/* Copyright (C) 2016-2019 David Anderson. All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with other software, or any other product whatsoever. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include <stdio.h> #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include <stdlib.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_H /* Useful include for some Windows compilers. */ #include <malloc.h> #endif /* HAVE_MALLOC_H */ #include "dwarf_incl.h" #include "dwarf_alloc.h" #include "dwarf_error.h" #include "dwarf_util.h" #include "dwarf_dsc.h" #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 /* When called with ary and *arraycount 0 this just counts the elements found. Otherwise it records the values in ary and recounts. The arraycount pointer must be passed-in non-null always. */ static int get_dsc_leb_entries(Dwarf_Debug dbg, Dwarf_Small * blockpointer, Dwarf_Unsigned blocklen, int dounsigned, struct Dwarf_Dsc_Entry_s *ary, size_t * arraycount, Dwarf_Error * error) { Dwarf_Small *p = blockpointer; Dwarf_Small *endp = blockpointer + blocklen; size_t larraycount = 0; size_t iarraycount = *arraycount; if (!ary) { if (iarraycount) { /* Internal botch calling this static function. */ _dwarf_error(dbg, error, DW_DLE_DISCR_ARRAY_ERROR); return DW_DLV_ERROR; } } else { if (!iarraycount) { /* Internal botch calling this static function. */ _dwarf_error(dbg, error, DW_DLE_DISCR_ARRAY_ERROR); return DW_DLV_ERROR; } } if (dounsigned) { while (p < endp) { Dwarf_Unsigned dsc = 0; Dwarf_Unsigned low = 0; Dwarf_Unsigned high = 0; UNUSEDARG Dwarf_Unsigned leblen = 0; if (ary && (larraycount >= iarraycount)) { _dwarf_error(dbg, error, DW_DLE_DISCR_ARRAY_ERROR); return DW_DLV_ERROR; } DECODE_LEB128_UWORD_LEN_CK(p,dsc, leblen,dbg,error,endp); if (!dsc) { DECODE_LEB128_UWORD_LEN_CK(p,low, leblen, dbg,error,endp); } else { DECODE_LEB128_UWORD_LEN_CK(p,low, leblen, dbg,error,endp); DECODE_LEB128_UWORD_LEN_CK(p,high, leblen, dbg,error,endp); } if(ary) { struct Dwarf_Dsc_Entry_s *arye = ary+larraycount; /* type reads the same as uleb and leb because it is only zero or one. */ arye->dsc_type = dsc; arye->dsc_low_u = low; arye->dsc_high_u = high; } larraycount++; } } else { while (p < endp) { Dwarf_Signed dsc = 0; Dwarf_Signed low = 0; Dwarf_Signed high = 0; UNUSEDARG Dwarf_Unsigned leblen = 0; if (ary && (larraycount >= iarraycount)) { _dwarf_error(dbg, error, DW_DLE_DISCR_ARRAY_ERROR); return DW_DLV_ERROR; } DECODE_LEB128_SWORD_LEN_CK(p,dsc, leblen,dbg,error,endp); if (!dsc) { DECODE_LEB128_SWORD_LEN_CK(p,low, leblen,dbg,error,endp); } else { DECODE_LEB128_SWORD_LEN_CK(p,low, leblen,dbg,error,endp); DECODE_LEB128_SWORD_LEN_CK(p,high, leblen,dbg,error,endp); } if(ary) { struct Dwarf_Dsc_Entry_s *arye = ary+larraycount; /* type reads the same as uleb and leb because it is only zero or one. */ arye->dsc_type = (Dwarf_Unsigned)dsc; arye->dsc_low_s = low; arye->dsc_high_s = high; } larraycount++; } } if (ary) { /* Just verify this recount matches original */ if(iarraycount != larraycount) { _dwarf_error(dbg, error, DW_DLE_DISCR_ARRAY_ERROR); return DW_DLV_ERROR; } } else { /* This matters for first call with ary 0 and iarraycount 0 as we are generating the count. */ *arraycount = larraycount; } return DW_DLV_OK; } int dwarf_discr_list(Dwarf_Debug dbg, Dwarf_Small * blockpointer, Dwarf_Unsigned blocklen, Dwarf_Dsc_Head * dsc_head_out, Dwarf_Unsigned * dsc_array_length_out, Dwarf_Error * error) { Dwarf_Dsc_Head h = 0; int res = 0; size_t arraycount = 0; struct Dwarf_Dsc_Entry_s *ary = 0; Dwarf_Small * dscblockp = 0; Dwarf_Unsigned dscblocklen = 0; if (!dbg){ _dwarf_error(NULL, error, DW_DLE_DBG_NULL); \ return DW_DLV_ERROR; } if (blocklen == 0) { return DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY; } dscblockp = (Dwarf_Small *)calloc(blocklen,sizeof(Dwarf_Small)); if(!dscblockp) { _dwarf_error(dbg, error, DW_DLE_ALLOC_FAIL); return DW_DLV_ERROR; } dscblocklen = blocklen; memcpy(dscblockp,blockpointer,blocklen); res = get_dsc_leb_entries(dbg,dscblockp,dscblocklen, /* TRUE or FALSE here is not important, the arraycount returned to us will be identical either way. */ FALSE, 0, &arraycount,error); if (res != DW_DLV_OK) { free(dscblockp); return res; } h = (Dwarf_Dsc_Head)_dwarf_get_alloc(dbg,DW_DLA_DSC_HEAD,1); if(!h) { free(dscblockp); _dwarf_error(dbg, error, DW_DLE_ALLOC_FAIL); return DW_DLV_ERROR; } h->dsh_block = dscblockp; h->dsh_block_len = dscblocklen; h->dsh_debug = dbg; /* Now the destructor for h will deal with block malloc space. */ ary = (struct Dwarf_Dsc_Entry_s *)calloc(arraycount, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Dsc_Entry_s)); if(!ary) { dwarf_dealloc(dbg,h,DW_DLA_DSC_HEAD); _dwarf_error(dbg, error, DW_DLE_ALLOC_FAIL); return DW_DLV_ERROR; } h->dsh_count = arraycount; h->dsh_array = ary; h->dsh_set_unsigned = 0; h->dsh_set_signed = 0; *dsc_head_out = h; *dsc_array_length_out = arraycount; return DW_DLV_OK; } /* NEW September 2016. Allows easy access to DW_AT_discr_list entry. Callers must know which is the appropriate one of the following two interfaces, though both will work. */ int dwarf_discr_entry_u(Dwarf_Dsc_Head dsh , Dwarf_Unsigned entrynum, Dwarf_Half * out_type, Dwarf_Unsigned * out_discr_low, Dwarf_Unsigned * out_discr_high, UNUSEDARG Dwarf_Error * error) { struct Dwarf_Dsc_Entry_s *dse = 0; if (entrynum >= dsh->dsh_count) { return DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY; } if (!dsh->dsh_set_unsigned) { int res =0; int dounsigned = 1; size_t count = dsh->dsh_count; res = get_dsc_leb_entries(dsh->dsh_debug, dsh->dsh_block, dsh->dsh_block_len, dounsigned, dsh->dsh_array, &count, error); if (res != DW_DLV_OK) { return res; } dsh->dsh_set_unsigned = TRUE; } if (!dsh->dsh_array) { _dwarf_error(dsh->dsh_debug, error, DW_DLE_DISCR_ARRAY_ERROR); return DW_DLV_ERROR; } dse = dsh->dsh_array + entrynum; *out_type = dse->dsc_type; *out_discr_low = dse->dsc_low_u; *out_discr_high = dse->dsc_high_u; return DW_DLV_OK; } /* NEW September 2016. Allows easy access to DW_AT_discr_list entry. */ int dwarf_discr_entry_s(Dwarf_Dsc_Head dsh, Dwarf_Unsigned entrynum, Dwarf_Half * out_type, Dwarf_Signed * out_discr_low, Dwarf_Signed * out_discr_high, UNUSEDARG Dwarf_Error * error) { struct Dwarf_Dsc_Entry_s *dse = 0; if (entrynum >= dsh->dsh_count) { return DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY; } if (!dsh->dsh_set_signed) { int res =0; int dounsigned = 0; size_t count = dsh->dsh_count; res = get_dsc_leb_entries(dsh->dsh_debug, dsh->dsh_block, dsh->dsh_block_len, dounsigned, dsh->dsh_array, &count, error); if (res != DW_DLV_OK) { return res; } dsh->dsh_set_signed = TRUE; } if (!dsh->dsh_array) { _dwarf_error(dsh->dsh_debug, error, DW_DLE_DISCR_ARRAY_ERROR); return DW_DLV_ERROR; } dse = dsh->dsh_array + entrynum; *out_type = dse->dsc_type; *out_discr_low = dse->dsc_low_s; *out_discr_high = dse->dsc_high_s; return DW_DLV_OK; } void _dwarf_dsc_destructor(void *m) { Dwarf_Dsc_Head h = (Dwarf_Dsc_Head) m; free(h->dsh_array); h->dsh_array = 0; free(h->dsh_block); h->dsh_block = 0; h->dsh_count = 0; }