the controller. .It Fl a Alter the output of the .Fl n option to print the list allocated namespace identifiers. Can only be specified together with the .Fl n option. .It Fl c Print the list of all unique controller identifiers in the NVMe subsystem the specified controller belongs to. .It Fl n Print the list of active namespace identifiers of the controller. .El .It Xo .Nm .Cm identify-namespace .Op Fl c | d .Ar ctl/ns Ns [,...] .Xc Print detailed information about the specified namespace. For an explanation of the data printed by this command refer to the description of the .Qq IDENTIFY admin command in the NVMe specification. .Pp By default, a relevant subset of the .Qq IDENTIFY NAMESPACE data structure is printed. The full data structure is only printed when verbose output is requested. .Pp The following options can be used to print other .Qq IDENTIFY information: .Bl -tag -width Fl .It Fl c Print the list of all unique controller identifiers in the NVMe subsystem the specified namespace belongs to and which are currently attached to this namespace. .It Fl d Print the list of namespace identification descriptors of the namespace. .El .It Xo .Nm .Cm identify .Op Fl C | c | d | Oo Fl a Oc Fl n .Ar ctl[/ns] Ns [,...] .Xc Short-hand for the .Cm identify-controller and .Cm identify-namespace commands, prints the same information about the specified controllers and/or namespaces, depending on whether a controller or a namespace was specified. .Pp For a description of the various optional flags refer to the above description of the .Cm identify-controller and .Cm identify-namespace commands. .It Xo .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm list-logpages .Op Fl a .Op Fl H .Op Fl o Ar field Ns [,...] Op Fl p .Op Fl s Ar scope Ns [,...] .Ar ctl[/ns] Ns [,...] .Op Ar logpage... .Xc Prints the list of log pages and information about them specific to the given controller or namespace. This is intended as a discovery mechanism and will print information about mandatory, optional, and vendor-specific log pages as well as all the information that is useful for retrieving information about them. .Pp The .Nm .Cm list-logpages command supports the following options: .Bl -tag -width Fl .It Fl a Print all log pages. By default, only logs that are implemented are printed. .It Fl H Omit the output header columns. .It Fl o Ar field Ns [,...] A comma-separated list of one or more output fields to be used. Fields are listed below and the name is case insensitive. .It Fl p Produce parsable output rather than human-readable output. This option requires that output fields be selected with the .Fl o option. .It Fl s Ar scope Ns [,...] Print log pages that match the specified scope. If no .Ar scope arguments are specified, then the scope will be set to .Dq ctrl,nvm when the device is a controller and .Dq ns when the device refers to a namespace. .El .Pp The following fields are supported: .Bl -tag -width MINSIZE .It Sy DEVICE Prints the name of the controller or namespace. .It Sy NAME Prints the name of the log page. This is the name that can be used to get the log page with the .Cm get-logpage command. This is a shortened form from the NVMe or vendor-specific documentation. .It Sy DESC This is a description of the log page and generally corresponds to information from the specification the log page is drawn from. .It Sy SCOPE This is the set of scopes that the log page is applicable to. As described earlier in the manual, valid scopes include .Dq ctrl , .Dq nvm , and .Dq ns . This indicates whether a controller .Po .Dq ctrl and .Dq nvm .Pc or a namespace .Po .Dq ns .Pc will work for this log page when running the .Cm get-logpage command to get the log. .It Sy FIELDS This indicates the command fields that are accepted when retrieving the log page from the controller. The fields include: .Bl -tag -width lsp .It Sy lsp Indicates that a log specific parameter is accepted for this page. .It Sy lsi Indicates that a log specific identifier is accepted for this page. .It Sy rae Indicates that one can control whether or not an asynchronous event is retained when retrieving the log page. By default, asynchronous events are cleared when certain log pages are fetched such as the health log page. .El For more information on these fields, please see the NVMe specification. .It Sy CSI Indicates the log page's command set interface. .It Sy LID Indicates the log page's numeric ID. This when combined with the log page's