 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
 * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
 * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
 * and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
 * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
 * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
 * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
 * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
 * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Use is subject to license terms.

#ifndef	_LIBMLSVC_H
#define	_LIBMLSVC_H

#include <uuid/uuid.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <sys/ksynch.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <libuutil.h>
#include <smbsrv/wintypes.h>
#include <smbsrv/hash_table.h>
#include <smbsrv/smb_token.h>
#include <smbsrv/smb_privilege.h>
#include <smbsrv/smb_share.h>
#include <smbsrv/smb_xdr.h>
#include <smbsrv/libsmb.h>
#include <smbsrv/libsmbrdr.h>
#include <smbsrv/libmlrpc.h>
#include <smbsrv/ndl/lsarpc.ndl>

#ifdef	__cplusplus
extern "C" {

extern uint32_t mlsvc_lookup_name(char *, smb_sid_t **, uint16_t *);
extern uint32_t mlsvc_lookup_sid(smb_sid_t *, char **);

 * SMB domain API to discover a domain controller and obtain domain
 * information.

extern boolean_t smb_locate_dc(char *, char *, smb_domain_t *);
extern boolean_t smb_domain_getinfo(smb_domain_t *);

extern void dssetup_clear_domain_info(void);
extern int mlsvc_init(void);
extern void mlsvc_fini(void);
extern DWORD mlsvc_netlogon(char *, char *);
extern DWORD mlsvc_join(smb_domain_t *, char *, char *);

 * The maximum number of domains (NT limit).
#define	MLSVC_DOMAIN_MAX		32

 * Status code returned from enumeration RPCs to indicate
 * that the server has no more data. Normally returned at
 * severity level ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING.
#define	MLSVC_NO_MORE_DATA		0x1A

#define	MLSVC_ANON_USER			"IPC$"

char *mlsvc_ipc_name(int ipc_type, char *username);

 * Passthrough negotiation and authentication interface.
 * NT supports two forms of password: a Lanman (case-insensitive)
 * password and an NT (case-sensitive) password. If either of the
 * passwords is not available its pointer and length should be set
 * to zero. The session key and vc number are required to validate
 * the encrypted passwords.

void mlsvc_nt_password_hash(char *result, char *password);
int mlsvc_encrypt_nt_password(char *password, char *key, int keylen, char *out,
    int outmax);

#define	SMB_AUTOHOME_FILE	"smbautohome"
#define	SMB_AUTOHOME_PATH	"/etc"

typedef struct smb_autohome {
	struct smb_autohome *ah_next;
	uint32_t ah_hits;
	time_t ah_timestamp;
	char *ah_name;		/* User account name */
	char *ah_path;		/* Home directory path */
	char *ah_container;	/* ADS container distinguished name */
} smb_autohome_t;

extern void smb_autohome_add(const char *);
extern void smb_autohome_remove(const char *);

 * A local unique id (LUID) is an opaque id used by servers to identify
 * local resources, such as privileges.  A client will use lookup
 * functions to translate the LUID to a more general, machine independent
 * form; such as a string.
typedef struct ms_luid {
	uint32_t low_part;
	uint32_t high_part;
} ms_luid_t;

 * Information about a server as reported by NetServerGetInfo.
 * The SV_PLATFORM and SV_TYPE definitions are in srvsvc.ndl.
typedef struct srvsvc_server_info {
	uint32_t	sv_platform_id;
	char		*sv_name;
	uint32_t	sv_version_major;
	uint32_t	sv_version_minor;
	uint32_t	sv_type;
	char		*sv_comment;
} srvsvc_server_info_t;

int srvsvc_net_server_getinfo(char *, char *, srvsvc_server_info_t *);

 * A client_t is created while binding a client connection to hold the
 * context for calls made using that connection.
 * Handles are RPC call specific and we use an inheritance mechanism to
 * ensure that each handle has a pointer to the client_t.  When the top
 * level (bind) handle is released, we close the connection.
typedef struct mlsvc_handle {
	ndr_hdid_t			handle;
	ndr_client_t			*clnt;
	int				remote_os;
	srvsvc_server_info_t		svinfo;
} mlsvc_handle_t;

int ndr_rpc_bind(mlsvc_handle_t *, char *, char *, char *, const char *);
void ndr_rpc_unbind(mlsvc_handle_t *);
int ndr_rpc_call(mlsvc_handle_t *, int, void *);
void ndr_rpc_server_setinfo(mlsvc_handle_t *, const srvsvc_server_info_t *);
void ndr_rpc_server_getinfo(mlsvc_handle_t *, srvsvc_server_info_t *);
int ndr_rpc_server_os(mlsvc_handle_t *);
void *ndr_rpc_malloc(mlsvc_handle_t *, size_t);
ndr_heap_t *ndr_rpc_get_heap(mlsvc_handle_t *);
void ndr_rpc_release(mlsvc_handle_t *);
boolean_t ndr_is_null_handle(mlsvc_handle_t *);
boolean_t ndr_is_bind_handle(mlsvc_handle_t *);
void ndr_inherit_handle(mlsvc_handle_t *, mlsvc_handle_t *);
void ndr_rpc_status(mlsvc_handle_t *, int, uint32_t);

