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# lib/libprtdiag/sparc/sun4v/Makefile
# Platform specific Makefile for libprtdiag.
# PLATFORM is the target for the binary installation.

PLATFORM	= sun4v

OBJECTS		= io.o cpu.o memory.o kstat.o prom.o \
			pdevinfo_funcs.o display_funcs.o \
			pdevinfo_sun4v.o display_sun4v.o

include		../../Makefile.com

SRCS		= $(OBJECTS:%.o=../../common/%.c)
LDLIBS		+= -lpicl -lm

# used for creating message catalogue files


all:		$(LIBS)

install:	all $(USR_PSM_LIBS)

include		$(SRC)/lib/Makefile.targ

POFILE=		libprtdiag_sun4v.po
POFILES=	generic.po


	$(RM) $@
	$(CAT) $(POFILES) > $@

	$(RM) messages.po
	$(XGETTEXT) $(XGETFLAGS) `$(GREP) -l gettext ../../common/*.c`
	$(SED) -e '/^# msg/d' -e '/^domain/d' messages.po > $@
	$(RM) messages.po