################################################################################ # Thelp DDisplay command help help [topic [subtopic]] help index The help command displays help on commands and their usage. In command help, a term enclosed with <...> indicates a value as described by the term. A term enclosed with [...] is optional, and may not be required by all forms of the command. Some commands may not be available. Use the '?' command to list most available commands. ################################################################################ # T? DList available commands ? Lists all available commands. ################################################################################ # Tautoboot DBoot after a delay autoboot [<delay> [<prompt>]] Displays <prompt> or a default prompt, and counts down <delay> seconds before attempting to boot. If <delay> is not specified, the default value is 10. ################################################################################ # Tbeadm DList or switch Boot Environment beadm activate beName [<device>] beadm list [<device>] beadm activate unloads the currently loaded configuration and modules, sets currdev to <device> and loads configuration from new device. Use lsdev to get available device names. ################################################################################ # Tboot DBoot immediately boot [<kernelname>] [-<arg> ...] Boot the system. If arguments are specified, they are added to the arguments for the kernel. If <kernelname> is specified, and a kernel has not already been loaded, it will be booted instead of the default kernel. ################################################################################ # Tbcachestat DGet disk block cache stats bcachestat Displays statistics about disk cache usage. For debugging only. ################################################################################ # Tconsole DOutput information about console devices console Display the currently active console device(s) and show information about available console devices. ################################################################################ # Tchain DChain load disk block chain disk: chain will read stage1 (MBR or VBR) boot block from specified device to address 0000:7C00 and attempts to run it. Use lsdev to get available device names. Disk name must end with colon. ################################################################################ # Techo DEcho arguments echo [-n] [<message>] Emits <message>, with no trailing newline if -n is specified. This is most useful in conjunction with scripts and the '@' line prefix. Variables are substituted by prefixing them with $, eg. echo Current device is $currdev will print the current device. ################################################################################ # Tframebuffer DManage framebuffer setup framebuffer on | off | get | list [depth] | set <display or mode number> Switch framebuffer mode on or off, get current mode, list available modes or set mode by using either display resolution or framebuffer mode number. If the system does not provide display resolution via EDID, the default resolution will be set to 800x600. If depth is not specified, the best depth is used. ################################################################################ # Tload DLoad a kernel or module load [-t <type>] <filename> [arguments] Loads the module contained in <filename> into memory. If no other modules are loaded, <filename> must be a kernel or the command will fail. If -t is specified, the module is loaded as raw data of <type>, for later use by the kernel or other modules. <type> may be any string. Optional arguments will be set as module arguments. ################################################################################ # Tls DList files ls [-l] [<path>] Displays a listing of files in the directory <path>, or the root directory of the current device if <path> is not specified. The -l argument displays file sizes as well; the process of obtaining file sizes on some media may be very slow. ################################################################################ # Tlsdev DList devices lsdev [-v] List all of the devices from which it may be possible to load modules. If -v is specified, print more details. ################################################################################ # Tlsmod DList modules lsmod [-v] List loaded modules. If [-v] is specified, print more details. ################################################################################ # Tmap-vdisk DMap virtual disk map-vdisk filename Map file as virtual disk. ################################################################################ # Tmore DPage files more <filename> [<filename> ...] Show contents of text files. When displaying the contents of more, than one file, if the user elects to quit displaying a file, the remaining files will not be shown. ################################################################################ # Tpnpscan DScan for PnP devices pnpscan [-v] Scan for Plug-and-Play devices. This command is normally automatically run as part of the boot process, in order to dynamically load modules required for system operation. If the -v argument is specified, details on the devices found will be printed. ################################################################################ # Tset DSet a variable set <variable name> set <variable name>=<value> The set command is used to set variables. ################################################################################ # Tsetprop DSet a variable setprop <variable name> <value> The setprop command is used to set variables. ################################################################################ # Tset Sautoboot_delay DSet the default autoboot delay set autoboot_delay=<value> Sets the default delay for the autoboot