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You will need root permission to use the Java DTrace API (just as you do to use the <tt>dtrace(1M)</tt> command). You may want to eliminate this inconvenience by adding the following line to <tt>/etc/user_attr</tt>: <br> <br> <tt><i>user-name</i>::::defaultpriv=basic,dtrace_kernel,dtrace_proc</tt> <br> <br> <i>(Substitute your user name.)</i> See the <a href=http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/817-6223/6mlkidln0?a=view> <b>Security</b></a> chapter of the <i>Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide</i> for more information. <br> <h4><a name="Writing_a_Simple_Consumer"></a>Writing a Simple Consumer</h4> Creating a DTrace <a href="../api/org/opensolaris/os/dtrace/Consumer.html">consumer</a> is easy: <pre><tt> Consumer consumer = new LocalConsumer(); </tt></pre> <br> Before you can do anything with the consumer, you must first open it. Then you simply compile and enable one or more D programs and run it: <pre><tt> consumer.open(); consumer.compile(program); consumer.enable(); consumer.go(); // runs in a background thread </tt></pre> <br> To get the data generated by DTrace, you also need to add a <a href="../api/org/opensolaris/os/dtrace/ConsumerListener.html">listener</a>: <pre><tt> consumer.addConsumerListener(new ConsumerAdapter() { public void dataReceived(DataEvent e) { System.out.println(e.getProbeData()); } }); </tt></pre> <br> Here is a simple example that runs a given D script:<br> <br> <b>Java program (<a href="../examples/TestAPI.java">TestAPI.java</a>)</b> <pre><tt><font color=#aaaaaa> import org.opensolaris.os.dtrace.*; import java.io.File; public class TestAPI { public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 1) { System.err.println("Usage: java TestAPI <script> [ macroargs... ]"); System.exit(2); } File file = new File(args[0]); String[] macroArgs = new String[args.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(args, 1, macroArgs, 0, (args.length - 1));</font> Consumer consumer = new LocalConsumer(); consumer.addConsumerListener(new ConsumerAdapter() { public void dataReceived(DataEvent e) { System.out.println(e.getProbeData()); } }); <font color=#aaaaaa> try {</font> consumer.open(); consumer.compile(file, macroArgs); consumer.enable(); consumer.go();<font color=#aaaaaa> } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } }</font> </tt></pre> <br> Compile the test program as follows: <pre><tt> javac -cp /usr/share/lib/java/dtrace.jar TestAPI.java </tt></pre> <br> <h4><a name="Running_hello.d_Script"></a>Running the <tt>hello.d</tt> Script</h4> Now we need a D script for the program to run. The following is a simple example that prints "hello, world" and exits:<br> <b>D script (<a href="../examples/hello.d">hello.d</a>)</b> <pre><tt> dtrace:::BEGIN { trace("hello, world"); exit(0); } </tt></pre> <br> Run as follows:<br> <pre><tt> java -cp .:/usr/share/lib/java/dtrace.jar TestAPI hello.d </tt></pre> <br> The output should look like this: <pre><tt> org.opensolaris.os.dtrace.ProbeData[epid = 1, cpu = 1, enabledProbeDescription = dtrace:::BEGIN, flow = null, records = ["hello, world", 0]] </tt></pre> <br> There is one record in the <a href="../api/org/opensolaris/os/dtrace/ProbeData.html"><tt>ProbeData</tt></a> for each action in the D script. The first record is generated by the <tt>trace()</tt> action. The second is generated by the <tt>exit()</tt> action. For prettier output, you could change the <tt>ConsumerAdapter <a href="../api/org/opensolaris/os/dtrace/ConsumerAdapter.html#dataReceived%28org.opensolaris.os.dtrace.DataEvent%29">dataReceived()</a></tt> implementation as follows: <pre><tt><font color=#aaaaaa> consumer.addConsumerListener(new ConsumerAdapter() { public void dataReceived(DataEvent e) { // System.out.println(e.getProbeData());</font> ProbeData data = e.getProbeData(); java.util.List < Record > records = data.getRecords(); for (Record r : records) { if (r instanceof ExitRecord) { } else { System.out.println(r); } }<font color=#aaaaaa> } });</font> </tt></pre> <br> <h2><a name="Aggregations"></a>Aggregations</h2> The example Java program can just as easily run a more complex script, such as an aggregation:<br> <b>D