/*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Copyright (c) 2008 Yahoo!, Inc. * All rights reserved. * Written by: John Baldwin <jhb@FreeBSD.org> * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the author nor the names of any co-contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __RCSID("$FreeBSD$"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/errno.h> #include <err.h> #include <libutil.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "mptutil.h" MPT_TABLE(top, show); #define STANDALONE_STATE "ONLINE" static void format_stripe(char *buf, size_t buflen, U32 stripe) { humanize_number(buf, buflen, stripe * 512, "", HN_AUTOSCALE, HN_B | HN_NOSPACE); } static void display_stripe_map(const char *label, U32 StripeMap) { char stripe[5]; int comma, i; comma = 0; printf("%s: ", label); for (i = 0; StripeMap != 0; i++, StripeMap >>= 1) if (StripeMap & 1) { format_stripe(stripe, sizeof(stripe), 1 << i); if (comma) printf(", "); printf("%s", stripe); comma = 1; } printf("\n"); } static int show_adapter(int ac, char **av) { CONFIG_PAGE_MANUFACTURING_0 *man0; CONFIG_PAGE_IOC_2 *ioc2; CONFIG_PAGE_IOC_6 *ioc6; U16 IOCStatus; int comma, error, fd; if (ac != 1) { warnx("show adapter: extra arguments"); return (EINVAL); } fd = mpt_open(mpt_unit); if (fd < 0) { error = errno; warn("mpt_open"); return (error); } man0 = mpt_read_man_page(fd, 0, NULL); if (man0 == NULL) { error = errno; warn("Failed to get controller info"); close(fd); return (error); } if (man0->Header.PageLength < sizeof(*man0) / 4) { warnx("Invalid controller info"); free(man0); close(fd); return (EINVAL); } printf("mpt%d Adapter:\n", mpt_unit); printf(" Board Name: %.16s\n", man0->BoardName); printf(" Board Assembly: %.16s\n", man0->BoardAssembly); printf(" Chip Name: %.16s\n", man0->ChipName); printf(" Chip Revision: %.16s\n", man0->ChipRevision); free(man0); ioc2 = mpt_read_ioc_page(fd, 2, &IOCStatus); if (ioc2 != NULL) { printf(" RAID Levels:"); comma = 0; if (ioc2->CapabilitiesFlags & MPI_IOCPAGE2_CAP_FLAGS_IS_SUPPORT) { printf(" RAID0"); comma = 1; } if (ioc2->CapabilitiesFlags & MPI_IOCPAGE2_CAP_FLAGS_IM_SUPPORT) { printf("%s RAID1", comma ? "," : ""); comma = 1; } if (ioc2->CapabilitiesFlags & MPI_IOCPAGE2_CAP_FLAGS_IME_SUPPORT) { printf("%s RAID1E", comma ? "," : ""); comma = 1; } if (ioc2->CapabilitiesFlags & MPI_IOCPAGE2_CAP_FLAGS_RAID_5_SUPPORT) { printf("%s RAID5", comma ? "," : ""); comma = 1; } if (ioc2->CapabilitiesFlags & MPI_IOCPAGE2_CAP_FLAGS_RAID_6_SUPPORT) { printf("%s RAID6", comma ? "," : ""); comma = 1; } if (ioc2->CapabilitiesFlags & MPI_IOCPAGE2_CAP_FLAGS_RAID_10_SUPPORT) { printf("%s RAID10", comma ? "," : ""); comma = 1; } if (ioc2->CapabilitiesFlags & MPI_IOCPAGE2_CAP_FLAGS_RAID_50_SUPPORT) { printf("%s RAID50", comma ? "," : ""); comma = 1; } if (!comma) printf(" none"); printf("\n"); free(ioc2); } else if ((IOCStatus & MPI_IOCSTATUS_MASK) != MPI_IOCSTATUS_CONFIG_INVALID_PAGE) warnx("mpt_read_ioc_page(2): %s", mpt_ioc_status(IOCStatus)); ioc6 = mpt_read_ioc_page(fd, 6, &IOCStatus); if (ioc6 != NULL) { display_stripe_map(" RAID0 Stripes", ioc6->SupportedStripeSizeMapIS); display_stripe_map(" RAID1E