/* $NetBSD: usbhid.c,v 1.14 2000/07/03 02:51:37 matt Exp $ */ /* $FreeBSD$ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1998 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Lennart Augustsson (augustss@netbsd.org). * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <err.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <usbhid.h> #include <dev/usb/usbhid.h> static struct variable { char *name; int instance; int val; struct hid_item h; struct variable *next; } *vars; static int verbose = 0; static int noname = 0; static int hexdump = 0; static int wflag = 0; static int zflag = 0; static void usage(void); static void dumpitem(const char *label, struct hid_item *h); static void dumpitems(report_desc_t r); static void prdata(u_char *buf, struct hid_item *h); static void dumpdata(int f, report_desc_t r, int loop); static void writedata(int f, report_desc_t r); static void parceargs(report_desc_t r, int all, int nnames, char **names) { struct hid_data *d; struct hid_item h; char colls[1000]; char hname[1000], *tmp1, *tmp2; struct variable *var, **pnext; int i, instance, cp, t; pnext = &vars; if (all) { if (wflag) errx(1, "Must not specify -w to read variables"); cp = 0; for (d = hid_start_parse(r, 1<<hid_input | 1<<hid_output | 1<<hid_feature, -1); hid_get_item(d, &h); ) { if (h.kind == hid_collection) { cp += sprintf(&colls[cp], "%s%s:%s", cp != 0 ? "." : "", hid_usage_page(HID_PAGE(h.usage)), hid_usage_in_page(h.usage)); } else if (h.kind == hid_endcollection) { tmp1 = strrchr(colls, '.'); if (tmp1 != NULL) { cp -= strlen(tmp1); tmp1[0] = 0; } else { cp = 0; colls[0] = 0; } } if ((h.kind != hid_input && h.kind != hid_output && h.kind != hid_feature) || (h.flags & HIO_CONST)) continue; var = malloc(sizeof(*var)); memset(var, 0, sizeof(*var)); asprintf(&var->name, "%s%s%s:%s", colls, colls[0] != 0 ? "." : "", hid_usage_page(HID_PAGE(h.usage)), hid_usage_in_page(h.usage)); var->h = h; *pnext = var; pnext = &var->next; } hid_end_parse(d); return; } for (i = 0; i < nnames; i++) { var = malloc(sizeof(*var)); memset(var, 0, sizeof(*var)); tmp1 = tmp2 = strdup(names[i]); strsep(&tmp2, "="); var->name = strsep(&tmp1, "#"); if (tmp1 != NULL) var->instance = atoi(tmp1); if (tmp2 != NULL) { if (!wflag) errx(1, "Must specify -w to write variables"); var->val = atoi(tmp2); } else if (wflag) errx(1, "Must not specify -w to read variables"); *pnext = var; pnext = &var->next; instance = 0; cp = 0; for (d = hid_start_parse(r, 1<<hid_input | 1<<hid_output | 1<<hid_feature, -1); hid_get_item(d, &h); ) { if (h.kind == hid_collection) { cp += sprintf(&colls[cp], "%s%s:%s", cp != 0 ? "." : "", hid_usage_page(HID_PAGE(h.usage)), hid_usage_in_page(h.usage)); } else if (h.kind == hid_endcollection) { tmp1 = strrchr(colls, '.'); if (tmp1 != NULL) { cp -= strlen(tmp1); tmp1[0] = 0; } else { cp = 0; colls[0] = 0; } } if ((h.kind != hid_input && h.kind != hid_output && h.kind != hid_feature) || (h.flags & HIO_CONST)) continue; snprintf(hname, sizeof(hname), "%s%s%s:%s", colls, colls[0] != 0 ? "." : "", hid_usage_page(HID_PAGE(h.usage)), hid_usage_in_page(h.usage)); t = strlen(hname) - strlen(var->name); if (t > 0) { if (strcmp(hname + t, var->name) != 0) continue; if (hname[t - 1] != '.') continue; } else if (strcmp(hname, var->name) != 0) continue; if (var->instance != instance++) continue; var->h = h; break; } hid_end_parse(d); if (var->h.usage == 0) errx(1, "Unknown item '%s'", var->name); } } static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -f device " "[-l] [-n] [-r] [-t tablefile] [-v] [-x] [-z] name ...