script (<a href="../examples/syscall.d">syscall.d</a>)</b> <pre><tt> syscall:::entry / execname == $$1 / { @[probefunc] = count(); } profile:::tick-1sec { printa(@); clear(@); } </tt></pre> <br> The above script uses the <tt>$$1</tt> macro variable as a placeholder for whatever executable you'd like to trace. See the <a href=http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/817-6223/6mlkidliq?a=view><b> Macro Arguments</b></a> section of the <b>Scripting</b> chapter of the <i>Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide</i>. Using two dollar signs (<tt>$$1</tt>) instead of one (<tt>$1</tt>) forces expansion of the macro variable to type string.<br> <br> To run the example Java program using the above D script, you need to specify an argument to the <tt>execname</tt> placeholder, such as "java":<br> <pre><tt> java -cp .:/usr/share/lib/java/dtrace.jar TestAPI syscall.d java </tt></pre> <br> A data record generated by the <tt>printa()</tt> action is printed to the console once every second. It contains counts of system calls by function name made by java. No record is generated by the <tt>clear()</tt> action.<br> <br> If you omit the argument to the <tt>execname</tt> placeholder, the program fails to compile and the API throws the following exception: <pre><tt> org.opensolaris.os.dtrace.DTraceException: failed to compile script syscall.d: line 2: macro argument $$1 is not defined at org.opensolaris.os.dtrace.LocalConsumer._compileFile(Native Method) at org.opensolaris.os.dtrace.LocalConsumer.compile(LocalConsumer.java:342) at TestAPI.main(TestAPI.java:26) </tt></pre> <br> A DTrace script may have more than one aggregation. In that case, each aggregation needs a distinct name:<br> <b>D script (<a href="../examples/intrstat.d">intrstat.d</a>)</b> <pre><tt> sdt:::interrupt-start { self->ts = vtimestamp; } sdt:::interrupt-complete / self->ts && arg0 / { this->devi = (struct dev_info *)arg0; @counts[stringof(`devnamesp[this->devi->devi_major].dn_name), this->devi->devi_instance, cpu] = count(); @times[stringof(`devnamesp[this->devi->devi_major].dn_name), this->devi->devi_instance, cpu] = sum(vtimestamp - self->ts); self->ts = 0; } </tt></pre> <br> The <tt>@counts</tt> and <tt>@times</tt> aggregations both accumulate values for each unique combination of device name, device instance, and CPU (a three-element tuple). In this example we drop the <tt>tick</tt> probe to demonstrate a more convenient way to get aggregation data without the use of the <tt>printa()</tt> action. The <a href="../api/org/opensolaris/os/dtrace/Consumer.html#getAggregate%28%29"> <tt>getAggregate()</tt></a> method allows us to get a read-consistent snapshot of all aggregations at once on a programmatic interval.<br> <b>Java program (<a href="../examples/TestAPI2.java">TestAPI2.java</a>)</b> <pre><tt><font color=#aaaaaa> ... try { consumer.open(); consumer.compile(file, macroArgs); consumer.enable(); consumer.go();</font> Aggregate a; do { Thread.sleep(1000); // 1 second a = consumer.getAggregate(); if (!a.asMap().isEmpty()) { System.out.println(a); } } while (consumer.isRunning());<font color=#aaaaaa> } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } ...</font> </tt></pre> <br> Compile and run: <pre><tt> javac -cp /usr/share/lib/java/dtrace.jar TestAPI2.java </tt></pre> <pre><tt> java -cp .:/usr/share/lib/java/dtrace.jar TestAPI2 intrstat.d </tt></pre> <br> Try removing the <tt>tick</tt> probe from the <tt>syscall.d</tt> example and running it again with the above modification (<tt>TestAPI2</tt>).<br> <br> By default, the requested aggregate includes every aggregation and accumulates running totals. To display values per time interval (instead of running totals), clear the aggregations each time you call <tt>getAggregate()</tt>. Clearing an aggregation resets all counts to zero without removing any elements. The following modification to the example above clears all aggregations: <pre><tt><font color=#aaaaaa> // a = consumer.getAggregate();</font> a = consumer.getAggregate(null, null); // included, cleared </tt></pre> <br> Each <tt>Set</tt> of aggregation names, <tt>included</tt> and <tt>cleared</tt>, specifies <i>all</i> aggregations if <tt>null</tt> and no aggregations if empty. Any subset is possible. However, if an aggregation has ever been used in the <tt>printa()</tt> action, it is no longer available to the <tt>getAggregate()</tt> method.