/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */ #include <alloca.h> #include "libfmnotify.h" /*ARGSUSED*/ void nd_cleanup(nd_hdl_t *nhdl) { nd_debug(nhdl, "Cleaning up ..."); if (nhdl->nh_evhdl) (void) fmev_shdl_fini(nhdl->nh_evhdl); if (nhdl->nh_msghdl) fmd_msg_fini(nhdl->nh_msghdl); nhdl->nh_keep_running = B_FALSE; (void) fclose(nhdl->nh_log_fd); } static void get_timestamp(char *buf, size_t bufsize) { time_t utc_time; struct tm *p_tm; (void) time(&utc_time); p_tm = localtime(&utc_time); (void) strftime(buf, bufsize, "%b %d %H:%M:%S", p_tm); } /* PRINTFLIKE2 */ void nd_debug(nd_hdl_t *nhdl, const char *format, ...) { char timestamp[64]; va_list ap; if (nhdl->nh_debug) { get_timestamp(timestamp, sizeof (timestamp)); (void) fprintf(nhdl->nh_log_fd, "[ %s ", timestamp); va_start(ap, format); (void) vfprintf(nhdl->nh_log_fd, format, ap); va_end(ap); (void) fprintf(nhdl->nh_log_fd, " ]\n"); } (void) fflush(nhdl->nh_log_fd); } void nd_dump_nvlist(nd_hdl_t *nhdl, nvlist_t *nvl) { if (nhdl->nh_debug) nvlist_print(nhdl->nh_log_fd, nvl); } /* PRINTFLIKE2 */ void nd_error(nd_hdl_t *nhdl, const char *format, ...) { char timestamp[64]; va_list ap; get_timestamp(timestamp, sizeof (timestamp)); (void) fprintf(nhdl->nh_log_fd, "[ %s ", timestamp); va_start(ap, format); (void) vfprintf(nhdl->nh_log_fd, format, ap); va_end(ap); (void) fprintf(nhdl->nh_log_fd, " ]\n"); (void) fflush(nhdl->nh_log_fd); } /* PRINTFLIKE2 */ void nd_abort(nd_hdl_t *nhdl, const char *format, ...) { char timestamp[64]; va_list ap; get_timestamp(timestamp, sizeof (timestamp)); (void) fprintf(nhdl->nh_log_fd, "[ %s ", timestamp); va_start(ap, format); (void) vfprintf(nhdl->nh_log_fd, format, ap); va_end(ap); (void) fprintf(nhdl->nh_log_fd, " ]\n"); (void) fflush(nhdl->nh_log_fd); nd_cleanup(nhdl); } void nd_daemonize(nd_hdl_t *nhdl) { pid_t pid; if ((pid = fork()) < 0) nd_abort(nhdl, "Failed to fork child (%s)", strerror(errno)); else if (pid > 0) exit(0); (void) setsid(); (void) close(0); (void) close(1); /* * We leave stderr open so we can write debug/err messages to the SMF * service log */ nhdl->nh_is_daemon = B_TRUE; } /* * This function returns a pointer to the specified SMF property group for the * specified SMF service. The caller is responsible for freeing the property * group. On failure, the function returns NULL. */ static scf_propertygroup_t * nd_get_pg(nd_hdl_t *nhdl, scf_handle_t *handle, const char *svcname, const char *pgname) { scf_scope_t *sc = NULL; scf_service_t *svc = NULL; scf_propertygroup_t *pg = NULL, *ret = NULL; sc = scf_scope_create(handle); svc = scf_service_create(handle); pg = scf_pg_create(handle); if (sc == NULL || svc == NULL || pg == NULL) { nd_error(nhdl, "Failed to allocate libscf structures"); scf_pg_destroy(pg); goto get_pg_done; } if (scf_handle_bind(handle) != -1 && scf_handle_get_scope(handle, SCF_SCOPE_LOCAL, sc) != -1 && scf_scope_get_service(sc, svcname, svc) != -1 && scf_service_get_pg(svc, pgname, pg) != -1) ret = pg; else scf_pg_destroy(pg); get_pg_done: scf_service_destroy(svc); scf_scope_destroy(sc); return (ret); } int nd_get_astring_prop(nd_hdl_t *nhdl, const char *svcname, const char *pgname, const char *propname, char **val) { scf_handle_t *handle = NULL; scf_propertygroup_t *pg; scf_property_t *prop = NULL; scf_value_t *value = NULL; char strval[255]; int ret = -1; if ((handle = scf_handle_create(SCF_VERSION)) == NULL) return (ret); if ((pg = nd_get_pg(nhdl, handle, svcname, pgname)) == NULL) { nd_error(nhdl, "Failed to read retrieve %s " "property group for %s", pgname, svcname); goto astring_done; } prop = scf_property_create(handle); value = scf_value_create(handle); if (prop == NULL || value == NULL) { nd_error(nhdl, "Failed to allocate SMF structures"); goto astring_done; } if (scf_pg_get_property(pg, propname, prop) == -1 || scf_property_get_value(prop, value) == -1 || scf_value_get_astring(value, strval, 255) == -1) { nd_error(nhdl, "Failed to retrieve %s prop (%s)", propname, scf_strerror(scf_error())); goto astring_done; } *val = strdup(strval); ret = 0; astring_done: scf_value_destroy(value); scf_property_destroy(prop); scf_pg_destroy(pg); scf_handle_destroy(handle); return (ret); } int nd_get_boolean_prop(nd_hdl_t *nhdl, const char *svcname, const char *pgname, const char *propname, uint8_t *val) { scf_handle_t *handle = NULL; scf_propertygroup_t *pg; scf_property_t *prop = NULL; scf_value_t *value = NULL; int ret = -1; if ((handle = scf_handle_create(SCF_VERSION)) == NULL) return (ret); if ((pg = nd_get_pg(nhdl, handle, svcname, pgname)) == NULL) { nd_error(nhdl, "Failed to read retrieve %s " "property group for %s", pgname, svcname); goto bool_done; } prop = scf_property_create(handle); value = scf_value_create(handle); if (prop == NULL || value == NULL) { nd_error(nhdl, "Failed to allocate SMF structures"); goto bool_done; } if (scf_pg_get_property(pg, propname, prop) == -1 || scf_property_get_value(prop, value) == -1 || scf_value_get_boolean(value, val) == -1) { nd_error(nhdl, "Failed to retrieve %s prop (%s)", propname, scf_strerror(scf_error())); goto bool_done; } ret = 0; bool_done: scf_value_destroy(value); scf_property_destroy(prop); scf_pg_destroy(pg); scf_handle_destroy(handle); return (ret); } char * nd_get_event_fmri(nd_hdl_t *nhdl, fmev_t ev) { nvlist_t *ev_nvl, *attr_nvl; char *svcname; if ((ev_nvl = fmev_attr_list(ev)) == NULL) { nd_error(nhdl, "Failed to lookup event attr nvlist"); return (NULL); } if (nvlist_lookup_nvlist(ev_nvl, "attr", &attr_nvl) || nvlist_lookup_string(attr_nvl, "svc-string", &svcname)) { nd_error(nhdl, "Malformed event 0x%p", (void *)ev_nvl); return (NULL); } return (strdup((const char *)svcname)); } int nd_get_notify_prefs(nd_hdl_t *nhdl, const char *mech, fmev_t ev, nvlist_t ***pref_nvl, uint_t *nprefs) { nvlist_t *ev_nvl, *top_nvl, **np_nvlarr, *mech_nvl; int ret = 1; uint_t nelem; if ((ev_nvl = fmev_attr_list(ev)) == NULL) { nd_error(nhdl, "Failed to lookup event attr nvlist"); return (-1); } if ((ret = smf_notify_get_params(&top_nvl, ev_nvl)) != SCF_SUCCESS) { ret = scf_error(); if (ret == SCF_ERROR_NOT_FOUND) { nd_debug(nhdl, "No notification preferences specified " "for this event"); goto pref_done; } else { nd_error(nhdl, "Error looking up notification " "preferences (%s)", scf_strerror(ret)); nd_dump_nvlist(nhdl, top_nvl); goto pref_done; } } if (nvlist_lookup_nvlist_array(top_nvl, SCF_NOTIFY_PARAMS, &np_nvlarr, &nelem) != 0) { nd_error(nhdl, "Malformed nvlist"); nd_dump_nvlist(nhdl, top_nvl); ret = 1; goto pref_done; } *pref_nvl = malloc(nelem * sizeof (nvlist_t *)); *nprefs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nelem; i++) { if (nvlist_lookup_nvlist(np_nvlarr[i], mech, &mech_nvl) == 0) { (void) nvlist_dup(mech_nvl, *pref_nvl + *nprefs, 0); ++*nprefs; } } if (*nprefs == 0) { nd_debug(nhdl, "No %s notification preferences specified", mech); free(*pref_nvl); ret = SCF_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; goto pref_done; } ret = 0; pref_done: nvlist_free(top_nvl); return (ret); } static int nd_seq_search(char *key, char **list, uint_t nelem) { for (int i = 0; i < nelem; i++) if (strcmp(key, list[i]) == 0) return (1); return (0); } /* * This function takes a single string list and splits it into * an string array (analogous to PERL split) * * The caller is responsible for freeing the array. */ int nd_split_list(nd_hdl_t *nhdl, char *list, char *delim, char ***arr, uint_t *nelem) { char *item, *tmpstr; int i = 1, size = 1; tmpstr = strdup(list); item = strtok(tmpstr, delim); while (item && strtok(NULL, delim) != NULL) size++; free(tmpstr); if ((*arr = calloc(size, sizeof (char *))) == NULL) { nd_error(nhdl, "Error allocating memory (%s)", strerror(errno)); return (-1); } if (size == 1) (*arr)[0] = strdup(list); else { tmpstr = strdup(list); item = strtok(tmpstr, delim); (*arr)[0] = strdup(item); while ((item = strtok(NULL, delim)) != NULL) (*arr)[i++] = strdup(item); free(tmpstr); } *nelem = size; return (0); } /* * This function merges two string arrays into a single array, removing any * duplicates * * The caller is responsible for freeing the merged array. */ int nd_merge_strarray(nd_hdl_t *nhdl, char **arr1, uint_t n1, char **arr2, uint_t n2, char ***buf) { char **tmparr; int uniq = -1; tmparr = alloca((n1 + n2) * sizeof (char *)); bzero(tmparr, (n1 + n2) * sizeof (char *)); while (++uniq < n1) tmparr[uniq] = strdup(arr1[uniq]); for (int j = 0; j < n2; j++) if (!nd_seq_search(arr2[j], tmparr, uniq)) tmparr[uniq++] = strdup(arr2[j]); if ((*buf = calloc(uniq, sizeof (char *))) == NULL) { nd_error(nhdl, "Error allocating memory (%s)", strerror(errno)); for (int j = 0; j < uniq; j++) { if (tmparr[j]) free(tmparr[j]); } return (-1); } bcopy(tmparr, *buf, uniq * sizeof (char *)); return (uniq); } void nd_free_strarray(char **arr, uint_t arrsz) { for (uint_t i = 0; i < arrsz; i++) free(arr[i]); free(arr); } /* * This function joins all the strings in a string array into a single string * Each element will be delimited by a comma * * The caller is responsible for freeing the joined string. */ int nd_join_strarray(nd_hdl_t *nhdl, char **arr, uint_t arrsz, char **buf) { uint_t len = 0; char *jbuf; int i; /* * First, figure out how much space we need to allocate to store the * joined string. */ for (i = 0; i < arrsz; i++) len += strlen(arr[i]) + 1; if ((jbuf = calloc(len, sizeof (char))) == NULL) { nd_error(nhdl, "Error allocating memory (%s)", strerror(errno)); return (-1); } (void) snprintf(jbuf, len, "%s", arr[0]); for (i = 1; i < arrsz; i++) { (void) strlcat(jbuf, ",", len); (void) strlcat(jbuf, arr[i], len); } *buf = jbuf; return (0); } void nd_free_nvlarray(nvlist_t **arr, uint_t arrsz) { for (uint_t i = 0; i < arrsz; i++) nvlist_free(arr[i]); free(arr); } /* * This function takes a dictionary name and event class and then uses * libdiagcode to compute the MSG ID. We need this for looking up messages * for the committed ireport.* events. For FMA list.