CSI is the unique identifier that identifies the log page to the controller. .It Sy IMPL Indicates whether or not the system believes that the log page is implemented. .It Sy SIZE Indicates the size of the log page. Not all log pages have a fixed size and in such cases this field will not contain a value. .It Sy MINSIZE When a log page is known to have a variable size, this indicates the minimum amount of the log page to read to determine the full size of the log page. .It Sy SOURCES This is a comma separated list of values that indicates where information about this log page and its support came from primarily. These include the following: .Bl -tag -width identify-controller .It Dq spec This comes from the NVMe specification. Generally this refers to mandatory log pages that are not dependent on any information in the identify controller data structure. .It Dq identify-controller Information about this log page comes from the identify controller data structure. Many log pages are described by the standard but are optional and their support is indicated through that. .It Dq internal-db This indicates that information about this log page comes from our internal databases in libnvme. Most vendor-specific logs are described in datasheets whose information is encoded into the library and system and there is not always a way to discover that it is supported or not. .It Dq command This indicates that information about this log page came from another command that was issued to the controller which indicates what was implemented and present. .El .It Sy KIND This indicates the kind of log page that this is. Valid options are: .Bl -tag -width vendor-specific .It Dq mandatory Indicates that the NVMe specification considers this mandatory for all controllers of a given version. .It Dq optional Indicates that the NVMe specification considers this log page optional. Some items may be mandatory if a device implements an optional feature like namespace management, but they will still be considered optional as the underlying feature is. .It Dq vendor-specific Indicates that this log is a vendor-specific log page. These log pages are not part of the NVMe standard and are generally described in their own device's datasheets or a separate standard such as the .%T OCP Datacenter NVMe SSD Specification . .El .El .Pp The .Cm list-logpages command supports a series of operands which can be used to filter the list of log pages that information is printed out about. Each .Ar logpage operand is the name of a log page. Only matching log pages will be printed and if no log pages match a given operand argument or not log pages are printed at all .Pq which can happen due to a log being unsupported then the command will generate an error. .It Xo .Nm .Cm get-logpage .Op Fl O Ar output-file .Ar ctl[/ns] Ns [,...] .Ar logpage .Xc Print the specified log page of the specified controllers and/or namespaces. If .Fl O is specified, rather than print the contents of the log, the raw binary payload of the log will be written to .Ar output-file . Most log pages are only available on a per-controller basis. Known log pages are: .Bl -tag -width "firmware" .It suplog Supported Log Pages. Lists information about log pages that the device supports. Available starting in NVMe 2.0 devices. .It error Error Information .It health SMART/Health Information. A controller may support this log page on a per-namespace basis. .It firmware Firmware Slot Information .It changens Changed Namespaces. .It cmdeff Commands Supported and Effects. An optional log page added in NVMe 1.2 that indicates what commands the controller itself actually supports. .It pev Persistent Event Log. An optional log page added in NVMe 1.4 that contains a series of events that have occurred on the device. .El .Pp The following vendor-specific log pages are supported. Not all devices from a vendor support every log page. Use the .Cm list-logpages command to determine which are supported for a given device and whether they operate on a controller or namespace. .Bl -tag -width "solidigm/outlier" .It kioxia/extsmart Kioxia Extended SMART. .It micron/smart Micron Vendor Unique SMART. .It micron/extsmart Micron Extended SMART. .It ocp/smart Open Compute Datacenter NVMe SSD specification SMART / Health information. .It ocp/errrec Open Compute Datacenter NVMe SSD specification error recovery log. .It ocp/fwact Open Compute Datacenter NVMe SSD specification firmware activation