/*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 1992-2009 Edwin Groothuis <edwin@FreeBSD.org>. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <err.h> #include <time.h> #include "calendar.h" struct cal_year { int year; /* 19xx, 20xx, 21xx */ int easter; /* Julian day */ int paskha; /* Julian day */ int cny; /* Julian day */ int firstdayofweek; /* 0 .. 6 */ struct cal_month *months; struct cal_year *nextyear; }; struct cal_month { int month; /* 01 .. 12 */ int firstdayjulian; /* 000 .. 366 */ int firstdayofweek; /* 0 .. 6 */ struct cal_year *year; /* points back */ struct cal_day *days; struct cal_month *nextmonth; }; struct cal_day { int dayofmonth; /* 01 .. 31 */ int julianday; /* 000 .. 366 */ int dayofweek; /* 0 .. 6 */ struct cal_day *nextday; struct cal_month *month; /* points back */ struct cal_year *year; /* points back */ struct event *events; }; int debug_remember = 0; static struct cal_year *hyear = NULL; /* 1-based month, 0-based days, cumulative */ int cumdaytab[][14] = { {0, -1, 30, 58, 89, 119, 150, 180, 211, 242, 272, 303, 333, 364}, {0, -1, 30, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365}, }; /* 1-based month, individual */ static int *monthdays; int monthdaytab[][14] = { {0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30}, {0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30}, }; static struct cal_day * find_day(int yy, int mm, int dd); static void createdate(int y, int m, int d) { struct cal_year *py, *pyp; struct cal_month *pm, *pmp; struct cal_day *pd, *pdp; int *cumday; pyp = NULL; py = hyear; while (py != NULL) { if (py->year == y + 1900) break; pyp = py; py = py->nextyear; } if (py == NULL) { struct tm td; time_t t; py = (struct cal_year *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct cal_year)); py->year = y + 1900; py->easter = easter(y); py->paskha = paskha(y); td = tm0; td.tm_year = y; td.tm_mday = 1; t = mktime(&td); localtime_r(&t, &td); py->firstdayofweek = td.tm_wday; if (pyp != NULL) pyp->nextyear = py; } if (pyp == NULL) { /* The very very very first one */ hyear = py; } pmp = NULL; pm = py->months; while (pm != NULL) { if (pm->month == m) break; pmp = pm; pm = pm->nextmonth; } if (pm == NULL) { pm = (struct cal_month *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct cal_month)); pm->year = py; pm->month = m; cumday = cumdaytab[isleap(y)]; pm->firstdayjulian = cumday[m] + 2; pm->firstdayofweek = (py->firstdayofweek + pm->firstdayjulian -1) % 7; if (pmp != NULL) pmp->nextmonth = pm; } if (pmp == NULL) py->months = pm; pdp = NULL; pd = pm->days; while (pd != NULL) { pdp = pd; pd = pd->nextday; } if (pd == NULL) { /* Always true */ pd = (struct cal_day *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct cal_day)); pd->month = pm; pd->year = py; pd->dayofmonth = d; pd->julianday = pm->firstdayjulian + d - 1; pd->dayofweek = (pm->firstdayofweek + d - 1) % 7; if (pdp != NULL) pdp->nextday = pd; } if (pdp == NULL) pm->days = pd; } void generatedates(struct tm *tp1, struct tm *tp2) { int y1, m1, d1; int y2, m2, d2; int y, m, d; y1 = tp1->tm_year; m1 = tp1->tm_mon + 1; d1 = tp1->tm_mday; y2 = tp2->tm_year; m2 = tp2->tm_mon + 1; d2 = tp2->tm_mday; if (y1 == y2) { if (m1 == m2) { /* Same year, same month. Easy! */ for (d = d1; d <= d2; d++) createdate(y1, m1, d); return; } /* * Same year, different month. * - Take the leftover days from m1 * - Take all days from <m1 .. m2> * - Take the first days from m2 */ monthdays = monthdaytab[isleap(y1)]; for (d = d1; d <= monthdays[m1]; d++) createdate(y1, m1, d); for (m = m1 + 1; m < m2; m++) for (d = 1; d <= monthdays[m]; d++) createdate(y1, m, d); for (d = 1; d <= d2; d++) createdate(y1, m2, d); return; } /* * Different year, different month. * - Take the leftover days from y1-m1 * - Take all days from y1-<m1 .. 