* events, the MSG ID is * is contained in the event payload. */ int nd_get_diagcode(nd_hdl_t *nhdl, const char *dict, const char *class, char *buf, size_t buflen) { fm_dc_handle_t *dhp; size_t dlen; char *dirpath; const char *key[2]; int ret = 0; dlen = (strlen(nhdl->nh_rootdir) + strlen(ND_DICTDIR) + 2); dirpath = alloca(dlen); (void) snprintf(dirpath, dlen, "%s/%s", nhdl->nh_rootdir, ND_DICTDIR); if ((dhp = fm_dc_opendict(FM_DC_VERSION, dirpath, dict)) == NULL) { nd_error(nhdl, "fm_dc_opendict failed for %s/%s", dirpath, dict); return (-1); } key[0] = class; key[1] = NULL; if (fm_dc_key2code(dhp, key, buf, buflen) < 0) { nd_error(nhdl, "fm_dc_key2code failed for %s", key[0]); ret = -1; } fm_dc_closedict(dhp); return (ret); } /* * This function takes an event and extracts the bits of the event payload that * are of interest to notification daemons and conveniently tucks them into a * single struct. * * The caller is responsible for freeing ev_info and any contained strings and * nvlists. A convenience function, nd_free_event_info(), is provided for this * purpose. */ int nd_get_event_info(nd_hdl_t *nhdl, const char *class, fmev_t ev, nd_ev_info_t **ev_info) { nvlist_t *ev_nvl, *attr_nvl; nd_ev_info_t *evi; char *code, *uuid, *fmri, *from_state, *to_state, *reason; if ((evi = calloc(1, sizeof (nd_ev_info_t))) == NULL) { nd_error(nhdl, "Failed to allocate memory"); return (-1); } /* * Hold event; class and payload will be valid for as long as * we hold the event. */ fmev_hold(ev); evi->ei_ev = ev; ev_nvl = fmev_attr_list(ev); /* * Lookup the MSGID, event description and severity and KA URL * * For FMA list.* events we just pull it out of the the event nvlist. * For all other events we call a utility function that computes the * diagcode using the dict name and class. */ evi->ei_diagcode = calloc(32, sizeof (char)); if ((nvlist_lookup_string(ev_nvl, FM_SUSPECT_DIAG_CODE, &code) == 0 && strcpy(evi->ei_diagcode, code)) || nd_get_diagcode(nhdl, "SMF", class, evi->ei_diagcode, 32) == 0) { evi->ei_severity = fmd_msg_getitem_id(nhdl->nh_msghdl, NULL, evi->ei_diagcode, FMD_MSG_ITEM_SEVERITY); evi->ei_descr = fmd_msg_getitem_id(nhdl->nh_msghdl, NULL, evi->ei_diagcode, FMD_MSG_ITEM_DESC); evi->ei_url = fmd_msg_getitem_id(nhdl->nh_msghdl, NULL, evi->ei_diagcode, FMD_MSG_ITEM_URL); } else (void) strcpy(evi->ei_diagcode, ND_UNKNOWN); if (!evi->ei_severity) evi->ei_severity = strdup(ND_UNKNOWN); if (!evi->ei_descr) evi->ei_descr = strdup(ND_UNKNOWN); if (!evi->ei_url) evi->ei_url = strdup(ND_UNKNOWN); evi->ei_payload = ev_nvl; evi->ei_class = fmev_class(ev); if (nvlist_lookup_string(ev_nvl, FM_SUSPECT_UUID, &uuid) == 0) evi->ei_uuid = strdup(uuid); else { nd_error(nhdl, "Malformed event"); nd_dump_nvlist(nhdl, evi->ei_payload); nd_free_event_info(evi); return (-1); } if (strncmp(class, "ireport.os.smf", 14) == 0) { if ((fmri = nd_get_event_fmri(nhdl, ev)) == NULL) { nd_error(nhdl, "Failed to get fmri from event payload"); nd_free_event_info(evi); return (-1); } if (nvlist_lookup_nvlist(evi->ei_payload, "attr", &attr_nvl) || nvlist_lookup_string(attr_nvl, "from-state", &from_state) || nvlist_lookup_string(attr_nvl, "to-state", &to_state) || nvlist_lookup_string(attr_nvl, "reason-long", &reason)) { nd_error(nhdl, "Malformed event"); nd_dump_nvlist(nhdl, evi->ei_payload); nd_free_event_info(evi); free(fmri); return (-1); } evi->ei_fmri = fmri; evi->ei_to_state = strdup(to_state); evi->ei_from_state = strdup(from_state); evi->ei_reason = strdup(reason); } *ev_info = evi; return (0); } void nd_free_event_info(nd_ev_info_t *ev_info) { free(ev_info->ei_severity); free(ev_info->ei_descr); free(ev_info->ei_diagcode); free(ev_info->ei_url); free(ev_info->ei_uuid); free(ev_info->ei_fmri); free(ev_info->ei_from_state); free(ev_info->ei_to_state); free(ev_info->ei_reason); fmev_rele(ev_info->ei_ev); free(ev_info); }