/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */ #include <strings.h> #include <fm/topo_hc.h> #include <sys/fm/util.h> #include <libxml/xpath.h> #include <libxml/parser.h> #include <libxml/xpathInternals.h> #include <libxml/tree.h> #include "fabric-xlate.h" #define HAS_PROP(node, name) xmlHasProp(node, (const xmlChar *)name) #define GET_PROP(node, name) ((char *)xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)name)) #define FREE_PROP(prop) xmlFree((xmlChar *)prop) extern xmlXPathContextPtr fab_xpathCtx; /* ARGSUSED */ int fab_prep_basic_erpt(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, nvlist_t *nvl, nvlist_t *erpt, boolean_t isRC) { uint64_t *now; uint64_t ena; uint_t nelem; nvlist_t *detector, *new_detector; char rcpath[255]; int err = 0; /* Grab the tod, ena and detector(FMRI) */ err |= nvlist_lookup_uint64_array(nvl, "__tod", &now, &nelem); err |= nvlist_lookup_uint64(nvl, "ena", &ena); err |= nvlist_lookup_nvlist(nvl, FM_EREPORT_DETECTOR, &detector); if (err) return (err); /* Make a copy of the detector */ err = nvlist_dup(detector, &new_detector, NV_UNIQUE_NAME); if (err) return (err); /* Copy the tod and ena to erpt */ (void) nvlist_add_uint64(erpt, FM_EREPORT_ENA, ena); (void) nvlist_add_uint64_array(erpt, "__tod", now, nelem); /* * Create the correct ROOT FMRI from PCIe leaf fabric ereports. Used * only by fab_prep_fake_rc_erpt. See the fab_pciex_fake_rc_erpt_tbl * comments for more information. */ if (isRC && fab_get_rcpath(hdl, nvl, rcpath)) { /* Create the correct PCIe RC new_detector aka FMRI */ (void) nvlist_remove(new_detector, FM_FMRI_DEV_PATH, DATA_TYPE_STRING); (void) nvlist_add_string(new_detector, FM_FMRI_DEV_PATH, rcpath); } /* Copy the FMRI to erpt */ (void) nvlist_add_nvlist(erpt, FM_EREPORT_DETECTOR, new_detector); nvlist_free(new_detector); return (err); } void fab_send_tgt_erpt(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, fab_data_t *data, const char *class, boolean_t isPrimary) { nvlist_t *nvl = data->nvl; nvlist_t *erpt; char *fmri = NULL; uint32_t tgt_trans; uint64_t tgt_addr; uint16_t tgt_bdf; if (isPrimary) { tgt_trans = data->pcie_ue_tgt_trans; tgt_addr = data->pcie_ue_tgt_addr; tgt_bdf = data->pcie_ue_tgt_bdf; } else { tgt_trans = data->pcie_sue_tgt_trans; tgt_addr = data->pcie_sue_tgt_addr; tgt_bdf = data->pcie_sue_tgt_bdf; } fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "Sending Target Ereport: " "type 0x%x addr 0x%llx fltbdf 0x%x\n", tgt_trans, tgt_addr, tgt_bdf); if (!tgt_trans) return; if ((tgt_trans == PF_ADDR_PIO) && tgt_addr) fmri = fab_find_addr(hdl, nvl, tgt_addr); else if ((tgt_trans == PF_ADDR_CFG || (tgt_trans == PF_ADDR_DMA)) && tgt_bdf) fmri = fab_find_bdf(hdl, nvl, tgt_bdf); if (fmri) { uint64_t *now; uint64_t ena; uint_t nelem; nvlist_t *detector; int err = 0; /* Allocate space for new erpt */ if (nvlist_alloc(&erpt, NV_UNIQUE_NAME, 0) != 0) goto done; /* Generate the target ereport class */ (void) snprintf(fab_buf, FM_MAX_CLASS, "ereport.io.%s.%s", PCI_ERROR_SUBCLASS, class); (void) nvlist_add_string(erpt, FM_CLASS, fab_buf); /* Grab the tod, ena and detector(FMRI) */ err |= nvlist_lookup_uint64_array(nvl, "__tod", &now, &nelem); err |= nvlist_lookup_uint64(nvl, "ena", &ena); /* Copy the tod and ena to erpt */ (void) nvlist_add_uint64(erpt, FM_EREPORT_ENA, ena); (void) nvlist_add_uint64_array(erpt, "__tod", now, nelem); /* Create the correct FMRI */ if (nvlist_alloc(&detector, NV_UNIQUE_NAME, 0) != 0) { nvlist_free(erpt); goto done; } (void) nvlist_add_uint8(detector, FM_VERSION, FM_DEV_SCHEME_VERSION); (void) nvlist_add_string(detector, FM_FMRI_SCHEME, FM_FMRI_SCHEME_DEV); (void) nvlist_add_string(detector, FM_FMRI_DEV_PATH, fmri); (void) nvlist_add_nvlist(erpt, FM_EREPORT_DETECTOR, detector); nvlist_free(detector); /* Add