# # CDDL HEADER START # # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the # Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE # or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions # and limitations under the License. # # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each # file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] # # CDDL HEADER END # # # Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. # Use is subject to license terms. # # Copyright (c) 2018, Joyent, Inc. LIBRARY= libcurses.a VERS= .2 # objects are grouped by source directory # all of the libxcurses source files are in src/libc OBJECTS= $(XCURSES) $(MKS) $(WIDE) # XCURSES source files are in src/libc/xcurses XCURSES= \ add_wch.o dupwin.o longname.o strname.o wbrdr.o \ addch.o echo_wch.o m_cc.o termattr.o wbrdr_st.o \ addchn.o echochar.o meta.o tgetent.o wchgat.o \ addnstr.o endwin.o move.o tgetflag.o wclear.o \ addnws.o flushinp.o mvcur.o tgetnum.o wclrbot.o \ addwchn.o get_wch.o mvwin.o tgetstr.o wclreol.o \ attr_on.o getcchar.o napms.o tgoto.o wdelch.o \ attron.o getch.o newpad.o tigetfla.o wget_wch.o \ baudrate.o getn_ws.o newterm.o tigetnum.o wgetch.o \ beep.o getnstr.o newwin.o tigetstr.o wgetn_ws.o \ bkgd.o getwin.o noecho.o timeout.o whln.o \ bkgdset.o has.o nonl.o touched.o whln_st.o \ bkgrnd.o hln.o numcode.o touchwin.o win_wch.o \ bkgrndst.o hln_st.o numfnam.o tparm.o win_wchn.o \ boolcode.o in_wch.o numname.o tputs.o winch.o \ boolfnam.o in_wchn.o overlay.o winchn.o \ boolname.o inch.o pecho_wc.o unctrl.o winnstr.o \ box.o inchn.o pechoch.o vid_attr.o winnwstr.o \ box_set.o initscr.o prefresh.o vid_puts.o wins_nws.o \ brdr.o innstr.o printw.o vidattr.o wins_wch.o \ brdr_st.o innwstr.o ptrmove.o vw_print.o winsch.o \ cbreak.o ins_nws.o qiflush.o vw_scanw.o winsdel.o \ chgat.o ins_wch.o redraw.o vwprintw.o winsnstr.o \ clear.o insch.o refresh.o vwscanw.o wmove.o \ clearok.o insnstr.o savetty.o wacs.o wredraw.o \ clrbot.o intrflsh.o scanw.o wadd_wch.o wrefresh.o \ clreol.o scr_dump.o waddch.o wscrl.o \ color.o isendwin.o scrl.o waddchn.o wscrreg.o \ copywin.o key_name.o scrreg.o waddnstr.o wsyncdn.o \ curs_set.o keyindex.o setcchar.o waddnws.o wsyncup.o \ delay.o keyname.o setup.o waddwchn.o wtimeout.o \ delch.o keypad.o slk.o wattr_on.o wtouchln.o \ deleteln.o killchar.o strcode.o wattron.o wunctrl.o \ doupdate.o killwch.o strfnam.o wbkgrnd.o # MKS source files are in src/libc/mks MKS= m_crcpos.o # WIDE source files are in src/libc/wide WIDE= wio_get.o wio_put.o # include library definitions include ../../Makefile.lib SRCDIR = ../src SRCS= $(XCURSES:%.o=../src/libc/xcurses/%.c) \ $(MKS:%.o=../src/libc/mks/%.c) \ $(WIDE:%.o=../src/libc/wide/%.c) LIBS = $(DYNLIB) $(LINTLIB) # definitions for install target ROOTLIBDIR= $(ROOT)/usr/xpg4/lib ROOTLIBDIR64= $(ROOT)/usr/xpg4/lib/$(MACH64) ROOTLIBS= $(LIBS:%=$(ROOTLIBDIR)/%) $(LINTLIB):= SRCS=../src/libc/llib-lcurses LINTSRC= $(LINTLIB:%.ln=%) LDLIBS += -lc CPPFLAGS = -I../h -I../src/libc/xcurses $(CPPFLAGS.master) CERRWARN += -_gcc=-Wno-uninitialized CERRWARN += -_gcc=-Wno-unused-value # not linted SMATCH=off # # If and when somebody gets around to messaging this, CLOBBERFILE should not # be cleared (so that any .po file will be clobbered. # CLOBBERFILES= libcurses.so libcurses.so$(VERS) .KEEP_STATE: all: $(LIBS) lint: lintcheck # # Include library targets # include ../../Makefile.targ objs/%.o pics/%.o: ../src/libc/xcurses/%.c $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $< $(POST_PROCESS_O) objs/%.o pics/%.o: ../src/libc/mks/%.c $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $< $(POST_PROCESS_O) objs/%.o pics/%.o: ../src/libc/wide/%.c $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $< $(POST_PROCESS_O) # install rule for lint library target $(ROOTLINTDIR)/%: ../src/libc/% $(INS.file) # install rule for 64 bit lint library target $(ROOTLINTDIR64)/%: ../src/libc/% $(INS.file)