/*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause * * Copyright (c) 2011 Nathan Whitehorn * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/param.h> #include <errno.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <libutil.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <libgeom.h> #include <bsddialog.h> #include "partedit.h" #define MIN_FREE_SPACE (1024*1024*1024) /* 1 GB */ #define SWAP_SIZE(available) MIN(available/20, 4*1024*1024*1024LL) static char *wizard_partition(struct gmesh *mesh, const char *disk); int part_wizard(const char *fsreq) { char *disk, *schemeroot; const char *fstype; struct gmesh mesh; int error; struct bsddialog_conf conf; bsddialog_initconf(&conf); if (fsreq != NULL) fstype = fsreq; else fstype = "ufs"; startwizard: error = geom_gettree(&mesh); if (error != 0) return (1); bsddialog_backtitle(&conf, "FreeBSD Installer"); disk = boot_disk_select(&mesh); if (disk == NULL) { geom_deletetree(&mesh); return (1); } bsddialog_clear(0); bsddialog_backtitle(&conf, "FreeBSD Installer"); schemeroot = wizard_partition(&mesh, disk); free(disk); geom_deletetree(&mesh); if (schemeroot == NULL) return (1); bsddialog_clear(0); bsddialog_backtitle(&conf, "FreeBSD Installer"); error = geom_gettree(&mesh); if (error != 0) { free(schemeroot); return (1); } error = wizard_makeparts(&mesh, schemeroot, fstype, 1); free(schemeroot); geom_deletetree(&mesh); if (error) goto startwizard; return (0); } char * boot_disk_select(struct gmesh *mesh) { struct gclass *classp; struct gconfig *gc; struct ggeom *gp; struct gprovider *pp; struct bsddialog_menuitem *disks = NULL; const char *type, *desc; char diskdesc[512]; char *chosen; int i, button, fd, selected, n = 0; struct bsddialog_conf conf; bsddialog_initconf(&conf); LIST_FOREACH(classp, &mesh->lg_class, lg_class) { if (strcmp(classp->lg_name, "DISK") != 0 && strcmp(classp->lg_name, "RAID") != 0 && strcmp(classp->lg_name, "MD") != 0) continue; LIST_FOREACH(gp, &classp->lg_geom, lg_geom) { if (LIST_EMPTY(&gp->lg_provider)) continue; LIST_FOREACH(pp, &gp->lg_provider, lg_provider) { desc = type = NULL; LIST_FOREACH(gc, &pp->lg_config, lg_config) { if (strcmp(gc->lg_name, "type") == 0) type = gc->lg_val; if (strcmp(gc->lg_name, "descr") == 0) desc = gc->lg_val; } /* Skip swap-backed md and WORM devices */ if (strcmp(classp->lg_name, "MD") == 0 && type != NULL && strcmp(type, "swap") == 0) continue; if (strncmp(pp->lg_name, "cd", 2) == 0) continue; /* * Check if the disk is available to be opened for * write operations, it helps prevent the USB * stick used to boot from being listed as an option */ fd = g_open(pp->lg_name, 1); if (fd == -1) { continue; } g_close(fd); disks = realloc(disks, (++n)*sizeof(disks[0])); disks[n-1].name = pp->lg_name; humanize_number(diskdesc, 7, pp->lg_mediasize, "B", HN_AUTOSCALE, HN_DECIMAL); if (strncmp(pp->lg_name, "ad", 2) == 0) strcat(diskdesc, " ATA Hard Disk"); else if (strncmp(pp->lg_name, "md", 2) == 0) strcat(diskdesc, " Memory Disk"); else strcat(diskdesc, " Disk"); if (desc != NULL) snprintf(diskdesc, sizeof(diskdesc), "%s <%s>", diskdesc, desc); disks[n-1].prefix = ""; disks[n-1].on = false; disks[n-1].depth = 0; disks[n-1].desc = strdup(diskdesc); disks[n-1].bottomdesc = ""; } } } if (n > 1) { conf.title = "Partitioning"; button = bsddialog_menu(&conf, "Select the disk on which to install " OSNAME ".", 0, 0, 0, n, disks, &selected); chosen = (button == BSDDIALOG_OK) ? strdup(disks[selected].name) : NULL; } else if (n == 1) { chosen = strdup(disks[0].name); } else { chosen = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) free((char*)disks[i].desc); return (chosen); } static struct gprovider * provider_for_name(struct gmesh *mesh, const char *name) { struct gclass *classp; struct gprovider *pp = NULL; struct ggeom *gp; LIST_FOREACH(classp, &mesh->lg_class, lg_class) { LIST_FOREACH(gp, &classp->lg_geom, lg_geom) { if (LIST_EMPTY(&gp->lg_provider)) continue; LIST_FOREACH(pp, &gp->lg_provider, lg_provider) if (strcmp(pp->lg_name, name) == 0) break; if (pp != NULL) break; } if (pp != NULL) break; } return (pp); } static char * wizard_partition(struct gmesh *mesh, const char *disk) { struct gclass *classp; struct ggeom *gpart = NULL; struct gconfig *gc; char *retval = NULL; const char *scheme = NULL; char message[512]; int choice; struct bsddialog_conf conf; bsddialog_initconf(&conf); LIST_FOREACH(classp, &mesh->lg_class, lg_class) if (strcmp(classp->lg_name, "PART") == 0) break; if (classp != NULL) { LIST_FOREACH(gpart, &classp->lg_geom, lg_geom) if (strcmp(gpart->lg_name, disk) == 0) break; } if (gpart != NULL) { LIST_FOREACH(gc, &gpart->lg_config, lg_config) { if (strcmp(gc->lg_name, "scheme") == 0) { scheme = gc->lg_val; break; } } } /* Treat uncommitted scheme deletions as no scheme */ if (scheme != NULL && strcmp(scheme, "(none)") == 0) scheme = NULL; query: conf.button.ok_label = "Entire Disk"; conf.button.cancel_label = "Partition"; if (gpart != NULL) conf.button.default_cancel = true; snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "Would you like to use this entire " "disk (%s) for " OSNAME " or partition it to share it with other " "operating systems? Using the entire disk will erase any data " "currently stored there.", disk); conf.title = "Partition"; choice = bsddialog_yesno(&conf, message, 9, 45); conf.button.ok_label = NULL; conf.button.cancel_label = NULL; conf.button.default_cancel = false; if (choice == BSDDIALOG_NO && scheme != NULL && !is_scheme_bootable(scheme)) { char warning[512]; int subchoice; snprintf(warning, sizeof(warning), "The existing partition scheme on this " "disk (%s) is not bootable on this platform. To install " OSNAME ", it must be repartitioned. This will destroy all " "data on the disk. Are you sure you want to proceed?", scheme); conf.title = "Non-bootable Disk"; subchoice = bsddialog_yesno(&conf, warning, 0, 0); if (subchoice != BSDDIALOG_YES) goto query; gpart_destroy(gpart); scheme = choose_part_type(default_scheme()); if (scheme == NULL) return NULL; gpart_partition(disk, scheme); } if (scheme == NULL || choice == 0) { if (gpart != NULL && scheme != NULL) { /* Erase partitioned disk */ conf.title = "Confirmation"; choice = bsddialog_yesno(&conf, "This will erase " "the disk. Are you sure you want to proceed?", 0, 0); if (choice != BSDDIALOG_YES) goto query; gpart_destroy(gpart); } scheme = choose_part_type(default_scheme()); if (scheme == NULL) return NULL; gpart_partition(disk, scheme); } if (strcmp(scheme, "MBR") == 0) { struct gmesh submesh; if (geom_gettree(&submesh) == 0) { gpart_create(provider_for_name(&submesh, disk), "freebsd", NULL, NULL, &retval, choice /* Non-interactive for "Entire Disk" */); geom_deletetree(&submesh); } } else { retval = strdup(disk); } return (retval); } int wizard_makeparts(struct gmesh *mesh, const char *disk, const char *fstype, int interactive) { struct gclass *classp; struct ggeom *gp; struct gprovider *pp; char *fsnames[] = {"freebsd-ufs", "freebsd-zfs"}; char *fsname; struct gmesh submesh; char swapsizestr[10], rootsizestr[10]; intmax_t swapsize, available; int error, retval; struct bsddialog_conf conf; if (strcmp(fstype, "zfs") == 0) { fsname = fsnames[1]; } else { /* default to UFS */ fsname = fsnames[0]; } LIST_FOREACH(classp, &mesh->lg_class, lg_class) if (strcmp(classp->lg_name, "PART") == 0) break; LIST_FOREACH(gp, &classp->lg_geom, lg_geom) if (strcmp(gp->lg_name, disk) == 0) break; pp = provider_for_name(mesh, disk); available = gpart_max_free(gp, NULL)*pp->lg_sectorsize; if (interactive && available < MIN_FREE_SPACE) { char availablestr[10], neededstr[10], message[512]; humanize_number(availablestr, 7, available, "B", HN_AUTOSCALE, HN_DECIMAL); humanize_number(neededstr, 7, MIN_FREE_SPACE, "B", HN_AUTOSCALE, HN_DECIMAL); snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "There is not enough free space on %s to " "install " OSNAME " (%s free, %s required). Would you like " "to choose another disk or to open the partition editor?", disk, availablestr, neededstr); bsddialog_initconf(&conf); conf.button.ok_label = "Another Disk"; conf.button.cancel_label = "Editor"; conf.title = "Warning"; retval = bsddialog_yesno(&conf, message, 0, 0); return (!retval); /* Editor -> return 0 */ } swapsize = SWAP_SIZE(available); humanize_number(swapsizestr, 7, swapsize, "B", HN_AUTOSCALE, HN_NOSPACE | HN_DECIMAL); humanize_number(rootsizestr, 7, available - swapsize - 1024*1024, "B", HN_AUTOSCALE, HN_NOSPACE | HN_DECIMAL); error = geom_gettree(&submesh); if (error != 0) return (error); pp = provider_for_name(&submesh, disk); gpart_create(pp, fsname, rootsizestr, "/", NULL, 0); geom_deletetree(&submesh); error = geom_gettree(&submesh); if (error != 0) return (error); pp = provider_for_name(&submesh, disk); gpart_create(pp, "freebsd-swap", swapsizestr, NULL, NULL, 0); geom_deletetree(&submesh); return (0); }