the address payload */ (void) nvlist_add_uint64(erpt, PCI_PA, tgt_addr); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "Sending target ereport: %s 0x%x\n", fab_buf, tgt_addr); fmd_xprt_post(hdl, fab_fmd_xprt, erpt, 0); if (fmd_xprt_error(hdl, fab_fmd_xprt)) goto done; fmd_hdl_strfree(hdl, fmri); } else { fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "Cannot find Target FMRI addr:0x%llx bdf 0x%x\n", tgt_addr, tgt_bdf); } return; done: if (fmri) xmlFree(fmri); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "Failed to send Target PCI ereport\n"); } void fab_send_erpt(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, fab_data_t *data, fab_err_tbl_t *tbl) { fab_erpt_tbl_t *erpt_tbl, *entry; nvlist_t *erpt; uint32_t reg; erpt_tbl = tbl->erpt_tbl; if (tbl->reg_size == 16) { reg = (uint32_t)*((uint16_t *) ((uint32_t)data + tbl->reg_offset)); } else { reg = *((uint32_t *)((uint32_t)data + tbl->reg_offset)); } for (entry = erpt_tbl; entry->err_class; entry++) { if (!(reg & entry->reg_bit)) continue; if (nvlist_alloc(&erpt, NV_UNIQUE_NAME, 0) != 0) goto done; if (tbl->fab_prep(hdl, data, erpt, entry) != 0) { fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "Prepping ereport failed: " "class = %s\n", entry->err_class); nvlist_free(erpt); continue; } if (data->pcie_rp_send_all) { fab_send_erpt_all_rps(hdl, erpt); nvlist_free(erpt); return; } fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "Sending ereport: %s 0x%x\n", fab_buf, reg); fmd_xprt_post(hdl, fab_fmd_xprt, erpt, 0); if (fmd_xprt_error(hdl, fab_fmd_xprt)) { fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "Failed to send PCI ereport\n"); return; } } return; done: fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "Failed to send PCI ereport\n"); } char * fab_xpath_query(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, const char *query) { xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj; xmlNodeSetPtr nodes; char *temp, *res; fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "xpathObj query %s\n", query); xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((const xmlChar *)query, fab_xpathCtx); if (xpathObj == NULL) return (NULL); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "xpathObj 0x%p type %d\n", xpathObj, xpathObj->type); nodes = xpathObj->nodesetval; if (nodes) { temp = (char *)xmlNodeGetContent(nodes->nodeTab[0]); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "query result: %s\n", temp); res = fmd_hdl_strdup(hdl, temp, FMD_SLEEP); xmlFree(temp); xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); return (res); } xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); return (NULL); } #define FAB_HC2DEV_QUERY_SIZE_MIN 160 #define FAB_HC2DEV_QUERY_SIZE(sz) \ ((sz + FAB_HC2DEV_QUERY_SIZE_MIN) * sizeof (char)) /* * hc_path is in form of "/motherboard=0/hostbridge=0/pciexrc=0" */ boolean_t fab_hc2dev(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, const char *hc_path, char **dev_path) { char *query; uint_t len = FAB_HC2DEV_QUERY_SIZE_MIN + strlen(hc_path); query = fmd_hdl_alloc(hdl, len, FMD_SLEEP); (void) snprintf(query, len, "//propval[@name='resource' and contains(" "substring(@value, string-length(@value) - %d + 1), '%s')]" "/parent::*/following-sibling::*/propval[@name='dev']/@value", strlen(hc_path) + 1, hc_path); *dev_path = fab_xpath_query(hdl, query); fmd_hdl_free(hdl, query, len); return (*dev_path != NULL); } static boolean_t fab_hc_path(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, nvlist_t *detector, char **hcpath, size_t *lenp) { char c, *name, *id, *buf; uint_t i, size; nvlist_t **hcl; size_t len = 0, buf_size = 0; if (nvlist_lookup_nvlist_array(detector, FM_FMRI_HC_LIST, &hcl, &size) != 0) return (B_FALSE); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (nvlist_lookup_string(hcl[i], FM_FMRI_HC_NAME, &name) != 0) return (B_FALSE); if (nvlist_lookup_string(hcl[i], FM_FMRI_HC_ID, &id) != 0) return (B_FALSE); buf_size += snprintf(&c, 1, "/%s=%s", name, id); } buf_size++; buf = fmd_hdl_alloc(hdl, buf_size, FMD_SLEEP); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { (void) nvlist_lookup_string(hcl[i], FM_FMRI_HC_NAME, &name); (void) nvlist_lookup_string(hcl[i], FM_FMRI_HC_ID, &id); len += snprintf(buf + len, buf_size - len, "/%s=%s", name, id); } *hcpath = buf; *lenp = buf_size; return (B_TRUE); } boolean_t fab_hc2dev_nvl(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, nvlist_t *detector, char **dev_path) { char *hcl; size_t len; if (! fab_hc_path(hdl, detector, &hcl, &len)) return (B_FALSE); (void) fab_hc2dev(hdl, hcl, dev_path); fmd_hdl_free(hdl, hcl, len); return (*dev_path != NULL); } boolean_t fab_get_hcpath(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, nvlist_t *nvl, char **hcpath, size_t *len) { nvlist_t *detector; char *scheme; if (nvlist_lookup_nvlist(nvl, FM_EREPORT_DETECTOR, &detector) != 0 || nvlist_lookup_string(detector, FM_FMRI_SCHEME, &scheme) != 0 || ! STRCMP(scheme, FM_FMRI_SCHEME_HC)) return (B_FALSE); return (fab_hc_path(hdl, detector, hcpath, len)); } char * fab_find_rppath_by_df(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, nvlist_t *nvl, uint8_t df) { char query[500]; char str[10]; char *hcpath; size_t len; (void) snprintf(str, sizeof (str), "%0hhx", df); /* * get the string form of the hc detector, eg * /chassis=0/motherboard=0/hostbridge=0 */ if (!fab_get_hcpath(hdl, nvl, &hcpath, &len)) return (NULL); /* * Explanation of the XSL XPATH Query * Line 1: Look at all nodes with the node name "propval" * Line 2: See if the "BDF" of the node matches DF * Line 3-4: See if the the node is pciexrc * Line 5-6: See if the "ASRU" contains root complex * Line 7-8: Go up one level and get prop value of io/dev */ (void) snprintf(query, sizeof (query), "//propval[" "@name='BDF' and contains(substring(@value, " "string-length(@value) - 1), '%s')]" "/parent::*/parent::*/propgroup[@name='pci']/propval" "[@name='extended-capabilities' and @value='%s']" "/parent::*/parent::*/propgroup[@name='protocol']" "/propval[@name='resource' and contains(@value, '%s')]" "/parent::*/parent::*/propgroup[@name='io']" "/propval[@name='dev']/@value", str, PCIEX_ROOT, hcpath); fmd_hdl_free(hdl, hcpath, len); return (fab_xpath_query(hdl, query)); } char * fab_find_rppath_by_devbdf(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, nvlist_t *nvl, pcie_req_id_t bdf) { xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj; xmlNodeSetPtr nodes; xmlNodePtr devNode; char *retval, *temp; char query[500]; int i, size, bus, dev, fn; char *hcpath; size_t len; if (bdf != (uint16_t)-1) { bus = (bdf & PCIE_REQ_ID_BUS_MASK) >> PCIE_REQ_ID_BUS_SHIFT; dev = (bdf & PCIE_REQ_ID_DEV_MASK) >> PCIE_REQ_ID_DEV_SHIFT; fn = (bdf & PCIE_REQ_ID_FUNC_MASK) >> PCIE_REQ_ID_FUNC_SHIFT; } /* * get the string form of the hc detector, eg * /chassis=0/motherboard=0/hostbridge=0 */ if (!fab_get_hcpath(hdl, nvl, &hcpath, &len)) goto fail; /* * Explanation of the XSL XPATH Query * Line 1: Look at all nodes with the node name "propval" * Line 2-3: See if the "value" of the node ends with correct PCIEx BDF * Line 4-5: See if the "value" of the node ends with correct PCI BDF * Line 6: Go up one level to the parent of