/*- * Copyright (c) 2014 Leon Dang <ldang@nahannisys.com> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include <sys/time.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <dev/usb/usb.h> #include <dev/usb/usbdi.h> #include "usb_emul.h" #include "console.h" #include "bhyvegc.h" static int umouse_debug = 0; #define DPRINTF(params) if (umouse_debug) printf params #define WPRINTF(params) printf params /* USB endpoint context (1-15) for reporting mouse data events*/ #define UMOUSE_INTR_ENDPT 1 #define UMOUSE_REPORT_DESC_TYPE 0x22 #define UMOUSE_GET_REPORT 0x01 #define UMOUSE_GET_IDLE 0x02 #define UMOUSE_GET_PROTOCOL 0x03 #define UMOUSE_SET_REPORT 0x09 #define UMOUSE_SET_IDLE 0x0A #define UMOUSE_SET_PROTOCOL 0x0B #define HSETW(ptr, val) ptr = { (uint8_t)(val), (uint8_t)((val) >> 8) } enum { UMSTR_LANG, UMSTR_MANUFACTURER, UMSTR_PRODUCT, UMSTR_SERIAL, UMSTR_CONFIG, UMSTR_MAX }; static const char *umouse_desc_strings[] = { "\x04\x09", "BHYVE", "HID Tablet", "01", "HID Tablet Device", }; struct umouse_hid_descriptor { uint8_t bLength; uint8_t bDescriptorType; uint8_t bcdHID[2]; uint8_t bCountryCode; uint8_t bNumDescriptors; uint8_t bReportDescriptorType; uint8_t wItemLength[2]; } __packed; struct umouse_config_desc { struct usb_config_descriptor confd; struct usb_interface_descriptor ifcd; struct umouse_hid_descriptor hidd; struct usb_endpoint_descriptor endpd; struct usb_endpoint_ss_comp_descriptor sscompd; } __packed; #define MOUSE_MAX_X 0x8000 #define MOUSE_MAX_Y 0x8000 static const uint8_t umouse_report_desc[] = { 0x05, 0x01, /* USAGE_PAGE (Generic Desktop) */ 0x09, 0x02, /* USAGE (Mouse) */ 0xa1, 0x01, /* COLLECTION (Application) */ 0x09, 0x01, /* USAGE (Pointer) */ 0xa1, 0x00, /* COLLECTION (Physical) */ 0x05, 0x09, /* USAGE_PAGE (Button) */ 0x19, 0x01, /* USAGE_MINIMUM (Button 1) */ 0x29, 0x03, /* USAGE_MAXIMUM (Button 3) */ 0x15, 0x00, /* LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0) */ 0x25, 0x01, /* LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (1) */ 0x75, 0x01, /* REPORT_SIZE (1) */ 0x95, 0x03, /* REPORT_COUNT (3) */ 0x81, 0x02, /* INPUT (Data,Var,Abs); 3 buttons */ 0x75, 0x05, /* REPORT_SIZE (5) */ 0x95, 0x01, /* REPORT_COUNT (1) */ 0x81, 0x03, /* INPUT (Cnst,Var,Abs); padding */ 0x05, 0x01, /* USAGE_PAGE (Generic Desktop) */ 0x09, 0x30, /* USAGE (X) */ 0x09, 0x31, /* USAGE (Y) */ 0x35, 0x00, /* PHYSICAL_MINIMUM (0) */ 0x46, 0xff, 0x7f, /* PHYSICAL_MAXIMUM (0x7fff) */ 0x15, 0x00, /* LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0) */ 0x26, 0xff, 0x7f, /* LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (0x7fff) */ 0x75, 0x10, /* REPORT_SIZE (16) */ 0x95, 0x02, /* REPORT_COUNT (2) */ 0x81, 0x02, /* INPUT (Data,Var,Abs) */ 0x05, 0x01, /* USAGE Page (Generic Desktop) */ 0x09, 0x38, /* USAGE (Wheel) */ 0x35, 0x00, /* PHYSICAL_MINIMUM (0) */ 0x45, 0x00, /* PHYSICAL_MAXIMUM (0) */ 0x15, 0x81, /* LOGICAL_MINIMUM (-127) */ 0x25, 0x7f, /* LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (127) */ 0x75, 0x08, /* REPORT_SIZE (8) */ 0x95, 0x01, /* REPORT_COUNT (1) */ 0x81, 0x06, /* INPUT (Data,Var,Rel) */ 0xc0, /* END_COLLECTION */ 0xc0 /* END_COLLECTION */ }; struct umouse_report { uint8_t buttons; /* bits: 0 left, 1 right, 2 middle */ int16_t x; /* x position */ int16_t y; /* y position */ int8_t z; /* z wheel position */ } __packed; #define MSETW(ptr, val) ptr = { (uint8_t)(val), (uint8_t)((val) >> 8) } static struct usb_device_descriptor umouse_dev_desc = { .bLength = sizeof(umouse_dev_desc), .bDescriptorType = UDESC_DEVICE, MSETW(.bcdUSB, UD_USB_3_0), .bMaxPacketSize = 8, /* max packet size */ MSETW(.idVendor, 0xFB5D), /* vendor */ MSETW(.idProduct, 0x0001), /* product */ MSETW(.bcdDevice, 0), /* device version */ .iManufacturer = UMSTR_MANUFACTURER, .iProduct = UMSTR_PRODUCT, .iSerialNumber = UMSTR_SERIAL, .bNumConfigurations = 1, }; static struct umouse_config_desc umouse_confd = { .confd = { .bLength = sizeof(umouse_confd.confd), .bDescriptorType = UDESC_CONFIG, .wTotalLength[0] = sizeof(umouse_confd), .bNumInterface = 1, .bConfigurationValue = 1, .iConfiguration = UMSTR_CONFIG, .bmAttributes = UC_BUS_POWERED | UC_REMOTE_WAKEUP, .bMaxPower = 0, }, .ifcd = { .bLength = sizeof(umouse_confd.ifcd), .bDescriptorType = UDESC_INTERFACE, .bNumEndpoints = 1, .bInterfaceClass = UICLASS_HID, .bInterfaceSubClass = UISUBCLASS_BOOT, .bInterfaceProtocol = UIPROTO_MOUSE, }, .hidd = { .bLength = sizeof(umouse_confd.hidd), .bDescriptorType = 0x21, .bcdHID = { 0x01, 0x10 }, .bCountryCode = 0, .bNumDescriptors = 1, .bReportDescriptorType = UMOUSE_REPORT_DESC_TYPE, .wItemLength = { sizeof(umouse_report_desc), 0 }, }, .endpd = { .bLength = sizeof(umouse_confd.endpd), .bDescriptorType = UDESC_ENDPOINT, .bEndpointAddress = UE_DIR_IN | UMOUSE_INTR_ENDPT, .bmAttributes = UE_INTERRUPT, .wMaxPacketSize[0] = 8, .bInterval = 0xA, }, .sscompd = { .bLength = sizeof(umouse_confd.sscompd), .bDescriptorType = UDESC_ENDPOINT_SS_COMP, .bMaxBurst = 0, .bmAttributes = 0, MSETW(.wBytesPerInterval, 0), }, }; struct umouse_bos_desc { struct usb_bos_descriptor bosd; struct usb_devcap_ss_descriptor usbssd; } __packed; struct umouse_bos_desc umouse_bosd = { .bosd = { .bLength = sizeof(umouse_bosd.bosd), .bDescriptorType = UDESC_BOS, HSETW(.wTotalLength, sizeof(umouse_bosd)), .bNumDeviceCaps = 1, }, .usbssd = { .bLength = sizeof(umouse_bosd.usbssd), .bDescriptorType = UDESC_DEVICE_CAPABILITY, .bDevCapabilityType = 3, .bmAttributes = 0, HSETW(.wSpeedsSupported, 0x08), .bFunctionalitySupport = 3, .bU1DevExitLat = 0xa, /* dummy - not used */ .wU2DevExitLat = { 0x20, 0x00 }, } }; struct umouse_softc { struct usb_hci *hci; char *opt; struct umouse_report um_report; int newdata; struct { uint8_t idle; uint8_t protocol; uint8_t