/* Copyright (C) 2005 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with other software, or any other product whatsoever. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1500 Crittenden Lane, Mountain View, CA 94043, or: http://www.sgi.com For further information regarding this notice, see: http://oss.sgi.com/projects/GenInfo/NoticeExplan */ /* malloc_check.c For checking dealloc completeness. This code is as simple as possible and works ok for reasonable size allocation counts. It treats allocation as global, and so will not work very well if an application opens more than one Dwarf_Debug. */ #include #include /* for exit() and various malloc prototypes */ #include "config.h" #include "dwarf_incl.h" #include "malloc_check.h" #ifdef WANT_LIBBDWARF_MALLOC_CHECK /* To turn off printing every entry, just change the define to set PRINT_MALLOC_DETAILS 0. */ #define PRINT_MALLOC_DETAILS 0 #define MC_TYPE_UNKNOWN 0 #define MC_TYPE_ALLOC 1 #define MC_TYPE_DEALLOC 2 struct mc_data_s { struct mc_data_s *mc_prev; unsigned long mc_address; /* Assumes this is large enough to hold a pointer! */ long mc_alloc_number; /* Assigned in order by when record created. */ unsigned char mc_alloc_code; /* Allocation code, libdwarf. */ unsigned char mc_type; unsigned char mc_dealloc_noted; /* Used on an ALLOC node. */ unsigned char mc_dealloc_noted_count; /* Used on an ALLOC node. */ }; /* */ #define HASH_TABLE_SIZE 10501 static struct mc_data_s *mc_data_hash[HASH_TABLE_SIZE]; static long mc_data_list_size = 0; static char *alloc_type_name[MAX_DW_DLA + 1] = { "", "DW_DLA_STRING", "DW_DLA_LOC", "DW_DLA_LOCDESC", "DW_DLA_ELLIST", "DW_DLA_BOUNDS", "DW_DLA_BLOCK", "DW_DLA_DEBUG", "DW_DLA_DIE", "DW_DLA_LINE", "DW_DLA_ATTR", "DW_DLA_TYPE", "DW_DLA_SUBSCR", "DW_DLA_GLOBAL", "DW_DLA_ERROR", "DW_DLA_LIST", "DW_DLA_LINEBUF", "DW_DLA_ARANGE", "DW_DLA_ABBREV", "DW_DLA_FRAME_OP", "DW_DLA_CIE", "DW_DLA_FDE", "DW_DLA_LOC_BLOCK", "DW_DLA_FRAME_BLOCK", "DW_DLA_FUNC", "DW_DLA_TYPENAME", "DW_DLA_VAR", "DW_DLA_WEAK", "DW_DLA_ADDR", "DW_DLA_ABBREV_LIST", "DW_DLA_CHAIN", "DW_DLA_CU_CONTEXT", "DW_DLA_FRAME", "DW_DLA_GLOBAL_CONTEXT", "DW_DLA_FILE_ENTRY", "DW_DLA_LINE_CONTEXT", "DW_DLA_LOC_CHAIN", "DW_DLA_HASH_TABLE", "DW_DLA_FUNC_CONTEXT", "DW_DLA_TYPENAME_CONTEXT", "DW_DLA_VAR_CONTEXT", "DW_DLA_WEAK_CONTEXT", "DW_DLA_PUBTYPES_CONTEXT" /* Don't forget to expand this list if the list of codes expands. */ }; static unsigned hash_address(unsigned long addr) { unsigned long a = addr >> 2; return a % HASH_TABLE_SIZE; } #if PRINT_MALLOC_DETAILS static void print_alloc_dealloc_detail(unsigned long addr, int code, char *whichisit) { fprintf(stderr, "%s addr 0x%lx code %d (%s) entry %ld\n", whichisit, addr, code, alloc_type_name[code], mc_data_list_size); } #else #define print_alloc_dealloc_detail(a,b,c) /* nothing */ #endif /* Create a zeroed struct or die. */ static void * newone(void) { struct mc_data_s *newd = malloc(sizeof(struct mc_data_s)); if (newd == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "out of memory , # %ld\n", mc_data_list_size); exit(1); } memset(newd, 0, sizeof(struct mc_data_s)); return newd; } /* Notify checker that get_alloc has allocated user data. */ void dwarf_malloc_check_alloc_data(void *addr_in, unsigned char code) { struct mc_data_s *newd = newone(); unsigned long addr = (unsigned long) addr_in; struct mc_data_s **base = &mc_data_hash[hash_address(addr)]; print_alloc_dealloc_detail(addr, code, "alloc "); newd->mc_address = addr; newd->mc_alloc_code = code; newd->mc_type = MC_TYPE_ALLOC; newd->mc_alloc_number = mc_data_list_size; newd->mc_prev = *base; *base = newd; newd->mc_alloc_number = mc_data_list_size; mc_data_list_size += 1; } static void print_entry(char *msg, struct mc_data_s *data) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: 0x%08lx code %2d (%s) type %s dealloc noted %u ct %u\n", msg, (long) data->mc_address, data->mc_alloc_code, alloc_type_name[data->mc_alloc_code], (data->mc_type == MC_TYPE_ALLOC) ? "alloc " : (data->mc_type == MC_TYPE_DEALLOC) ? "dealloc" : "unknown", (unsigned) data->mc_dealloc_noted, (unsigned) data->mc_dealloc_noted_count); } /* newd is a 'dealloc'. */ static long balanced_by_alloc_p(struct mc_data_s *newd, long *addr_match_num, struct mc_data_s **addr_match, struct mc_data_s *base) { struct mc_data_s *cur = base; for (; cur; cur = cur->mc_prev) { if (cur->mc_address == newd->mc_address) { if (cur->mc_type == MC_TYPE_ALLOC) { if (cur->mc_alloc_code == newd->mc_alloc_code) { *addr_match = cur; *addr_match_num = cur->mc_alloc_number; return cur->mc_alloc_number; } else { /* code mismatch */ *addr_match = cur; *addr_match_num = cur->mc_alloc_number; return -1; } } else { /* Unbalanced new/del */ *addr_match = cur; *addr_match_num = cur->mc_alloc_number; return -1; } } } return -1; } /* A dealloc is to take place. Ensure it balances an alloc. */ void dwarf_malloc_check_dealloc_data(void *addr_in, unsigned char code) { struct mc_data_s *newd = newone(); long prev; long addr_match_num = -1; struct mc_data_s *addr_match = 0; unsigned long addr = (unsigned long) addr_in; struct mc_data_s **base = &mc_data_hash[hash_address(addr)]; print_alloc_dealloc_detail(addr, code, "dealloc "); newd->mc_address = (unsigned long) addr; newd->mc_alloc_code = code; newd->mc_type = MC_TYPE_DEALLOC; newd->mc_prev = *base; prev = balanced_by_alloc_p(newd, &addr_match_num, &addr_match, *base); if (prev < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unbalanced dealloc at index %ld\n", mc_data_list_size); print_entry("new", newd); fprintf(stderr, "addr-match_num? %ld\n", addr_match_num); if (addr_match) { print_entry("prev entry", addr_match); if (addr_match->mc_dealloc_noted > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Above is Duplicate dealloc!\n"); } } abort(); exit(3); } addr_match->mc_dealloc_noted = 1; addr_match->mc_dealloc_noted_count += 1; if (addr_match->mc_dealloc_noted_count > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Double dealloc entry %ld\n", addr_match_num); print_entry("new dealloc entry", newd); print_entry("bad alloc entry", addr_match); } *base = newd; mc_data_list_size += 1; } /* Final check for leaks. */ void dwarf_malloc_check_complete(char *msg) { long i = 0; long total = mc_data_list_size; long hash_slots_used = 0; long max_chain_length = 0; fprintf(stderr, "Run complete, %s. %ld entries\n", msg, total); for (; i < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { struct mc_data_s *cur = mc_data_hash[i]; long cur_chain_length = 0; if (cur == 0) continue; ++hash_slots_used; for (; cur; cur = cur->mc_prev) { ++cur_chain_length; if (cur->mc_type == MC_TYPE_ALLOC) { if (cur->mc_dealloc_noted) { if (cur->mc_dealloc_noted > 1) { fprintf(stderr, " Duplicate dealloc! entry %ld\n", cur->mc_alloc_number); print_entry("duplicate dealloc", cur); } continue; } else { fprintf(stderr, "malloc no dealloc, entry %ld\n", cur->mc_alloc_number); print_entry("dangle", cur); } } else { /* mc_type is MC_TYPE_DEALLOC, already checked */ } } if (cur_chain_length > max_chain_length) { max_chain_length = cur_chain_length; } } fprintf(stderr, "mc hash table slots=%ld, " "used=%ld, maxchain=%ld\n", (long) HASH_TABLE_SIZE, hash_slots_used, max_chain_length); return; } #else extern void *libdwarf_an_unused_function_so_not_empty_c_file(); #endif /* WANT_LIBBDWARF_MALLOC_CHECK */