/* * Copyright (C) 1993-2005 by Darren Reed. * See the IPFILTER.LICENCE file for details on licencing. */ %{ #include "ipf.h" #include <syslog.h> #undef OPT_NAT #undef OPT_VERBOSE #include "ipmon_l.h" #include "ipmon.h" #define YYDEBUG 1 extern void yyerror __P((char *)); extern int yyparse __P((void)); extern int yylex __P((void)); extern int yydebug; extern FILE *yyin; extern int yylineNum; typedef struct opt { struct opt *o_next; int o_line; int o_type; int o_num; char *o_str; struct in_addr o_ip; } opt_t; static void build_action __P((struct opt *)); static opt_t *new_opt __P((int)); static void free_action __P((ipmon_action_t *)); static ipmon_action_t *alist = NULL; %} %union { char *str; u_32_t num; struct in_addr addr; struct opt *opt; union i6addr ip6; } %token <num> YY_NUMBER YY_HEX %token <str> YY_STR %token <ip6> YY_IPV6 %token YY_COMMENT %token YY_CMP_EQ YY_CMP_NE YY_CMP_LE YY_CMP_GE YY_CMP_LT YY_CMP_GT %token YY_RANGE_OUT YY_RANGE_IN %token IPM_MATCH IPM_BODY IPM_COMMENT IPM_DIRECTION IPM_DSTIP IPM_DSTPORT %token IPM_EVERY IPM_EXECUTE IPM_GROUP IPM_INTERFACE IPM_IN IPM_NO IPM_OUT %token IPM_PACKET IPM_PACKETS IPM_POOL IPM_PROTOCOL IPM_RESULT IPM_RULE %token IPM_SECOND IPM_SECONDS IPM_SRCIP IPM_SRCPORT IPM_LOGTAG IPM_WITH %token IPM_DO IPM_SAVE IPM_SYSLOG IPM_NOTHING IPM_RAW IPM_TYPE IPM_NAT %token IPM_STATE IPM_NATTAG IPM_IPF %type <addr> ipv4 %type <opt> direction dstip dstport every execute group interface %type <opt> protocol result rule srcip srcport logtag matching %type <opt> matchopt nattag type doopt doing save syslog nothing %type <num> saveopts saveopt typeopt %% file: line | assign | file line | file assign ; line: IPM_MATCH '{' matching '}' IPM_DO '{' doing '}' ';' { build_action($3); resetlexer(); } | IPM_COMMENT | YY_COMMENT ; assign: YY_STR assigning YY_STR ';' { set_variable($1, $3); resetlexer(); free($1); free($3); } ; assigning: '=' { yyvarnext = 1; } ; matching: matchopt { $$ = $1; } | matchopt ',' matching { $1->o_next = $3; $$ = $1; } ; matchopt: direction { $$ = $1; } | dstip { $$ = $1; } | dstport { $$ = $1; } | every { $$ = $1; } | group { $$ = $1; } | interface { $$ = $1; } | protocol { $$ = $1; } | result { $$ = $1; } | rule { $$ = $1; } | srcip { $$ = $1; } | srcport { $$ = $1; } | logtag { $$ = $1; } | nattag { $$ = $1; } | type { $$ = $1; } ; doing: doopt { $$ = $1; } | doopt ',' doing { $1->o_next = $3; $$ = $1; } ; doopt: execute { $$ = $1; } | save { $$ = $1; } | syslog { $$ = $1; } | nothing { $$ = $1; } ; direction: IPM_DIRECTION '=' IPM_IN { $$ = new_opt(IPM_DIRECTION); $$->o_num = IPM_IN; } | IPM_DIRECTION '=' IPM_OUT { $$ = new_opt(IPM_DIRECTION); $$->o_num = IPM_OUT; } ; dstip: IPM_DSTIP '=' ipv4 '/' YY_NUMBER { $$ = new_opt(IPM_DSTIP); $$->o_ip = $3; $$->o_num = $5; } ; dstport: IPM_DSTPORT '=' YY_NUMBER { $$ = new_opt(IPM_DSTPORT); $$->o_num = $3; } | IPM_DSTPORT '=' YY_STR { $$ = new_opt(IPM_DSTPORT); $$->o_str = $3; } ; every: IPM_EVERY IPM_SECOND { $$ = new_opt(IPM_SECOND); $$->o_num = 1; } | IPM_EVERY YY_NUMBER IPM_SECONDS { $$ = new_opt(IPM_SECOND); $$->o_num = $2; } | IPM_EVERY IPM_PACKET { $$ = new_opt(IPM_PACKET); $$->o_num = 1; } | IPM_EVERY YY_NUMBER IPM_PACKETS { $$ = new_opt(IPM_PACKET); $$->o_num = $2; } ; group: IPM_GROUP '=' YY_NUMBER { $$ = new_opt(IPM_GROUP); $$->o_num = $3; } | IPM_GROUP '=' YY_STR { $$ = new_opt(IPM_GROUP); $$->o_str = $3; } ; interface: IPM_INTERFACE '=' YY_STR { $$ = new_opt(IPM_INTERFACE); $$->o_str = $3; } ; logtag: IPM_LOGTAG '=' YY_NUMBER { $$ = new_opt(IPM_LOGTAG); $$->o_num = $3; } ; nattag: IPM_NATTAG '=' YY_STR { $$ = new_opt(IPM_NATTAG); $$->o_str = $3; } ; protocol: IPM_PROTOCOL '=' YY_NUMBER { $$ = new_opt(IPM_PROTOCOL); $$->o_num = $3; } | IPM_PROTOCOL '=' YY_STR { $$ = new_opt(IPM_PROTOCOL); $$->o_num = getproto($3); free($3); } ; result: IPM_RESULT '=' YY_STR { $$ = new_opt(IPM_RESULT); $$->o_str = $3; } ; rule: IPM_RULE '=' YY_NUMBER { $$ = new_opt(IPM_RULE); $$->o_num = YY_NUMBER; } ; srcip: IPM_SRCIP '=' ipv4 '/' YY_NUMBER { $$ = new_opt(IPM_SRCIP); $$->o_ip = $3; $$->o_num = $5; } ; srcport: IPM_SRCPORT '=' YY_NUMBER { $$ = new_opt(IPM_SRCPORT); $$->o_num = $3; } | IPM_SRCPORT '=' YY_STR { $$ = new_opt(IPM_SRCPORT); $$->o_str = $3; } ; type: IPM_TYPE '=' typeopt { $$ = new_opt(IPM_TYPE); $$->o_num = $3; } ; typeopt: IPM_IPF { $$ = IPL_MAGIC; } | IPM_NAT { $$ = IPL_MAGIC_NAT; } | IPM_STATE { $$ = IPL_MAGIC_STATE; } ; execute: IPM_EXECUTE YY_STR { $$ = new_opt(IPM_EXECUTE); $$->o_str = $2; } ; save: IPM_SAVE saveopts YY_STR { $$ = new_opt(IPM_SAVE); $$->o_num = $2; $$->o_str = $3; } ; saveopts: { $$ = 0; } | saveopt { $$ = $1; } | saveopt ',' saveopts { $$ = $1 | $3; } ; saveopt: IPM_RAW { $$ = IPMDO_SAVERAW; } ; syslog: IPM_SYSLOG { $$ = new_opt(IPM_SYSLOG); } ; nothing: IPM_NOTHING { $$ = 0; } ; ipv4: YY_NUMBER '.' YY_NUMBER '.' YY_NUMBER '.' YY_NUMBER { if ($1 > 255 || $3 > 255 || $5 > 255 || $7 > 255) { yyerror("Invalid octet string for IP address"); return 0; } $$.s_addr = ($1 << 24) | ($3 << 16) | ($5 << 8) | $7; $$.s_addr = htonl($$.s_addr); } %% static struct wordtab yywords[] = { { "body", IPM_BODY }, { "direction", IPM_DIRECTION }, { "do", IPM_DO }, { "dstip", IPM_DSTIP }, { "dstport", IPM_DSTPORT }, { "every", IPM_EVERY }, { "execute", IPM_EXECUTE }, { "group", IPM_GROUP }, { "in", IPM_IN }, { "interface", IPM_INTERFACE }, { "ipf", IPM_IPF }, { "logtag", IPM_LOGTAG }, { "match", IPM_MATCH }, { "nat", IPM_NAT }, { "nattag", IPM_NATTAG }, { "no", IPM_NO }, { "nothing", IPM_NOTHING }, { "out", IPM_OUT }, { "packet", IPM_PACKET }, { "packets", IPM_PACKETS }, { "protocol", IPM_PROTOCOL }, { "result", IPM_RESULT }, { "rule", IPM_RULE }, { "save", IPM_SAVE }, { "raw", IPM_RAW }, { "second", IPM_SECOND }, { "seconds", IPM_SECONDS }, { "srcip", IPM_SRCIP }, { "srcport", IPM_SRCPORT }, { "state", IPM_STATE }, { "syslog", IPM_SYSLOG }, { "with", IPM_WITH }, { NULL, 0 } }; static int macflags[17][2] = { { IPM_DIRECTION, IPMAC_DIRECTION }, { IPM_DSTIP, IPMAC_DSTIP }, { IPM_DSTPORT, IPMAC_DSTPORT }, { IPM_GROUP, IPMAC_GROUP }, { IPM_INTERFACE, IPMAC_INTERFACE }, { IPM_LOGTAG, IPMAC_LOGTAG }, { IPM_NATTAG, IPMAC_NATTAG }, { IPM_PACKET, IPMAC_EVERY }, { IPM_PROTOCOL, IPMAC_PROTOCOL }, { IPM_RESULT, IPMAC_RESULT }, { IPM_RULE, IPMAC_RULE }, { IPM_SECOND, IPMAC_EVERY }, { IPM_SRCIP, IPMAC_SRCIP }, { IPM_SRCPORT, IPMAC_SRCPORT }, { IPM_TYPE, IPMAC_TYPE }, { IPM_WITH, IPMAC_WITH }, { 0, 0 } }; static opt_t *new_opt(type) int type; { opt_t *o; o = (opt_t *)malloc(sizeof(*o)); if (o == NULL) yyerror("sorry, out of memory"); o->o_type = type; o->o_line = yylineNum; o->o_num = 0; o->o_str = (char *)0; o->o_next = NULL; return o; } static void build_action(olist) opt_t *olist; { ipmon_action_t *a; opt_t *o; char c; int i; a = (ipmon_action_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(*a)); if (a == NULL) return; while ((o = olist) != NULL) { /* * Check to see if the same comparator is being used more than * once per matching statement. */ for (i = 0; macflags[i][0]; i++) if (macflags[i][0] == o->o_type) break; if (macflags[i][1] & a->ac_mflag) { fprintf(stderr, "%s redfined on line %d\n", yykeytostr(o->o_type), yylineNum); if (o->o_str != NULL) free(o->o_str); olist = o->o_next; free(o); continue; } a->ac_mflag |= macflags[i][1]; switch (o->o_type) { case IPM_DIRECTION : a->ac_direction = o->o_num; break; case IPM_DSTIP : a->ac_dip = o->o_ip.s_addr; a->ac_dmsk = htonl(0xffffffff << (32 - o->o_num)); break; case IPM_DSTPORT : a->ac_dport = htons(o->o_num); break; case IPM_EXECUTE : a->ac_exec = o->o_str; c = *o->o_str; if (c== '"'|| c == '\'') { if (o->o_str[strlen(o->o_str) - 1] == c) { a->ac_run = strdup(o->o_str + 1); a->ac_run[strlen(a->ac_run) - 1] ='\0'; } else a->ac_run = o->o_str; } else a->ac_run = o->o_str; o->o_str = NULL; break; case IPM_INTERFACE : a->ac_iface = o->o_str; o->o_str = NULL; break; case IPM_GROUP : if (o->o_str != NULL) strncpy(a->ac_group, o->o_str, FR_GROUPLEN); else sprintf(a->ac_group, "%d", o->o_num); break; case IPM_LOGTAG : a->ac_logtag = o->o_num; break; case IPM_NATTAG : strncpy(a->ac_nattag, o->o_str, sizeof(a->ac_nattag)); break; case