log. .It ocp/latency Open Compute Datacenter NVMe SSD specification latency monitor. .It ocp/devcap Open Compute Datacenter NVMe SSD specification device capabilities. .It ocp/unsup Open Compute Datacenter NVMe SSD specification unsupported requirements. .It solidigm/rlat Solidigm/Intel read command latency statistics. .It solidigm/wlat Solidigm/Intel write command latency statistics. .It solidigm/temp Solidigm/Intel temperature statistics. .It solidigm/smart Solidigm/Intel vendor unique SMART log. .It solidigm/ioqueue Solidigm/Intel I/O queue metrics. .It solidigm/name Solidigm/Intel drive marketing name. .It solidigm/power Solidigm/Intel power usage. .It solidigm/gc Solidigm/Intel garbage collection. .It solidigm/outlier Solidigm/Intel latency outlier. .It wdc/eol Western Digital end-of-life. .It wdc/devmgmt Western Digital device manageability. .It wdc/pciesi Western Digital PCIe signal integrity. .It wdc/power Western Digital power samples. .It wdc/temp Western Digital temperature samples. .It wdc/fwact Western Digital firmware activation history. .It wdc/ccds Western Digital CCDS build information. .It wdc/cusmart Western Digital customer unique SMART data. .El .Pp For an explanation of the contents of the log pages refer to the description of the .Qq GET LOGPAGE admin command in the NVMe specification. .It Xo .Nm .Cm list-features .Op Fl a .Op Fl H .Op Fl o Ar field Ns [,...] Op Fl p .Ar ctl[/ns] Ns [,...] .Op Ar feature Ns [,...] .Xc Prints the list of features and information about them specific to the given controller or namespace. This is intended as a discovery mechanism and will print information about known mandatory, optional, and vendor-specific features as well as the information that is useful for retrieving information about them. .Pp The .Nm .Cm list-features command supports the following options: .Bl -tag -width Fl .It Fl a Print all features, regardless of whether or not the controller is known to implement them. By default unimplemented features are not printed, but implemented and unknown ones are. .It Fl H Omit the output header columns. .It Fl o Ar field Ns [,...] A comma-separated list of one or more output fields to be used. Fields are listed below and the name is case insensitive. .It Fl p Produce parsable output rather than human-readable output. This option requires that output fields be selected with the .Fl o option. .El .Pp The following fields are supported: .Bl -tag -width DATALEN .It Sy DEVICE Prints the name of the controller or namespace. .It Sy SHORT This is a shortened name for a feature which can be used to identify it. These short names are unique to illumos and not part of the NVMe specification. .It Sy SPEC This is the specification's name for a given feature. .It Sy FID This is the numeric ID that can be used to uniquely identify a feature. .It Sy SCOPE This is a comma separated list of values that identifies what scopes this feature covers. The supported scopes are .Dq controller , which indicates that it impacts the entire controller and .Dq namespace , which indicates that it impacts just a single namespace. .It Sy KIND This indicates the kind of feature that this is. Valid options are: .Bl -tag -width vendor-specific .It Dq mandatory Indicates that the NVMe specification considers this mandatory for all controllers of a given version. .It Dq optional Indicates that the NVMe specification considers this feature optional. Some items may be mandatory if a device implements an optional feature like namespace management, but they will still be considered optional as the underlying feature is. .It Dq vendor-specific Indicates that this log is a vendor-specific feature. These features are not part of the NVMe standard and are generally described in their own device's datasheets or a separate standard such as the .