12] * - Take all days from <y1 .. y2> * - Take all days from y2-[1 .. m2> * - Take the first days of y2-m2 */ monthdays = monthdaytab[isleap(y1)]; for (d = d1; d <= monthdays[m1]; d++) createdate(y1, m1, d); for (m = m1 + 1; m <= 12; m++) for (d = 1; d <= monthdays[m]; d++) createdate(y1, m, d); for (y = y1 + 1; y < y2; y++) { monthdays = monthdaytab[isleap(y)]; for (m = 1; m <= 12; m++) for (d = 1; d <= monthdays[m]; d++) createdate(y, m, d); } monthdays = monthdaytab[isleap(y2)]; for (m = 1; m < m2; m++) for (d = 1; d <= monthdays[m]; d++) createdate(y2, m, d); for (d = 1; d <= d2; d++) createdate(y2, m2, d); } void dumpdates(void) { struct cal_year *y; struct cal_month *m; struct cal_day *d; y = hyear; while (y != NULL) { printf("%-5d (wday:%d)\n", y->year, y->firstdayofweek); m = y->months; while (m != NULL) { printf("-- %-5d (julian:%d, dow:%d)\n", m->month, m->firstdayjulian, m->firstdayofweek); d = m->days; while (d != NULL) { printf(" -- %-5d (julian:%d, dow:%d)\n", d->dayofmonth, d->julianday, d->dayofweek); d = d->nextday; } m = m->nextmonth; } y = y->nextyear; } } int remember_ymd(int yy, int mm, int dd) { struct cal_year *y; struct cal_month *m; struct cal_day *d; if (debug_remember) printf("remember_ymd: %d - %d - %d\n", yy, mm, dd); y = hyear; while (y != NULL) { if (y->year != yy) { y = y->nextyear; continue; } m = y->months; while (m != NULL) { if (m->month != mm) { m = m->nextmonth; continue; } d = m->days; while (d != NULL) { if (d->dayofmonth == dd) return (1); d = d->nextday; continue; } return (0); } return (0); } return (0); } int remember_yd(int yy, int dd, int *rm, int *rd) { struct cal_year *y; struct cal_month *m; struct cal_day *d; if (debug_remember) printf("remember_yd: %d - %d\n", yy, dd); y = hyear; while (y != NULL) { if (y->year != yy) { y = y->nextyear; continue; } m = y->months; while (m != NULL) { d = m->days; while (d != NULL) { if (d->julianday == dd) { *rm = m->month; *rd = d->dayofmonth; return (1); } d = d->nextday; } m = m->nextmonth; } return (0); } return (0); } int first_dayofweek_of_year(int yy) { struct cal_year *y; y = hyear; while (y != NULL) { if (y->year == yy) return (y->firstdayofweek); y = y->nextyear; } /* Should not happen */ return (-1); } int first_dayofweek_of_month(int yy, int mm) { struct cal_year *y; struct cal_month *m; y = hyear; while (y != NULL) { if (y->year != yy) { y = y->nextyear; continue; } m = y->months; while (m != NULL) { if (m->month == mm) return (m->firstdayofweek); m = m->nextmonth; } /* No data for this month */ return (-1); } /* No data for this year. Error? */ return (-1); } int walkthrough_dates(struct event **e) { static struct cal_year *y = NULL; static struct cal_month *m = NULL; static struct cal_day *d = NULL; if (y == NULL) { y = hyear; m = y->months; d = m->days; *e = d->events; return (1); } if (d->nextday != NULL) { d = d->nextday; *e = d->events; return (1); } if (m->nextmonth != NULL) { m = m->nextmonth; d = m->days; *e = d->events; return (1); } if (y->nextyear != NULL) { y = y->nextyear; m = y->months; d = m->days; *e = d->events; return (1); } return (0); } static struct cal_day * find_day(int yy, int mm, int dd) { struct cal_year *y; struct cal_month *m; struct cal_day *d; if (debug_remember) printf("remember_ymd: %d - %d - %d\n", yy, mm, dd); y = hyear; while (y != NULL) { if (y->year != yy) { y = y->nextyear; continue; } m = y->months; while (m != NULL) { if (m->month != mm) { m = m->nextmonth; continue; } d = m->days; while (d != NULL) { if (d->dayofmonth == dd) return (d); d = d->nextday; continue; } return (NULL); } return (NULL); } return (NULL); } void addtodate(struct event *e, int year, int month, int day) { struct cal_day *d; d = find_day(year, month, day); e->next = d->events; d->events = e; }