IPM_PACKET : a->ac_packet = o->o_num; break; case IPM_PROTOCOL : a->ac_proto = o->o_num; break; case IPM_RULE : a->ac_rule = o->o_num; break; case IPM_RESULT : if (!strcasecmp(o->o_str, "pass")) a->ac_result = IPMR_PASS; else if (!strcasecmp(o->o_str, "block")) a->ac_result = IPMR_BLOCK; else if (!strcasecmp(o->o_str, "nomatch")) a->ac_result = IPMR_NOMATCH; else if (!strcasecmp(o->o_str, "log")) a->ac_result = IPMR_LOG; break; case IPM_SECOND : a->ac_second = o->o_num; break; case IPM_SRCIP : a->ac_sip = o->o_ip.s_addr; a->ac_smsk = htonl(0xffffffff << (32 - o->o_num)); break; case IPM_SRCPORT : a->ac_sport = htons(o->o_num); break; case IPM_SAVE : if (a->ac_savefile != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s redfined on line %d\n", yykeytostr(o->o_type), yylineNum); break; } a->ac_savefile = strdup(o->o_str); a->ac_savefp = fopen(o->o_str, "a"); a->ac_dflag |= o->o_num & IPMDO_SAVERAW; break; case IPM_SYSLOG : if (a->ac_syslog != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s redfined on line %d\n", yykeytostr(o->o_type), yylineNum); break; } a->ac_syslog = 1; break; case IPM_TYPE : a->ac_type = o->o_num; break; case IPM_WITH : break; default : break; } olist = o->o_next; if (o->o_str != NULL) free(o->o_str); free(o); } a->ac_next = alist; alist = a; } int check_action(buf, log, opts, lvl) char *buf, *log; int opts, lvl; { ipmon_action_t *a; struct timeval tv; ipflog_t *ipf; tcphdr_t *tcp; iplog_t *ipl; int matched; u_long t1; ip_t *ip; matched = 0; ipl = (iplog_t *)buf; ipf = (ipflog_t *)(ipl +1); ip = (ip_t *)(ipf + 1); tcp = (tcphdr_t *)((char *)ip + (IP_HL(ip) << 2)); for (a = alist; a != NULL; a = a->ac_next) { if ((a->ac_mflag & IPMAC_DIRECTION) != 0) { if (a->ac_direction == IPM_IN) { if ((ipf->fl_flags & FR_INQUE) == 0) continue; } else if (a->ac_direction == IPM_OUT) { if ((ipf->fl_flags & FR_OUTQUE) == 0) continue; } } if ((a->ac_type != 0) && (a->ac_type != ipl->ipl_magic)) continue; if ((a->ac_mflag & IPMAC_EVERY) != 0) { gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); t1 = tv.tv_sec - a->ac_lastsec; if (tv.tv_usec <= a->ac_lastusec) t1--; if (a->ac_second != 0) { if (t1 < a->ac_second) continue; a->ac_lastsec = tv.tv_sec; a->ac_lastusec = tv.tv_usec; } if (a->ac_packet != 0) { if (a->ac_pktcnt == 0) a->ac_pktcnt++; else if (a->ac_pktcnt == a->ac_packet) { a->ac_pktcnt = 0; continue; } else { a->ac_pktcnt++; continue; } } } if ((a->ac_mflag & IPMAC_DSTIP) != 0) { if ((ip->ip_dst.s_addr & a->ac_dmsk) != a->ac_dip) continue; } if ((a->ac_mflag & IPMAC_DSTPORT) != 0) { if (ip->ip_p != IPPROTO_UDP && ip->ip_p != IPPROTO_TCP) continue; if (tcp->th_dport != a->ac_dport) continue; } if ((a->ac_mflag & IPMAC_GROUP) != 0) { if (strncmp(a->ac_group, ipf->fl_group, FR_GROUPLEN) != 0) continue; } if ((a->ac_mflag & IPMAC_INTERFACE) != 0) { if (strcmp(a->ac_iface, ipf->fl_ifname)) continue; } if ((a->ac_mflag & IPMAC_PROTOCOL) != 0) { if (a->ac_proto != ip->ip_p) continue; } if ((a->ac_mflag & IPMAC_RESULT) != 0) { if ((ipf->fl_flags & FF_LOGNOMATCH) != 0) { if (a->ac_result != IPMR_NOMATCH) continue; } else if (FR_ISPASS(ipf->fl_flags)) { if (a->ac_result != IPMR_PASS) continue; } else if (FR_ISBLOCK(ipf->fl_flags)) { if (a->ac_result != IPMR_BLOCK) continue; } else { /* Log only */ if (a->ac_result != IPMR_LOG) continue; } } if ((a->ac_mflag & IPMAC_RULE) != 0) { if (a->ac_rule != ipf->fl_rule) continue; } if ((a->ac_mflag & IPMAC_SRCIP) != 0) { if ((ip->ip_src.s_addr & a->ac_smsk) != a->ac_sip) continue; } if ((a->ac_mflag & IPMAC_SRCPORT) != 0) { if (ip->ip_p != IPPROTO_UDP && ip->ip_p != IPPROTO_TCP) continue; if (tcp->th_sport != a->ac_sport) continue; } if ((a->ac_mflag & IPMAC_LOGTAG) != 0) { if (a->ac_logtag != ipf->fl_logtag) continue; } if ((a->ac_mflag & IPMAC_NATTAG) != 0) { if (strncmp(a->ac_nattag, ipf->fl_nattag.ipt_tag, IPFTAG_LEN) != 0) continue; } matched = 1; /* * It matched so now execute the command */ if (a->ac_syslog != 0) { syslog(lvl, "%s", log); } if (a->ac_savefp != NULL) { if (a->ac_dflag & IPMDO_SAVERAW) fwrite(ipl, 1, ipl->ipl_dsize, a->ac_savefp); else fputs(log, a->ac_savefp); } if (a->ac_exec != NULL) { switch (fork()) { case 0 : { FILE *pi; pi = popen(a->ac_run, "w"); if (pi != NULL) { fprintf(pi, "%s\n", log); if ((opts & OPT_HEXHDR) != 0) { dumphex(pi, 0, buf, sizeof(*ipl) + sizeof(*ipf)); } if ((opts & OPT_HEXBODY) != 0) { dumphex(pi, 0, (char *)ip, ipf->fl_hlen + ipf->fl_plen); } pclose(pi); } exit(1); } case -1 : break; default : break; } } } return matched; } static void free_action(a) ipmon_action_t *a; { if (a->ac_savefile != NULL) { free(a->ac_savefile); a->ac_savefile = NULL; } if (a->ac_savefp != NULL) { fclose(a->ac_savefp); a->ac_savefp = NULL; } if (a->ac_exec != NULL) { free(a->ac_exec); if (a->ac_run == a->ac_exec) a->ac_run = NULL; a->ac_exec = NULL; } if (a->ac_run != NULL) { free(a->ac_run); a->ac_run = NULL; } if (a->ac_iface != NULL) { free(a->ac_iface); a->ac_iface = NULL; } a->ac_next = NULL; free(a); } int load_config(file) char *file; { ipmon_action_t *a; FILE *fp; char *s; s = getenv("YYDEBUG"); if (s != NULL) yydebug = atoi(s); else yydebug = 0; while ((a = alist) != NULL) { alist = a->ac_next; free_action(a); } yylineNum = 1; (void) yysettab(yywords); fp = fopen(file, "r"); if (!fp) { perror("load_config:fopen:"); return -1; } yyin = fp; while (!feof(fp)) yyparse(); fclose(fp); return 0; }