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.if n .tr \--
.TH rdb 1 "24 April 2008"
rdb \- run-time demo debugger
.B rdb
.B -f
.I file
executable [executable arguments ...]
.B rdb
is a simple general purpose debugger built on top of 
.I procfs
.I librtld_db.
.B rdb
is distributed is source code format and is a sample
of how to use the
.I rtld_db
interface and is not meant to be used in a production environment. 
Each invocation of
.B rdb
will debug a single process.  In order to start debugging the process
again from the beginning
.B rdb
must be reinvoked.
.TP 15
.BI \-f " file"
file containing a list of commands to be executed by rdb.  This option
can be used to run 
.B rdb
in batch mode.
.B rdb
by default reads commands from standard input and displays responses on the
standard output.  
.B rdb 
is terminated when it reads an EOF on input.
The commands that
.B rdb 
accepts follow:
.TP 15
.BI break " [address]"
Set a break point at address.  If no address is specified then list
all currently set breakpoints.
.B cont
Continue execution of the debugged process.  Note that when rdb
is first invoked it halts the program before it starts to run.  To
start executing it you must use cont.
.BI delete " address"
delete the breakpoint at address.
.BI echo " string"
Prints a string to standard output.  The string must be surrounded
by double-quotes("").
.BI event " {on|off}"
To enable or disable the printing of event information to standard output.
If enabled then 
.B rdb
will monitor
.I rtld_db
events and print a message to standard output as they occur.
.B getmaps
.B rdb
to load the current link-maps via the
.I rtld_db
interface.  No information is printed.
.B linkmaps
display current link-map information.
.B maps
display memory mapping information.
.BI objpad " size"
Set object padding to
.I size
bytes for objects mmap()'ed in by 
.B ld.so.1.  
object padding will only effect the loading of new objects,
those already loaded in memory are not effected.
.B pltskip
enables and disables the skipping over of procedure linkage table entries
when stepping through a function call.
.BI print " {address [count [format]]|varname}"
displays data stored at
.I address
or register information.  Type 'help print' from within rdb for more
details on usage.
.BI step " [count [silent]]"
single step
.I count
instructions.  If count is not given then signle step 1 instruction.  If
the keyword silent is specified then do not dis-assemble the instructions
as they are stepped.
.BI value " symbol_name"
display the value (address) associated with a symbol
.B where
display a stack trace
A simple example showing how to load a program, set a break point
at main, and to then display the link-maps of all objects loaded:
.ft 3
polyslo 310% rdb /usr/bin/ls
parent: 28300 child: 28301 child procname: /proc/28301
<rdb> break main
break point set at: 0x11110
<rdb> cont
break point reached at addr: 0x11110
<rdb> linkmaps
Link Maps
link-map: id: 0x0 name: /usr/bin/ls
       base: 0x00010000   padd_base: 0xeffffa7c
  data_base: 0x00000000
        end: 0x00010000    padd_end: 0x00023ad0
link-map: id: 0x0 name: /usr/lib/libc.so.1(/usr/platform/$PLATFORM/lib/libc_psr.so.1)
       base: 0xef700000   padd_base: 0xef7f131c
  data_base: 0x00000000
        end: 0xef700000    padd_end: 0xef7991cc
link-map: id: 0x0 name: /usr/lib/libdl.so.1(/usr/lib/ld.so.1)
       base: 0xef7c0000   padd_base: 0xef7f1478
  data_base: 0x00000000
        end: 0xef7c0000    padd_end: 0xef7c0074
link-map: id: 0x0 name: /usr/platform/SUNW,Ultra-60/lib/libc_psr.so.1
       base: 0xef6f0000   padd_base: 0xef7f15bc
  data_base: 0x00000000
        end: 0xef6f0000    padd_end: 0xef6f0074
link-map: id: 0x1 name: /usr/lib/ld.so.1
       base: 0xef7d0000   padd_base: 0xef7d1375
  data_base: 0x00000000
        end: 0xef7d0000    padd_end: 0xef7f01f8
<rdb> cont 
Makefile    gram.h      m_utils.c   rdb         regs.c
gram.c      lex.c       objs        rdb_mach.h
process terminated.
.BR ld.so.1 (1)