<br> <br> Be aware that you cannot call <tt>getAggregate()</tt> on an interval faster that the <tt>aggrate</tt> setting. See the <a href=http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/817-6223/6mlkidlis?a=view> <b>Options and Tunables</b></a> chapter of the <i>Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide</i>. See also the <a href=http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/817-6223/6mlkidlhf?a=view> <b>Minimizing Drops</b></a> section of the <b>Aggregations</b> chapter for specific information about the <tt>aggrate</tt> option. The default <tt>aggrate</tt> is once per second. Here's an example of how you might double the <tt>aggrate</tt> to minimize drops: <pre><tt> consumer.setOption(Option.aggrate, Option.millis(500)); // every half second </tt></pre> <br> Even a single drop terminates the consumer unless you override the <a href="../api/org/opensolaris/os/dtrace/ConsumerAdapter.html#dataDropped%28org.opensolaris.os.dtrace.DropEvent%29"> <tt>dataDropped()</tt></a> method of <tt>ConsumerAdapter</tt> to handle drops differently. To avoid drops, it is probably better to increase the <tt>aggsize</tt> option, since increasing the <tt>aggrate</tt> makes the consumer work harder. In most cases, the <tt>aggrate</tt> should only be increased when you need to update a display of aggregation data more frequently than once per second. Many runtime options, including <tt>aggrate</tt>, can be changed dynamically while the consumer is running.<br> <br> It's also worth mentioning that a D aggregation may omit square brackets and aggregate only a single value: <pre><tt> @total = count(); </tt></pre> <br> The resulting singleton <a href="../api/org/opensolaris/os/dtrace/Aggregation.html"> <tt>Aggregation</tt></a> has one record that may be obtained as follows: <pre><tt> Aggregate a = consumer.getAggregate(); Aggregation total = a.getAggregation("total"); AggregationRecord totalRecord = total.getRecord(Tuple.EMPTY); </tt></pre> <br> <h2><a name="Target_Process"></a>Target Process ID</h2> In addition to supporting macro arguments (see the <tt>syscall.d</tt> aggregation example above), the Java DTrace API also supports the <tt>$target</tt> macro variable. (See the <a href=http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/817-6223/6mlkidlir?a=view> <b>Target Process ID</b></a> section of the <b>Scripting</b> chapter of the <i>Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide</i>.) This allows you to trace a process from the very beginning of its execution, rather than sometime after you manually obtain its process ID. The API does this by creating a process that is initially suspended and allowed to start only after <a href="../api/org/opensolaris/os/dtrace/Consumer.html#go%28%29"> <tt>go()</tt></a> has initiated tracing. For example, you can aggregate all the system calls from start to finish made by the <tt>date</tt> command:<br> <b>D script (<a href="../examples/target.d">target.d</a>)</b> <pre><tt> syscall:::entry / pid == $target / { @[probefunc] = count(); } </tt></pre> <br> A modified version of the <tt>TestAPI.java</tt> program adds the <a href="../api/org/opensolaris/os/dtrace/Consumer.html#createProcess%28java.lang.String%29"> <tt>createProcess()</tt></a> call to execute the given command but prevent it from starting until the consumer is running:<br> <b>Java program (<a href="../examples/TestTarget.java">TestTarget.java</a>)</b> <pre><tt><font color=#aaaaaa> ... consumer.open();</font> consumer.createProcess(command);<font color=#aaaaaa> consumer.compile(file); consumer.enable(); consumer.go(); ...</font> </tt></pre> <br> It also overrides the <a href="../api/org/opensolaris/os/dtrace/ConsumerAdapter.html#processStateChanged%28org.opensolaris.os.dtrace.ProcessEvent%29"> <tt>processStateChanged()</tt></a> method of the <tt>ConsumerAdapter</tt> to print a notification when the process has ended: <pre><tt><font color=#aaaaaa> ... consumer.addConsumerListener(new ConsumerAdapter() { public void dataReceived(DataEvent e) { System.out.println(e.getProbeData()); } public void consumerStopped(ConsumerEvent e) { try { Aggregate a = consumer.getAggregate(); for (Aggregation agg : a.asMap().values()) { for (AggregationRecord rec : agg.asMap().values()) { System.out.println(rec.getTuple() + " " + rec.getValue()); } } } catch (Exception x) { x.