%T OCP Datacenter NVMe SSD Specification . .El .It Sy CSI The command set interface that the feature is specific to. Most features are not specific to a CSI. .It Sy FLAGS The flags are a series of comma separated strings which describe properties of the feature. The following flags are currently supported: .Bl -tag -width "get-bcastns" .It Dq get-bcastns Indicates that the broadcast namespace is supported when getting this feature. .It Dq set-bcastns Indicates that the broadcast namespace is supported when setting this feature. Using the broadcast namespace indicates that all namespace are impacted. .El .It Sy GET-IN A series of comma separated values indicating what is required to get this feature. The following values are supported: .Bl -tag -width cdw11 .It cdw11 Indicates that the feature requires an argument in the cdw11 field of the command. This is generally a selector of some kind. For example, for the temperature threshold feature, it selects which of several sensors may be referred to. .It data Indicates that a data buffer is required when getting this feature. Its size is indicated by the DATALEN field. .It nsid Indicates that a namespace ID is required when getting this feature. .El .It Sy SET-IN A series of comma separated values indicating what is required to get this feature. The following values are supported: .Bl -tag -width cdw11 .It cdw11 Indicates that the feature uses information in cdw11 to set the feature. .It cdw12 Indicates that the feature uses information in cdw12 to set the feature. .It cdw13 Indicates that the feature uses information in cdw13 to set the feature. .It cdw14 Indicates that the feature uses information in cdw14 to set the feature. .It cdw15 Indicates that the feature uses information in cdw15 to set the feature. .It data Indicates that the feature takes a data payload to set the feature. Its size is indicated by the DATALEN field. .It nsid Indicates that the feature requires a valid namespace identifier. .El .It Sy GET-OUT A series of comma separated values indicating what the controller will return information about this feature in. The following values are supported: .Bl -tag -width cdw0 .It cdw0 Indicates that the controller will give information about the feature in the command output 32-bit value. .It data Indicates that the controller will output information about the feature into the output buffer. .El .It Sy SET-OUT A series of comma separated values indicating what the controller will update following the successful completion of setting the feature. These values are the same as with the GET-OUT field. .It Sy DATALEN Indicates the length of data for the feature. .It Sy IMPL Indicates whether or not the feature is known to be implemented or not. The following values are possible: .Bl -tag -width unknown .It Dq unknown Indicates that it is unknown as to whether or not the feature is implemented. Some features are optional and there is no way to determine this short of issuing an attempt to get the feature itself. .It Dq yes Indicates that we know the feature is implemented by the controller. .It Dq no Indicates that we know the feature is not implemented by the controller. .El .El .Pp The .Cm list-features command supports a series of operands which can be used to filter the list of features that information is printed out about. Each .Ar feature operand is either the short name or the specification's name for a given feature. In addition, the numeric feature ID can also be used as a filter. If no features match a given operand or no features are printed at all then the command will generate an error. .It Xo .Nm .Cm get-features .Ar ctl[/ns] Ns [,...] .Op Ar feature-list .Xc Prints information about the specified features, or all features if none are given, of the specified controllers and/or namespaces. Feature names are case-insensitive, and they can be shortened as long as they remain unique. Some features also have alternative short names to which the same rules apply. The following features are supported: .Pp .TS tab(:); l l l. FULL NAME:SHORT NAME:CONTROLLER/NAMESPACE Arbitration:arb:controller Power Management:pm:controller LBA Range Type:range:namespace Temperature Threshold:temp:controller Error Recovery:errec:controller Volatile Write Cache:cache:controller Number of Queues:queues:controller Interrupt Coalescing:coalescing:controller Interrupt Vector Configuration:vector:controller Write Atomicity:atomicity:controller Asynchronous Event Configuration:event:controller Autonomous Power State Transition:apst:controller Software Progress Marker:progress:controller .TE .Pp For an explanation of the individual features refer to the description of the .Qq SET FEATURES admin command in the NVMe specification. .It Xo .Nm .Cm format .Ar ctl[/ns] .Op Ar lba-format .Xc Formats the specified namespace or all namespaces of the specified controller. This command implies a .Nm .Cm detach and subsequent .Nm .Cm attach of the specified namespace(s), which will cause a changed LBA format to be detected. If no LBA format is specified the LBA format currently used by the namespace will