/* * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ /* Copyright (c) 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. */ #include "refer..c" #include <locale.h> int newr[250]; extern void err(); extern void flout(); static void condense(int *, int, char *); int chkdup(char *tag) { int i; for (i = 1; i <= refnum; i++) { if (reftable[i] && strcmp(reftable[i], tag) == 0) return (i); } reftable[refnum+1] = rtp; if (refnum >= NRFTBL) err(gettext("too many references (%d) for table"), refnum); strcpy(rtp, tag); while (*rtp++) ; if (rtp > reftext + NRFTXT) err(gettext("reference pointers too long (%d)"), rtp-reftext); return (0); } void dumpold(void) { FILE *fi; int c, g1 = 0, nr = 1; if (!endpush) return; fclose(fo); fo = NULL; if (sort) { char comm[100]; sprintf(comm, "sort -f %s -o %s", tfile, tfile); system(comm); } fi = fopen(tfile, "r"); if (fi == NULL) return; flout(); fprintf(ftemp, ".]<\n"); while ((c = getc(fi)) > 0) { if (c == '\n') { nr++; g1 = 0; } if (c == sep) c = '\n'; if (c == FLAG) { /* make old-new ref number table */ char tb[20]; char *s = tb; while ((c = getc(fi)) != FLAG) *s++ = c; *s = 0; if (g1++ == 0) newr[atoi(tb)] = nr; #if EBUG fprintf(stderr, "nr %d assigned to atoi(tb) %d\n", nr, atoi(tb)); #endif fprintf(ftemp, "%d", nr); continue; } putc(c, ftemp); } fclose(fi); #ifndef TF unlink(tfile); #endif fprintf(ftemp, ".]>\n"); } void recopy(char *fnam) { int c; int *wref = NULL; int wcnt = 0; int wsize = 50; int finalrn; char sig[MXSIG]; extern int *realloc(); wref = (int *)calloc((unsigned)wsize, (unsigned)sizeof (int)); fclose(ftemp); ftemp = fopen(fnam, "r"); if (ftemp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, gettext("Can't reopen %s\n"), fnam); exit(1); } while ((c = getc(ftemp)) != EOF) { if (c == FLAG) { char tb[10]; char *s = tb; while ((c = getc(ftemp)) != FLAG) *s++ = c; *s = 0; /* * If sort was done, permute the reference number * to obtain the final reference number, finalrn. */ if (sort) finalrn = newr[atoi(tb)]; else finalrn = atoi(tb); if ((++wcnt > wsize) && ((wref = realloc(wref, (wsize += 50) * sizeof (int))) == NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, gettext( "Ref condense out of memory.")); exit(1); } wref[wcnt-1] = finalrn; if ((c = getc(ftemp)) == AFLAG) continue; wref[wcnt] = 0; condense(wref, wcnt, sig); wcnt = 0; printf("%s", sig); } putchar(c); } fclose(ftemp); unlink(fnam); } /* * sort and condense reference signals when they are placed in * the text. Viz, the signal 1,2,3,4 is condensed to 1-4 and signals * of the form 5,2,9 are converted to 2,5,9 */ static void condense(int *wref, int wcnt, char *sig) { int i = 0; char wt[4]; extern int wswap(); qsort(wref, wcnt, sizeof (int), wswap); sig[0] = 0; while (i < wcnt) { sprintf(wt, "%d", wref[i]); strcat(sig, wt); if ((i+2 < wcnt) && (wref[i] == (wref[i+2] - 2))) { while (wref[i] == (wref[i+1] - 1)) i++; strcat(sig, "-"); } else if (++i < wcnt) strcat(sig, ",\\|"); } } int wswap(int *iw1, int *iw2) { return (*iw1 - *iw2); }