/* * pnglite.c - pnglite library * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in pnglite.h */ #ifdef _STANDALONE #include <sys/cdefs.h> #include <stand.h> #else #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #endif #include <zlib.h> #include "pnglite.h" #ifndef abs #define abs(x) ((x) < 0? -(x):(x)) #endif #define PNG_32b(b, s) ((uint32_t)(b) << (s)) #define PNG_U32(b1, b2, b3, b4) \ (PNG_32b(b1, 24) | PNG_32b(b2, 16) | PNG_32b(b3, 8) | PNG_32b(b4, 0)) #define png_IDAT PNG_U32(73, 68, 65, 84) #define png_IEND PNG_U32(73, 69, 78, 68) static ssize_t file_read(png_t *png, void *out, size_t size, size_t numel) { ssize_t result; off_t offset = (off_t)(size * numel); if (offset < 0) return (PNG_FILE_ERROR); if (!out) { result = lseek(png->fd, offset, SEEK_CUR); } else { result = read(png->fd, out, size * numel); } return (result); } static int file_read_ul(png_t *png, unsigned *out) { uint8_t buf[4]; if (file_read(png, buf, 1, 4) != 4) return (PNG_FILE_ERROR); *out = (buf[0]<<24) | (buf[1]<<16) | (buf[2]<<8) | buf[3]; return (PNG_NO_ERROR); } static unsigned get_ul(uint8_t *buf) { unsigned result; uint8_t foo[4]; memcpy(foo, buf, 4); result = (foo[0]<<24) | (foo[1]<<16) | (foo[2]<<8) | foo[3]; return (result); } static int png_get_bpp(png_t *png) { int bpp; switch (png->color_type) { case PNG_GREYSCALE: bpp = 1; break; case PNG_TRUECOLOR: bpp = 3; break; case PNG_INDEXED: bpp = 1; break; case PNG_GREYSCALE_ALPHA: bpp = 2; break; case PNG_TRUECOLOR_ALPHA: bpp = 4; break; default: return (PNG_FILE_ERROR); } bpp *= png->depth / 8; return (bpp); } static int png_read_ihdr(png_t *png) { unsigned length = 0; unsigned orig_crc; unsigned calc_crc; uint8_t ihdr[13+4]; /* length should be 13, make room for type (IHDR) */ if (file_read_ul(png, &length) != PNG_NO_ERROR) return (PNG_FILE_ERROR); if (length != 13) return (PNG_CRC_ERROR); if (file_read(png, ihdr, 1, 13+4) != 13+4) return (PNG_EOF_ERROR); if (file_read_ul(png, &orig_crc) != PNG_NO_ERROR) return (PNG_FILE_ERROR); calc_crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); calc_crc = crc32(calc_crc, ihdr, 13+4); if (orig_crc != calc_crc) { return (PNG_CRC_ERROR); } png->width = get_ul(ihdr+4); png->height = get_ul(ihdr+8); png->depth = ihdr[12]; png->color_type = ihdr[13]; png->compression_method = ihdr[14]; png->filter_method = ihdr[15]; png->interlace_method = ihdr[16]; if (png->color_type == PNG_INDEXED) return (PNG_NOT_SUPPORTED); if (png->depth != 8 && png->depth != 16) return (PNG_NOT_SUPPORTED); if (png->interlace_method) return (PNG_NOT_SUPPORTED); return (PNG_NO_ERROR); } void png_print_info(png_t *png) { printf("PNG INFO:\n"); printf("\twidth:\t\t%d\n", png->width); printf("\theight:\t\t%d\n", png->height); printf("\tdepth:\t\t%d\n", png->depth); printf("\tcolor:\t\t"); switch (png->color_type) { case PNG_GREYSCALE: printf("greyscale\n"); break; case PNG_TRUECOLOR: printf("truecolor\n"); break; case PNG_INDEXED: printf("palette\n"); break; case PNG_GREYSCALE_ALPHA: printf("greyscale with alpha\n"); break; case PNG_TRUECOLOR_ALPHA: printf("truecolor with alpha\n"); break; default: printf("unknown, this is not good\n"); break; } printf("\tcompression:\t%s\n", png->compression_method? "unknown, this is not good":"inflate/deflate"); printf("\tfilter:\t\t%s\n", png->filter_method? "unknown, this is not good":"adaptive"); printf("\tinterlace:\t%s\n", png->interlace_method? "interlace":"no interlace"); } int png_open(png_t *png, const char *filename) { char header[8]; int result; png->image = NULL; png->fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY); if (png->fd == -1) return (PNG_FILE_ERROR); if (file_read(png, header, 1, 8) != 8) { result = PNG_EOF_ERROR; goto done; } if (memcmp(header, "\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A", 8) != 0) { result = PNG_HEADER_ERROR; goto done; } result = png_read_ihdr(png); if (result == PNG_NO_ERROR) { result = png_get_bpp(png); if (result > 0) { png->bpp = (uint8_t)result; result = PNG_NO_ERROR; } } done: if (result == PNG_NO_ERROR) { uint64_t size = png->width * png->height * png->bpp; if (size < UINT_MAX) png->image = malloc(size); if (png->image == NULL) result = PNG_MEMORY_ERROR; } if (result == PNG_NO_ERROR) result = png_get_data(png, png->image); if (result != PNG_NO_ERROR) { free(png->image); (void) close(png->fd); png->fd = -1; return (result); } return (result); } int png_close(png_t *png) { (void) close(png->fd); png->fd = -1; free(png->image); png->image = NULL; return (PNG_NO_ERROR); } static int png_init_inflate(png_t *png) { z_stream *stream; png->zs = calloc(1, sizeof (z_stream)); stream = png->zs; if (!stream) return (PNG_MEMORY_ERROR); if (inflateInit(stream) != Z_OK) { free(png->zs); png->zs = NULL; return (PNG_ZLIB_ERROR); } stream->next_out = png->png_data; stream->avail_out = png->png_datalen; return (PNG_NO_ERROR); } static int png_end_inflate(png_t *png) { z_stream *stream = png->zs; int rc = PNG_NO_ERROR; if (!stream) return (PNG_MEMORY_ERROR); if (inflateEnd(stream) != Z_OK) { printf("ZLIB says: %s\n", stream->msg); rc = PNG_ZLIB_ERROR; } free(png->zs); png->zs = NULL; return (rc); } static int png_inflate(png_t *png, uint8_t *data, int len) { int result; z_stream *stream = png->zs; if (!stream) return (PNG_MEMORY_ERROR); stream->next_in = data; stream->avail_in = len; result = inflate(stream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH); if (result != Z_STREAM_END && result != Z_OK) { printf("%s\n", stream->msg); return (PNG_ZLIB_ERROR); } if (stream->avail_in != 0) return (PNG_ZLIB_ERROR); return (PNG_NO_ERROR); } static int png_read_idat(png_t *png, unsigned length) { unsigned orig_crc; unsigned calc_crc; ssize_t len = length; if (!png->readbuf || png->readbuflen < length) { png->readbuf = realloc(png->readbuf, length); png->readbuflen = length; } if (!png->readbuf) return (PNG_MEMORY_ERROR); if (file_read(png, png->readbuf, 1, length) != len) return (PNG_FILE_ERROR); calc_crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); calc_crc = crc32(calc_crc, (uint8_t *)"IDAT", 4); calc_crc = crc32(calc_crc, (uint8_t *)png->readbuf, length); if (file_read_ul(png, &orig_crc) != PNG_NO_ERROR) return (PNG_FILE_ERROR); if (orig_crc != calc_crc) return (PNG_CRC_ERROR); return (png_inflate(png, png->readbuf, length)); } static int png_process_chunk(png_t *png) { int result = PNG_NO_ERROR; unsigned type; unsigned length; if (file_read_ul(png, &length) != PNG_NO_ERROR) return (PNG_FILE_ERROR); if (file_read_ul(png, &type) != PNG_NO_ERROR) return (PNG_FILE_ERROR); /* * if we found an idat, all other idats should be followed with no * other chunks in between */ if (type == png_IDAT) { if (!png->png_data) { /* first IDAT */ png->png_datalen = png->width * png->height * png->bpp + png->height; png->png_data = malloc(png->png_datalen); } if (!png->png_data) return (PNG_MEMORY_ERROR); if (!png->zs) { result = png_init_inflate(png); if (result != PNG_NO_ERROR) return (result); } return (png_read_idat(png, length)); } else if (type == png_IEND) return (PNG_DONE); else (void) file_read(png, 0, 1, length + 4); /* unknown chunk */ return (result); } static void png_filter_sub(unsigned stride, uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out, unsigned len) { unsigned i; uint8_t a = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i >= stride) a = out[i - stride]; out[i] = in[i] + a; } } static void png_filter_up(unsigned stride __unused, uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out, uint8_t *prev_line, unsigned len) { unsigned i; if (prev_line) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) out[i] = in[i] + prev_line[i]; } else memcpy(out, in, len); } static void png_filter_average(unsigned