/*- * Copyright (c) 2015 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * Michael Tuexen. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/sysctl.h> #include <netinet/sctp.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "systat.h" #include "extern.h" #include "mode.h" static struct sctpstat curstat, initstat, oldstat; /*- --0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 --0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 00 SCTP Associations SCTP Packets 01999999999999 associations initiated 999999999999 packets sent 02999999999999 associations accepted 999999999999 packets received 03999999999999 associations restarted 999999999999 - out of the blue 04999999999999 associations terminated 999999999999 - bad vtag 05999999999999 associations aborted 999999999999 - bad crc32c 06 07 SCTP Timers SCTP Chunks 08999999999999 init timeouts 999999999999 control chunks sent 09999999999999 cookie timeouts 999999999999 data chunks sent 10999999999999 data timeouts 999999999999 - ordered 11999999999999 delayed sack timeouts 999999999999 - unordered 12999999999999 shutdown timeouts 999999999999 control chunks received 13999999999999 shutdown-ack timeouts 999999999999 data chunks received 14999999999999 shutdown guard timeouts 999999999999 - ordered 15999999999999 heartbeat timeouts 999999999999 - unordered 16999999999999 path MTU timeouts 17999999999999 autoclose timeouts SCTP user messages 18999999999999 asconf timeouts 999999999999 fragmented 19999999999999 stream reset timeouts 999999999999 reassembled --0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 --0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 */ WINDOW * opensctp(void) { return (subwin(stdscr, LINES-3-1, 0, MAINWIN_ROW, 0)); } void closesctp(WINDOW *w) { if (w != NULL) { wclear(w); wrefresh(w); delwin(w); } } void labelsctp(void) { wmove(wnd, 0, 0); wclrtoeol(wnd); #define L(row, str) mvwprintw(wnd, row, 13, str) #define R(row, str) mvwprintw(wnd, row, 51, str); L(0, "SCTP Associations"); R(0, "SCTP Packets"); L(1, "associations initiated"); R(1, "packets sent"); L(2, "associations accepted"); R(2, "packets received"); L(3, "associations restarted"); R(3, "- out of the blue"); L(4, "associations terminated"); R(4, "- bad vtag"); L(5, "associations aborted"); R(5, "- bad crc32c"); L(7, "SCTP Timers"); R(7, "SCTP Chunks"); L(8, "init timeouts"); R(8, "control chunks sent"); L(9, "cookie timeouts"); R(9, "data chunks sent"); L(10, "data timeouts"); R(10, "- ordered"); L(11, "delayed sack timeouts"); R(11, "- unordered"); L(12, "shutdown timeouts"); R(12, "control chunks received"); L(13, "shutdown-ack timeouts"); R(13, "data chunks received"); L(14, "shutdown guard timeouts"); R(14, "- ordered"); L(15, "heartbeat timeouts"); R(15, "- unordered"); L(16, "path MTU timeouts"); L(17, "autoclose timeouts"); R(17, "SCTP User Messages"); L(18, "asconf timeouts"); R(18, "fragmented"); L(19, "stream reset timeouts"); R(19, "reassembled"); #undef L #undef R } static void domode(struct sctpstat *ret) { const struct sctpstat *sub; int divisor = 1; switch(currentmode) { case display_RATE: sub = &oldstat; divisor = (delay > 1000000) ? delay / 1000000 : 1; break; case display_DELTA: sub = &oldstat; break; case display_SINCE: sub = &initstat; break; default: *ret = curstat; return; } #define DO(stat) ret->stat = (curstat.stat - sub->stat) / divisor DO(sctps_currestab); DO(sctps_activeestab); DO(sctps_restartestab); DO(sctps_collisionestab); DO(sctps_passiveestab); DO(sctps_aborted); DO(sctps_shutdown); DO(sctps_outoftheblue); DO(sctps_checksumerrors); DO(sctps_outcontrolchunks); DO(sctps_outorderchunks); DO(sctps_outunorderchunks); DO(sctps_incontrolchunks); DO(sctps_inorderchunks); DO(sctps_inunorderchunks); DO(sctps_fragusrmsgs); DO(sctps_reasmusrmsgs); DO(sctps_outpackets); DO(sctps_inpackets); DO(sctps_recvpackets); DO(sctps_recvdatagrams); DO(sctps_recvpktwithdata); DO(sctps_recvsacks); DO(sctps_recvdata); DO(sctps_recvdupdata); DO(sctps_recvheartbeat); DO(sctps_recvheartbeatack); DO(sctps_recvecne); DO(sctps_recvauth); DO(sctps_recvauthmissing); DO(sctps_recvivalhmacid); DO(sctps_recvivalkeyid); DO(sctps_recvauthfailed); DO(sctps_recvexpress); DO(sctps_recvexpressm); DO(sctps_recvswcrc); DO(sctps_recvhwcrc); DO(sctps_sendpackets); DO(sctps_sendsacks); DO(sctps_senddata); DO(sctps_sendretransdata); DO(sctps_sendfastretrans); DO(sctps_sendmultfastretrans); DO(sctps_sendheartbeat); DO(sctps_sendecne); DO(sctps_sendauth); DO(sctps_senderrors); DO(sctps_sendswcrc); DO(sctps_sendhwcrc); DO(sctps_pdrpfmbox); DO(sctps_pdrpfehos); DO(sctps_pdrpmbda); DO(sctps_pdrpmbct); DO(sctps_pdrpbwrpt); DO(sctps_pdrpcrupt); DO(sctps_pdrpnedat); DO(sctps_pdrppdbrk); DO(sctps_pdrptsnnf); DO(sctps_pdrpdnfnd); DO(sctps_pdrpdiwnp); DO(sctps_pdrpdizrw); DO(sctps_pdrpbadd); DO(sctps_pdrpmark); DO(sctps_timoiterator); DO(sctps_timodata); DO(sctps_timowindowprobe); DO(sctps_timoinit); DO(sctps_timosack); DO(sctps_timoshutdown); DO(sctps_timoheartbeat); DO(sctps_timocookie); DO(sctps_timosecret); DO(sctps_timopathmtu); DO(sctps_timoshutdownack); DO(sctps_timoshutdownguard); DO(sctps_timostrmrst); DO(sctps_timoearlyfr); DO(sctps_timoasconf); DO(sctps_timodelprim); DO(sctps_timoautoclose); DO(sctps_timoassockill); DO(sctps_timoinpkill); DO(sctps_hdrops); DO(sctps_badsum); DO(sctps_noport); DO(sctps_badvtag); DO(sctps_badsid); DO(sctps_nomem); DO(sctps_fastretransinrtt); DO(sctps_markedretrans); DO(sctps_naglesent); DO(sctps_naglequeued); DO(sctps_maxburstqueued); DO(sctps_ifnomemqueued); DO(sctps_windowprobed); DO(sctps_lowlevelerr); DO(sctps_lowlevelerrusr); DO(sctps_datadropchklmt); DO(sctps_datadroprwnd); DO(sctps_ecnereducedcwnd); DO(sctps_vtagexpress); DO(sctps_vtagbogus); DO(sctps_primary_randry); DO(sctps_cmt_randry); DO(sctps_slowpath_sack); DO(sctps_wu_sacks_sent); DO(sctps_sends_with_flags); DO(sctps_sends_with_unord); DO(sctps_sends_with_eof); DO(sctps_sends_with_abort); DO(sctps_protocol_drain_calls); DO(sctps_protocol_drains_done); DO(sctps_read_peeks); DO(sctps_cached_chk); DO(sctps_cached_strmoq); DO(sctps_left_abandon); DO(sctps_send_burst_avoid); DO(sctps_send_cwnd_avoid); DO(sctps_fwdtsn_map_over); DO(sctps_queue_upd_ecne); #undef DO } void showsctp(void) { struct sctpstat stats; memset(&stats, 0, sizeof stats); domode(&stats); #define DO(stat, row, col) \ mvwprintw(wnd, row, col, "%12u", stats.stat) #define L(row, stat) DO(stat, row, 0) #define R(row, stat) DO(stat, row, 38) L(1, sctps_activeestab); R(1, sctps_outpackets); L(2, sctps_passiveestab); R(2, sctps_inpackets); L(3, sctps_restartestab); R(3, sctps_outoftheblue); L(4, sctps_shutdown); R(4, sctps_badvtag); L(5, sctps_aborted); R(5, sctps_checksumerrors); L(8, sctps_timoinit); R(8, sctps_outcontrolchunks); L(9, sctps_timocookie); R(9, sctps_senddata); L(10, sctps_timodata); R(10, sctps_outorderchunks); L(11, sctps_timosack); R(11, sctps_outunorderchunks); L(12, sctps_timoshutdown); R(12, sctps_incontrolchunks); L(13, sctps_timoshutdownack); R(13, sctps_recvdata); L(14, sctps_timoshutdownguard); R(14, sctps_inorderchunks); L(15, sctps_timoheartbeat); R(15, sctps_inunorderchunks); L(16, sctps_timopathmtu); L(17, sctps_timoautoclose); L(18, sctps_timoasconf); R(18, sctps_fragusrmsgs); L(19, sctps_timostrmrst); R(19, sctps_reasmusrmsgs); #undef DO #undef L #undef R } int initsctp(void) { size_t len; const char *name = "net.inet.sctp.stats"; len = 0; if (sysctlbyname(name, NULL, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) { error("sysctl getting sctpstat size failed"); return 0; } if (len > sizeof curstat) { error("sctpstat structure has grown--recompile systat!"); return 0; } if (sysctlbyname(name, &initstat, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) { error("sysctl getting sctpstat failed"); return 0; } oldstat = initstat; return 1; } void resetsctp(void) { size_t len; const char *name = "net.inet.sctp.stats"; len = sizeof initstat; if (sysctlbyname(name, &initstat, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) { error("sysctl getting sctpstat failed"); } oldstat = initstat; } void fetchsctp(void) { size_t len; const char *name = "net.inet.sctp.stats"; oldstat = curstat; len = sizeof curstat; if (sysctlbyname(name, &curstat, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) { error("sysctl getting sctpstat failed"); } return; }