/* * COPYRIGHT (C) 2007 * THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * * Permission is granted to use, copy, create derivative works * and redistribute this software and such derivative works * for any purpose, so long as the name of The University of * Michigan is not used in any advertising or publicity * pertaining to the use of distribution of this software * without specific, written prior authorization. If the * above copyright notice or any other identification of the * University of Michigan is included in any copy of any * portion of this software, then the disclaimer below must * also be included. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT REPRESENTATION * FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN AS TO ITS FITNESS FOR ANY * PURPOSE, AND WITHOUT WARRANTY BY THE UNIVERSITY OF * MICHIGAN OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE * REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SHALL NOT BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIM ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF IT HAS BEEN OR IS HEREAFTER ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGES. */ /* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pkinit.h" typedef struct _pkinit_cert_info pkinit_cert_info; typedef enum { kw_undefined = 0, kw_subject = 1, kw_issuer = 2, kw_san = 3, kw_eku = 4, kw_ku = 5 } keyword_type; static char * keyword2string(unsigned int kw) { /* Solaris Kerberos: removed "break"s (lint) */ switch(kw) { case kw_undefined: return "NONE"; case kw_subject: return "SUBJECT"; case kw_issuer: return "ISSUER"; case kw_san: return "SAN"; case kw_eku: return "EKU"; case kw_ku: return "KU"; default: return "INVALID"; } } typedef enum { relation_none = 0, relation_and = 1, relation_or = 2 } relation_type; static char * relation2string(unsigned int rel) { /* Solaris Kerberos: removed "break"s (lint) */ switch(rel) { case relation_none: return "NONE"; case relation_and: return "AND"; case relation_or: return "OR"; default: return "INVALID"; } } typedef enum { kwvaltype_undefined = 0, kwvaltype_regexp = 1, kwvaltype_list = 2 } kw_value_type; static char * kwval2string(unsigned int kwval) { /* Solaris Kerberos: removed "break"s (lint) */ switch(kwval) { case kwvaltype_undefined: return "NONE"; case kwvaltype_regexp: return "REGEXP"; case kwvaltype_list: return "LIST"; default: return "INVALID"; } } struct keyword_desc { const char *value; size_t length; keyword_type kwtype; kw_value_type kwvaltype; } matching_keywords[] = { { "", 4, kw_ku, kwvaltype_list }, { "", 5, kw_eku, kwvaltype_list }, { "", 5, kw_san, kwvaltype_regexp }, { "", 8, kw_issuer, kwvaltype_regexp }, { "", 9, kw_subject, kwvaltype_regexp }, { NULL, 0, kw_undefined, kwvaltype_undefined}, }; struct ku_desc { const char *value; size_t length; unsigned int bitval; }; struct ku_desc ku_keywords[] = { { "digitalSignature", 16, PKINIT_KU_DIGITALSIGNATURE }, { "keyEncipherment", 15, PKINIT_KU_KEYENCIPHERMENT }, { NULL, 0, 0 }, }; struct ku_desc eku_keywords[] = { { "pkinit", 6, PKINIT_EKU_PKINIT }, { "msScLogin", 9, PKINIT_EKU_MSSCLOGIN }, { "clientAuth", 10, PKINIT_EKU_CLIENTAUTH }, { "emailProtection", 15, PKINIT_EKU_EMAILPROTECTION }, { NULL, 0, 0 }, }; /* Rule component */ typedef struct _rule_component { struct _rule_component *next; keyword_type kw_type; kw_value_type kwval_type; regex_t regexp; /* Compiled regular expression */ char *regsrc; /* The regular expression source (for debugging) */ unsigned int ku_bits; unsigned int eku_bits; } rule_component; /* Set rule components */ typedef struct _rule_set { relation_type relation; int num_crs; rule_component *crs; } rule_set; /* ARGSUSED */ static krb5_error_code free_rule_component(krb5_context context, rule_component *rc) { if (rc == NULL) return 0; if (rc->kwval_type == kwvaltype_regexp) { if (rc->regsrc) free(rc->regsrc); regfree(&rc->regexp); } free(rc); return 0; } static krb5_error_code free_rule_set(krb5_context context, rule_set *rs) { rule_component *rc, *trc; if (rs == NULL) return 0; for (rc = rs->crs; rc != NULL;) { trc = rc->next; /* Solaris Kerberos */ (void) free_rule_component(context, rc); rc = trc; } free(rs); return 0; } /* ARGSUSED */ static krb5_error_code parse_list_value(krb5_context context, keyword_type type, char *value, rule_component *rc) { krb5_error_code retval; char *comma; struct ku_desc *ku = NULL; int found; size_t len; unsigned int *bitptr; if (value == NULL || value[0] == '\0') { pkiDebug("%s: Missing or empty value for list keyword type %d\n", __FUNCTION__, type); retval = EINVAL; goto out; } if (type == kw_eku) { bitptr = &rc->eku_bits; } else if (type == kw_ku) { bitptr = &rc->ku_bits; } else { pkiDebug("%s: Unknown list keyword type %d\n", __FUNCTION__, type); retval = EINVAL; goto out; } do { found = 0; comma = strchr(value, ','); if (comma != NULL) len = comma - value; else len = strlen(value); if (type == kw_eku) { ku = eku_keywords; } else if (type == kw_ku) { ku = ku_keywords; } for (; ku->value != NULL; ku++) { if (strncasecmp(value, ku->value, len) == 0) { *bitptr |= ku->bitval; found = 1; pkiDebug("%s: Found value '%s', bitfield is now 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, ku->value, *bitptr); break; } } if (found) { value += ku->length; if (*value == ',') value += 1; } else { pkiDebug("%s: Urecognized value '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, value); retval = EINVAL; goto out; } } while (found && *value != '\0'); retval = 0; out: pkiDebug("%s: returning %d\n", __FUNCTION__, retval); return retval; } static krb5_error_code parse_rule_component(krb5_context context, const char **rule, int *remaining, rule_component **ret_rule) { krb5_error_code retval; rule_component *rc = NULL; keyword_type kw_type; kw_value_type kwval_type; char err_buf[128]; int ret; struct keyword_desc *kw, *nextkw; char *nk; int found_next_kw = 0; char *value = NULL; size_t len; for (kw = matching_keywords; kw->value != NULL; kw++) { if (strncmp(*rule, kw->value, kw->length) == 0) { kw_type = kw->kwtype; kwval_type = kw->kwvaltype; *rule += kw->length; *remaining -= kw->length; break; } } if (kw->value == NULL) { pkiDebug("%s: Missing or invalid keyword in rule '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, *rule); retval = ENOENT; goto out; } pkiDebug("%s: found keyword '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, kw->value); rc = calloc(1, sizeof(*rc)); if (rc == NULL) { retval = ENOMEM; goto out; } rc->next = NULL; rc->kw_type = kw_type; rc->kwval_type = kwval_type; /* * Before procesing the value for this keyword, * (compiling the regular expression or processing the list) * we need to find the end of it. That means parsing for the * beginning of the next keyword (or the end of the rule). */ nk = strchr(*rule, '<'); while (nk != NULL) { /* Possibly another keyword, check it out */ for (nextkw = matching_keywords; nextkw->value != NULL; nextkw++) { if (strncmp(nk, nextkw->value, nextkw->length) == 0) { /* Found a keyword, nk points to the beginning */ found_next_kw = 1; break; /* Need to break out of the while! */ } } if (!found_next_kw) nk = strchr(nk+1, '<'); /* keep looking */ else break; } if (nk != NULL && found_next_kw) len = (nk - *rule); else len = (*remaining); if (len == 0) { pkiDebug("%s: Missing value for keyword '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, kw->value); retval = EINVAL; goto out; } value = calloc(1, len+1); if (value == NULL) { retval = ENOMEM; goto out; } (void) memcpy(value, *rule, len); *remaining -= len; *rule += len; pkiDebug("%s: found value '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, value); if (kw->kwvaltype == kwvaltype_regexp) { ret = regcomp(&rc->regexp, value, REG_EXTENDED); if (ret) { (void) regerror(ret, &rc->regexp, err_buf, sizeof(err_buf)); pkiDebug("%s: Error compiling reg-exp '%s': %s\n", __FUNCTION__, value, err_buf); retval = ret; goto out; } rc->regsrc = strdup(value); if (rc->regsrc == NULL) { retval = ENOMEM; goto out; } } else if (kw->kwvaltype == kwvaltype_list) { retval = parse_list_value(context, rc->kw_type, value, rc); if (retval) { pkiDebug("%s: Error %d, parsing list values for keyword %s\n", __FUNCTION__, retval, kw->value); goto out; } } *ret_rule = rc; retval = 0; out: if (value != NULL) free(value); if (retval && rc != NULL) (void) free_rule_component(context, rc); pkiDebug("%s: returning %d\n", __FUNCTION__, retval); return retval; } /* ARGSUSED */ static krb5_error_code parse_rule_set(krb5_context context, const char *rule_in, rule_set **out_rs) { const char *rule; /* Solaris Kerberos */ int remaining; krb5_error_code ret, retval; rule_component *rc = NULL, *trc; rule_set *rs; if (rule_in == NULL) return EINVAL; rule = rule_in; /* Solaris Kerberos */ remaining = strlen(rule); rs = calloc(1, sizeof(*rs)); if (rs == NULL) { retval = ENOMEM; goto cleanup; } rs->relation = relation_none; if (remaining > 1) { if (rule[0] == '&' && rule[1] == '&') { rs->relation = relation_and; rule += 2; remaining -= 2; } else if (rule_in[0] == '|' && rule_in[1] == '|') { rs->relation = relation_or; rule +=2; remaining -= 2; } } rs->num_crs = 0; while (remaining > 0) { if (rs->relation == relation_none && rs->num_crs > 1) { pkiDebug("%s: Assuming AND relation for multiple components in rule '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, rule_in); rs->relation = relation_and; } ret = parse_rule_component(context, &rule, &remaining, &rc); if (ret) { retval = ret; goto cleanup; } pkiDebug("%s: After parse_rule_component, remaining %d, rule '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, remaining, rule); rs->num_crs++; /* * Chain the new component on the end (order matters since * we can short-circuit an OR or an AND relation if an * earlier check passes */ for (trc = rs->crs; trc != NULL && trc->next != NULL; trc = trc->next); if (trc == NULL) rs->crs = rc; else { trc->next = rc; } } *out_rs = rs; retval = 0; cleanup: if (retval && rs != NULL) { (void) free_rule_set(context, rs); } pkiDebug("%s: returning %d\n", __FUNCTION__, retval); return retval; } /* ARGSUSED */ static int regexp_match(krb5_context context, rule_component *rc, char *value) { int code; pkiDebug("%s: checking %s rule '%s' with value '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, keyword2string(rc->kw_type), rc->regsrc, value); code = regexec(&rc->regexp, value, 0, NULL, 0); pkiDebug("%s: the result is%s a match\n", __FUNCTION__, code == REG_NOMATCH ? " NOT" : ""); return (code == 0 ? 1: 0); } static int component_match(krb5_context context, rule_component *rc, pkinit_cert_matching_data *md) { int match = 0; int i; krb5_principal p; char *princ_string; switch (rc->kwval_type) { case kwvaltype_regexp: switch (rc->kw_type) { case kw_subject: match = regexp_match(context, rc, md->subject_dn); break; case kw_issuer: match = regexp_match(context, rc, md->issuer_dn); break; case kw_san: if (md->sans == NULL) break; for (i = 0, p = md->sans[i]; p != NULL; p = md->sans[++i]) { krb5_unparse_name(context, p, &princ_string); match = regexp_match(context, rc, princ_string); krb5_free_unparsed_name(context, princ_string); if (match) break; } break; default: pkiDebug("%s: keyword %s, keyword value %s mismatch\n", __FUNCTION__, keyword2string(rc->kw_type), kwval2string(kwvaltype_regexp)); break; } break; case kwvaltype_list: switch(rc->kw_type) { case kw_eku: pkiDebug("%s: checking %s: rule 0x%08x, cert 0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, keyword2string(rc->kw_type), rc->eku_bits, md->eku_bits); if ((rc->eku_bits & md->eku_bits) == rc->eku_bits) match = 1; break; case kw_ku: pkiDebug("%s: checking %s: rule 0x%08x, cert 0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, keyword2string(rc->kw_type), rc->ku_bits, md->ku_bits); if ((rc->ku_bits & md->ku_bits) == rc->ku_bits) match = 1; break; default: pkiDebug("%s: keyword %s, keyword value %s mismatch\n", __FUNCTION__, keyword2string(rc->kw_type), kwval2string(kwvaltype_regexp)); break; } break; default: pkiDebug("%s: unknown keyword value type %d\n", __FUNCTION__, rc->kwval_type); break; } pkiDebug("%s: returning match = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, match); return match; } /* * Returns