/* * Sun RPC is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided for * unrestricted use provided that this legend is included on all tape * media and as a part of the software program in whole or part. Users * may copy or modify Sun RPC without charge, but are not authorized * to license or distribute it to anyone else except as part of a product or * program developed by the user. * * SUN RPC IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING THE * WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OR TRADE PRACTICE. * * Sun RPC is provided with no support and without any obligation on the * part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction, * modification or enhancement. * * SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE * INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHTS, TRADE SECRETS OR ANY PATENTS BY SUN RPC * OR ANY PART THEREOF. * * In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue * or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if * Sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages. * * Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 2550 Garcia Avenue * Mountain View, California 94043 */ /* * rpc_clntout.c, Client-stub outputter for the RPC protocol compiler * Copyright (C) 1987, Sun Microsytsems, Inc. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <rpc/types.h> #include "rpc_parse.h" #include "rpc_scan.h" #include "rpc_util.h" static void write_program( definition * ); static void printbody( proc_list * ); static char RESULT[] = "clnt_res"; #define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 25 /* in seconds */ void write_stubs(void) { list *l; definition *def; f_print(fout, "\n/* Default timeout can be changed using clnt_control() */\n"); f_print(fout, "static struct timeval TIMEOUT = { %d, 0 };\n", DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); for (l = defined; l != NULL; l = l->next) { def = (definition *) l->val; if (def->def_kind == DEF_PROGRAM) { write_program(def); } } } static void write_program(definition *def) { version_list *vp; proc_list *proc; for (vp = def->def.pr.versions; vp != NULL; vp = vp->next) { for (proc = vp->procs; proc != NULL; proc = proc->next) { f_print(fout, "\n"); if (mtflag == 0) { ptype(proc->res_prefix, proc->res_type, 1); f_print(fout, "*\n"); pvname(proc->proc_name, vp->vers_num); printarglist(proc, RESULT, "clnt", "CLIENT *"); } else { f_print(fout, "enum clnt_stat \n"); pvname(proc->proc_name, vp->vers_num); printarglist(proc, RESULT, "clnt", "CLIENT *"); } f_print(fout, "{\n"); printbody(proc); f_print(fout, "}\n"); } } } /* * Writes out declarations of procedure's argument list. * In either ANSI C style, in one of old rpcgen style (pass by reference), * or new rpcgen style (multiple arguments, pass by value); */ /* sample addargname = "clnt"; sample addargtype = "CLIENT * " */ void printarglist(proc_list *proc, const char *result, const char *addargname, const char *addargtype) { decl_list *l; if (!newstyle) { /* old style: always pass argument by reference */ f_print(fout, "("); ptype(proc->args.decls->decl.prefix, proc->args.decls->decl.type, 1); if (mtflag) {/* Generate result field */ f_print(fout, "*argp, "); ptype(proc->res_prefix, proc->res_type, 1); f_print(fout, "*%s, %s%s)\n", result, addargtype, addargname); } else f_print(fout, "*argp, %s%s)\n", addargtype, addargname); } else if (streq(proc->args.decls->decl.type, "void")) { /* newstyle, 