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#	design notes that are likely to be of general (rather than
#	merely historical) interest.

Table of Contents

	Overview			what filesync does

	Primary Data Structures
		general principles	why they exist
		key concepts		what they represent
		data structures		major structures and their contents

	Overview of Passes		main phases of program execution

	Modules				list and descriptions of files

	Studying the Code
		active ingredients	a reading list of high points
		the whole thing		a suggested order for everything

	Gross calling structure		who calls whom

	Helpful hints			good things to know


	The purpose of this program is to compare pairs of directory
	trees with a baseline snapshot, to determine which files have
	changed, and to propagate the changes in order to bring the
	trees back into congruency.  The baseline snapshot describes
	size, ownership, ... for all files that filesync is managing

	The files and directory trees to be compared are determined 
	by a relatively flexible (user editable) rules file, whose
	format (packingrules.4) permits files and or trees to be
	specified, explicitly, implicitly, or with wild cards.
	There are also provisions for filtering out unwanted files
	and for running programs to generate lists of files and
	directories to be included or excluded.

	The comparisons begin by comparing the structured name
	spaces.  For names that appear in both trees, the files
	are then compared on the basis of type, size, contents,
	ownership and protections.  For files that are already
	in the baseline snapshot, if the sizes and modification
	times have not changed, we do not bother to recheck the

	The reconciliation process (resolving the differences)
	will only propagate a change if it is obvious what should
	be done (one side has changed relative to the snapshot,
	while the other has not).  If there are conflicting changes,
	the file is flagged and the user is asked to reconcile the
	differences manually.  There are, however a few switches
	that can be used to constrain the analysis or reconciliation,
	or to force one particular side to win in case of a conflict.

Primary Data Structures

	general principles:
		we will build up an in-memory tree that represents 
		the union of the name spaces found in the baseline 
		and on the source and destination sides. 
		keep in mind that the baseline recalls the state of
		have disagreed for a long time, the baseline still
		remembers what they were like when they agreed.  If
		files have never agreed, the baseline has no notions
		of how they "used to be".  

	key concepts:
		a "base pair" is a pair of directories whose
		contents (or a subset of whose contents) are to
		be syncrhonized.  The "base pairs" to be managed
		are specified in the packing rules file.

		associated with each "base pair" is a set of rules
		that describe which files (under those directories)
		are to be kept in sync.  Each rule is a list of:
			files and or directories to be included
			wild cards for files or directories to be included
			programs to generate lists of names for inclusion
			file names to be ignored
			wild cards for file names to be ignored
			programs to generate lists of names for ignoring

		as a result of the "evaluation" process we build up
		(under each base pair) a tree that represents all of 
		the files that we are supposed to keep in sync, and
		contains everything we need to know about each one
		of those files.  The structure of the tree mirrors
		the directory hierarchy ... actually the union of the
		three hiearchies (baseline, source and destination).

		for each file, we record interesting information (type,
		size, owner, protection, mod time) and keep separate
		note of what these values were:
			in the baseline last time two sides agreed
			on the source side, as we just examined it
			on the destination side, as we just examined it
	data structures:

		there is an ordered list of "base" structures
		for each base, we maintain
			three lists of associated "rule" descriptions:
				inclusion rules
				exclusion rules
				restriction rules (from the command line)
			a "file" tree, representing all files below the bases
			a list of statistics to be printed as a summary

		for each "rule", we maintain
			some flags describing the type of rule
			the character string that is the rule

		for each "file", we maintain
			sibling and child pointers to give them tree structure
			flags to describe what we have done/should do
			"fileinfo" information from the src, dest, and baseline
			in addition there are some fields that are used
			to add the file to a list of files requiring
			reconciliation and record what happened to it.

		a "fileinfo" structure contains a subset of the information
		that we obtain from a stat call:
			link count
			ownership, protection, and acls
			modification time

		there is also, built up during analysis, a reconciliation
		list.  This is an ordered list of "file" structures which
		are believed to descibe files that have changed and require
		reconciliation.  The ordering is important both for correctness
		and to preserve relative modification times.

