# $FreeBSD$ To generate the locales: Tools needed: java (openjdk >= 8) perl converters/p5-Text-Iconv devel/p5-Tie-IxHash textproc/p5-XML-Parser Fetch CLDR data from: http://unicode.org/Public/cldr/. You need all of the core.zip, keyboards.zip, and tools.zip. Extract: mkdir -p ~/unicode/cldr/v33.0 cd ~/unicode/cldr/v33.0 unzip ~/core.zip ~/keyboards.zip ~/tools.zip Fetch unidata (UCD.zip) from http://www.unicode.org/Public/zipped/latest. Extract: mkdir -p ~/unicode/UNIDATA/11.0.0 cd ~/unicode/UNIDATA/11.0.0 unzip ~/UCD.zip Either modify tools/tools/locales/etc/unicode.conf or export variables: CLDRDIR=~/unicode/cldr/v33.0; export CLDRDIR UNIDATADIR=~/unicode/UNIDATA/9.0.0; export UNIDATADIR Build the CLDR tools: cd $CLDRDIR/tools/java ant jar Run: make POSIX make make install