Stripes", ioc6->SupportedStripeSizeMapIME); printf(" RAID0 Drives/Vol: %u", ioc6->MinDrivesIS); if (ioc6->MinDrivesIS != ioc6->MaxDrivesIS) printf("-%u", ioc6->MaxDrivesIS); printf("\n"); printf(" RAID1 Drives/Vol: %u", ioc6->MinDrivesIM); if (ioc6->MinDrivesIM != ioc6->MaxDrivesIM) printf("-%u", ioc6->MaxDrivesIM); printf("\n"); printf("RAID1E Drives/Vol: %u", ioc6->MinDrivesIME); if (ioc6->MinDrivesIME != ioc6->MaxDrivesIME) printf("-%u", ioc6->MaxDrivesIME); printf("\n"); free(ioc6); } else if ((IOCStatus & MPI_IOCSTATUS_MASK) != MPI_IOCSTATUS_CONFIG_INVALID_PAGE) warnx("mpt_read_ioc_page(6): %s", mpt_ioc_status(IOCStatus)); /* TODO: Add an ioctl to fetch IOC_FACTS and print firmware version. */ close(fd); return (0); } MPT_COMMAND(show, adapter, show_adapter); static void print_vol(CONFIG_PAGE_RAID_VOL_0 *info, int state_len) { uint64_t size; const char *level, *state; char buf[6], stripe[5]; size = ((uint64_t)info->MaxLBAHigh << 32) | info->MaxLBA; humanize_number(buf, sizeof(buf), (size + 1) * 512, "", HN_AUTOSCALE, HN_B | HN_NOSPACE | HN_DECIMAL); if (info->VolumeType == MPI_RAID_VOL_TYPE_IM) stripe[0] = '\0'; else format_stripe(stripe, sizeof(stripe), info->StripeSize); level = mpt_raid_level(info->VolumeType); state = mpt_volstate(info->VolumeStatus.State); if (state_len > 0) printf("(%6s) %-8s %6s %-*s", buf, level, stripe, state_len, state); else if (stripe[0] != '\0') printf("(%s) %s %s %s", buf, level, stripe, state); else printf("(%s) %s %s", buf, level, state); } static void print_pd(CONFIG_PAGE_RAID_PHYS_DISK_0 *info, int state_len, int location) { const char *inq, *state; char buf[6]; humanize_number(buf, sizeof(buf), ((uint64_t)info->MaxLBA + 1) * 512, "", HN_AUTOSCALE, HN_B | HN_NOSPACE |HN_DECIMAL); state = mpt_pdstate(info); if (state_len > 0) printf("(%6s) %-*s", buf, state_len, state); else printf("(%s) %s", buf, state); inq = mpt_pd_inq_string(info); if (inq != NULL) printf(" %s", inq); if (!location) return; printf(" bus %d id %d", info->PhysDiskBus, info->PhysDiskID); } static void print_standalone(struct mpt_standalone_disk *disk, int state_len, int location) { char buf[6]; humanize_number(buf, sizeof(buf), (disk->maxlba + 1) * 512, "", HN_AUTOSCALE, HN_B | HN_NOSPACE |HN_DECIMAL); if (state_len > 0) printf("(%6s) %-*s", buf, state_len, STANDALONE_STATE); else printf("(%s) %s", buf, STANDALONE_STATE); if (disk->inqstring[0] != '\0') printf(" %s", disk->inqstring); if (!location) return; printf(" bus %d id %d", disk->bus, disk->target); } static void print_spare_pools(U8 HotSparePool) { int i; if (HotSparePool == 0) { printf("none"); return; } for (i = 0; HotSparePool != 0; i++) { if (HotSparePool & 1) { printf("%d", i); if (HotSparePool == 1) break; printf(", "); } HotSparePool >>= 1; } } static int show_config(int ac, char **av) { CONFIG_PAGE_IOC_2 *ioc2; CONFIG_PAGE_IOC_2_RAID_VOL *vol; CONFIG_PAGE_IOC_5 *ioc5; IOC_5_HOT_SPARE *spare; CONFIG_PAGE_RAID_VOL_0 *vinfo; RAID_VOL0_PHYS_DISK *disk; CONFIG_PAGE_RAID_VOL_1 *vnames; CONFIG_PAGE_RAID_PHYS_DISK_0 *pinfo; struct mpt_standalone_disk *sdisks; int