the current node * Line 7: See if child node contains "ASRU" with the same PCIe Root * Line 8: Go up see all the ancestors */ (void) snprintf(query, sizeof (query), "//propval[" "contains(substring(@value, string-length(@value) - 34), " "'pciexbus=%d/pciexdev=%d/pciexfn=%d') or " "contains(substring(@value, string-length(@value) - 28), " "'pcibus=%d/pcidev=%d/pcifn=%d')" "]/parent::" "*/propval[@name='resource' and contains(@value, '%s')]" "/ancestor::*", bus, dev, fn, bus, dev, fn, hcpath); fmd_hdl_free(hdl, hcpath, len); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "xpathObj query %s\n", query); xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((const xmlChar *)query, fab_xpathCtx); if (xpathObj == NULL) goto fail; nodes = xpathObj->nodesetval; size = (nodes) ? nodes->nodeNr : 0; fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "xpathObj 0x%p type %d size %d\n", xpathObj, xpathObj->type, size); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { devNode = nodes->nodeTab[i]; if (STRCMP(devNode->name, "range") && HAS_PROP(devNode, "name")) { char *tprop = GET_PROP(devNode, "name"); /* find "range name='pciexrc'" in ancestors */ if (STRCMP(tprop, PCIEX_ROOT)) { /* go down to the pciexrc instance node */ FREE_PROP(tprop); devNode = nodes->nodeTab[i+1]; goto found; } FREE_PROP(tprop); } } goto fail; found: /* Traverse down the xml tree to find the right propgroup */ for (devNode = devNode->children; devNode; devNode = devNode->next) { if (STRCMP(devNode->name, "propgroup")) { char *tprop = GET_PROP(devNode, "name"); if (STRCMP(tprop, "io")) { FREE_PROP(tprop); goto propgroup; } FREE_PROP(tprop); } } goto fail; propgroup: /* Retrive the "dev" propval and return */ for (devNode = devNode->children; devNode; devNode = devNode->next) { if (STRCMP(devNode->name, "propval")) { char *tprop = GET_PROP(devNode, "name"); if (STRCMP(tprop, "dev")) { temp = GET_PROP(devNode, "value"); retval = fmd_hdl_strdup(hdl, temp, FMD_SLEEP); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "RP Path: %s\n", retval); xmlFree(temp); xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); } FREE_PROP(tprop); return (retval); } } fail: if (xpathObj != NULL) xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); return (NULL); } char * fab_find_rppath_by_devpath(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, const char *devpath) { char query[500]; /* * Explanation of the XSL XPATH Query * Line 1: Look at all nodes with the node name "propval" * Line 2: See if the node is pciexrc * Line 3: Go up to the io pgroup * Line 4: See if the "dev" prop is parent of devpath * Line 5: Get the 'dev' prop */ (void) snprintf(query, sizeof (query), "//propval" "[@name='extended-capabilities' and @value='%s']" "/parent::*/parent::*/propgroup[@name='io']" "/propval[@name='dev' and starts-with('%s', concat(@value, '/'))]" "/@value", PCIEX_ROOT, devpath); return (fab_xpath_query(hdl, query)); } /* ARGSUSED */ boolean_t fab_get_rcpath(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, nvlist_t *nvl, char *rcpath) { nvlist_t *detector; char *path, *scheme; if (nvlist_lookup_nvlist(nvl, FM_EREPORT_DETECTOR, &detector) != 0) goto fail; if (nvlist_lookup_string(detector, FM_FMRI_SCHEME, &scheme) != 0) goto fail; if (STRCMP(scheme, FM_FMRI_SCHEME_DEV)) { if (nvlist_lookup_string(detector, FM_FMRI_DEV_PATH, &path) != 0) goto fail; (void) strncpy(rcpath, path, FM_MAX_CLASS); } else if (STRCMP(scheme, FM_FMRI_SCHEME_HC)) { /* * This should only occur for ereports that come from the RC * itself. In this case convert HC scheme to dev path. */ if (fab_hc2dev_nvl(hdl, detector, &path)) { (void) strncpy(rcpath, path, FM_MAX_CLASS); fmd_hdl_strfree(hdl, path); } else { goto fail; } } else { return (B_FALSE); } /* * Extract the RC path by taking the first device in the dev path * * /pci@0,0/pci8086,3605@2/pci8086,3500@0/pci8086,3514@1/pci8086,105e@0 * - to - * /pci@0,0 */ path = strchr(rcpath + 1, '/'); if (path) path[0] = '\0'; return (B_TRUE); fail: return (B_FALSE); } char * fab_find_bdf(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, nvlist_t *nvl, pcie_req_id_t bdf) { char *retval; char query[500]; int bus, dev, fn; char rcpath[255]; if (bdf != (uint16_t)-1) { bus = (bdf & PCIE_REQ_ID_BUS_MASK) >> PCIE_REQ_ID_BUS_SHIFT; dev = (bdf & PCIE_REQ_ID_DEV_MASK) >> PCIE_REQ_ID_DEV_SHIFT; fn = (bdf & PCIE_REQ_ID_FUNC_MASK) >> PCIE_REQ_ID_FUNC_SHIFT; } if (!fab_get_rcpath(hdl, nvl, rcpath)) goto fail; /* * Explanation of the XSL XPATH Query * Line 1: Look at all nodes with the node name "propval" * Line 2-3: See if the "value" of the node ends with correct PCIEx BDF * Line 4-5: See if the "value" of the node ends with correct PCI BDF * Line 6: Go up one level to the parent of the current node * Line 7: See if child node contains "ASRU" with the same PCIe Root * Line 8: Traverse up the parent and the other siblings and look for * the io "propgroup" and get the value of the dev "propval" */ (void) snprintf(query, sizeof (query), "//propval[" "contains(substring(@value, string-length(@value) - 34), " "'pciexbus=%d/pciexdev=%d/pciexfn=%d') or " "contains(substring(@value, string-length(@value) - 28), " "'pcibus=%d/pcidev=%d/pcifn=%d')" "]/parent::" "*/propval[@name='ASRU' and contains(@value, '%s')]" "/parent::*/following-sibling::*[@name='io']/propval[@name='dev']/" "@value", bus, dev, fn, bus, dev, fn, rcpath); retval = fab_xpath_query(hdl, query); if (retval) { fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "BDF Dev Path: %s\n", retval); return (retval); } fail: return (NULL); } char * fab_find_addr(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, nvlist_t *nvl, uint64_t addr) { xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj; xmlNodeSetPtr nodes; xmlNodePtr devNode; char *retval, *temp; char query[500]; int size, i, j; uint32_t prop[50]; char *token; pci_regspec_t *assign_p; uint64_t low, hi; char rcpath[255]; if (!fab_get_rcpath(hdl, nvl, rcpath)) goto fail; (void) snprintf(query, sizeof (query), "//propval[" "@name='ASRU' and contains(@value, '%s')]/" "parent::*/following-sibling::*[@name='pci']/" "propval[@name='assigned-addresses']", rcpath); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "xpathObj query %s\n", query); xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((const xmlChar *)query, fab_xpathCtx); if (xpathObj == NULL) goto fail; fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "xpathObj 0x%p type %d\n", xpathObj, xpathObj->type); nodes = xpathObj->nodesetval; size = (nodes) ? nodes->nodeNr : 0; /* Decode the list of assigned addresses xml nodes for each device */ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { char *tprop; devNode = nodes->nodeTab[i]; if (!HAS_PROP(devNode, "value")) continue; /* Convert "string" assigned-addresses to pci_regspec_t */ j = 0; tprop = GET_PROP(devNode, "value"); for (token = strtok(tprop, " "); token; token = strtok(NULL, " ")) { prop[j++] = strtoul(token, (char **)NULL, 16); } prop[j] = (uint32_t)-1; FREE_PROP(tprop); /* Check if address belongs to this device */ for (assign_p = (pci_regspec_t *)prop; assign_p->pci_phys_hi != (uint_t)-1; assign_p++) { low = assign_p->pci_phys_low; hi = low + assign_p->pci_size_low; if ((addr < hi) && (addr >= low)) { fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "Found Address\n"); goto