# # This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the # Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL"), version 1.0. # You may only use this file in accordance with the terms of version # 1.0 of the CDDL. # # A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this # source. A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet # at http://www.illumos.org/license/CDDL. # # # Copyright 2011, Richard Lowe # Copyright 2015 Nexenta Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright 2014 Garrett D'Amore # include $(SRC)/Makefile.master MANSECT= 1 MANFILES= acctcom.1 \ adb.1 \ addbib.1 \ alias.1 \ allocate.1 \ amt.1 \ appcert.1 \ apptrace.1 \ apropos.1 \ ar.1 \ arch.1 \ asa.1 \ at.1 \ atq.1 \ atrm.1 \ audioconvert.1 \ audioctl.1 \ audioplay.1 \ audiorecord.1 \ audiotest.1 \ auths.1 \ awk.1 \ banner.1 \ basename.1 \ bc.1 \ bdiff.1 \ break.1 \ builtin.1 \ cal.1 \ calendar.1 \ cancel.1 \ cat.1 \ cd.1 \ cdrw.1 \ checknr.1 \ chgrp.1 \ chkey.1 \ chmod.1 \ chown.1 \ ckdate.1 \ ckgid.1 \ ckint.1 \ ckitem.1 \ ckkeywd.1 \ ckpath.1 \ ckrange.1 \ ckstr.1 \ cksum.1 \ cktime.1 \ ckuid.1 \ ckyorn.1 \ clear.1 \ cmp.1 \ col.1 \ comm.1 \ command.1 \ compress.1 \ cp.1 \ cpio.1 \ cputrack.1 \ crle.1 \ crontab.1 \ crypt.1 \ csh.1 \ csplit.1 \ ctags.1 \ ctrun.1 \ ctstat.1 \ ctwatch.1 \ cut.1 \ date.1 \ dc.1 \ deallocate.1 \ deroff.1 \ dhcpinfo.1 \ diff.1 \ diff3.1 \ diffmk.1 \ digest.1 \ dircmp.1 \ dis.1 \ disown.1 \ dispgid.1 \ dispuid.1 \ dos2unix.1 \ download.1 \ dpost.1 \ du.1 \ dump.1 \ dumpcs.1 \ echo.1 \ ed.1 \ egrep.1 \ eject.1 \ elfdump.1 \ elfedit.1 \ elfsign.1 \ elfwrap.1 \ enable.1 \ encrypt.1 \ enhance.1 \ env.1 \ eqn.1 \ exec.1 \ exit.1 \ expand.1 \ expr.1 \ exstr.1 \ factor.1 \ fdformat.1 \ fgrep.1 \ file.1 \ filesync.1 \ find.1 \ finger.1 \ fmt.1 \ fmtmsg.1 \ fold.1 \ ftp.1 \ gcore.1 \ gencat.1 \ genmsg.1 \ getconf.1 \ getfacl.1 \ getlabel.1 \ getopt.1 \ getoptcvt.1 \ getopts.1 \ gettext.1 \ gettxt.1 \ getzonepath.1 \ glob.1 \ gprof.1 \ grep.1 \ groups.1 \ hash.1 \ head.1 \ history.1 \ hostid.1 \ hostname.1 \ iconv.1 \ indxbib.1 \ Intro.1 \ ipcrm.1 \ ipcs.1 \ isainfo.1 \ isalist.1 \ jobs.1 \ join.1 \ kbd.1 \ kdestroy.1 \ keylogin.1 \ keylogout.1 \ kill.1 \ kinit.1 \ klist.1 \ kmdb.1 \ kmfcfg.1 \ kpasswd.1 \ krb5-config.1 \ ksh93.1 \ ktutil.1 \ kvmstat.1 \ lari.1 \ last.1 \ lastcomm.1 \ ld.1 \ ldap.1 \ ldapdelete.1 \ ldaplist.1 \ ldapmodify.1 \ ldapmodrdn.1 \ ldapsearch.1 \ ldd.1 \ ld.so.1.1 \ let.1 \ lex.1 \ lgrpinfo.1 \ limit.1 \ line.1 \ list_devices.1 \ listusers.1 \ ln.1 \ loadkeys.1 \ locale.1 \ localedef.1 \ logger.1 \ login.1 \ logname.1 \ logout.1 \ look.1 \ lookbib.1 \ lorder.1 \ lp.1 \ lpstat.1 \ ls.1 \ m4.1 \ mac.1 \ mach.1 \ madv.so.1.1 \ mail.1 \ mailcompat.1 \ mailstats.1 \ mailx.1 \ make.1 \ makekey.1 \ man.1 \ mandoc.1 \ mconnect.1 \ mcs.1 \ mdb.1 \ mesg.1 \ mkdir.1 \ mkmsgs.1 \ mktemp.1 \ moe.1 \ more.1 \ mpss.so.1.1 \ msgcc.1 \ msgcpp.1 \ msgcvt.1 \ msgfmt.1 \ msggen.1 \ msgget.1 \ mt.1 \ mv.1 \ nawk.1 \ nc.1 \ nca.1 \ ncab2clf.1 \ ncakmod.1 \ newform.1 \ newgrp.1 \ news.1 \ newtask.1 \ nice.1 \ nl.1 \ nm.1 \ nohup.1 \ nroff.1 \ od.1 \ on.1 \ optisa.1 \ pack.1 \ pagesize.1 \ pargs.1 \ passwd.1 \ paste.1 \ pathchk.1 \ pax.1 \ pfexec.1 \ pg.1 \ pgrep.1 \ pkginfo.1 \ pkgmk.1 \ pkgparam.1 \ pkgproto.1 \ pkgtrans.1 \ pktool.1 \ plabel.1 \ plgrp.1 \ plimit.1 \ pmadvise.1 \ pmap.1 \ postio.1 \ postprint.1 \ postreverse.1 \ ppgsz.1 \ ppriv.1 \ pr.1 \ praliases.1 \ prctl.1 \ preap.1 \ prex.1 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