/* * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ /* Copyright (c) 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. */ #include "refer..c" static int *coord = 0; int hh[50]; extern int *hfreq, hfrflg; extern int prfreqs; union ptr { unsigned *a; long *b; }; extern int hash(); extern void shell(); extern void *zalloc(); static long getl(FILE *); static int hcomp(int, int); static void hexch(int, int); int doquery(long *hpt, int nhash, FILE *fb, int nitem, char *qitem[], unsigned *mptr) { long k; union ptr prevdrop, master; int nf = 0, best = 0, nterm = 0, i, g, j; int *prevcoord; long lp; extern int lmaster, colevel, reached; extern int iflong; if (iflong) { master.b = (long *)mptr; } else { master.a = mptr; } #if D1 fprintf(stderr, "entering doquery nitem %d\n", nitem); fprintf(stderr, "first few hashes are %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", hpt[0], hpt[1], hpt[2], hpt[3], hpt[4]); fprintf(stderr, "and frequencies are %d %d %d %d %d\n", hfreq[0], hfreq[1], hfreq[2], hfreq[3], hfreq[4]); #endif assert(lmaster > 0); if (coord == 0) coord = (int *)zalloc(lmaster, sizeof (lmaster)); if (colevel > 0) { if (iflong) prevdrop.b = (long *)zalloc(lmaster, sizeof (long)); else prevdrop.a = (unsigned *)zalloc(lmaster, sizeof (int)); prevcoord = (int *)zalloc(lmaster, sizeof (lmaster)); } else { prevdrop.a = master.a; prevcoord = coord; } #if D1 fprintf(stderr, "nitem %d\n", nitem); #endif for (i = 0; i < nitem; i++) { hh[i] = hash(qitem[i])%nhash; #if D1 fprintf(stderr, "query wd X%sX has hash %d\n", qitem[i], hh[i]); #endif } #if D1 fprintf(stderr, "past that loop nhash %d hpt is %lo\n", nhash, hpt); #endif if (prfreqs) for (i = 0; i < nitem; i++) fprintf(stderr, "item %s hash %d hfreq %d\n", qitem[i], hh[i], hfreq[hh[i]]); /* if possible, sort query into decreasing frequency of hashes */ if (hfrflg) shell(nitem, hcomp, hexch); #if D1 for (i = 0; i < nitem; i++) fprintf(stderr, "item hash %d frq %d\n", hh[i], hfreq[hh[i]]); #endif lp = hpt [hh[0]]; #if D1 fprintf(stderr, "first item hash %d lp %ld 0%lo\n", hh[0], lp, lp); #endif assert(fb != NULL); assert(fseek(fb, lp, 0) != -1); for (i = 0; i < lmaster; i++) { if (iflong) master.b[i] = getl(fb); else master.a[i] = getw(fb); coord[i] = 1; #if D2 if (iflong) fprintf(stderr, "master has %ld\n", (master.b[i])); else fprintf(stderr, "master has %d\n", (master.a[i])); #endif assert(i < lmaster); if (iflong) { if (master.b[i] == -1L) break; } else { if (master.a[i] == -1) break; } } nf = i; for (nterm = 1; nterm < nitem; nterm++) { #ifdef D1 fprintf(stderr, "item %d, hash %d\n", nterm, hh[nterm]); #endif if (colevel > 0) { for (j = 0; j < nf; j++) { if (iflong) prevdrop.b[j] = master.b[j]; else prevdrop.a[j] = master.a[j]; prevcoord[j] = coord[j]; } } lp = hpt[hh[nterm]]; assert(fseek(fb, lp, 0) != -1); #if D1 fprintf(stderr, "item %d hash %d seek to %ld\n", nterm, hh[nterm], lp); #endif g = j = 0; while (1) { if (iflong) k = getl(fb); else k = getw(fb); if (k == -1) break; #if D2 