stride, uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out, uint8_t *prev_line, unsigned len) { unsigned int i; uint8_t a = 0; uint8_t b = 0; unsigned int sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (prev_line) b = prev_line[i]; if (i >= stride) a = out[i - stride]; sum = a; sum += b; out[i] = in[i] + sum/2; } } static uint8_t png_paeth(uint8_t a, uint8_t b, uint8_t c) { int p = (int)a + b - c; int pa = abs(p - a); int pb = abs(p - b); int pc = abs(p - c); int pr; if (pa <= pb && pa <= pc) pr = a; else if (pb <= pc) pr = b; else pr = c; return (pr); } static void png_filter_paeth(unsigned stride, uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out, uint8_t *prev_line, unsigned len) { unsigned i; uint8_t a; uint8_t b; uint8_t c; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (prev_line && i >= stride) { a = out[i - stride]; b = prev_line[i]; c = prev_line[i - stride]; } else { if (prev_line) b = prev_line[i]; else b = 0; if (i >= stride) a = out[i - stride]; else a = 0; c = 0; } out[i] = in[i] + png_paeth(a, b, c); } } static int png_unfilter(png_t *png, uint8_t *data) { unsigned i; unsigned pos = 0; unsigned outpos = 0; uint8_t *filtered = png->png_data; unsigned stride = png->bpp; while (pos < png->png_datalen) { uint8_t filter = filtered[pos]; pos++; if (png->depth == 16) { for (i = 0; i < png->width * stride; i += 2) { *(short *)(filtered+pos+i) = (filtered[pos+i] << 8) | filtered[pos+i+1]; } } switch (filter) { case 0: /* none */ memcpy(data+outpos, filtered+pos, png->width * stride); break; case 1: /* sub */ png_filter_sub(stride, filtered+pos, data+outpos, png->width * stride); break; case 2: /* up */ if (outpos) { png_filter_up(stride, filtered+pos, data+outpos, data + outpos - (png->width*stride), png->width*stride); } else { png_filter_up(stride, filtered+pos, data+outpos, 0, png->width*stride); } break; case 3: /* average */ if (outpos) { png_filter_average(stride, filtered+pos, data+outpos, data + outpos - (png->width*stride), png->width*stride); } else { png_filter_average(stride, filtered+pos, data+outpos, 0, png->width*stride); } break; case 4: /* paeth */ if (outpos) { png_filter_paeth(stride, filtered+pos, data+outpos, data + outpos - (png->width*stride), png->width*stride); } else { png_filter_paeth(stride, filtered+pos, data+outpos, 0, png->width*stride); } break; default: return (PNG_UNKNOWN_FILTER); } outpos += png->width * stride; pos += png->width * stride; } return (PNG_NO_ERROR); } int png_get_data(png_t *png, uint8_t *data) { int result = PNG_NO_ERROR; png->zs = NULL; png->png_datalen = 0; png->png_data = NULL; png->readbuf = NULL; png->readbuflen = 0; while (result == PNG_NO_ERROR) result = png_process_chunk(png); if (png->readbuf) { free(png->readbuf); png->readbuflen = 0; } if (png->zs) (void) png_end_inflate(png); if (result != PNG_DONE) { free(png->png_data); return (result); } result = png_unfilter(png, data); free(png->png_data); return (result); } char * png_error_string(int error) { switch (error) { case PNG_NO_ERROR: return ("No error"); case PNG_FILE_ERROR: return ("Unknown file error."); case PNG_HEADER_ERROR: return ("No PNG header found. Are you sure this is a PNG?"); case PNG_IO_ERROR: return ("Failure while reading file."); case PNG_EOF_ERROR: return ("Reached end of file."); case PNG_CRC_ERROR: return ("CRC or chunk length error."); case PNG_MEMORY_ERROR: return ("Could not allocate memory."); case PNG_ZLIB_ERROR: return ("zlib reported an error."); case PNG_UNKNOWN_FILTER: return ("Unknown filter method used in scanline."); case PNG_DONE: return ("PNG done"); case PNG_NOT_SUPPORTED: return ("The PNG is unsupported by pnglite, too bad for you!"); case PNG_WRONG_ARGUMENTS: return ("Wrong combination of arguments passed to png_open. " "You must use either a read_function or supply a file " "pointer to use."); default: return ("Unknown error."); }; }