match_found == 1 only if exactly one certificate matches * the given rule */ /* ARGSUSED */ static krb5_error_code check_all_certs(krb5_context context, pkinit_plg_crypto_context plg_cryptoctx, pkinit_req_crypto_context req_cryptoctx, pkinit_identity_crypto_context id_cryptoctx, krb5_principal princ, rule_set *rs, /* rule to check */ pkinit_cert_matching_data **matchdata, int *match_found, pkinit_cert_matching_data **matching_cert) { krb5_error_code retval; pkinit_cert_matching_data *md; int i; int comp_match = 0; int total_cert_matches = 0; rule_component *rc; int certs_checked = 0; pkinit_cert_matching_data *save_match = NULL; if (match_found == NULL || matching_cert == NULL) return EINVAL; *matching_cert = NULL; *match_found = 0; pkiDebug("%s: matching rule relation is %s with %d components\n", __FUNCTION__, relation2string(rs->relation), rs->num_crs); /* * Loop through all the certs available and count * how many match the rule */ for (i = 0, md = matchdata[i]; md != NULL; md = matchdata[++i]) { pkiDebug("%s: subject: '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, md->subject_dn); #if 0 pkiDebug("%s: issuer: '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, md->subject_dn); for (j = 0, p = md->sans[j]; p != NULL; p = md->sans[++j]) { char *san_string; krb5_unparse_name(context, p, &san_string); pkiDebug("%s: san: '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, san_string); krb5_free_unparsed_name(context, san_string); } #endif certs_checked++; for (rc = rs->crs; rc != NULL; rc = rc->next) { comp_match = component_match(context, rc, md); if (comp_match) { pkiDebug("%s: match for keyword type %s\n", __FUNCTION__, keyword2string(rc->kw_type)); } if (comp_match && rs->relation == relation_or) { pkiDebug("%s: cert matches rule (OR relation)\n", __FUNCTION__); total_cert_matches++; save_match = md; goto nextcert; } if (!comp_match && rs->relation == relation_and) { pkiDebug("%s: cert does not match rule (AND relation)\n", __FUNCTION__); goto nextcert; } } if (rc == NULL && comp_match) { pkiDebug("%s: cert matches rule (AND relation)\n", __FUNCTION__); total_cert_matches++; save_match = md; } nextcert: continue; } pkiDebug("%s: After checking %d certs, we found %d matches\n", __FUNCTION__, certs_checked, total_cert_matches); if (total_cert_matches == 1) { *match_found = 1; *matching_cert = save_match; } retval = 0; pkiDebug("%s: returning %d, match_found %d\n", __FUNCTION__, retval, *match_found); return retval; } static krb5_error_code free_all_cert_matching_data(krb5_context context, pkinit_cert_matching_data **matchdata) { krb5_error_code retval; pkinit_cert_matching_data *md; int i; if (matchdata == NULL) return EINVAL; for (i = 0, md = matchdata[i]; md != NULL; md = matchdata[++i]) { pkinit_cert_handle ch = md->ch; retval = crypto_cert_free_matching_data(context, md); if (retval) { pkiDebug("%s: crypto_cert_free_matching_data error %d, %s\n", __FUNCTION__, retval, error_message(retval)); goto cleanup; } retval = crypto_cert_release(context, ch); if (retval) { pkiDebug("%s: crypto_cert_release error %d, %s\n", __FUNCTION__, retval, error_message(retval)); goto cleanup; } } free(matchdata); retval = 0; cleanup: return retval; } static krb5_error_code obtain_all_cert_matching_data(krb5_context context, pkinit_plg_crypto_context plg_cryptoctx, pkinit_req_crypto_context req_cryptoctx, pkinit_identity_crypto_context id_cryptoctx, pkinit_cert_matching_data ***all_matching_data) { krb5_error_code retval; int i, cert_count; pkinit_cert_iter_handle ih = NULL; pkinit_cert_handle ch; pkinit_cert_matching_data **matchdata = NULL; retval = crypto_cert_get_count(context, plg_cryptoctx, req_cryptoctx, id_cryptoctx, &cert_count); if (retval) { pkiDebug("%s: crypto_cert_get_count error %d, %s\n", __FUNCTION__, retval, error_message(retval)); goto cleanup; } pkiDebug("%s: crypto_cert_get_count says there are %d certs\n", __FUNCTION__, cert_count); matchdata = calloc((size_t)cert_count + 1, sizeof(*matchdata)); if (matchdata == NULL) return ENOMEM; retval = crypto_cert_iteration_begin(context, plg_cryptoctx, req_cryptoctx, id_cryptoctx, &ih); if (retval) { pkiDebug("%s: crypto_cert_iteration_begin returned %d, %s\n", __FUNCTION__, retval, error_message(retval)); goto cleanup; } for (i = 0; i < cert_count; i++) { retval = crypto_cert_iteration_next(context, ih, &ch); if (retval) { if (retval == PKINIT_ITER_NO_MORE) pkiDebug("%s: We thought there were %d certs, but " "crypto_cert_iteration_next stopped after %d?