found; } } } goto fail; found: /* Traverse up the xml tree and back down to find the right propgroup */ for (devNode = devNode->parent->parent->children; devNode; devNode = devNode->next) { char *tprop; tprop = GET_PROP(devNode, "name"); if (STRCMP(devNode->name, "propgroup") && STRCMP(tprop, "io")) { FREE_PROP(tprop); goto propgroup; } FREE_PROP(tprop); } goto fail; propgroup: /* Retrive the "dev" propval and return */ for (devNode = devNode->children; devNode; devNode = devNode->next) { char *tprop; tprop = GET_PROP(devNode, "name"); if (STRCMP(devNode->name, "propval") && STRCMP(tprop, "dev")) { FREE_PROP(tprop); temp = GET_PROP(devNode, "value"); retval = fmd_hdl_strdup(hdl, temp, FMD_SLEEP); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "Addr Dev Path: %s\n", retval); xmlFree(temp); xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); return (retval); } FREE_PROP(tprop); } fail: if (xpathObj != NULL) xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); return (NULL); } void fab_pr(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, fmd_event_t *ep, nvlist_t *nvl) { nvpair_t *nvp; for (nvp = nvlist_next_nvpair(nvl, NULL); nvp != NULL; nvp = nvlist_next_nvpair(nvl, nvp)) { data_type_t type = nvpair_type(nvp); const char *name = nvpair_name(nvp); boolean_t b; uint8_t i8; uint16_t i16; uint32_t i32; uint64_t i64; char *str; nvlist_t *cnv; nvlist_t **nvlarr; uint_t arrsize; int arri; if (STRCMP(name, FM_CLASS)) continue; /* already printed by caller */ fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, " %s=", name); switch (type) { case DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN: fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN 1"); break; case DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN_VALUE: (void) nvpair_value_boolean_value(nvp, &b); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN_VALUE %d", b ? "1" : "0"); break; case DATA_TYPE_BYTE: (void) nvpair_value_byte(nvp, &i8); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "DATA_TYPE_BYTE 0x%x", i8); break; case DATA_TYPE_INT8: (void) nvpair_value_int8(nvp, (void *)&i8); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "DATA_TYPE_INT8 0x%x", i8); break; case DATA_TYPE_UINT8: (void) nvpair_value_uint8(nvp, &i8); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "DATA_TYPE_UINT8 0x%x", i8); break; case DATA_TYPE_INT16: (void) nvpair_value_int16(nvp, (void *)&i16); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "DATA_TYPE_INT16 0x%x", i16); break; case DATA_TYPE_UINT16: (void) nvpair_value_uint16(nvp, &i16); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "DATA_TYPE_UINT16 0x%x", i16); break; case DATA_TYPE_INT32: (void) nvpair_value_int32(nvp, (void *)&i32); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "DATA_TYPE_INT32 0x%x", i32); break; case DATA_TYPE_UINT32: (void) nvpair_value_uint32(nvp, &i32); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "DATA_TYPE_UINT32 0x%x", i32); break; case DATA_TYPE_INT64: (void) nvpair_value_int64(nvp, (void *)&i64); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "DATA_TYPE_INT64 0x%llx", (u_longlong_t)i64); break; case DATA_TYPE_UINT64: (void) nvpair_value_uint64(nvp, &i64); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "DATA_TYPE_UINT64 0x%llx", (u_longlong_t)i64); break; case DATA_TYPE_HRTIME: (void) nvpair_value_hrtime(nvp, (void *)&i64); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "DATA_TYPE_HRTIME 0x%llx", (u_longlong_t)i64); break; case DATA_TYPE_STRING: (void) nvpair_value_string(nvp, &str); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "DATA_TYPE_STRING \"%s\"", str ? str : "<NULL>"); break; case