/* SVCCTL service */
 * Calculate the wide-char equivalent string length required to
 * store a string - including the terminating null wide-char.
#define	SVCCTL_WNSTRLEN(S)	((strlen((S)) + 1) * sizeof (mts_wchar_t))

/* An AVL-storable node representing each service in the SCM database. */
typedef struct svcctl_svc_node {
	uu_avl_node_t		sn_node;
	char			*sn_name;	/* Service Name (Key) */
	char			*sn_fmri;	/* Display Name (FMRI) */
	char			*sn_desc;	/* Description */
	char			*sn_state;	/* State */
} svcctl_svc_node_t;

/* This structure provides context for each svcctl_s_OpenManager call. */
typedef struct svcctl_manager_context {
	scf_handle_t		*mc_scf_hdl;	  /* SCF handle */
	scf_propertygroup_t	*mc_scf_gpg;	  /* Property group */
	scf_property_t		*mc_scf_gprop;	  /* Property */
	scf_value_t		*mc_scf_gval;	  /* Value */
	uint32_t		mc_scf_numsvcs;   /* Number of SMF services */
	ssize_t			mc_scf_max_fmri_len;  /* Max FMRI length */
	ssize_t			mc_scf_max_value_len; /* Max Value length */
	uint32_t		mc_bytes_needed;  /* Number of bytes needed */
	uu_avl_pool_t		*mc_svcs_pool;	  /* AVL pool */
	uu_avl_t		*mc_svcs;	  /* AVL tree of SMF services */
} svcctl_manager_context_t;

/* This structure provides context for each svcctl_s_OpenService call. */
typedef struct svcctl_service_context {
	ndr_hdid_t		*sc_mgrid;	/* Manager ID */
	char			*sc_svcname;    /* Service Name */
} svcctl_service_context_t;

typedef enum {
} svcctl_context_type_t;

/* This structure provides abstraction for service and manager context call. */
typedef struct svcctl_context {
	svcctl_context_type_t	c_type;
	union {
		svcctl_manager_context_t *uc_mgr;
		svcctl_service_context_t *uc_svc;
		void *uc_cp;
	} c_ctx;
} svcctl_context_t;

/* Service Control Manager (SCM) functions */
void svcctl_init(void);
void svcctl_fini(void);
int svcctl_scm_init(svcctl_manager_context_t *);
void svcctl_scm_fini(svcctl_manager_context_t *);
int svcctl_scm_scf_handle_init(svcctl_manager_context_t *);
void svcctl_scm_scf_handle_fini(svcctl_manager_context_t *);
int svcctl_scm_refresh(svcctl_manager_context_t *);
uint32_t svcctl_scm_enum_services(svcctl_manager_context_t *, uint8_t *,
    size_t, uint32_t *, boolean_t);
uint32_t svcctl_scm_validate_service(svcctl_manager_context_t *, char *);
svcctl_svc_node_t *svcctl_scm_find_service(svcctl_manager_context_t *, char *);
uint32_t svcctl_scm_map_status(const char *);

/* LOGR service */
#define	LOGR_APPLICATION_LOG		"Application"
#define	LOGR_SECURITY_LOG		"Security"
#define	LOGR_SYSTEM_LOG			"System"
#define	LOGR_NMSGMASK			1023
#define	LOGR_MAXMSGLEN			800

typedef struct logr_entry {
	struct timeval	le_timestamp;			/* Time of log entry */
	int		le_pri;				/* Message priority */
	char		le_hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];	/* Log hostname */
	char		le_msg[LOGR_MAXMSGLEN];		/* Log message text */
} logr_entry_t;

typedef struct logr_info {
	logr_entry_t	li_entry[LOGR_NMSGMASK+1];	/* Array of log entry */
	int		li_idx;				/* Index */
} logr_info_t;

typedef struct logr_read_data {
	int		rd_tot_recnum;		/* Total no. of record read */
	int		rd_last_sentrec;	/* Last sentence read */
	char		rd_first_read;		/* First sentence read */
	logr_info_t	*rd_log;		/* Log information read */
} logr_read_data_t;

/* This structure provides the context for eventlog calls from clients. */
typedef struct logr_context {
	logr_read_data_t *lc_cached_read_data;
	char *lc_source_name;
} logr_context_t;

void logr_init(void);
void logr_fini(void);
boolean_t logr_is_supported(char *);
int logr_get_snapshot(logr_context_t *);

#ifdef	__cplusplus

#endif	/* _LIBMLSVC_H */