/*- * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Sandvine Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/iov.h> #include <sys/nv.h> #include <net/ethernet.h> #include <err.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <regex.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ucl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "iovctl.h" static void report_config_error(const char *key, const ucl_object_t *obj, const char *type) { errx(1, "Value '%s' of key '%s' is not of type %s", ucl_object_tostring(obj), key, type); } /* * Verifies that the value specified in the config file is a boolean value, and * then adds the value to the configuration. */ static void add_bool_config(const char *key, const ucl_object_t *obj, nvlist_t *config) { bool val; if (!ucl_object_toboolean_safe(obj, &val)) report_config_error(key, obj, "bool"); nvlist_add_bool(config, key, val); } /* * Verifies that the value specified in the config file is a string, and then * adds the value to the configuration. */ static void add_string_config(const char *key, const ucl_object_t *obj, nvlist_t *config) { const char *val; if (!ucl_object_tostring_safe(obj, &val)) report_config_error(key, obj, "string"); nvlist_add_string(config, key, val); } /* * Verifies that the value specified in the config file is a integer value * within the specified range, and then adds the value to the configuration. */ static void add_uint_config(const char *key, const ucl_object_t *obj, nvlist_t *config, const char *type, uint64_t max) { int64_t val; uint64_t uval; /* I must use a signed type here as libucl doesn't provide unsigned. */ if (!ucl_object_toint_safe(obj, &val)) report_config_error(key, obj, type); if (val < 0) report_config_error(key, obj, type); uval = val; if (uval > max) report_config_error(key, obj, type); nvlist_add_number(config, key, uval); } /* * Verifies that the value specified in the config file is a unicast MAC * address, and then adds the value to the configuration. */ static void add_unicast_mac_config(const char *key, const ucl_object_t *obj, nvlist_t *config) { uint8_t mac[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; const char *val, *token; char *parse, *orig_parse, *tokpos, *endpos; size_t len; u_long value; int i; if (!ucl_object_tostring_safe(obj, &val)) report_config_error(key, obj, "unicast-mac"); parse = strdup(val); orig_parse = parse; i = 0; while ((token = strtok_r(parse, ":", &tokpos)) != NULL) { parse = NULL; len = strlen(token); if (len < 1 || len > 2) report_config_error(key, obj, "unicast-mac"); value = strtoul(token, &endpos, 16); if (*endpos != '\0') report_config_error(key, obj, "unicast-mac"); if (value > UINT8_MAX) report_config_error(key, obj, "unicast-mac"); if (i >= ETHER_ADDR_LEN) report_config_error(key, obj, "unicast-mac"); mac[i] = value; i++; } free(orig_parse); if (i != ETHER_ADDR_LEN) report_config_error(key, obj, "unicast-mac"); if (ETHER_IS_MULTICAST(mac)) errx(1, "Value '%s' of key '%s' is a multicast address", ucl_object_tostring(obj), key); nvlist_add_binary(config, key, mac, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); } /* * Validates that the given configuration value has the right type as specified * in the schema, and then adds the value to the configuration node. */ static void add_config(const char *key, const ucl_object_t *obj, nvlist_t *config, const nvlist_t *schema) { const char *type; type = nvlist_get_string(schema, TYPE_SCHEMA_NAME); if (strcasecmp(type, "bool") == 0) add_bool_config(key, obj, config); else if (strcasecmp(type, "string") == 0) add_string_config(key, obj, config); else if (strcasecmp(type, "uint8_t") == 0) add_uint_config(key, obj, config, type, UINT8_MAX); else if (strcasecmp(type, "uint16_t") == 0) add_uint_config(key, obj, config, type, UINT16_MAX); else if (strcasecmp(type, "uint32_t") == 0) add_uint_config(key, obj, config, type, UINT32_MAX); else if (strcasecmp(type, "uint64_t") == 0) add_uint_config(key, obj, config, type, UINT64_MAX); else if (strcasecmp(type, "unicast-mac") == 0) add_unicast_mac_config(key, obj, config); else errx(1, "Unexpected type '%s' in schema", type); } /* * Parses all values specified in a device section in the configuration file, * validates that the key/value pair is valid in the schema, and then adds * the key/value pair to the correct subsystem in the config. */ static void parse_device_config(const ucl_object_t *top, nvlist_t *config, const char *subsystem, const nvlist_t *schema) { ucl_object_iter_t it; const ucl_object_t *obj; nvlist_t *subsystem_config, *driver_config, *iov_config; const nvlist_t *driver_schema, *iov_schema; const char *key; if (nvlist_exists(config, subsystem)) errx(1, "Multiple definitions of '%s' in config file", subsystem); driver_schema = nvlist_get_nvlist(schema, DRIVER_CONFIG_NAME); iov_schema = nvlist_get_nvlist(schema, IOV_CONFIG_NAME); driver_config = nvlist_create(NV_FLAG_IGNORE_CASE); if (driver_config == NULL) err(1, "Could not allocate config nvlist"); iov_config = nvlist_create(NV_FLAG_IGNORE_CASE); if (iov_config == NULL) err(1, "Could