/* * Copyright (c) 1996, by Steve Passe * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. The name of the developer may NOT be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * mptable.c */ #ifndef lint static const char rcsid[] = "$FreeBSD$"; #endif /* not lint */ /* * this will cause the raw mp table to be dumped to /tmp/mpdump * #define RAW_DUMP */ #define MP_SIG 0x5f504d5f /* _MP_ */ #define EXTENDED_PROCESSING_READY #define OEM_PROCESSING_READY_NOT #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <x86/mptable.h> #include <err.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <paths.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #define SEP_LINE \ "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" #define SEP_LINE2 \ "\n===============================================================================\n" /* EBDA is @ 40:0e in real-mode terms */ #define EBDA_POINTER 0x040e /* location of EBDA pointer */ /* CMOS 'top of mem' is @ 40:13 in real-mode terms */ #define TOPOFMEM_POINTER 0x0413 /* BIOS: base memory size */ #define DEFAULT_TOPOFMEM 0xa0000 #define BIOS_BASE 0xf0000 #define BIOS_BASE2 0xe0000 #define BIOS_SIZE 0x10000 #define ONE_KBYTE 1024 #define GROPE_AREA1 0x80000 #define GROPE_AREA2 0x90000 #define GROPE_SIZE 0x10000 #define MAXPNSTR 132 typedef struct BUSTYPENAME { u_char type; char name[ 7 ]; } busTypeName; static const busTypeName busTypeTable[] = { { CBUS, "CBUS" }, { CBUSII, "CBUSII" }, { EISA, "EISA" }, { UNKNOWN_BUSTYPE, "---" }, { UNKNOWN_BUSTYPE, "---" }, { ISA, "ISA" }, { UNKNOWN_BUSTYPE, "---" }, { UNKNOWN_BUSTYPE, "---" }, { UNKNOWN_BUSTYPE, "---" }, { UNKNOWN_BUSTYPE, "---" }, { UNKNOWN_BUSTYPE, "---" }, { UNKNOWN_BUSTYPE, "---" }, { PCI, "PCI" }, { UNKNOWN_BUSTYPE, "---" }, { UNKNOWN_BUSTYPE, "---" }, { UNKNOWN_BUSTYPE, "---" }, { UNKNOWN_BUSTYPE, "---" }, { UNKNOWN_BUSTYPE, "---" }, { UNKNOWN_BUSTYPE, "---" } }; static const char *whereStrings[] = { "Extended BIOS Data Area", "BIOS top of memory", "Default top of memory", "BIOS", "Extended BIOS", "GROPE AREA #1", "GROPE AREA #2" }; static void apic_probe( u_int32_t* paddr, int* where ); static void MPConfigDefault( int featureByte ); static void MPFloatingPointer( u_int32_t paddr, int where, mpfps_t* mpfpsp ); static void MPConfigTableHeader( u_int32_t pap ); static void seekEntry( u_int32_t addr ); static void readEntry( void* entry, int size ); static void *mapEntry( u_int32_t addr, int size ); static void processorEntry( proc_entry_ptr entry ); static void busEntry( bus_entry_ptr entry ); static void ioApicEntry( io_apic_entry_ptr entry ); static void intEntry( int_entry_ptr entry ); static void sasEntry( sas_entry_ptr entry ); static void bhdEntry( bhd_entry_ptr entry ); static void cbasmEntry( cbasm_entry_ptr entry ); static void doDmesg( void ); static void pnstr( char* s, int c ); /* global data */ static int pfd; /* physical /dev/mem fd */ static int busses[256]; static int apics[256]; static int ncpu; static int nbus; static int napic; static int nintr; static int dmesg; static int grope; static int verbose; static void usage( void ) { fprintf( stderr, "usage: mptable [-dmesg] [-verbose] [-grope] [-help]\n" ); exit( 0 ); } /* * */ int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { u_int32_t paddr; int where; mpfps_t mpfps; int defaultConfig; int ch; /* announce ourselves */ puts( SEP_LINE2 ); printf( "MPTable\n" ); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "d:g:h:v:")) != -1) { switch(ch) { case 'd': if ( strcmp( optarg, "mesg") == 0 ) dmesg = 1; else dmesg = 0; break; case 'h': if ( strcmp( optarg, "elp") == 0 ) usage(); break; case 'g': if ( strcmp( optarg, "rope") == 0 ) grope = 1; break; case 'v': if ( strcmp( optarg, "erbose") == 0 ) verbose = 1; break; default: usage(); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; optreset = 1; optind = 0; } /* open physical memory for access to MP structures */ if ( (pfd = open( _PATH_MEM, O_RDONLY )) < 0 ) err( 1, "mem open" ); /* probe for MP structures */ apic_probe( &paddr, &where ); if ( where <= 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "\n MP FPS NOT found,\n" ); if (!grope) fprintf( stderr, " suggest trying -grope option!!!\n\n" ); return 1; } if ( verbose ) printf( "\n MP FPS found in %s @ physical addr: 0x%08x\n", whereStrings[ where - 1 ], paddr ); puts( SEP_LINE ); /* analyze the MP Floating Pointer Structure */ MPFloatingPointer( paddr, where, &mpfps ); puts( SEP_LINE ); /* check whether an MP config table exists */ if ( (defaultConfig = mpfps->config_type) ) MPConfigDefault( defaultConfig ); else MPConfigTableHeader( mpfps->pap ); /* do a dmesg output */ if ( dmesg ) doDmesg(); puts( SEP_LINE2 ); return 0; } /* * set PHYSICAL address of MP floating pointer structure */ #define NEXT(X) ((X) += 4) static void apic_probe( u_int32_t* paddr, int* where ) { /* * c rewrite of apic_probe() by Jack F. Vogel */ int x; u_short segment; u_int32_t target; u_int buffer[ BIOS_SIZE / sizeof( int ) ]; if ( verbose ) printf( "\n" ); /* search Extended Bios Data Area, if present */ if ( verbose ) printf( " looking for EBDA pointer @ 0x%04x, ", EBDA_POINTER ); seekEntry( (u_int32_t)EBDA_POINTER ); readEntry( &segment, 2 ); if ( segment ) { /* search EBDA */ target = (u_int32_t)segment << 4; if ( verbose ) printf( "found, searching EBDA @ 0x%08x\n", target ); seekEntry( target ); readEntry( buffer, ONE_KBYTE ); for ( x = 0; x < ONE_KBYTE / (int)sizeof ( unsigned int ); NEXT(x) ) { if ( buffer[ x ] == MP_SIG ) { *where = 1; *paddr = (x * sizeof( unsigned int )) + target; return; } } } else { if ( verbose ) printf( "NOT found\n" ); } /* read CMOS for real top of mem */ seekEntry( (u_int32_t)TOPOFMEM_POINTER ); readEntry( &segment, 2 ); --segment; /* less ONE_KBYTE */ target = segment * 1024; if ( verbose ) printf( " searching CMOS 'top of mem' @ 0x%08x (%dK)\n", target, segment ); seekEntry( target ); readEntry( buffer, ONE_KBYTE ); for ( x = 0; x < ONE_KBYTE / (int)sizeof ( unsigned int ); NEXT(x) ) { if ( buffer[ x ] == MP_SIG ) { *where = 2; *paddr = (x * sizeof( unsigned int )) + target; return; } } /* we don't necessarily believe CMOS, check base of the last 1K of 640K */ if ( target != (DEFAULT_TOPOFMEM - 1024)) { target = (DEFAULT_TOPOFMEM - 1024); if ( verbose ) printf( " searching default 'top of mem' @ 0x%08x (%dK)\n", target, (target / 1024) ); seekEntry( target ); readEntry( buffer, ONE_KBYTE ); for ( x = 0; x < ONE_KBYTE / (int)sizeof ( unsigned int ); NEXT(x) ) { if ( buffer[ x ] == MP_SIG ) { *where = 3; *paddr = (x * sizeof( unsigned int )) + target; return; } } } /* search the BIOS */ if ( verbose ) printf( " searching BIOS @ 0x%08x\n", BIOS_BASE ); seekEntry( BIOS_BASE ); readEntry( buffer, BIOS_SIZE ); for ( x = 0; x < BIOS_SIZE / (int)sizeof( unsigned int ); NEXT(x) ) { if ( buffer[ x ] == MP_SIG ) { *where = 4; *paddr = (x * sizeof( unsigned int )) + BIOS_BASE; return; } } /* search the extended BIOS */ if ( verbose ) printf( " searching extended BIOS @ 0x%08x\n", BIOS_BASE2 ); seekEntry( BIOS_BASE2 ); readEntry( buffer, BIOS_SIZE ); for ( x = 0; x < BIOS_SIZE / (int)sizeof( unsigned int ); NEXT(x) ) { if ( buffer[ x ] == MP_SIG ) { *where = 5; *paddr = (x * sizeof( unsigned int )) + BIOS_BASE2; return; } } if ( grope ) { /* search additional memory */ target = GROPE_AREA1; if ( verbose ) printf( " groping memory @ 0x%08x\n", target ); seekEntry( target ); readEntry( buffer, GROPE_SIZE ); for ( x = 0; x < GROPE_SIZE / (int)sizeof( unsigned int ); NEXT(x) ) { if ( buffer[ x ] == MP_SIG ) { *where = 6; *paddr = (x * sizeof( unsigned int )) + GROPE_AREA1; return; } } target = GROPE_AREA2; if ( verbose ) printf( " groping memory @ 0x%08x\n", target ); seekEntry( target ); readEntry( buffer, GROPE_SIZE ); for ( x = 0; x < GROPE_SIZE / (int)sizeof( unsigned int ); NEXT(x) ) { if ( buffer[ x ] == MP_SIG ) { *where = 7; *paddr = (x * sizeof( unsigned int )) + GROPE_AREA2; return; } } } *where = 0; *paddr = (u_int32_t)0; } /* * */ static void MPFloatingPointer( u_int32_t paddr, int where, mpfps_t* mpfpsp ) { mpfps_t mpfps; /* map in mpfps structure*/ *mpfpsp = mpfps = mapEntry( paddr, sizeof( *mpfps ) ); /* show its contents */ printf( "MP Floating Pointer Structure:\n\n" ); printf( " location:\t\t\t" ); switch ( where ) { case 1: printf( "EBDA\n" ); break; case 2: printf( "BIOS base memory\n" ); break; case 3: printf( "DEFAULT base memory (639K)\n" ); break; case 4: printf( "BIOS\n" ); break; case 5: printf( "Extended BIOS\n" ); break; case 0: printf( "NOT found!\n" ); exit( 1 ); default: printf( "BOGUS!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } printf( " physical address:\t\t0x%08x\n", paddr ); printf( " signature:\t\t\t'" ); pnstr( mpfps->signature, 4 ); printf( "'\n" ); printf( " length:\t\t\t%d bytes\n", mpfps->length * 16 ); printf( " version:\t\t\t1.%1d\n", mpfps->spec_rev ); printf( " checksum:\t\t\t0x%02x\n", mpfps->checksum ); /* bits 0:6 are RESERVED */ if ( mpfps->mpfb2 & 0x7f ) { printf( " warning, MP feature byte 2: 0x%02x\n", mpfps->mpfb2 ); } /* bit 7 is IMCRP */ printf( " mode:\t\t\t\t%s\n", (mpfps->mpfb2 & MPFB2_IMCR_PRESENT) ? "PIC" : "Virtual Wire" ); /* MP feature bytes 3-5 are expected to be ZERO */ if ( mpfps->mpfb3 ) printf( " warning, MP feature byte 3 NONZERO!\n" ); if ( mpfps->mpfb4 ) printf( " warning, MP feature byte 4 NONZERO!