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.\"  Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement  specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
.\" Copyright (C) 2004, Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
.TH RCMD 3SOCKET "Feb 10, 2004"
rcmd, rcmd_af, rresvport, rresvport_af, ruserok \- routines for returning a
stream to a remote command
\fBcc\fR [ \fIflag\fR ... ] \fIfile\fR... \fB-lsocket\fR \fB -lnsl \fR [ \fIlibrary\fR... ]
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>

\fBint\fR \fBrcmd\fR(\fBchar **\fR\fIahost\fR, \fBunsigned short\fR \fIinport\fR, \fBconst char *\fR\fIluser\fR,
     \fBconst char *\fR\fIruser\fR, \fBconst char *\fR\fIcmd\fR, \fBint *\fR\fIfd2p\fR);

\fBint\fR \fBrcmd_af\fR(\fBchar **\fR\fIahost\fR, \fBunsigned short\fR \fIinport\fR, \fBconst char *\fR\fIluser\fR,
     \fBconst char *\fR\fIruser\fR, \fBconst char *\fR\fIcmd\fR, \fBint *\fR\fIfd2p\fR, \fBint\fR \fIaf\fR);

\fBint\fR \fBrresvport\fR(\fBint *\fR\fIport\fR);

\fBint\fR \fBrresvport_af\fR(\fBint *\fR\fIport\fR, \fBint\fR \fIaf\fR);

\fBint\fR \fBruserok\fR(\fBconst char *\fR\fIrhost\fR, \fBint\fR \fIsuser\fR, \fBconst char *\fR\fIruser\fR,
     \fBconst char *\fR\fIluser\fR);

The \fBrcmd()\fR function is used by the superuser to execute a command on a
remote machine with an authentication scheme based on reserved port numbers. An
\fBAF_INET\fR socket is returned with \fBrcmd()\fR. The \fBrcmd_af()\fR
function supports \fBAF_INET\fR, \fBAF_INET6\fR or \fBAF_UNSPEC\fR for the
address family. An application can choose which type of socket is returned by
passing \fBAF_INET\fR or \fBAF_INET6\fR as the address family. The use of
\fBAF_UNSPEC\fR means that the caller will accept any address family. Choosing
\fBAF_UNSPEC\fR provides a socket that best suits the connectivity to the
remote host.
The \fBrresvport()\fR function returns a descriptor to a socket with an address
in the privileged port space. The \fBrresvport_af()\fR function is the
equivalent to \fBrresvport()\fR, except that you can choose \fBAF_INET\fR or
\fBAF_INET6\fR as the socket address family to be returned by
\fBrresvport_af()\fR. \fBAF_UNSPEC\fR does not apply to the \fBrresvport()\fR
The \fBruserok()\fR function is a routine used by servers to authenticate
clients that request as service with \fBrcmd\fR.
All of these functions are present in the same file and are used by the
\fBin.rshd\fR(1M) server among others.
The \fBrcmd()\fR and \fBrcmd_af()\fR functions look up the host \fI*ahost\fR
using \fBgetaddrinfo\fR(3SOCKET) and return \fB\(mi1\fR if the host does not
exist. Otherwise, *\fIahost\fR is set to the standard name of the host and a
connection is established to a server residing at the Internet port
If the connection succeeds, a socket in the Internet domain of type
\fBSOCK_STREAM\fR is returned to the caller. The socket is given to the remote
command as standard input (file descriptor 0) and standard output (file
descriptor 1). If \fIfd2p\fR is non-zero, an auxiliary channel to a control
process is set up and a descriptor for it is placed in \fI*fd2p\fR. The control
process returns diagnostic output file (descriptor 2) from the command on the
auxiliary channel. The control process also accepts bytes on this channel as
signal numbers to be forwarded to the process group of the command. If
\fIfd2p\fR is 0, the standard error (file descriptor 2) of the remote command
is made the same as its standard output. No provision is made for sending
arbitrary signals to the remote process, other than possibly sending
out-of-band data.
The protocol is described in detail in \fBin.rshd\fR(1M).
The \fBrresvport()\fR and \fBrresvport_af()\fR functions are used to obtain a
socket bound to a privileged port number. The socket is suitable for use by
\fBrcmd()\fR and \fBrresvport_af()\fR and several other routines. Privileged
Internet ports are those in the range 1 to 1023. Only the superuser is allowed
to bind a socket to a privileged port number. The application must pass in
\fIport\fR, which must be in the range 512 to 1023. The system first tries to
bind to that port number.  If it fails, the system then tries to bind to
another unused privileged port, if one is available.
The \fBruserok()\fR function takes a remote host name returned by the
\fBgethostbyaddr()\fR function with two user names and a flag to indicate
whether the local user's name is that of the superuser. See
\fBgethostbyname\fR(3NSL). The \fBruserok()\fR function then checks the files
\fB/etc/hosts.equiv\fR and possibly \fB\&.rhosts\fR in the local user's home
directory to see if the request for service is allowed. A \fB0\fR value is
returned if the machine name is listed in the \fB/etc/hosts.equiv\fR file, or
if the host and remote user name are found in the \fB\&.rhosts\fR file.
Otherwise, the \fBruserok()\fR function returns \fB\(mi1\fR\&. If the superuser
flag is \fB1\fR, the \fB/etc/hosts.equiv\fR is not checked.
The error code \fBEAGAIN\fR is overloaded to mean "All network ports in use."
The \fBrcmd()\fR and \fBrcmd_af()\fR functions return a valid socket descriptor
upon success. The functions returns \fB\(mi1\fR upon error and print a
diagnostic message to standard error.
The \fBrresvport()\fR and \fBrresvport_af()\fR functions return a valid, bound
socket descriptor upon success. The functions return \fB\(mi1\fR upon error
with the global value \fIerrno\fR set according to the reason for failure.
.ne 2
.RS 20n
system trusted hosts and users

.ne 2
.RS 20n
user's trusted hosts and users

See \fBattributes\fR(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

c | c
l | l .
MT-Level	Unsafe

This interface is Unsafe in multithreaded applications. Unsafe interfaces
should be called only from the main thread.
\fBrlogin\fR(1), \fBrsh\fR(1), \fBin.rexecd\fR(1M), \fBin.rshd\fR(1M),
\fBIntro\fR(2), \fBgetaddrinfo\fR(3SOCKET), \fBgethostbyname\fR(3NSL),
\fBrexec\fR(3SOCKET), \fBattributes\fR(5)