not allocate config nvlist"); subsystem_config = nvlist_create(NV_FLAG_IGNORE_CASE); if (subsystem_config == NULL) err(1, "Could not allocate config nvlist"); it = NULL; while ((obj = ucl_iterate_object(top, &it, true)) != NULL) { key = ucl_object_key(obj); if (nvlist_exists_nvlist(iov_schema, key)) add_config(key, obj, iov_config, nvlist_get_nvlist(iov_schema, key)); else if (nvlist_exists_nvlist(driver_schema, key)) add_config(key, obj, driver_config, nvlist_get_nvlist(driver_schema, key)); else errx(1, "%s: Invalid config key '%s'", subsystem, key); } nvlist_move_nvlist(subsystem_config, DRIVER_CONFIG_NAME, driver_config); nvlist_move_nvlist(subsystem_config, IOV_CONFIG_NAME, iov_config); nvlist_move_nvlist(config, subsystem, subsystem_config); } /* * Parses the specified config file using the given schema, and returns an * nvlist containing the configuration specified by the file. * * Exits with a message to stderr and an error if any config validation fails. */ nvlist_t * parse_config_file(const char *filename, const nvlist_t *schema) { ucl_object_iter_t it; struct ucl_parser *parser; ucl_object_t *top; const ucl_object_t *obj; nvlist_t *config; const nvlist_t *pf_schema, *vf_schema; const char *errmsg, *key; regex_t vf_pat; int regex_err, processed_vf; regex_err = regcomp(&vf_pat, "^"VF_PREFIX"([1-9][0-9]*|0)$", REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE); if (regex_err != 0) errx(1, "Could not compile VF regex"); parser = ucl_parser_new(0); if (parser == NULL) err(1, "Could not allocate parser"); if (!ucl_parser_add_file(parser, filename)) err(1, "Could not open '%s' for reading", filename); errmsg = ucl_parser_get_error(parser); if (errmsg != NULL) errx(1, "Could not parse '%s': %s", filename, errmsg); config = nvlist_create(NV_FLAG_IGNORE_CASE); if (config == NULL) err(1, "Could not allocate config nvlist"); pf_schema = nvlist_get_nvlist(schema, PF_CONFIG_NAME); vf_schema = nvlist_get_nvlist(schema, VF_SCHEMA_NAME); processed_vf = 0; top = ucl_parser_get_object(parser); it = NULL; while ((obj = ucl_iterate_object(top, &it, true)) != NULL) { key = ucl_object_key(obj); if (strcasecmp(key, PF_CONFIG_NAME) == 0) parse_device_config(obj, config, key, pf_schema); else if (strcasecmp(key, DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAME) == 0) { /* * Enforce that the default section must come before all * VF sections. This will hopefully prevent confusing * the user by having a default value apply to a VF * that was declared earlier in the file. * * This also gives us the flexibility to extend the file * format in the future to allow for multiple default * sections that do only apply to subsequent VF * sections. */ if (processed_vf) errx(1, "'default' section must precede all VF sections"); parse_device_config(obj, config, key, vf_schema); } else if (regexec(&vf_pat, key, 0, NULL, 0) == 0) { processed_vf = 1; parse_device_config(obj, config, key, vf_schema); } else errx(1, "Unexpected top-level node: %s", key); } validate_config(config, schema, &vf_pat); ucl_object_unref(top); ucl_parser_free(parser); regfree(&vf_pat); return (config); } /* * Parse the PF configuration section for and return the value specified for * the device parameter, or NULL if the device is not specified. */ static const char * find_pf_device(const ucl_object_t *pf) { ucl_object_iter_t it; const ucl_object_t *obj; const char *key, *device; it = NULL; while ((obj = ucl_iterate_object(pf, &it, true)) != NULL) { key = ucl_object_key(obj); if (strcasecmp(key, "device") == 0) { if (!ucl_object_tostring_safe(obj, &device)) err(1, "Config PF.device must be a string"); return (device); } } return (NULL); } /* * Manually parse the config file looking for the name of the PF device. We * have to do this separately because we need the config schema to call the * normal config file parsing code, and we need to know the name of the PF * device so that we can fetch the schema from it. * * This will always exit on failure, so if it returns then it is guaranteed to * have returned a valid device name. */ char * find_device(const char *filename) { char *device; const char *deviceName; ucl_object_iter_t it; struct ucl_parser *parser; ucl_object_t *top; const ucl_object_t *obj; const char *errmsg, *key; int error; device = NULL; deviceName = NULL; parser = ucl_parser_new(0); if (parser == NULL) err(1, "Could not allocate parser"); if (!ucl_parser_add_file(parser, filename)) err(1, "Could not open '%s' for reading", filename); errmsg = ucl_parser_get_error(parser); if (errmsg != NULL) errx(1, "Could not parse '%s': %s", filename, errmsg); top = ucl_parser_get_object (parser); it = NULL; while ((obj = ucl_iterate_object(top, &it, true)) != NULL) { key = ucl_object_key(obj); if (strcasecmp(key, PF_CONFIG_NAME) == 0) { deviceName = find_pf_device(obj); break; } } if (deviceName == NULL) errx(1, "Config file does not specify device"); error = asprintf(&device, "/dev/iov/%s", deviceName); if (error < 0) err(1, "Could not allocate memory for device"); ucl_object_unref(top); ucl_parser_free(parser); return (device); }