be used. When formatting all namespaces without specifying a LBA format the LBA format of namespace 1 will be used. A list of LBA formats supported by a namespace can be queried with the .Nm .Cm identify command. .Pp Note that not all devices support formatting individual or all namespaces, or support formatting at all. .Pp LBA formats using a non-zero metadata size are not supported by .Nm or .Xr nvme 4D . .Pp The list of supported LBA formats on a namespace can be retrieved with the .Nm .Cm identify command. .It Xo .Nm .Cm secure-erase .Op Fl c .Ar ctl[/ns] .Xc Erases the specified namespace or all namespaces of the controller. The flag .Fl c will cause a cryptographic erase instead of a normal erase. This command implies a .Nm .Cm detach and .Nm .Cm attach of the specified namespace(s). .Pp Note that not all devices support erasing individual or all namespaces, or support erasing at all. .It Xo .Nm .Cm detach .Ar ctl[/ns] .Xc Temporarily detaches the .Xr blkdev 4D instance from the specified namespace or all namespaces of the controller. This will prevent I/O access to the affected namespace(s). Detach will only succeed if the affected namespace(s) are not currently opened. The detached state will not persist across reboots or reloads of the .Xr nvme 4D driver. .Pp It is not an error to detach a namespace that is already detached, any such request will be silently ignored. .It Xo .Nm .Cm attach .Ar ctl[/ns] .Xc Attaches the .Xr blkdev 4D instance to the specified namespace or all namespaces of the controller. This will make I/O accesses to the namespace(s) possible again after a previous .Nm .Cm detach command. .Pp It is not an error to attach a namespace that is already attached, any such request will be silently ignored. .It Xo .Nm .Cm list-firmware .Ar ctl .Xc List currently active firmware slot, the next active firmware slot, and the current contents of all firmware slots of an NVMe controller. This is a synonym for the .Nm .Cm get-logpage .Ar ctl .Cm firmware command. .It Xo .Nm .Cm load-firmware .Ar ctl .Ar firmware-file .Op Ar offset .Xc Loads .Ar firmware-file into the controller's upload memory at .Ar offset , the default is 0. A vendor may require multiple files to be loaded at different offsets before the firmware is committed to a .Ar slot . .It Xo .Nm .Cm commit-firmware .Ar ctl .Ar slot .Xc Commits firmware previously loaded by the .Cm load-firmware command to .Ar slot . .It Xo .Nm .Cm activate-firmware .Ar ctl .Ar slot .Xc Activates the firmware in slot .Ar slot . The firmware image in .Ar slot is activated at the next NVM controller reset. .It Xo .Nm .Cm wdc/e6dump .Fl o Ar output .Ar ctl .Xc This vendor-specific command performs a diagnostic dump of device data to the file specified by .Ar output . The device remains in full service while this is occurring. .It Xo .Nm .Cm wdc/resize .Fl s Ar size | Fl g .Ar ctl .Xc This vendor-specific command will get the current over provisioning size or set it. This command operates using power of 10 bytes, that is in terms of gigabytes and not gibibytes. The sizes that are used here will be different from those that the operating system will report for the drive. .Pp The following options are supported: .Bl -tag -width Fl .It Fl g Returns the current size of the device in gigabytes .Pq powers of 10 . .It Fl s Ar size Sets the size of the device to .Ar size which is in gigabytes .Pq powers of 10 . This can be used to adjust the over provisioning ratio on the device. The valid points are device-specific. Please consult WDC datasheets for more information. .Pp When performing a resize .Em all data and namespace will be erased ! All namespaces must be detached prior to issuing this. .El .It Xo .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm wdc/clear-assert .Ar ctl .Xc This clears an internal assertion record from a WDC device. Prior to running this any such internal assertion should be saved by using the .Cm wdc/e6dump command. This command should only be used if instructed to do so as part of a troubleshooting process. .It Xo .Nm .Op Fl dv .Cm wdc/inject-assert .Ar ctl .Xc This injects a device assertion into a WDC NVMe device. The behavior of doing so is device specific; however, all I/O will be interrupted and the device may be retired. Unless explicitly instructed as part of debugging a device or as part of internal development, this command should not be used. .El .Sh EXIT STATUS .Ex -std .Sh EXAMPLES .Bl -tag -width "" .It