/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" * * Copyright (c) 1999 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * */ // SCCS Status: %W% %G% // UARequester.java: Requester operations for UA. // Author: James Kempf // Created On: Thu Jan 8 15:17:35 1998 // Last Modified By: James Kempf // Last Modified On: Mon Feb 22 13:47:06 1999 // Update Count: 78 // package com.sun.slp; import java.util.*; /** * The URequester class implements the Locator interface. * It handles the request for the API. If any of the parameters * are missing, they will be supplied with a default value if * possible. If a cached value may be supplied, it will be. * If no DA is present, and convergence is used to gather * results, these will be merged into one result. * * @version %R%.%L% %D% * @author Erik Guttman, James Kempf */ class UARequester extends Object implements Locator { private static SLPConfig config = null; private static DATable dat = null; private Locale locale; UARequester(Locale nlocale) { Assert.nonNullParameter(nlocale, "locale"); if (config == null) { config = SLPConfig.getSLPConfig(); } if (dat == null) { dat = DATable.getDATable(); } locale = nlocale; } /** * Return the Locator's locale object. All requests are made in * this locale. * * @return The Locale object. */ public Locale getLocale() { return locale; } /** * Return an enumeration of known service types for this scope and naming * authority. Unless a proprietary or experimental service is being * discovered, the namingAuthority parameter should be the empty * string, "". * * @param NA The naming authority, "" for default, * '*' for any naming authority. * @param scopes The SLP scopes of the types. * @return ServiceLocationEnumeration of ServiceType objects for * the service type names. * @exception IllegalArgumentException If any of the parameters are * null or syntactically incorrect. * @exception ServiceLocationException An exception is thrown if the * operation fails. */ public synchronized ServiceLocationEnumeration findServiceTypes(String NA, Vector scopes) throws ServiceLocationException { Assert.nonNullParameter(NA, " NA"); Assert.nonNullParameter(scopes, "scopes"); // Formulate and send off messages. Vector msgs = createMessages(SrvLocHeader.SrvTypeRqst, NA, null, null, scopes); // Collate results. Vector ret = new Vector(); int i, n = msgs.size(); int max = config.getMaximumResults(); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { CSrvTypeMsg msg = (CSrvTypeMsg)msgs.elementAt(i); // Check for errors. checkForError(msg, msgs); Vector serviceTypes = msg.serviceTypes; addUnique(serviceTypes, ret, max); } // Return. return new ServiceLocationEnumerator(ret); } /** * Return an enumeration of ServiceURL objects for services matching * the query. The services are returned from the locale of the * locator. * * @param type The type of the service (e.g. printer, etc.). * @param scopes The SLP scopes of the service types. * @param query A string with the SLP query. * @return ServiceLocationEnumeration of ServiceURL objects for * services matching the * attributes. * @exception ServiceLocationException An exception is returned if the * operation fails. * @see ServiceURL */ public synchronized ServiceLocationEnumeration findServices(ServiceType type, Vector scopes, String query) throws ServiceLocationException { Assert.nonNullParameter(type, "type"); Assert.nonNullParameter(scopes, "scopes"); Assert.nonNullParameter(query, "query"); // Formulate and send off messages. Vector msgs = createMessages(SrvLocHeader.SrvReq, type, query, type, scopes); // Collate results. Vector ret = new Vector(); int i, n = msgs.size(); int max = config.getMaximumResults(); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { SrvLocMsg msg = (SrvLocMsg)msgs.elementAt(i); // Check for errors. checkForError(msg, msgs); // Be sure to account for DAAdverts and SAAdverts. Vector serviceURLs = null; if (msg instanceof CSrvMsg) { serviceURLs = ((CSrvMsg)msg).serviceURLs; } else if (msg instanceof CSAAdvert) { serviceURLs = new Vector(); serviceURLs.addElement(((CSAAdvert)msg).URL); } else if (msg instanceof CDAAdvert) { serviceURLs = new Vector(); serviceURLs.addElement(((CDAAdvert)msg).URL); } addUnique(serviceURLs, ret, max); } // Return. return new ServiceLocationEnumerator(ret); } /** * Return the attributes for the service URL, using the locale * of the locator. * * @param URL The service URL. * @param scopes The SLP scopes of the service. * @param attributeIds A vector of strings identifying the desired * attributes. A null value means return all * the attributes. Partial id strings may * begin with '*' to match all ids which end with * the given suffix, or end with '*' to match all * ids which begin with a given prefix, or begin * and end with '*' to do substring matching for * ids containing the given partial id. * @return ServiceLocationEnumeration of ServiceLocationAttribute * objects matching the ids. * @exception ServiceLocationException An exception is returned if the * operation fails. * @exception IllegalArgumentException If any of the parameters are * null or syntactically incorrect. * @see ServiceLocationAttribute * */ public synchronized ServiceLocationEnumeration findAttributes(ServiceURL URL, Vector scopes, Vector attributeIds) throws ServiceLocationException { Assert.nonNullParameter(URL, "URL"); Assert.nonNullParameter(scopes, "scopes"); Assert.nonNullParameter(attributeIds, "attributeIds"); Vector msgs = createMessages(SrvLocHeader.AttrRqst, URL, attributeIds, URL.getServiceType(), scopes); // Check results. Vector ret = new Vector(); int i, n = msgs.size(); int max = config.getMaximumResults(); // We only take the first message that came back and is OK. for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { SrvLocMsg msg = (SrvLocMsg)msgs.elementAt(i); // Check for errors. checkForError(msg, msgs); // Select out attribute list. if (msg instanceof CAttrMsg) { ret = ((CAttrMsg)msg).attrList; } else if (msg instanceof CSAAdvert) { // Need to check that URL matches. CSAAdvert smsg = (CSAAdvert)msg; if (!URL.equals(smsg.URL)) { continue; } ret = smsg.attrs; } else if (msg instanceof CDAAdvert) { // Need to check that URL matches. CDAAdvert smsg = (CDAAdvert)msg; if (!URL.equals(smsg.URL)) { continue; } ret = smsg.attrs; } // Truncate, if return is larger than maximum. if (ret.size() > max) { ret.setSize(max); } // Break out, we only need one. break; } // Return. return new ServiceLocationEnumerator(ret); } /** * Return all attributes for all service URL's having this * service type in the locale of the Locator. * * @param type The service type. * @param scopes The SLP scopes of the service type. * @param attributeIds A vector of strings identifying the desired * attributes. A null value means return all * the attributes. Partial id strings may * begin with '*' to match all ids which end with * the given suffix, or end with '*' to match all * ids which begin with a given prefix, or begin * and end with '*' to do substring matching for * ids containing the given partial id. * @return ServiceLocationEnumeration of ServiceLocationAttribute * objects matching the ids. * @exception ServiceLocationException An exception is returned if the * operation fails. * @exception IllegalArgumentException If any of the parameters are * null or syntactically incorrect. * @see ServiceLocationAttribute * */ public synchronized ServiceLocationEnumeration findAttributes(ServiceType type, Vector scopes, Vector attributeIds) throws ServiceLocationException { Assert.nonNullParameter(type, "URL"); Assert.nonNullParameter(scopes, "scopes"); Assert.nonNullParameter(attributeIds, "attributeIds"); // Formulate and send off messages. Vector msgs = createMessages(SrvLocHeader.AttrRqst, type, attributeIds, type, scopes); // Collate results. Vector ret = new Vector(); int i, n = msgs.size(); int max = config.getMaximumResults(); Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); for (i = 0; i < n && ret.size() < max; i++) { SrvLocMsg msg = (SrvLocMsg)msgs.elementAt(i); // Check for errors. checkForError(msg, msgs); Vector attrList = null; // Get the instance variable. if (msg instanceof CAttrMsg) { attrList = ((CAttrMsg)msg).attrList; } else if (msg instanceof CSAAdvert) { attrList = ((CSAAdvert)msg).attrs; } else if (msg instanceof CDAAdvert) { attrList = ((CDAAdvert)msg).attrs; } // Merge any duplicates. int j, m = attrList.size(); for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { ServiceLocationAttribute attr = (ServiceLocationAttribute)attrList.elementAt(j); ServiceLocationAttribute.mergeDuplicateAttributes(attr, ht, ret, true); if (ret.size() >= max) { break; } } } // Return. return new ServiceLocationEnumerator(ret); } // Execute the message request, returning messages. private Vector createMessages(int msgType, Object t1, Object t2, ServiceType type, Vector scopes) throws ServiceLocationException { // Validate, lower case scopes. DATable.validateScopes(scopes, locale); SrvLocMsg multiMsg = null; SrvLocMsg uniMsg = null; Vector daAddresses = null; Vector multiCastScopes = null; // Get the hashtable of unicast DA addresses and multicast scopes. Hashtable daRecords = dat.findDAScopes(scopes); // Get multicast scopes and DA addresses. multiCastScopes = (Vector)daRecords.get(DATable.MULTICAST_KEY); daAddresses = (Vector)daRecords.get(DATable.UNICAST_KEY); // Special case for service request and attribute request // if the user is looking for a special SLP type. if (((msgType == SrvLocHeader.SrvReq) || (msgType == SrvLocHeader.AttrRqst)) && (type.equals(Defaults.DA_SERVICE_TYPE) || type.equals(Defaults.SA_SERVICE_TYPE))) { multiCastScopes = scopes; daAddresses = null; // Get query. If an attribute request, then the user // needs to sort out the attributes. String query = ""; if (msgType == SrvLocHeader.SrvReq) { query = (String)t2; } multiMsg = new CSrvMsg(locale, type, multiCastScopes, query); } else { // Handle a regular message. // Multicast scopes are all scopes not supported by any DA. if (multiCastScopes != null) { switch (msgType) { case SrvLocHeader.SrvTypeRqst: multiMsg = new CSrvTypeMsg(locale, (String)t1, multiCastScopes); break; case SrvLocHeader.SrvReq: multiMsg = new CSrvMsg(locale, type, multiCastScopes, (String)t2); break; case SrvLocHeader.AttrRqst: if (t1 instanceof ServiceURL) { multiMsg = new CAttrMsg(locale, (ServiceURL)t1, multiCastScopes, (Vector)t2); } else { multiMsg = new CAttrMsg(locale, type, multiCastScopes, (Vector)t2); } } } // Unicast only requires a single message because the DAs will // ignore any scopes they do not support, just as long as // they support one of them. if (daAddresses != null) { switch (msgType) { case SrvLocHeader.SrvTypeRqst: uniMsg = new CSrvTypeMsg(locale, (String)t1, scopes); break; case SrvLocHeader.SrvReq: uniMsg = new CSrvMsg(locale, type, scopes, (String)t2); break; case SrvLocHeader.AttrRqst: if (t1 instanceof ServiceURL) { uniMsg = new CAttrMsg(locale, (ServiceURL)t1, scopes, (Vector)t2); } else { uniMsg = new CAttrMsg(locale, type, scopes, (Vector)t2); } } } } // Send off messages, return results. return Transact.transactUA(daAddresses, uniMsg, multiMsg, config.getMulticastAddress()); } // Check message for error code. private static void checkForError(SrvLocMsg msg, Vector v) throws ServiceLocationException { int err = msg.getErrorCode(); if (err != ServiceLocationException.OK) { if (v.size() == 1) { config.writeLog("single_exception", new Object[] { new Integer(err)}); throw new ServiceLocationException((short)err, "remote_error", new Object[] {}); } else { config.writeLog("multiple_exception", new Object[] { new Integer(err)}); } } } // Process the incoming vector, adding any unique returns. private static void addUnique(Vector incoming, Vector returns, int max) { int i, n = incoming.size(); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { Object o = incoming.elementAt(i); if (!returns.contains(o) && returns.size() < max) { returns.addElement(o); } } } }