#!/bin/sh #- # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause # # Copyright 2018 Allan Jude <allanjude@freebsd.org> # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted providing that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING # IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # $FreeBSD$ ############################################################ CONFIGURATION : ${DESTDIR:=} : ${DISTBASE:=} : ${FILEPAT:="\.pem$|\.crt$|\.cer$|\.crl$"} : ${VERBOSE:=0} ############################################################ GLOBALS SCRIPTNAME="${0##*/}" ERRORS=0 NOOP=0 UNPRIV=0 ############################################################ FUNCTIONS do_hash() { local hash if hash=$( openssl x509 -noout -subject_hash -in "$1" ); then echo "$hash" return 0 else echo "Error: $1" >&2 ERRORS=$(( $ERRORS + 1 )) return 1 fi } get_decimal() { local checkdir hash decimal checkdir=$1 hash=$2 decimal=0 while [ -e "$checkdir/$hash.$decimal" ]; do decimal=$((decimal + 1)) done echo ${decimal} return 0 } create_trusted_link() { local blisthash certhash hash local suffix hash=$( do_hash "$1" ) || return certhash=$( openssl x509 -sha1 -in "$1" -noout -fingerprint ) for blistfile in $(find $UNTRUSTDESTDIR -name "$hash.*"); do blisthash=$( openssl x509 -sha1 -in "$blistfile" -noout -fingerprint ) if [ "$certhash" = "$blisthash" ]; then echo "Skipping untrusted certificate $1 ($blistfile)" return 1 fi done suffix=$(get_decimal "$CERTDESTDIR" "$hash") [ $VERBOSE -gt 0 ] && echo "Adding $hash.$suffix to trust store" [ $NOOP -eq 0 ] && \ install ${INSTALLFLAGS} -lrs $(realpath "$1") "$CERTDESTDIR/$hash.$suffix" } # Accepts either dot-hash form from `certctl list` or a path to a valid cert. resolve_certname() { local hash srcfile filename local suffix # If it exists as a file, we'll try that; otherwise, we'll scan if [ -e "$1" ]; then hash=$( do_hash "$1" ) || return srcfile=$(realpath "$1") suffix=$(get_decimal "$UNTRUSTDESTDIR" "$hash") filename="$hash.$suffix" echo "$srcfile" "$hash.$suffix" elif [ -e "${CERTDESTDIR}/$1" ]; then srcfile=$(realpath "${CERTDESTDIR}/$1") hash=$(echo "$1" | sed -Ee 's/\.([0-9])+$//') suffix=$(get_decimal "$UNTRUSTDESTDIR" "$hash") filename="$hash.$suffix" echo "$srcfile" "$hash.$suffix" fi } create_untrusted() { local srcfile filename set -- $(resolve_certname "$1") srcfile=$1 filename=$2 if [ -z "$srcfile" -o -z "$filename" ]; then return fi [ $VERBOSE -gt 0 ] && echo "Adding $filename to untrusted list" [ $NOOP -eq 0 ] && install ${INSTALLFLAGS} -lrs "$srcfile" "$UNTRUSTDESTDIR/$filename" } do_scan() { local CFUNC CSEARCH CPATH CFILE local oldIFS="$IFS" CFUNC="$1" CSEARCH="$2" IFS=: set -- $CSEARCH IFS="$oldIFS" for CPATH in "$@"; do [ -d "$CPATH" ] || continue echo "Scanning $CPATH for certificates..." for CFILE in $(ls -1 "${CPATH}" | grep -Ee "${FILEPAT}"); do [ -e "$CPATH/$CFILE" ] || continue [ $VERBOSE -gt 0 ] && echo "Reading $CFILE" "$CFUNC" "$CPATH/$CFILE" done done } do_list() { local CFILE subject if [ -e "$1" ]; then cd "$1" for CFILE in *.[0-9]; do if [ ! -s "$CFILE" ]; then echo "Unable to read $CFILE" >&2 ERRORS=$(( $ERRORS + 1 )) continue fi subject= if [ $VERBOSE -eq 0 ]; then subject=$( openssl x509 -noout -subject -nameopt multiline -in "$CFILE" | sed -n '/commonName/s/.