Sy Example 1: List all NVMe controllers and namespaces .Bd -literal # nvmeadm list nvme1: model: INTEL SSDPEDMD800G4, serial: CVFT4134001R800CGN, FW rev: 8DV10049, NVMe v1.0 nvme1/1 (c1t1d0): Size = 763097 MB, Capacity = 763097 MB, Used = 763097 MB nvme4: model: SAMSUNG MZVPV128HDGM-00000, serial: S1XVNYAGA00640, FW rev: BXW7300Q, NVMe v1.1 nvme4/1 (c2t2d0): Size = 122104 MB, Capacity = 122104 MB, Used = 5127 MB .Ed .It Sy Example 2: Identify a namespace .Bd -literal # nvmeadm identify nvme4/1 nvme4/1: Identify Namespace Namespace Capabilities and Features Namespace Size: 122104MB Namespace Capacity: 122104MB Namespace Utilization: 5127MB Namespace Features Thin Provisioning: unsupported Number of LBA Formats: 1 Formatted LBA Size LBA Format: 1 Extended Data LBA: no Metadata Capabilities Extended Data LBA: unsupported Separate Metadata: unsupported End-to-End Data Protection Capabilities Protection Information Type 1: unsupported Protection Information Type 2: unsupported Protection Information Type 3: unsupported Protection Information first: unsupported Protection Information last: unsupported End-to-End Data Protection Settings Protection Information: disabled Protection Information in Metadata: last 8 bytes LBA Format 1 Metadata Size: 0 bytes LBA Data Size: 512 bytes Relative Performance: Best .Ed .It Sy Example 3: Get SMART/Health information (verbose) .Bd -literal # nvmeadm -v get-logpage nvme4/1 health nvme4/1: SMART/Health Information Critical Warnings Available Space: OK Temperature: OK Device Reliability: OK Media: OK Volatile Memory Backup: OK Temperature: 37C Available Spare Capacity: 100% Available Spare Threshold: 10% Device Life Used: 0% Data Read: 0GB Data Written: 64GB Read Commands: 52907 Write Commands: 567874 Controller Busy: 1min Power Cycles: 6 Power On: 141h Unsafe Shutdowns: 1 Uncorrectable Media Errors: 0 Errors Logged: 1 .Ed .It Sy Example 4: Get Asynchronous Event Configuration information .Bd -literal # nvmeadm get-features nvme0,nvme4 event,power nvme0: Get Features Asynchronous Event Configuration Available Space below threshold: disabled Temperature above threshold: disabled Device Reliability compromised: disabled Media read-only: disabled Power Management Power State: 0 nvme4: Get Features Asynchronous Event Configuration Available Space below threshold: disabled Temperature above threshold: disabled Device Reliability compromised: disabled Media read-only: disabled Volatile Memory Backup failed: disabled Power Management Power State: 0 .Ed .It Sy Example 5: Load and activate firmware .Bd -literal # nvmeadm list-firmware nvme3 nvme3: Firmware Slot Information Active Firmware Slot: 4 Next Firmware Slot: 4 Firmware Revision for Slot 1: KNGND110 (read-only) Firmware Revision for Slot 2: KNGND110 Firmware Revision for Slot 3: KNGND110 Firmware Revision for Slot 4: KNGND112 Firmware Revision for Slot 5: KNGND110 # nvmeadm -v load-firmware nvme3 KNGND113.bin 1740544 bytes downloaded. # nvmeadm -v commit-firmware nvme3 5 Firmware committed to slot 5. # nvmeadm -v activate-firmware nvme3 5 Slot 5 activated: NVM subsystem reset required - power cycle your system. # nvmeadm list-firmware nvme3 nvme3: Firmware Slot Information Active Firmware Slot: 4 Next Firmware Slot: 5 Firmware Revision for Slot 1: KNGND110 (read-only) Firmware Revision for Slot 2: KNGND110 Firmware Revision for Slot 3: KNGND110 Firmware Revision for Slot 4: KNGND112 Firmware Revision for Slot 5: KNGND113 .Ed .It Sy Example 6: Listing Log Pages .Bd -literal # nvmeadm list-logpages nvme8 DEVICE NAME SCOPE FIELDS DESC nvme8 error controller rae Error information nvme8 health controller, rae SMART / Health information namespace nvme8 firmware nvm -- Firmware Slot Information nvme8 changens controller rae changed namespaces nvme8 wdc/eol nvm -- EOL nvme8 wdc/devmgmt controller, -- Device Manageability namespace nvme8 wdc/pciesi controller lsp PCIe Signal Integrity nvme8 wdc/power controller -- Power Samples nvme8 wdc/temp controller -- Temperature Samples nvme8 wdc/fwact controller -- Firmware Activation nvme8 wdc/ccds controller -- CCDS Build Information # nvmeadm list-logpages -p -o name,impl nvme8 firmware firmware:yes .Ed .El .Sh INTERFACE STABILITY The command line interface of .Nm is .Sy Evolving . The output of .Nm is .Sy Not-an-Interface and may change any time. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr nvme 4D .Pp .Lk http://www.nvmexpress.org/specifications/ "NVMe specifications"