fprintf(stderr, "next term finds %ld\n", k); #endif #if D3 if (iflong) fprintf(stderr, "bfwh j %d nf %d master %ld k %ld\n", j, nf, prevdrop.b[j], (long)(k)); else fprintf(stderr, "bfwh j %d nf %d master %ld k %ld\n", j, nf, prevdrop.a[j], (long)(k)); #endif while (j < nf && (iflong ? prevdrop.b[j] : prevdrop.a[j]) < k) { #if D3 if (iflong) fprintf(stderr, "j %d nf %d prevdrop " "%ld prevcoord %d colevel %d nterm " "%d k %ld\n", j, nf, prevdrop.b[j], prevcoord[j], colevel, nterm, (long)(k)); else fprintf(stderr, "j %d nf %d prevdrop " "%ld prevcoord %d colevel %d nterm " "%d k %ld\n", j, nf, prevdrop.a[j], prevcoord[j], colevel, nterm, (long)(k)); #endif if (prevcoord[j] + colevel <= nterm) j++; else { assert(g < lmaster); if (iflong) master.b[g] = prevdrop.b[j]; else master.a[g] = prevdrop.a[j]; coord[g++] = prevcoord[j++]; #if D1 if (iflong) fprintf(stderr, " not skip g " "%d doc %d coord %d note " "%d\n", g, master.b[g-1], coord[g-1], master.b[j-1]); else fprintf(stderr, " not skip g " "%d doc %ld coord %d nterm " "%d\n", g, master.a[g-1], coord[g-1], nterm); #endif continue; } } if (colevel == 0 && j >= nf) break; if (j < nf && (iflong ? prevdrop.b[j] : prevdrop.a[j]) == k) { if (iflong) master.b[g] = k; else master.a[g] = k; coord[g++] = prevcoord[j++]+1; #if D1 if (iflong) fprintf(stderr, " at g %d item %ld " "coord %d note %ld\n", g, master.b[g-1], coord[g-1], master.b[j-1]); else fprintf(stderr, " at g %d item %d " "coord %d note %d\n", g, master.a[g-1], coord[g-1], master.a[j-1]); #endif } else if (colevel >= nterm) { if (iflong) master.b[g] = k; else master.a[g] = k; coord[g++] = 1; } } #if D1 fprintf(stderr, "now have %d items\n", g); #endif if (colevel > 0) for (; j < nf; j++) if ((iflong ? prevdrop.b[j] : prevdrop.a[j]) + colevel > nterm) { assert(g < lmaster); if (iflong) master.b[g] = prevdrop.b[j]; else master.a[g] = prevdrop.a[j]; coord[g++] = prevcoord[j]; #if D3 if (iflong) fprintf(stderr, "copied over " "%ld coord %d\n", master.b[g-1], coord[g-1]); else fprintf(stderr, "copied over " "%d coord %d\n", master.a[g-1], coord[g-1]); #endif } nf = g; } if (colevel > 0) { best = 0; for (j = 0; j < nf; j++) if (coord[j] > best) best = coord[j]; #if D1 fprintf(stderr, "colevel %d best %d\n", colevel, best); #endif reached = best; for (g = j = 0; j < nf; j++) if (coord[j] == best) { if (iflong) master.b[g++] = master.b[j]; else master.a[g++] = master.a[j]; } nf = g; #if D1 fprintf(stderr, "yet got %d\n", nf); #endif } #ifdef D1 fprintf(stderr, " returning with %d\n", nf); #endif if (colevel) { free(prevdrop, lmaster, iflong ? sizeof (long): sizeof (int)); free(prevcoord, lmaster, sizeof (lmaster)); } #if D3 for (g = 0; g < nf; g++) if (iflong) fprintf(stderr, ":%ld\n", master.b[g]); else fprintf(stderr, ":%d\n", master.a[g]); #endif return (nf); } static long getl(FILE *fb) { return (getw(fb)); } static int hcomp(int n1, int n2) { return (hfreq[hh[n1]] <= hfreq[hh[n2]]); } static void hexch(int n1, int n2) { int t; t = hh[n1]; hh[n1] = hh[n2]; hh[n2] = t; }