*= //p' ) fi [ "$subject" ] || subject=$( openssl x509 -noout -subject -in "$CFILE" ) printf "%s\t%s\n" "$CFILE" "$subject" done cd - fi } cmd_rehash() { if [ $NOOP -eq 0 ]; then if [ -e "$CERTDESTDIR" ]; then find "$CERTDESTDIR" -type link -delete else mkdir -p "$CERTDESTDIR" fi if [ -e "$UNTRUSTDESTDIR" ]; then find "$UNTRUSTDESTDIR" -type link -delete else mkdir -p "$UNTRUSTDESTDIR" fi fi do_scan create_untrusted "$UNTRUSTPATH" do_scan create_trusted_link "$TRUSTPATH" } cmd_list() { echo "Listing Trusted Certificates:" do_list "$CERTDESTDIR" } cmd_untrust() { local BPATH shift # verb [ $NOOP -eq 0 ] && mkdir -p "$UNTRUSTDESTDIR" for BFILE in "$@"; do echo "Adding $BFILE to untrusted list" create_untrusted "$BFILE" done } cmd_trust() { local BFILE blisthash certhash hash shift # verb for BFILE in "$@"; do if [ -s "$BFILE" ]; then hash=$( do_hash "$BFILE" ) certhash=$( openssl x509 -sha1 -in "$BFILE" -noout -fingerprint ) for BLISTEDFILE in $(find $UNTRUSTDESTDIR -name "$hash.*"); do blisthash=$( openssl x509 -sha1 -in "$BLISTEDFILE" -noout -fingerprint ) if [ "$certhash" = "$blisthash" ]; then echo "Removing $(basename "$BLISTEDFILE") from untrusted list" [ $NOOP -eq 0 ] && rm -f $BLISTEDFILE fi done elif [ -e "$UNTRUSTDESTDIR/$BFILE" ]; then echo "Removing $BFILE from untrusted list" [ $NOOP -eq 0 ] && rm -f "$UNTRUSTDESTDIR/$BFILE" else echo "Cannot find $BFILE" >&2 ERRORS=$(( $ERRORS + 1 )) fi done } cmd_untrusted() { echo "Listing Untrusted Certificates:" do_list "$UNTRUSTDESTDIR" } usage() { exec >&2 echo "Manage the TLS trusted certificates on the system" echo " $SCRIPTNAME [-v] list" echo " List trusted certificates" echo " $SCRIPTNAME [-v] untrusted" echo " List untrusted certificates" echo " $SCRIPTNAME [-nUv] [-D <destdir>] [-d <distbase>] [-M <metalog>] rehash" echo " Generate hash links for all certificates" echo " $SCRIPTNAME [-nv] untrust <file>" echo " Add <file> to the list of untrusted certificates" echo " $SCRIPTNAME [-nv] trust <file>" echo " Remove <file> from the list of untrusted certificates" exit 64 } ############################################################ MAIN while getopts D:d:M:nUv flag; do case "$flag" in D) DESTDIR=${OPTARG} ;; d) DISTBASE=${OPTARG} ;; M) METALOG=${OPTARG} ;; n) NOOP=1 ;; U) UNPRIV=1 ;; v) VERBOSE=$(( $VERBOSE + 1 )) ;; esac done shift $(( $OPTIND - 1 )) DESTDIR=${DESTDIR%/} : ${METALOG:=${DESTDIR}/METALOG} INSTALLFLAGS= [ $UNPRIV -eq 1 ] && INSTALLFLAGS="-U -M ${METALOG} -D ${DESTDIR}" : ${LOCALBASE:=$(sysctl -n user.localbase)} : ${TRUSTPATH:=${DESTDIR}${DISTBASE}/usr/share/certs/trusted:${DESTDIR}${LOCALBASE}/share/certs:${DESTDIR}${LOCALBASE}/etc/ssl/certs} : ${UNTRUSTPATH:=${DESTDIR}${DISTBASE}/usr/share/certs/untrusted:${DESTDIR}${LOCALBASE}/etc/ssl/untrusted:${DESTDIR}${LOCALBASE}/etc/ssl/blacklisted} : ${CERTDESTDIR:=${DESTDIR}${DISTBASE}/etc/ssl/certs} : ${UNTRUSTDESTDIR:=${DESTDIR}${DISTBASE}/etc/ssl/untrusted} [ $# -gt 0 ] || usage case "$1" in list) cmd_list ;; rehash) cmd_rehash ;; blacklist) cmd_untrust "$@" ;; untrust) cmd_untrust "$@" ;; trust) cmd_trust "$@" ;; unblacklist) cmd_trust "$@" ;; untrusted) cmd_untrusted ;; blacklisted) cmd_untrusted ;; *) usage # NOTREACHED esac retval=$? [ $ERRORS -gt 0 ] && echo "Encountered $ERRORS errors" >&2 exit $retval ################################################################################ # END ################################################################################