Overview of passes:

	pass I (evaluate)
		stat every file that we might be interested in
		(on both src/dest sides).  This includes walking
		the trees under all directories in order to
		find out what files exist and stating all of

		the main trick in this pass is that there may be
		files we don't want to evaluate (because we are
		limiting our attention to specific files and trees).
		There is a LISTED flag kept in the database that
		tells me whether or not I need to stat/descend any
		given node.

		all restrictions and ignores take effect during this pass.

	pass II (analyze)

		given the baseline and all of the current stat information
		gained during pass I, figure out what might conceivably
		have changed and queue it for pass III.  This pass doesn't
		try to figure out what happened or who should win ... it
		merely identifies candidates for pass III.  This pass
		ignores any nodes that were not evaluated during pass I.

		the queueing process, however, determines the order in
		which the files will be processed in pass III, and the
		order is very important.

	pass III (reconcile)

		process the list of candidates, figuring out what has
		actually changed and which versions deserve to win.  If
		is clear what needs doing, we actually do it in this


		defines for limits, sizes and return codes
		declarations for global variables (mostly cmd-line parms)
		defines for default file names
		declarations for routines of general interest

		data-structures for recording rules
		data-structures for recording information about files
		declarations for routines that operate on/with those structures

		the text of all localizable messages

		definitions and declarations for routines for error
		simulation and bit-map display.

		routines to get, set, compare, and display Access Control Lists
		routines to do the real work of copying, deleting, or
		changing ownership in order to make one side agree
		with the other.
		routines to examine the in-core list of files and
		determine what has changed (and therefore what is
		files are candidates for reconciliation).  This
		analysis includes figuring out which files should
		be links rather than copies.
		routines to read and write the baseline file
		routines to search and manipulate the in-core base list
		data structures and routines, used to sumulate errors
		and produce debug output, that map between bits (as found 
		in various flag words) character string names for their 

		routines to build up the internal tree that describes
		the status of all of the files that are described
		by the current rules.
		routines to manipulate file name arguments, including
		wild cards and embedded environment variables.
		routines to maintain a list of names or patterns for
		files to be ignored, and to check file names against
		that list.
		global variables, cmd-line parameter processing,
		parameter validation, error reporting, and the
		main loop.
		routines to examine a list of files that appear to
		have changed, and figure out what the appropriate
		reconciliation course of action is.
		routines to search the tree to determine whether
		or not any creates/deletes are actually renames.
		routines to read and write the rules file
		routines to add rules and enumerate in-core rules

		not really a part of filesync, but rather a utility
		program that is used in the test suite.  It extracts
		information about files that is not readily available
		from other unix commands.

Comments on studying the code

	if you are only interested in the "active ingredients":

		read the above notes on data structures and then

		read the structure declarations in database.h

		read the above notes overviewing the passes

		in recon.c: read reconcile

			this routine almost makes sense on its own,
			and it is unquestionably the most important
			routine in the entire program.  Everything
			else just gathers data for reconcile to use,
			or updates the books to reflect the changes.

		in eval.c: read evaluate, eval_file, walker, and note_info

			this is the main guts of pass I

		in anal.c: read analyze, check_file, check_changes & queue_file

			this is the main guts of pass II

	if you want to read the whole thing:

		the following routines do fundamentally simple things
		in simple ways, and can (for the most part) be understood
		in vaccuuo.  The things they do are probably sufficiently
		obvious that you can probably understand the more interesting
		code without having read them at all.


		the following routines constitute the real meat of the
		program, and while they are broken into specialized
		modules, they probably need to be understood as an
		organic whole:

			main.c		setup and control
			eval.c		pass I
			anal.c		pass II
			recon.c		pass III
			action.c	execution and book-keeping
			rename.c	a special case for a common situation

Gross calling structure / flow of control

		if new rules






Helpful Hints

	the "file" structure contains a bunch of flags.  Many of them
	just summarize what we know about the file (e.g. where it was
	found).  Others are more subtle and control the evaluation
	process or the writing out of the baseline file.  You can't
	really understand the processing unless you understand what
	these flags mean.

		F_NEW		added by a new rule

		F_LISTED	this name was generated by a rule

		F_SPARSE	this directory is an intermediate on
				the way to a name generated by a rule
				and should not be recursively walked.

		F_EVALUATE	this node was found in evaluation and
				has up-to-date stat information

		F_CONFLICT	there is a conflict on this node so
				baseline should remain unchanged

		F_REMOVE	this node should be purged from the baseline

		F_STAT_ERROR	it was impossible to stat this file
				(and anything below it) 

	the implications of these flags on processing are


			affect whether or not a particular node should
			be included in the evaluation pass.

			in some situations, only new rules are interpreted.

			listed files and directories should be evaluated
			and analyzed.  sparse directories should not be
			recursively enumerated.


			determines whether or not a node is included
			in the analysis pass.  Only nodes that have
			been evaluated will be analyzed.


			affect how a node should be written back into					the baseline file.

			if there is a conflict or we haven't evaluated 
			a node, we won't update the baseline.

			if a node is marked for removal, it will be
			excluded from the baseline when it is written out.


			if we could not get proper status information
			about a file (or the tree under it) we cannot,
			with any confidence, determine what its state
			is or do anything about it.  Such files are 
			flagged as "in conflict".

			it is somewhat kinky that we put error flagged
			files on the reconciliation list.  We do this
			because this is the easiest way to pull them
			out for reporting as conflicts.