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } consumer.close(); }</font> public void processStateChanged(ProcessEvent e) { System.out.println(e.getProcessState()); }<font color=#aaaaaa> }); ...</font> </tt></pre> <br> Compile and run: <pre><tt> javac -cp /usr/share/lib/java/dtrace.jar TestTarget.java </tt></pre> <pre><tt> java -cp .:/usr/share/lib/java/dtrace.jar TestTarget target.d date </tt></pre> <br> The consumer exits automatically when the target <tt>date</tt> process completes.<br> <h2><a name="Closing_Consumers"></a>Closing Consumers</h2> An application using the Java DTrace API may run multiple consumers simultaneously. When a consumer stops running, the programmer is responsible for closing it in order to release the system resources it holds. A consumer may stop running for any of the following reasons: <ul> <li>It was stopped explicitly by a call to its <a href=../api/org/opensolaris/os/dtrace/Consumer.html#stop()> <tt>stop()</tt></a> method</li> <li>It encountered the <tt>exit()</tt> action</li> <li>Its <tt>$target</tt> process or processes (if any) all completed</li> <li>It encountered an exception</li> </ul> By default, an exception prints a stack trace to <tt>stderr</tt> before notifying listeners that the consumer has stopped. You can define different behavior by setting an <a href=../api/org/opensolaris/os/dtrace/ExceptionHandler.html> <tt>ExceptionHandler</tt></a>, but the consumer is still stopped.<br> <br> The same listener that receives probe data generated by DTrace is also notified when the consumer stops. This is a good place to close the consumer: <pre><tt><font color=#aaaaaa> consumer.addConsumerListener(new ConsumerAdapter() { public void dataReceived(DataEvent e) { System.out.println(e.getProbeData()); }</font> public void consumerStopped(ConsumerEvent e) { Consumer consumer = (Consumer)e.getSource(); consumer.close(); } }<font color=#aaaaaa> });</font> </tt></pre> <br> This releases the resources held by the consumer in all cases, i.e. after it exits for <i>any</i> of the reasons listed above.<br> <br> You can request the last aggregate snapshot made by a stopped consumer, as long as it has not yet been closed: <pre><tt> Aggregate a = consumer.getAggregate(); </tt></pre> <br> Note however that any aggregation that has already appeared in a <a href=../api/org/opensolaris/os/dtrace/PrintaRecord.html> <tt>PrintaRecord</tt></a> as a result of the <tt>printa()</tt> action action will not be included in the requested aggregate. <h2><a name="Learning_DTrace"></a>Learning More</h2> <br> The <a href="http://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/dtrace/"> OpenSolaris DTrace page</a> has links to resources to help you learn DTrace. In particular, you should read the <a href="http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/817-6223"><i>Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide</i></a>.<br> <br> Try the example Java programs on this page with other D scripts. You need not remove <tt>#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s</tt> from the top of an executable script. You may want to remove <tt>profile:::tick*</tt> clauses if you plan to use the <tt>Consumer</tt> <a href="../api/org/opensolaris/os/dtrace/Consumer.html#getAggregate%28%29"> <tt>getAggregate()</tt></a> method and control the data interval programmatically. If the script uses the pre-compiler, you will need to call the <tt>Consumer</tt> <a href="../api/org/opensolaris/os/dtrace/Consumer.html#setOption%28java.lang.String%29"> <tt>setOption()</tt></a> method with the <a href="../api/org/opensolaris/os/dtrace/Option.html#cpp"> <tt>Option.cpp</tt></a> argument.<br> <br> To quickly familiarize yourself with the Java DTrace API, take a look at the overview <a href="JavaDTraceAPI.html">diagram</a>.<br> <br> <a href="#Quick_Start_Guide_to_the_Java_DTrace_API_">Back to top</a><br> <br> </body> </html>