DATA_TYPE_NVLIST: fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "["); (void) nvpair_value_nvlist(nvp, &cnv); fab_pr(hdl, NULL, cnv); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, " ]"); break; case DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN_ARRAY: case DATA_TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY: case DATA_TYPE_INT8_ARRAY: case DATA_TYPE_UINT8_ARRAY: case DATA_TYPE_INT16_ARRAY: case DATA_TYPE_UINT16_ARRAY: case DATA_TYPE_INT32_ARRAY: case DATA_TYPE_UINT32_ARRAY: case DATA_TYPE_INT64_ARRAY: case DATA_TYPE_UINT64_ARRAY: case DATA_TYPE_STRING_ARRAY: fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "[...]"); break; case DATA_TYPE_NVLIST_ARRAY: arrsize = 0; (void) nvpair_value_nvlist_array(nvp, &nvlarr, &arrsize); for (arri = 0; arri < arrsize; arri++) { fab_pr(hdl, ep, nvlarr[arri]); } break; case DATA_TYPE_UNKNOWN: fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "<unknown>"); break; } } } char * fab_get_rpdev(fmd_hdl_t *hdl) { char *retval; char query[500]; (void) snprintf(query, sizeof (query), "//propval[" "@name='extended-capabilities' and contains(@value, '%s')]" "/parent::*/parent::*/propgroup[@name='io']" "/propval[@name='dev']/@value", PCIEX_ROOT); retval = fab_xpath_query(hdl, query); if (retval) { fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "Root port path is %s\n", retval); return (retval); } return (NULL); } void fab_send_erpt_all_rps(fmd_hdl_t *hdl, nvlist_t *erpt) { xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj; xmlNodeSetPtr nodes; char *rppath, *hbpath; char query[600]; nvlist_t *detector, *nvl; uint_t i, size; size_t len; /* get hostbridge's path */ if (!fab_get_hcpath(hdl, erpt, &hbpath, &len)) { fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "fab_send_erpt_on_all_rps: fab_get_hcpath() failed.\n"); return; } (void) snprintf(query, sizeof (query), "//propval[" "@name='extended-capabilities' and contains(@value, '%s')]" "/parent::*/parent::*/propgroup[@name='protocol']" "/propval[@name='resource' and contains(@value, '%s/')" "]/parent::*/parent::*/propgroup[@name='io']" "/propval[@name='dev']/@value", PCIEX_ROOT, hbpath); fmd_hdl_free(hdl, hbpath, len); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "xpathObj query %s\n", query); xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((const xmlChar *)query, fab_xpathCtx); if (xpathObj == NULL) return; nodes = xpathObj->nodesetval; size = (nodes) ? nodes->nodeNr : 0; fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "xpathObj 0x%p type %d size %d\n", xpathObj, xpathObj->type, size); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { rppath = (char *)xmlNodeGetContent(nodes->nodeTab[i]); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "query result: %s\n", rppath); nvl = detector = NULL; if (nvlist_dup(erpt, &nvl, NV_UNIQUE_NAME) != 0 || nvlist_alloc(&detector, NV_UNIQUE_NAME, 0) != 0) { xmlFree(rppath); nvlist_free(nvl); continue; } /* * set the detector in the original ereport to the root port */ (void) nvlist_add_string(detector, FM_VERSION, FM_DEV_SCHEME_VERSION); (void) nvlist_add_string(detector, FM_FMRI_SCHEME, FM_FMRI_SCHEME_DEV); (void) nvlist_add_string(detector, FM_FMRI_DEV_PATH, rppath); (void) nvlist_remove_all(nvl, FM_EREPORT_DETECTOR); (void) nvlist_add_nvlist(nvl, FM_EREPORT_DETECTOR, detector); nvlist_free(detector); xmlFree(rppath); fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "Sending ereport: %s\n", fab_buf); fmd_xprt_post(hdl, fab_fmd_xprt, nvl, 0); if (fmd_xprt_error(hdl, fab_fmd_xprt)) fmd_hdl_debug(hdl, "Failed to send PCI ereport\n"); } xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); }