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# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Copyright (c) 2007, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2018, Joyent, Inc.
# Copyright 2021 OmniOS Community Edition (OmniOSce) Association.


PROG= ksh

USRKSH_ALIAS_LIST=ksh ksh93 rksh rksh93

# Set common AST build flags (e.g., needed to support the math stuff).
include ../../Makefile.ast

OBJECTS= pmain.o

ASTSRC= $(C_AST)/src/cmd/ksh93
LIBSHELLBASE= ../../libshell


LDLIBS += -lshell -lumem

# We use "=" here since using $(CPPFLAGS.master) is very tricky in our
# case - it MUST come as the last element but future changes in -D options
# may then cause silent breakage in the AST sources because the last -D
# option specified overrides previous -D options so we prefer the current
# way to explicitly list each single flag.


# Workaround for CR#6628728 ("|memcntl()| prototype not available for C99/XPG6")
pmain.o	:= CERRWARN += -_gcc=-Wno-implicit-function-declaration

# not linted


%.o:	$(LIBSHELLSRC)/%.c
	$(COMPILE.c) -c -o $@ $<

all:	$(PROG)

# We explicitly delete "ksh" and "ksh93" to catch changes in
# BUILD_KSH93_AS_BINKSH (see Makefile.ksh93switch)
# and soft-link $(PROG) to ksh/ksh93 below because ksh93 test
# suite seems to require that ksh93 is available as "ksh" in
# ${PATH} (see comment about "io.sh" in Makefile.testshell).
	$(RM) ksh ksh93
	$(LINK.c) $(OBJECTS) -o $@ $(LDLIBS)
	(set +o errexit ; \
	[[ ! -x ksh93 ]] && ln $(PROG) ksh93 ; \
	[[ ! -x ksh   ]] && ln $(PROG) ksh   ; \
	true \


# We explicitly delete "ksh" and "ksh93" to catch changes in
# BUILD_KSH93_AS_BINKSH (see Makefile.ksh93switch)
CLOBBERFILES += ksh ksh93

# Install rule for $(MACH)/Makefile (32bit)
INSTALL.ksh.32bit=@ \
	(print "$(POUND_SIGN) Installing 32bit $(PROG) aliases $(USRKSH_ALIAS_LIST)" ; \
	set -o xtrace ; \
	for i in $(USRKSH_ALIAS_LIST) ; do \
		[[ "$$i" == "$(PROG)" ]] && continue ; \
		$(RM) "$(ROOTBIN32)/$$i" ; \
		$(LN) "$(ROOTBIN32)/$(PROG)" "$(ROOTBIN32)/$$i" ; \
	done \

# Install rule for $(MACH64)/Makefile (64bit)
INSTALL.ksh.64bit=@ \
	(print "$(POUND_SIGN) Installing 64bit $(PROG) aliases $(USRKSH_ALIAS_LIST)" ; \
	set -o xtrace ; \
	for i in $(USRKSH_ALIAS_LIST) ; do \
		[[ "$$i" == "$(PROG)" ]] && continue ; \
		$(RM) "$(ROOTBIN64)/$$i" ; \
		$(LN) "$(ROOTBIN64)/$(PROG)" "$(ROOTBIN64)/$$i" ; \
	done \

include ../Makefile.testshell