feature; } hid; pthread_mutex_t mtx; pthread_mutex_t ev_mtx; int polling; struct timeval prev_evt; }; static void umouse_event(uint8_t button, int x, int y, void *arg) { struct umouse_softc *sc; struct bhyvegc_image *gc; gc = console_get_image(); if (gc == NULL) { /* not ready */ return; } sc = arg; pthread_mutex_lock(&sc->mtx); sc->um_report.buttons = 0; sc->um_report.z = 0; if (button & 0x01) sc->um_report.buttons |= 0x01; /* left */ if (button & 0x02) sc->um_report.buttons |= 0x04; /* middle */ if (button & 0x04) sc->um_report.buttons |= 0x02; /* right */ if (button & 0x8) sc->um_report.z = 1; if (button & 0x10) sc->um_report.z = -1; /* scale coords to mouse resolution */ sc->um_report.x = MOUSE_MAX_X * x / gc->width; sc->um_report.y = MOUSE_MAX_Y * y / gc->height; sc->newdata = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&sc->mtx); pthread_mutex_lock(&sc->ev_mtx); sc->hci->hci_intr(sc->hci, UE_DIR_IN | UMOUSE_INTR_ENDPT); pthread_mutex_unlock(&sc->ev_mtx); } static void * umouse_init(struct usb_hci *hci, char *opt) { struct umouse_softc *sc; sc = calloc(1, sizeof(struct umouse_softc)); sc->hci = hci; sc->hid.protocol = 1; /* REPORT protocol */ sc->opt = strdup(opt); pthread_mutex_init(&sc->mtx, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&sc->ev_mtx, NULL); console_ptr_register(umouse_event, sc, 10); return (sc); } #define UREQ(x,y) ((x) | ((y) << 8)) static int umouse_request(void *scarg, struct usb_data_xfer *xfer) { struct umouse_softc *sc; struct usb_data_xfer_block *data; const char *str; uint16_t value; uint16_t index; uint16_t len; uint16_t slen; uint8_t *udata; int err; int i, idx; int eshort; sc = scarg; data = NULL; udata = NULL; idx = xfer->head; for (i = 0; i < xfer->ndata; i++) { xfer->data[idx].bdone = 0; if (data == NULL && USB_DATA_OK(xfer,i)) { data = &xfer->data[idx]; udata = data->buf; } xfer->data[idx].processed = 1; idx = (idx + 1) % USB_MAX_XFER_BLOCKS; } err = USB_ERR_NORMAL_COMPLETION; eshort = 0; if (!xfer->ureq) { DPRINTF(("umouse_request: port %d\r\n", sc->hci->hci_port)); goto done; } value = UGETW(xfer->ureq->wValue); index = UGETW(xfer->ureq->wIndex); len = UGETW(xfer->ureq->wLength); DPRINTF(("umouse_request: port %d, type 0x%x, req 0x%x, val 0x%x, " "idx 0x%x, len %u\r\n", sc->hci->hci_port, xfer->ureq->bmRequestType, xfer->ureq->bRequest, value, index, len)); switch (UREQ(xfer->ureq->bRequest, xfer->ureq->bmRequestType)) { case UREQ(UR_GET_CONFIG, UT_READ_DEVICE): DPRINTF(("umouse: (UR_GET_CONFIG, UT_READ_DEVICE)\r\n")); if (!data) break; *udata = umouse_confd.confd.bConfigurationValue; data->blen = len > 0 ? len - 1 : 0; eshort = data->blen > 0; data->bdone += 1; break; case UREQ(UR_GET_DESCRIPTOR, UT_READ_DEVICE): DPRINTF(("umouse: (UR_GET_DESCRIPTOR, UT_READ_DEVICE) val %x\r\n", value >> 8)); if (!data) break; switch (value >> 8) { case UDESC_DEVICE: DPRINTF(("umouse: (->UDESC_DEVICE) len %u ?