command to <value> seconds. Set value to -1 if you don't want to allow user to interrupt autoboot process and escape to the loader prompt. ################################################################################ # Tset Sbootfile DSet the default boot file set set bootfile=<filename>[;<filename>...] Sets the default set of kernel boot filename(s). It may be overridden by setting the bootfile variable to a semicolon-separated list of filenames, each of which will be searched for in the module_path directories. The default bootfile set is "unix". ################################################################################ # Tset Sboot_ask DPrompt for configuration information set boot_ask Instructs the kernel to prompt the user for the configuration information when the kernel is booted. ################################################################################ # Tset Sboot_drop_into_kmdb DDrop into the kernel debugger (kmdb) set boot_drop_into_kmdb Instructs the kernel to start in the kmdb debugger, rather than proceeding to initialize when booted. Can only be used when boot_kmdb is set. ################################################################################ # Tset Sboot_kmdb DStart the kernel debugger (kmdb) set boot_kmdb Instructs the kernel to start the kmdb debugger and then continue with normal boot. ################################################################################ # Tset Sboot_reconfigure DInitaiate reconfiguration boot set boot_reconfigure The system will probe all attached hardware devices and configure the logical namespace in /dev. ################################################################################ # Tset Sboot_multicons DUse multiple consoles set boot_multicons Enables multiple console support in the kernel early on boot. In a running system, console configuration can be manipulated by the conscontrol(8) utility. ################################################################################ # Tset Sboot_single DBoot into the single user mode set boot_single Boots only to init level 's'. ################################################################################ # Tset Sboot_verbose DBoot with verbose messages enabled set boot_verbose Without this setting, the messages are only logged in the system log. ################################################################################ # Tset Sconsole DSet the current console set console[=<value>[,<value>]] Sets the current console. If <value> is omitted, a list of valid consoles will be displayed. ################################################################################ # Tset Scurrdev DSet the current device set currdev=<device> Selects the default device. See lsdev for available devices. ################################################################################ # Tset Smodule_path DSet the module search path set module_path=<path>[;<path>...] Sets the list of directories which will be searched in for modules named in a load command or implicitly required by a dependency. The default module_path is "/boot/modules" with the kernel directory prepended. ################################################################################ # Tset Sprompt DSet the command prompt set prompt=<value> The command prompt is displayed when the loader is waiting for input. Variable substitution is performed on the prompt. The default prompt can be set with: set prompt=\${interpret} ################################################################################ # Tset Sscreen-font DSet the framebuffer font Without the value, will list the currently available list of the fonts. ################################################################################ # Tset Srootdev DSet the root filesystem set rootdev=<path> By default the value of $currdev is used to set the root filesystem when the kernel is booted. This can be overridden by setting $rootdev explicitly. ################################################################################ # Tshow DShow the values of variables show [<variable>] Displays the value of <variable>, or all variables if not specified. ################################################################################ # Tsifting DSearch for words containing a substring sifting <substring> Displays words in the search order list containing the provided <substring>. ################################################################################ # Tinclude DRead commands from a script file include <filename> [<filename> ...] The entire contents of <filename> are read into memory before executing commands, so it is safe to source a file from removable media. ################################################################################ # Tread DRead input from the terminal read [-t <value>] [-p <prompt>] [<variable name>] The read command reads a line of input from the terminal. If the -t argument is specified, it will return nothing if no input has been received after <value> seconds. (Any keypress will cancel the timeout). If -p is specified, <prompt> is printed before reading input. No newline is emitted after the prompt. If a variable name is supplied, the variable is set to the value read, less any terminating newline. ################################################################################ # Tunload DRemove all modules from memory unload This command removes any kernel and all loaded modules from memory. ################################################################################ # Tunmap-vdisk DUnmap virtual disk unmap-vdisk diskname Delete virtual disk mapping. ################################################################################ # Tunset DUnset a variable unset <variable name> If allowed, the named variable's value is discarded and the variable is removed. ################################################################################