\n", getprogname()); fprintf(stderr, " %s -f device " "[-l] [-n] [-r] [-t tablefile] [-v] [-x] [-z] -a\n", getprogname()); fprintf(stderr, " %s -f device " "[-t tablefile] [-v] [-z] -w name=value\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static void dumpitem(const char *label, struct hid_item *h) { if ((h->flags & HIO_CONST) && !verbose) return; printf("%s rid=%d size=%d count=%d page=%s usage=%s%s%s", label, h->report_ID, h->report_size, h->report_count, hid_usage_page(HID_PAGE(h->usage)), hid_usage_in_page(h->usage), h->flags & HIO_CONST ? " Const" : "", h->flags & HIO_VARIABLE ? "" : " Array"); printf(", logical range %d..%d", h->logical_minimum, h->logical_maximum); if (h->physical_minimum != h->physical_maximum) printf(", physical range %d..%d", h->physical_minimum, h->physical_maximum); if (h->unit) printf(", unit=0x%02x exp=%d", h->unit, h->unit_exponent); printf("\n"); } static const char * hid_collection_type(int32_t type) { static char num[8]; switch (type) { case 0: return ("Physical"); case 1: return ("Application"); case 2: return ("Logical"); case 3: return ("Report"); case 4: return ("Named_Array"); case 5: return ("Usage_Switch"); case 6: return ("Usage_Modifier"); } snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "0x%02x", type); return (num); } static void dumpitems(report_desc_t r) { struct hid_data *d; struct hid_item h; int size; for (d = hid_start_parse(r, ~0, -1); hid_get_item(d, &h); ) { switch (h.kind) { case hid_collection: printf("Collection type=%s page=%s usage=%s\n", hid_collection_type(h.collection), hid_usage_page(HID_PAGE(h.usage)), hid_usage_in_page(h.usage)); break; case hid_endcollection: printf("End collection\n"); break; case hid_input: dumpitem("Input ", &h); break; case hid_output: dumpitem("Output ", &h); break; case hid_feature: dumpitem("Feature", &h); break; } } hid_end_parse(d); size = hid_report_size(r, hid_input, -1); printf("Total input size %d bytes\n", size); size = hid_report_size(r, hid_output, -1); printf("Total output size %d bytes\n", size); size = hid_report_size(r, hid_feature, -1); printf("Total feature size %d bytes\n", size); } static void prdata(u_char *buf, struct hid_item *h) { u_int data; int i, pos; pos = h->pos; for (i = 0; i < h->report_count; i++) { data = hid_get_data(buf, h); if (i > 0) printf(" "); if (h->logical_minimum < 0) printf("%d", (int)data); else printf("%u", data); if (hexdump) printf(" [0x%x]", data); h->pos += h->report_size; } h->pos = pos; } static void dumpdata(int f, report_desc_t rd, int loop) { struct variable *var; int dlen, havedata, i, match, r, rid, use_rid; u_char *dbuf; enum hid_kind kind; kind = zflag ? 3 : 0; rid = -1; use_rid = !!hid_get_report_id(f); do { if (kind < 3) { if (++rid >= 256) { rid = 0; kind++; } if (kind >= 3) rid = -1; for (var = vars; var; var = var->next) { if (rid == var->h.report_ID && kind == var->h.kind) break; } if (var == NULL) continue; } dlen = hid_report_size(rd, kind < 3 ? kind : hid_input, rid); if (dlen <= 0) continue; dbuf = malloc(dlen); memset(dbuf, 0, dlen); if (kind < 3) { dbuf[0] = rid; r = hid_get_report(f, kind, dbuf, dlen); if (r < 0) warn("hid_get_report(rid %d)", rid); havedata = !r && (rid == 0 || dbuf[0] == rid); if (rid != 0) dbuf[0] = rid; } else { r = read(f, dbuf, dlen); if (r < 1) err(1, "read error"); havedata = 1; } if (verbose) { printf("Got %s report %d (%d bytes):", kind == hid_output ? "output" : kind == hid_feature ? "feature" : "input", use_rid ? dbuf[0] : 0, dlen); if (havedata) { for (i = 0; i < dlen; i++) printf(" %02x", dbuf[i]); } printf("\n"); } match = 0; for (var = vars; var; var = var->next) { if ((kind < 3 ? kind : hid_input) != var->h.kind) continue; if (var->h.report_ID != 0 && dbuf[0] != var->h.report_ID) continue; match = 1; if (!noname) printf("%s=", var->name); if (havedata) prdata(dbuf, &var->h); printf("\n"); } if (match) printf("\n"); free(dbuf); } while (loop || kind < 3); } static void writedata(int f, report_desc_t rd) { struct variable *var; int dlen, i, r, rid; u_char *dbuf; enum hid_kind kind; kind = 0; rid = 0; for (kind = 0; kind < 3; kind ++) { for (rid = 0; rid < 256; rid ++) { for (var = vars; var; var = var->next) { if (rid == var->h.report_ID && kind == var->h.kind) break; } if (var == NULL) continue; dlen = hid_report_size(rd, kind, rid); if (dlen <= 0) continue; dbuf = malloc(dlen); memset(dbuf, 0, dlen); dbuf[0] = rid; if (!zflag && hid_get_report(f, kind, dbuf, dlen) == 0) { if (verbose) { printf("Got %s report %d (%d bytes):", kind == hid_input ? "input" : kind == hid_output ? "output" : "feature", rid, dlen); for (i = 0; i < dlen; i++) printf(" %02x", dbuf[i]); printf("\n"); } } else if (!zflag) { warn("hid_get_report(rid %d)", rid); if (verbose) { printf("Can't get %s report %d (%d bytes). " "Will be initialized with zeros.\n", kind == hid_input ? "input" : kind == hid_output ? "output" : "feature", rid, dlen); } } for (var = vars; var; var = var->next) { if (rid != var->h.report_ID || kind != var->h.kind) continue; hid_set_data(dbuf, &var->h, var->val); } if (verbose) { printf("Setting %s report %d (%d bytes):", kind == hid_output ? "output" : kind == hid_feature ? "feature" : "input", rid, dlen); for (i = 0; i < dlen; i++) printf(" %02x", dbuf[i]); printf("\n"); } r = hid_set_report(f, kind, dbuf, dlen); if (r != 0) warn("hid_set_report(rid %d)", rid); free(dbuf); } } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { report_desc_t r; char *table = 0; char devnam[100], *dev = NULL; int f; int all = 0; int ch; int repdump = 0; int loop = 0; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "af:lnrt:vwxz")) != -1) { switch(ch) { case 'a': all++; break; case 'f': dev = optarg; break; case 'l': loop ^= 1; break; case 'n': noname++; break; case 'r': repdump++; break; case 't': table = optarg; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'w': wflag = 1; break; case 'x': hexdump = 1; break; case 'z': zflag = 1; break; case '?': default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (dev == NULL) usage(); if (argc == 0 && !all && !repdump) usage(); if (dev[0] != '/') { if (isdigit(dev[0])) snprintf(devnam, sizeof(devnam), "/dev/uhid%s", dev); else snprintf(devnam, sizeof(devnam), "/dev/%s", dev); dev = devnam; } hid_init(table); f = open(dev, O_RDWR); if (f < 0) err(1, "%s", dev); r = hid_get_report_desc(f); if (r == 0) errx(1, "USB_GET_REPORT_DESC"); if (repdump) { printf("Report descriptor:\n"); dumpitems(r); } if (argc != 0 || all) { parceargs(r, all, argc, argv); if (wflag) writedata(f, r); else dumpdata(f, r, loop); } hid_dispose_report_desc(r); exit(0); }