= " "sizeof(umouse_dev_desc) %lu\r\n", len, sizeof(umouse_dev_desc))); if ((value & 0xFF) != 0) { err = USB_ERR_IOERROR; goto done; } if (len > sizeof(umouse_dev_desc)) { data->blen = len - sizeof(umouse_dev_desc); len = sizeof(umouse_dev_desc); } else data->blen = 0; memcpy(data->buf, &umouse_dev_desc, len); data->bdone += len; break; case UDESC_CONFIG: DPRINTF(("umouse: (->UDESC_CONFIG)\r\n")); if ((value & 0xFF) != 0) { err = USB_ERR_IOERROR; goto done; } if (len > sizeof(umouse_confd)) { data->blen = len - sizeof(umouse_confd); len = sizeof(umouse_confd); } else data->blen = 0; memcpy(data->buf, &umouse_confd, len); data->bdone += len; break; case UDESC_STRING: DPRINTF(("umouse: (->UDESC_STRING)\r\n")); str = NULL; if ((value & 0xFF) < UMSTR_MAX) str = umouse_desc_strings[value & 0xFF]; else goto done; if ((value & 0xFF) == UMSTR_LANG) { udata[0] = 4; udata[1] = UDESC_STRING; data->blen = len - 2; len -= 2; data->bdone += 2; if (len >= 2) { udata[2] = str[0]; udata[3] = str[1]; data->blen -= 2; data->bdone += 2; } else data->blen = 0; goto done; } slen = 2 + strlen(str) * 2; udata[0] = slen; udata[1] = UDESC_STRING; if (len > slen) { data->blen = len - slen; len = slen; } else data->blen = 0; for (i = 2; i < len; i += 2) { udata[i] = *str++; udata[i+1] = '\0'; } data->bdone += slen; break; case UDESC_BOS: DPRINTF(("umouse: USB3 BOS\r\n")); if (len > sizeof(umouse_bosd)) { data->blen = len - sizeof(umouse_bosd); len = sizeof(umouse_bosd); } else data->blen = 0; memcpy(udata, &umouse_bosd, len); data->bdone += len; break; default: DPRINTF(("umouse: unknown(%d)->ERROR\r\n", value >> 8)); err = USB_ERR_IOERROR; goto done; } eshort = data->blen > 0; break; case UREQ(UR_GET_DESCRIPTOR, UT_READ_INTERFACE): DPRINTF(("umouse: (UR_GET_DESCRIPTOR, UT_READ_INTERFACE) " "0x%x\r\n", (value >> 8))); if (!data) break; switch (value >> 8) { case UMOUSE_REPORT_DESC_TYPE: if (len > sizeof(umouse_report_desc)) { data->blen = len - sizeof(umouse_report_desc); len = sizeof(umouse_report_desc); } else data->blen = 0; memcpy(data->buf, umouse_report_desc, len); data->bdone += len; break; default: DPRINTF(("umouse: IO ERROR\r\n")); err = USB_ERR_IOERROR; goto done; } eshort = data->blen > 0; break; case UREQ(UR_GET_INTERFACE, UT_READ_INTERFACE): DPRINTF(("umouse: (UR_GET_INTERFACE, UT_READ_INTERFACE)\r\n")); if (index != 0) { DPRINTF(("umouse get_interface, invalid index %d\r\n", index)); err = USB_ERR_IOERROR; goto done; } if (!data) break; if (len > 0) { *udata = 0; data->blen = len - 1; } eshort = data->blen > 0; data->bdone += 1; break; case UREQ(UR_GET_STATUS, UT_READ_DEVICE): DPRINTF(("umouse: (UR_GET_STATUS, UT_READ_DEVICE)\r\n")); if (data != NULL && len > 1) { if (sc->hid.feature == UF_DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP) USETW(udata, UDS_REMOTE_WAKEUP); else USETW(udata, 