\n" ); if ( mpfps->mpfb5 ) printf( " warning, MP feature byte 5 NONZERO!\n" ); } /* * */ static void MPConfigDefault( int featureByte ) { printf( " MP default config type: %d\n\n", featureByte ); switch ( featureByte ) { case 1: printf( " bus: ISA, APIC: 82489DX\n" ); break; case 2: printf( " bus: EISA, APIC: 82489DX\n" ); break; case 3: printf( " bus: EISA, APIC: 82489DX\n" ); break; case 4: printf( " bus: MCA, APIC: 82489DX\n" ); break; case 5: printf( " bus: ISA+PCI, APIC: Integrated\n" ); break; case 6: printf( " bus: EISA+PCI, APIC: Integrated\n" ); break; case 7: printf( " bus: MCA+PCI, APIC: Integrated\n" ); break; default: printf( " future type\n" ); break; } switch ( featureByte ) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: nbus = 1; break; case 5: case 6: case 7: nbus = 2; break; default: printf( " future type\n" ); break; } ncpu = 2; napic = 1; nintr = 16; } /* * */ static void MPConfigTableHeader( u_int32_t pap ) { mpcth_t cth; int x; int totalSize; int c; int oldtype, entrytype; u_int8_t *entry; if ( pap == 0 ) { printf( "MP Configuration Table Header MISSING!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } /* map in cth structure */ cth = mapEntry( pap, sizeof( *cth ) ); printf( "MP Config Table Header:\n\n" ); printf( " physical address:\t\t0x%08x\n", pap ); printf( " signature:\t\t\t'" ); pnstr( cth->signature, 4 ); printf( "'\n" ); printf( " base table length:\t\t%d\n", cth->base_table_length ); printf( " version:\t\t\t1.%1d\n", cth->spec_rev ); printf( " checksum:\t\t\t0x%02x\n", cth->checksum ); printf( " OEM ID:\t\t\t'" ); pnstr( cth->oem_id, 8 ); printf( "'\n" ); printf( " Product ID:\t\t\t'" ); pnstr( cth->product_id, 12 ); printf( "'\n" ); printf( " OEM table pointer:\t\t0x%08x\n", cth->oem_table_pointer ); printf( " OEM table size:\t\t%d\n", cth->oem_table_size ); printf( " entry count:\t\t\t%d\n", cth->entry_count ); printf( " local APIC address:\t\t0x%08x\n", cth->apic_address ); printf( " extended table length:\t%d\n", cth->extended_table_length ); printf( " extended table checksum:\t%d\n", cth->extended_table_checksum ); totalSize = cth->base_table_length - sizeof( struct MPCTH ); puts( SEP_LINE ); printf( "MP Config Base Table Entries:\n\n" ); /* initialize tables */ for (x = 0; x < (int)nitems(busses); x++) busses[x] = 0xff; for (x = 0; x < (int)nitems(apics); x++) apics[x] = 0xff; ncpu = 0; nbus = 0; napic = 0; nintr = 0; oldtype = -1; entry = mapEntry(pap + sizeof(*cth), cth->base_table_length); for (c = cth->entry_count; c; c--) { entrytype = *entry; if (entrytype != oldtype) printf("--\n"); if (entrytype < oldtype) printf("MPTABLE OUT OF ORDER!\n"); switch (entrytype) { case MPCT_ENTRY_PROCESSOR: if (oldtype != MPCT_ENTRY_PROCESSOR) printf( "Processors:\tAPIC ID\tVersion\tState" "\t\tFamily\tModel\tStep\tFlags\n" ); processorEntry((proc_entry_ptr)entry); entry += sizeof(struct PROCENTRY); break; case MPCT_ENTRY_BUS: if (oldtype != MPCT_ENTRY_BUS) printf( "Bus:\t\tBus ID\tType\n" ); busEntry((bus_entry_ptr)entry); entry += sizeof(struct BUSENTRY); break; case MPCT_ENTRY_IOAPIC: if (oldtype != MPCT_ENTRY_IOAPIC) printf( "I/O