\n", __FUNCTION__, cert_count, i); else pkiDebug("%s: crypto_cert_iteration_next error %d, %s\n", __FUNCTION__, retval, error_message(retval)); goto cleanup; } retval = crypto_cert_get_matching_data(context, ch, &matchdata[i]); if (retval) { pkiDebug("%s: crypto_cert_get_matching_data error %d, %s\n", __FUNCTION__, retval, error_message(retval)); goto cleanup; } } *all_matching_data = matchdata; retval = 0; cleanup: if (ih != NULL) /* Solaris Kerberos */ (void) crypto_cert_iteration_end(context, ih); if (retval) { if (matchdata != NULL) (void) free_all_cert_matching_data(context, matchdata); } pkiDebug("%s: returning %d, certinfo %p\n", __FUNCTION__, retval, *all_matching_data); return retval; } krb5_error_code pkinit_cert_matching(krb5_context context, pkinit_plg_crypto_context plg_cryptoctx, pkinit_req_crypto_context req_cryptoctx, pkinit_identity_crypto_context id_cryptoctx, krb5_principal princ, krb5_boolean do_select) { krb5_error_code retval = KRB5KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED; int x; char **rules = NULL; rule_set *rs = NULL; int match_found = 0; pkinit_cert_matching_data **matchdata = NULL; pkinit_cert_matching_data *the_matching_cert = NULL; /* If no matching rules, select the default cert and we're done */ (void) pkinit_libdefault_strings(context, krb5_princ_realm(context, princ), "pkinit_cert_match", &rules); if (rules == NULL) { pkiDebug("%s: no matching rules found in config file\n", __FUNCTION__); if (do_select == TRUE) { retval = crypto_cert_select_default(context, plg_cryptoctx, req_cryptoctx, id_cryptoctx); } else retval = 0; goto cleanup; } /* parse each rule line one at a time and check all the certs against it */ for (x = 0; rules[x] != NULL; x++) { pkiDebug("%s: Processing rule '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, rules[x]); /* Free rules from previous time through... */ if (rs != NULL) { (void) free_rule_set(context, rs); rs = NULL; } retval = parse_rule_set(context, rules[x], &rs); if (retval) { if (retval == EINVAL) { pkiDebug("%s: Ignoring invalid rule pkinit_cert_match = '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, rules[x]); continue; } goto cleanup; } /* * Optimize so that we do not get cert info unless we have * valid rules to check. Once obtained, keep it around * until we are done. */ if (matchdata == NULL) { retval = obtain_all_cert_matching_data(context, plg_cryptoctx, req_cryptoctx, id_cryptoctx, &matchdata); if (retval || matchdata == NULL) { pkiDebug("%s: Error %d obtaining certificate information\n", __FUNCTION__, retval); retval = ENOENT; goto cleanup; } } retval = check_all_certs(context, plg_cryptoctx, req_cryptoctx, id_cryptoctx, princ, rs, matchdata, &match_found, &the_matching_cert); if (retval) { pkiDebug("%s: Error %d, checking certs against rule '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, retval, rules[x]); goto cleanup; } if (match_found) { pkiDebug("%s: We have an exact match with rule '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, rules[x]); break; } } if (match_found && the_matching_cert != NULL) { if (do_select == TRUE) { pkiDebug("%s: Selecting the matching cert!\n", __FUNCTION__); retval = crypto_cert_select(context, the_matching_cert); if (retval) { pkiDebug("%s: crypto_cert_select error %d, %s\n", __FUNCTION__, retval, error_message(retval)); goto cleanup; } } } else { retval = ENOENT; /* XXX */ goto cleanup; } retval = 0; cleanup: if (rules != NULL) profile_free_list(rules); if (rs != NULL) /* Solaris Kerberos */ (void) free_rule_set(context, rs); if (matchdata != NULL) (void) free_all_cert_matching_data(context, matchdata); return retval; }