error, fd, i, j, nsdisks; if (ac != 1) { warnx("show config: extra arguments"); return (EINVAL); } fd = mpt_open(mpt_unit); if (fd < 0) { error = errno; warn("mpt_open"); return (error); } /* Get the config from the controller. */ ioc2 = mpt_read_ioc_page(fd, 2, NULL); ioc5 = mpt_read_ioc_page(fd, 5, NULL); if (ioc2 == NULL || ioc5 == NULL) { error = errno; warn("Failed to get config"); free(ioc2); close(fd); return (error); } if (mpt_fetch_disks(fd, &nsdisks, &sdisks) < 0) { error = errno; warn("Failed to get standalone drive list"); free(ioc5); free(ioc2); close(fd); return (error); } /* Dump out the configuration. */ printf("mpt%d Configuration: %d volumes, %d drives\n", mpt_unit, ioc2->NumActiveVolumes, ioc2->NumActivePhysDisks + nsdisks); vol = ioc2->RaidVolume; for (i = 0; i < ioc2->NumActiveVolumes; vol++, i++) { printf(" volume %s ", mpt_volume_name(vol->VolumeBus, vol->VolumeID)); vinfo = mpt_vol_info(fd, vol->VolumeBus, vol->VolumeID, NULL); if (vinfo == NULL) { printf("%s UNKNOWN", mpt_raid_level(vol->VolumeType)); } else print_vol(vinfo, -1); vnames = mpt_vol_names(fd, vol->VolumeBus, vol->VolumeID, NULL); if (vnames != NULL) { if (vnames->Name[0] != '\0') printf(" <%s>", vnames->Name); free(vnames); } if (vinfo == NULL) { printf("\n"); continue; } printf(" spans:\n"); disk = vinfo->PhysDisk; for (j = 0; j < vinfo->NumPhysDisks; disk++, j++) { printf(" drive %u ", disk->PhysDiskNum); pinfo = mpt_pd_info(fd, disk->PhysDiskNum, NULL); if (pinfo != NULL) { print_pd(pinfo, -1, 0); free(pinfo); } printf("\n"); } if (vinfo->VolumeSettings.HotSparePool != 0) { printf(" spare pools: "); print_spare_pools(vinfo->VolumeSettings.HotSparePool); printf("\n"); } free(vinfo); } spare = ioc5->HotSpare; for (i = 0; i < ioc5->NumHotSpares; spare++, i++) { printf(" spare %u ", spare->PhysDiskNum); pinfo = mpt_pd_info(fd, spare->PhysDiskNum, NULL); if (pinfo != NULL) { print_pd(pinfo, -1, 0); free(pinfo); } printf(" backs pool %d\n", ffs(spare->HotSparePool) - 1); } for (i = 0; i < nsdisks; i++) { printf(" drive %s ", sdisks[i].devname); print_standalone(&sdisks[i], -1, 0); printf("\n"); } free(ioc2); free(ioc5); free(sdisks); close(fd); return (0); } MPT_COMMAND(show, config, show_config); static int show_volumes(int ac, char **av) { CONFIG_PAGE_IOC_2 *ioc2; CONFIG_PAGE_IOC_2_RAID_VOL *vol; CONFIG_PAGE_RAID_VOL_0 **volumes; CONFIG_PAGE_RAID_VOL_1 *vnames; int error, fd, i, len, state_len; if (ac != 1) { warnx("show volumes: extra arguments"); return (EINVAL); } fd = mpt_open(mpt_unit); if (fd < 0) { error = errno; warn("mpt_open"); return (error); } /* Get the volume list from the controller. */ ioc2 = mpt_read_ioc_page(fd, 2, NULL); if (ioc2 == NULL) { error = errno; warn("Failed to get volume list"); return (error); } /* * Go ahead and read the info for all the volumes and figure * out the maximum width of the state field. */ volumes = malloc(sizeof(*volumes) * ioc2->NumActiveVolumes); state_len = strlen("State"); vol = ioc2->RaidVolume; for (i = 0; i < ioc2->NumActiveVolumes; vol++, i++) { volumes[i] = mpt_vol_info(fd, vol->VolumeBus, vol->VolumeID, NULL); if (volumes[i] == NULL) len = strlen("UNKNOWN"); else len = strlen(mpt_volstate( volumes[i]->VolumeStatus.State)); if (len > state_len) state_len = len; } printf("mpt%d Volumes:\n", mpt_unit); printf(" Id Size Level Stripe "); len = state_len - strlen("State"); for (i = 0; i < (len + 1) / 2; i++) printf(" "); printf("State"); for (i = 0; i < len / 2; i++) printf(" "); printf(" Write-Cache Name\n"); vol = ioc2->RaidVolume; for (i = 0; i < ioc2->NumActiveVolumes; vol++, i++) { printf("%6s ", mpt_volume_name(vol->VolumeBus, vol->VolumeID)); if (volumes[i] != NULL) print_vol(volumes[i], state_len); else printf(" %-8s %-*s", mpt_raid_level(vol->VolumeType), state_len, "UNKNOWN"); if (volumes[i] != NULL) { if (volumes[i]->VolumeSettings.Settings & MPI_RAIDVOL0_SETTING_WRITE_CACHING_ENABLE) printf(" Enabled "); else printf(" Disabled "); } else printf(" "); free(volumes[i]); vnames = mpt_vol_names(fd, vol->VolumeBus, vol->VolumeID, NULL); if (vnames != NULL) { if (vnames->Name[0] != '\0') printf(" <%s>", vnames->Name); free(vnames); } printf("\n"); } free(volumes); free(ioc2); close(fd); return (0); } MPT_COMMAND(show, volumes, show_volumes); static int show_drives(int ac, char **av) { struct mpt_drive_list *list; struct mpt_standalone_disk *sdisks; int error, fd, i, len, nsdisks, state_len; if (ac != 1) { warnx("show drives: extra arguments"); return (EINVAL); } fd = mpt_open(mpt_unit); if (fd < 0) { error = errno; warn("mpt_open"); return (error); } /* Get the drive list. */ list = mpt_pd_list(fd); if (list == NULL) { error = errno; close(fd); warn("Failed to get drive list"); return (error); } /* Fetch the list of standalone disks for this controller. */ state_len = 0; if (mpt_fetch_disks(fd, &nsdisks, &sdisks) != 0) { nsdisks = 0; sdisks = NULL; } if (nsdisks != 0) state_len = strlen(STANDALONE_STATE); /* Walk the drive list to determine width of state column. */ for (i = 0; i < list->ndrives; i++) { len = strlen(mpt_pdstate(list->drives[i])); if (len > state_len) state_len = len; } /* List the drives. */ printf("mpt%d Physical Drives:\n", mpt_unit); for (i = 0; i < list->ndrives; i++) { printf("%4u ", list->drives[i]->PhysDiskNum); print_pd(list->drives[i], state_len, 1); printf("\n"); } mpt_free_pd_list(list); for (i = 0; i < nsdisks; i++) { printf("%4s ", sdisks[i].devname); print_standalone(&sdisks[i], state_len, 1); printf("\n"); } free(sdisks); close(fd); return (0); } MPT_COMMAND(show, drives, show_drives); #ifdef DEBUG static int show_physdisks(int ac, char **av) { CONFIG_PAGE_RAID_PHYS_DISK_0 *pinfo; U16 IOCStatus; int error, fd, i; if (ac != 1) { warnx("show drives: extra arguments"); return (EINVAL); } fd = mpt_open(mpt_unit); if (fd < 0) { error = errno; warn("mpt_open"); return (error); } /* Try to find each possible phys disk page. */ for (i = 0; i <= 0xff; i++) { pinfo = mpt_pd_info(fd, i, &IOCStatus); if (pinfo == NULL) { if ((IOCStatus & MPI_IOCSTATUS_MASK) != MPI_IOCSTATUS_CONFIG_INVALID_PAGE) warnx("mpt_pd_info(%d): %s", i, mpt_ioc_status(IOCStatus)); continue; } printf("%3u ", i); print_pd(pinfo, -1, 1); printf("\n"); } close(fd); return (0); } MPT_COMMAND(show, pd, show_physdisks); #endif