APICs:\tAPIC ID\tVersion\tState\t\tAddress\n" ); ioApicEntry((io_apic_entry_ptr)entry); entry += sizeof(struct IOAPICENTRY); break; case MPCT_ENTRY_INT: if (oldtype != MPCT_ENTRY_INT) printf( "I/O Ints:\tType\tPolarity Trigger\tBus ID\t IRQ\tAPIC ID\tPIN#\n" ); intEntry((int_entry_ptr)entry); entry += sizeof(struct INTENTRY); break; case MPCT_ENTRY_LOCAL_INT: if (oldtype != MPCT_ENTRY_LOCAL_INT) printf( "Local Ints:\tType\tPolarity Trigger\tBus ID\t IRQ\tAPIC ID\tPIN#\n" ); intEntry((int_entry_ptr)entry); entry += sizeof(struct INTENTRY); break; default: printf("MPTABLE HOSED! record type = %d\n", entrytype); exit(1); } oldtype = entrytype; } #if defined( EXTENDED_PROCESSING_READY ) /* process any extended data */ if ( cth->extended_table_length ) { ext_entry_ptr ext_entry, end; puts( SEP_LINE ); printf( "MP Config Extended Table Entries:\n\n" ); ext_entry = mapEntry(pap + cth->base_table_length, cth->extended_table_length); end = (ext_entry_ptr)((char *)ext_entry + cth->extended_table_length); while (ext_entry < end) { switch (ext_entry->type) { case MPCT_EXTENTRY_SAS: sasEntry((sas_entry_ptr)ext_entry); break; case MPCT_EXTENTRY_BHD: bhdEntry((bhd_entry_ptr)ext_entry); break; case MPCT_EXTENTRY_CBASM: cbasmEntry((cbasm_entry_ptr)ext_entry); break; default: printf( "Extended Table HOSED!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } ext_entry = (ext_entry_ptr)((char *)ext_entry + ext_entry->length); } } #endif /* EXTENDED_PROCESSING_READY */ /* process any OEM data */ if ( cth->oem_table_pointer && (cth->oem_table_size > 0) ) { #if defined( OEM_PROCESSING_READY ) # error your on your own here! /* map in oem table structure */ oemdata = mapEntry( cth->oem_table_pointer, cth->oem_table_size); /** process it */ #else printf( "\nyou need to modify the source to handle OEM data!\n\n" ); #endif /* OEM_PROCESSING_READY */ } fflush( stdout ); #if defined( RAW_DUMP ) { int ofd; void *dumpbuf; ofd = open( "/tmp/mpdump", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666 ); dumpbuf = mapEntry( paddr, 1024 ); write( ofd, dumpbuf, 1024 ); close( ofd ); } #endif /* RAW_DUMP */ } /* * */ static void seekEntry( u_int32_t addr ) { if ( lseek( pfd, (off_t)addr, SEEK_SET ) < 0 ) err( 1, "%s seek", _PATH_MEM ); } /* * */ static void readEntry( void* entry, int size ) { if ( read( pfd, entry, size ) != size ) err( 1, "readEntry" ); } static void * mapEntry( u_int32_t addr, int size ) { void *p; p = mmap( NULL, size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, pfd, addr ); if (p == MAP_FAILED) err( 1, "mapEntry" ); return (p); } static void processorEntry( proc_entry_ptr entry ) { /* count it */ ++ncpu; printf( "\t\t%2d", entry->apic_id ); printf( "\t 0x%2x", entry->apic_version ); printf( "\t %s, %s", (entry->cpu_flags & PROCENTRY_FLAG_BP) ? "BSP" : "AP", (entry->cpu_flags & PROCENTRY_FLAG_EN) ? "usable" : "unusable" ); printf( "\t %d\t %d\t %d", (entry->cpu_signature >> 8) & 0x0f, (entry->cpu_signature >> 4) & 0x0f, entry->cpu_signature & 0x0f ); printf( "\t 0x%04x\n", entry->feature_flags ); } /* * */ static int lookupBusType( char* name ) { int x; for ( x = 0; x < MAX_BUSTYPE; ++x ) if ( strcmp( busTypeTable[ x ].name, name ) == 0 ) return busTypeTable[ x ].type; return UNKNOWN_BUSTYPE; } static void busEntry( bus_entry_ptr entry ) { int x; char name[ 8 ]; char c; /* count it */ ++nbus; printf( "\t\t%2d", entry->bus_id ); printf( "\t " ); pnstr( entry->bus_type, 6 ); printf( "\n" ); for ( x = 0; x < 6; ++x ) { if ( (c = entry->bus_type[ x ]) == ' ' ) break; name[ x ] = c; } name[ x ] = '\0'; busses[ entry->bus_id ] = lookupBusType( name ); } static void ioApicEntry( io_apic_entry_ptr entry ) { /* count it */ ++napic; printf( "\t\t%2d", entry->apic_id ); printf( "\t 0x%02x", entry->apic_version ); printf( "\t %s", (entry->apic_flags & IOAPICENTRY_FLAG_EN) ? "usable" : "unusable" ); printf( "\t\t 0x%x\n", entry->apic_address ); apics[ entry->apic_id ] = entry->apic_id; } static const char *intTypes[] = { "INT", "NMI", "SMI", "ExtINT" }; static const char *polarityMode[] = { "conforms", "active-hi", "reserved", "active-lo" }; static const char *triggerMode[] = { "conforms", "edge", "reserved", "level" }; static void intEntry( int_entry_ptr entry ) { /* count it */ if ( entry->type == MPCT_ENTRY_INT ) ++nintr; printf( "\t\t%s", intTypes[ entry->int_type ] ); printf( "\t%9s", polarityMode[ entry->int_flags & INTENTRY_FLAGS_POLARITY ] ); printf( "%12s", triggerMode[ (entry->int_flags & INTENTRY_FLAGS_TRIGGER) >> 2 ] ); printf( "\t %5d", entry->src_bus_id ); if ( busses[ entry->src_bus_id ] == PCI ) printf( "\t%2d:%c", (entry->src_bus_irq >> 2) & 0x1f, (entry->src_bus_irq & 0x03) + 'A' ); else printf( "\t %3d", entry->src_bus_irq ); printf( "\t %6d", entry->dst_apic_id ); printf( "\t %3d\n", entry->dst_apic_int ); } static void sasEntry( sas_entry_ptr entry ) { printf( "--\nSystem Address Space\n"); printf( " bus ID: %d", entry->bus_id ); printf( " address type: " ); switch ( entry->address_type ) { case SASENTRY_TYPE_IO: printf( "I/O address\n" ); break; case SASENTRY_TYPE_MEMORY: printf( "memory address\n" ); break; case SASENTRY_TYPE_PREFETCH: printf( "prefetch address\n" ); break; default: printf( "UNKNOWN type\n" ); break; } printf( " address base: 0x%jx\n", (uintmax_t)entry->address_base ); printf( " address range: 0x%jx\n", (uintmax_t)entry->address_length ); } static void bhdEntry( bhd_entry_ptr entry ) { printf( "--\nBus Hierarchy\n" ); printf( " bus ID: %d", entry->bus_id ); printf( " bus info: 0x%02x", entry->bus_info ); printf( " parent bus ID: %d\n", entry->parent_bus ); } static void cbasmEntry( cbasm_entry_ptr entry ) { printf( "--\nCompatibility Bus Address\n" ); printf( " bus ID: %d", entry->bus_id ); printf( " address modifier: %s\n", (entry->address_mod & CBASMENTRY_ADDRESS_MOD_SUBTRACT) ? "subtract" : "add" ); printf( " predefined range: 0x%08x\n", entry->predefined_range ); } /* * do a dmesg output */ static void doDmesg( void ) { puts( SEP_LINE ); printf( "dmesg output:\n\n" ); fflush( stdout ); system( "dmesg" ); } /* * */ static void pnstr( char* s, int c ) { char string[ MAXPNSTR + 1 ]; if ( c > MAXPNSTR ) c = MAXPNSTR; strncpy( string, s, c ); string[ c ] = '\0'; printf( "%s", string ); }