0 argument */ if (mtflag) { f_print(fout, "("); ptype(proc->res_prefix, proc->res_type, 1); f_print(fout, "*%s, %s%s)\n", result, addargtype, addargname); } else f_print(fout, "(%s%s)\n", addargtype, addargname); } else { /* new style, 1 or multiple arguments */ f_print(fout, "("); for (l = proc->args.decls; l != NULL; l = l->next) { pdeclaration(proc->args.argname, &l->decl, 0, ", "); } if (mtflag) { ptype(proc->res_prefix, proc->res_type, 1); f_print(fout, "*%s, ", result); } f_print(fout, "%s%s)\n", addargtype, addargname); } } static const char * ampr(const char *type) { if (isvectordef(type, REL_ALIAS)) { return (""); } else { return ("&"); } } static void printbody(proc_list *proc) { decl_list *l; bool_t args2 = (proc->arg_num > 1); /* * For new style with multiple arguments, need a structure in which * to stuff the arguments. */ if (newstyle && args2) { f_print(fout, "\t%s", proc->args.argname); f_print(fout, " arg;\n"); } if (!mtflag) { f_print(fout, "\tstatic "); if (streq(proc->res_type, "void")) { f_print(fout, "char "); } else { ptype(proc->res_prefix, proc->res_type, 0); } f_print(fout, "%s;\n", RESULT); f_print(fout, "\n"); f_print(fout, "\tmemset((char *)%s%s, 0, sizeof (%s));\n", ampr(proc->res_type), RESULT, RESULT); } if (newstyle && !args2 && (streq(proc->args.decls->decl.type, "void"))) { /* newstyle, 0 arguments */ if (mtflag) f_print(fout, "\t return "); else f_print(fout, "\t if "); f_print(fout, "(clnt_call(clnt, %s,\n\t\t(xdrproc_t) xdr_void, ", proc->proc_name); f_print(fout, "(caddr_t) NULL,\n\t\t(xdrproc_t) xdr_%s, (caddr_t) %s%s,", stringfix(proc->res_type), (mtflag)?"":ampr(proc->res_type), RESULT); if (mtflag) f_print(fout, "\n\t\tTIMEOUT));\n"); else f_print(fout, "\n\t\tTIMEOUT) != RPC_SUCCESS) {\n"); } else if (newstyle && args2) { /* * Newstyle, multiple arguments * stuff arguments into structure */ for (l = proc->args.decls; l != NULL; l = l->next) { f_print(fout, "\targ.%s = %s;\n", l->decl.name, l->decl.name); } if (mtflag) f_print(fout, "\treturn "); else f_print(fout, "\tif "); f_print(fout, "(clnt_call(clnt, %s,\n\t\t(xdrproc_t) xdr_%s", proc->proc_name,proc->args.argname); f_print(fout, ", (caddr_t) &arg,\n\t\t(xdrproc_t) xdr_%s, (caddr_t) %s%s,", stringfix(proc->res_type), (mtflag)?"":ampr(proc->res_type), RESULT); if (mtflag) f_print(fout, "\n\t\tTIMEOUT));\n"); else f_print(fout, "\n\t\tTIMEOUT) != RPC_SUCCESS) {\n"); } else { /* single argument, new or old style */ if (!mtflag) f_print(fout, "\tif (clnt_call(clnt, %s,\n\t\t(xdrproc_t) xdr_%s, (caddr_t) %s%s,\n\t\t(xdrproc_t) xdr_%s, (caddr_t) %s%s,\n\t\tTIMEOUT) != RPC_SUCCESS) {\n", proc->proc_name, stringfix(proc->args.decls->decl.type), (newstyle ? "&" : ""), (newstyle ? proc->args.decls->decl.name : "argp"), stringfix(proc->res_type), ampr(proc->res_type), RESULT); else f_print(fout, "\treturn (clnt_call(clnt, %s,\n\t\t(xdrproc_t) xdr_%s, (caddr_t) %s%s,\n\t\t(xdrproc_t) xdr_%s, (caddr_t) %s%s,\n\t\tTIMEOUT));\n", proc->proc_name, stringfix(proc->args.decls->decl.type), (newstyle ? "&" : ""), (newstyle ? proc->args.decls->decl.name : "argp"), stringfix(proc->res_type), "", RESULT); } if (!mtflag) { f_print(fout, "\t\treturn (NULL);\n"); f_print(fout, "\t}\n"); if (streq(proc->res_type, "void")) { f_print(fout, "\treturn ((void *)%s%s);\n", ampr(proc->res_type), RESULT); } else { f_print(fout, "\treturn (%s%s);\n", ampr(proc->res_type), RESULT); } } }