0); data->blen = len - 2; data->bdone += 2; } eshort = data->blen > 0; break; case UREQ(UR_GET_STATUS, UT_READ_INTERFACE): case UREQ(UR_GET_STATUS, UT_READ_ENDPOINT): DPRINTF(("umouse: (UR_GET_STATUS, UT_READ_INTERFACE)\r\n")); if (data != NULL && len > 1) { USETW(udata, 0); data->blen = len - 2; data->bdone += 2; } eshort = data->blen > 0; break; case UREQ(UR_SET_ADDRESS, UT_WRITE_DEVICE): /* XXX Controller should've handled this */ DPRINTF(("umouse set address %u\r\n", value)); break; case UREQ(UR_SET_CONFIG, UT_WRITE_DEVICE): DPRINTF(("umouse set config %u\r\n", value)); break; case UREQ(UR_SET_DESCRIPTOR, UT_WRITE_DEVICE): DPRINTF(("umouse set descriptor %u\r\n", value)); break; case UREQ(UR_CLEAR_FEATURE, UT_WRITE_DEVICE): DPRINTF(("umouse: (UR_SET_FEATURE, UT_WRITE_DEVICE) %x\r\n", value)); if (value == UF_DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP) sc->hid.feature = 0; break; case UREQ(UR_SET_FEATURE, UT_WRITE_DEVICE): DPRINTF(("umouse: (UR_SET_FEATURE, UT_WRITE_DEVICE) %x\r\n", value)); if (value == UF_DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP) sc->hid.feature = UF_DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP; break; case UREQ(UR_CLEAR_FEATURE, UT_WRITE_INTERFACE): case UREQ(UR_CLEAR_FEATURE, UT_WRITE_ENDPOINT): case UREQ(UR_SET_FEATURE, UT_WRITE_INTERFACE): case UREQ(UR_SET_FEATURE, UT_WRITE_ENDPOINT): DPRINTF(("umouse: (UR_CLEAR_FEATURE, UT_WRITE_INTERFACE)\r\n")); err = USB_ERR_IOERROR; goto done; case UREQ(UR_SET_INTERFACE, UT_WRITE_INTERFACE): DPRINTF(("umouse set interface %u\r\n", value)); break; case UREQ(UR_ISOCH_DELAY, UT_WRITE_DEVICE): DPRINTF(("umouse set isoch delay %u\r\n", value)); break; case UREQ(UR_SET_SEL, 0): DPRINTF(("umouse set sel\r\n")); break; case UREQ(UR_SYNCH_FRAME, UT_WRITE_ENDPOINT): DPRINTF(("umouse synch frame\r\n")); break; /* HID device requests */ case UREQ(UMOUSE_GET_REPORT, UT_READ_CLASS_INTERFACE): DPRINTF(("umouse: (UMOUSE_GET_REPORT, UT_READ_CLASS_INTERFACE) " "0x%x\r\n", (value >> 8))); if (!data) break; if ((value >> 8) == 0x01 && len >= sizeof(sc->um_report)) { /* TODO read from backend */ if (len > sizeof(sc->um_report)) { data->blen = len - sizeof(sc->um_report); len = sizeof(sc->um_report); } else data->blen = 0; memcpy(data->buf, &sc->um_report, len); data->bdone += len; } else { err = USB_ERR_IOERROR; goto done; } eshort = data->blen > 0; break; case UREQ(UMOUSE_GET_IDLE, UT_READ_CLASS_INTERFACE): if (data != NULL && len > 0) { *udata = sc->hid.idle; data->blen = len - 1; data->bdone += 1; } eshort = data->blen > 0; break; case UREQ(UMOUSE_GET_PROTOCOL, UT_READ_CLASS_INTERFACE): if (data != NULL && len > 0) { *udata = sc->hid.protocol; data->blen = len - 1; data->bdone += 1; } eshort = data->blen > 0; break; case UREQ(UMOUSE_SET_REPORT, UT_WRITE_CLASS_INTERFACE): DPRINTF(("umouse: (UMOUSE_SET_REPORT, UT_WRITE_CLASS_INTERFACE) ignored\r\n")); break; case