/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <libdevice.h> #include <libdevinfo.h> #define _KERNEL #include <sys/dditypes.h> #include <sys/devctl.h> #include <sys/bofi.h> static int online_device(char *path); static int offline_device(char *path); static int getstate_device(char *path); static int getnameinst(char *path, int *instance, char *name, int namelen); static int getpath(char *path, int instance, char *name, int pathlen); static char buffer[50*1024]; #define CMD_TABLE_SIZE 11 #define BOFI_ONLINE 0 #define BOFI_OFFLINE 1 #define BOFI_GETSTATE 2 #define BOFI_GETPATH 3 static struct { char *string; int val; int devctl_val; } cmd_table[] = { {"online", -1, BOFI_ONLINE}, {"offline", -1, BOFI_OFFLINE}, {"getstate", -1, BOFI_GETSTATE}, {"getpath", -1, BOFI_GETPATH}, {"broadcast", BOFI_BROADCAST, -1}, {"clear_acc_chk", BOFI_CLEAR_ACC_CHK, -1}, {"clear_errors", BOFI_CLEAR_ERRORS, -1}, {"clear_errdefs", BOFI_CLEAR_ERRDEFS, -1}, {"start", BOFI_START, -1}, {"stop", BOFI_STOP, -1}, {"get_handles", BOFI_GET_HANDLES, -1} }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct bofi_errctl errctl; struct bofi_get_handles get_handles; int command = -1; int devctl_command = -1; int i; int fd; char buf[MAXPATHLEN]; char path[MAXPATHLEN]; if (argc == 3) { (void) strncpy(path, argv[1], MAXPATHLEN); for (i = 0; i < CMD_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[2], cmd_table[i].string) == 0) { command = cmd_table[i].val; devctl_command = cmd_table[i].devctl_val; } } switch (devctl_command) { case BOFI_ONLINE: case BOFI_OFFLINE: case BOFI_GETPATH: case BOFI_GETSTATE: break; default: if (getnameinst(argv[1], &errctl.instance, buf, MAXPATHLEN) == -1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "th_manage - invalid path\n"); exit(1); } (void) strncpy(errctl.name, buf, MAXNAMELEN); errctl.namesize = strlen(errctl.name); } } else if (argc == 4) { errctl.namesize = strlen(argv[1]); (void) strncpy(errctl.name, argv[1], MAXNAMELEN); errctl.instance = atoi(argv[2]); for (i = 0; i < CMD_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[3], cmd_table[i].string) == 0) { command = cmd_table[i].val; devctl_command = cmd_table[i].devctl_val; } } switch (devctl_command) { case BOFI_ONLINE: case BOFI_OFFLINE: case BOFI_GETPATH: case BOFI_GETSTATE: (void) strcpy(path, "/devices/"); if (getpath(&path[8], errctl.instance, errctl.name, MAXPATHLEN) == -1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "th_manage - invalid name/instance\n"); exit(1); } default: break; } } else { (void) fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, " th_manage name instance state\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, " th_manage path state\n"); exit(2); } if (command == -1) { /* * might have been a devctl command */ if (devctl_command == BOFI_ONLINE) { while (online_device(path) != 0) { (void) sleep(3); } exit(0); } if (devctl_command == BOFI_OFFLINE) { while (offline_device(path) != 0) { (void) sleep(3); } exit(0); } if (devctl_command == BOFI_GETSTATE) { if (getstate_device(path) != 0) { perror("th_manage - getstate failed"); exit(1); } else { exit(0); } } if (devctl_command == BOFI_GETPATH) { (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", path); exit(0); } (void) fprintf(stderr, "th_manage: invalid command\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, " Command must be one of start, stop, broadcast, " "get_handles,\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, " clear_acc_chk, clear_errors or clear_errdefs\n"); exit(2); } fd = open("/devices/pseudo/bofi@0:bofi,ctl", O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) { perror("th_manage - open of bofi driver"); exit(2); } if (command == BOFI_GET_HANDLES) { get_handles.namesize = errctl.namesize; (void) strncpy(get_handles.name, errctl.name, MAXNAMELEN); get_handles.instance = errctl.instance; get_handles.buffer = buffer; get_handles.count = sizeof (buffer) - 1; if (ioctl(fd, command, &get_handles) == -1) { perror("th_manage - setting state failed"); exit(2); } buffer[sizeof (buffer) - 1] = '\0'; (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s", buffer); (void) fflush(stdout); exit(0); } if (errctl.instance == -1) { struct bofi_get_hdl_info hdli; struct handle_info *hip, *hp; int i, j, *instp; hdli.namesize = errctl.namesize; (void) strncpy(hdli.name, errctl.name, MAXNAMELEN); hdli.hdli = 0; hdli.count = 0; /* * Ask the bofi driver for all handles created by the driver * under test. */ if (ioctl(fd, BOFI_GET_HANDLE_INFO, &hdli) == -1) { perror("driver failed to return access handles"); exit(1); } if (hdli.count == 0) { exit(0); /* no handles */ } if ((hip = memalign(sizeof (void *), hdli.count * sizeof (*hip))) == 0) { perror("out of memory"); exit(1); } hdli.hdli = (caddr_t)hip; if (ioctl(fd, BOFI_GET_HANDLE_INFO, &hdli) == -1) { perror("couldn't obtain all handles"); exit(1); } if ((instp = malloc((hdli.count + 1) * sizeof (*instp))) == 0) { perror("out of memory"); exit(1); } *instp = -1; for (i = 0, hp = hip; i < hdli.count; hp++, i++) { for (j = 0; instp[j] != -1; j++) if (hp->instance == instp[j]) break; if (instp[j] == -1) { instp[j] = hp->instance; instp[j+1] = -1; } } for (i = 0; instp[i] != -1; i++) { errctl.instance = instp[i]; if (ioctl(fd, command, &errctl) == -1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "command failed on instance %d : %s\n", errctl.instance, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } } else { if (ioctl(fd, command, &errctl) == -1) { perror("th_manage - setting state failed"); exit(1); } } return (0); } /* * These functions provide access to the devctl functions, */ static int online_device(char *path) { devctl_hdl_t dcp; if ((dcp = devctl_device_acquire(path, 0)) == NULL) { return (-1); } if ((devctl_device_online(dcp)) == -1) { devctl_release(dcp); return (-1); } devctl_release(dcp); return (0); } static int offline_device(char *path) { devctl_hdl_t dcp; if ((dcp = devctl_device_acquire(path, 0)) == NULL) { return (-1); } if ((devctl_device_offline(dcp)) == -1) { devctl_release(dcp); return (-1); } devctl_release(dcp); return (0); } static int getstate_device(char *path) { devctl_hdl_t dcp; uint_t state = 0; if ((dcp = devctl_device_acquire(path, 0)) == NULL) { (void) printf("%s unknown unknown\n", path); return (-1); } if ((devctl_device_getstate(dcp, &state)) == -1) { (void) printf("%s unknown unknown\n", path); devctl_release(dcp); return (-1); } devctl_release(dcp); switch (state) { case DEVICE_DOWN: (void) printf("%s down not_busy\n", path); break; case DEVICE_OFFLINE: (void) printf("%s offline not_busy\n", path); break; case DEVICE_ONLINE: (void) printf("%s online not_busy\n", path); break; case (DEVICE_ONLINE | DEVICE_BUSY): (void) printf("%s online busy\n", path); break; case (DEVICE_DOWN | DEVICE_BUSY): (void) printf("%s down busy\n", path); break; default: (void) printf("%s unknown unknown\n", path); break; } return (0); } static int getnameinst(char *path, int *instance, char *name, int namelen) { di_node_t node; char *driver_name; if ((node = di_init(&path[8], DINFOSUBTREE)) == DI_NODE_NIL) return (-1); if ((driver_name = di_driver_name(node)) == NULL) { di_fini(node); return (-1); } *instance = di_instance(node); (void) strncpy(name, driver_name, namelen); di_fini(node); return (0); } struct walk_arg { char *path; int instance; char name[MAXPATHLEN]; int found; int pathlen; }; static int walk_callback(di_node_t node, void *arg) { struct walk_arg *warg = (struct walk_arg *)arg; char *driver_name; char *path; driver_name = di_driver_name(node); if (driver_name != NULL) { if (strcmp(driver_name, warg->name) == 0 && di_instance(node) == warg->instance) { path = di_devfs_path(node); if (path != NULL) { warg->found = 1; (void) strncpy(warg->path, path, warg->pathlen); } return (DI_WALK_TERMINATE); } } return (DI_WALK_CONTINUE); } static int getpath(char *path, int instance, char *name, int pathlen) { di_node_t node; struct walk_arg warg; warg.instance = instance; (void) strncpy(warg.name, name, MAXPATHLEN); warg.path = path; warg.pathlen = pathlen; warg.found = 0; if ((node = di_init("/", DINFOSUBTREE)) == DI_NODE_NIL) return (-1); if (di_walk_node(node, DI_WALK_CLDFIRST, &warg, walk_callback) == -1) { di_fini(node); return (-1); } if (warg.found == 0) { di_fini(node); return (-1); } di_fini(node); return (0); }