UREQ(UMOUSE_SET_IDLE, UT_WRITE_CLASS_INTERFACE): sc->hid.idle = UGETW(xfer->ureq->wValue) >> 8; DPRINTF(("umouse: (UMOUSE_SET_IDLE, UT_WRITE_CLASS_INTERFACE) %x\r\n", sc->hid.idle)); break; case UREQ(UMOUSE_SET_PROTOCOL, UT_WRITE_CLASS_INTERFACE): sc->hid.protocol = UGETW(xfer->ureq->wValue) >> 8; DPRINTF(("umouse: (UR_CLEAR_FEATURE, UT_WRITE_CLASS_INTERFACE) %x\r\n", sc->hid.protocol)); break; default: DPRINTF(("**** umouse request unhandled\r\n")); err = USB_ERR_IOERROR; break; } done: if (xfer->ureq && (xfer->ureq->bmRequestType & UT_WRITE) && (err == USB_ERR_NORMAL_COMPLETION) && (data != NULL)) data->blen = 0; else if (eshort) err = USB_ERR_SHORT_XFER; DPRINTF(("umouse request error code %d (0=ok), blen %u txlen %u\r\n", err, (data ? data->blen : 0), (data ? data->bdone : 0))); return (err); } static int umouse_data_handler(void *scarg, struct usb_data_xfer *xfer, int dir, int epctx) { struct umouse_softc *sc; struct usb_data_xfer_block *data; uint8_t *udata; int len, i, idx; int err; DPRINTF(("umouse handle data - DIR=%s|EP=%d, blen %d\r\n", dir ? "IN" : "OUT", epctx, xfer->data[0].blen)); /* find buffer to add data */ udata = NULL; err = USB_ERR_NORMAL_COMPLETION; /* handle xfer at first unprocessed item with buffer */ data = NULL; idx = xfer->head; for (i = 0; i < xfer->ndata; i++) { data = &xfer->data[idx]; if (data->buf != NULL && data->blen != 0) { break; } else { data->processed = 1; data = NULL; } idx = (idx + 1) % USB_MAX_XFER_BLOCKS; } if (!data) goto done; udata = data->buf; len = data->blen; if (udata == NULL) { DPRINTF(("umouse no buffer provided for input\r\n")); err = USB_ERR_NOMEM; goto done; } sc = scarg; if (dir) { pthread_mutex_lock(&sc->mtx); if (!sc->newdata) { err = USB_ERR_CANCELLED; USB_DATA_SET_ERRCODE(&xfer->data[xfer->head], USB_NAK); pthread_mutex_unlock(&sc->mtx); goto done; } if (sc->polling) { err = USB_ERR_STALLED; USB_DATA_SET_ERRCODE(data, USB_STALL); pthread_mutex_unlock(&sc->mtx); goto done; } sc->polling = 1; if (len > 0) { sc->newdata = 0; data->processed = 1; data->bdone += 6; memcpy(udata, &sc->um_report, 6); data->blen = len - 6; if (data->blen > 0) err = USB_ERR_SHORT_XFER; } sc->polling = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&sc->mtx); } else { USB_DATA_SET_ERRCODE(data, USB_STALL); err = USB_ERR_STALLED; } done: return (err); } static int umouse_reset(void *scarg) { struct umouse_softc *sc; sc = scarg; sc->newdata = 0; return (0); } static int umouse_remove(void *scarg) { return (0); } static int umouse_stop(void *scarg) { return (0); } struct usb_devemu ue_mouse = { .ue_emu = "tablet", .ue_usbver = 3, .ue_usbspeed = USB_SPEED_HIGH, .ue_init = umouse_init, .ue_request = umouse_request, .ue_data = umouse_data_handler, .ue_reset = umouse_reset, .ue_remove = umouse_remove, .ue_stop = umouse_stop }; USB_EMUL_SET(ue_mouse);