#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (c) 2024 Peter Holm <pho@FreeBSD.org> # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause # # unionfs(8) test # Variation of unionfs7.sh, but with tmpfs # "mkdir: rmdir(d17) Directory not empty" seen. [ `id -u ` -ne 0 ] && echo "Must be root!" && exit 1 . ../default.cfg mp1=/mnt$mdstart mp2=/mnt$((mdstart + 1)) mkdir -p $mp1 $mp2 set -e for i in $mp1 $mp2; do mount | grep -q "on $i " && umount -f $i done mount -o size=4g -t tmpfs dummy $mp1 mount -o size=4g -t tmpfs dummy $mp2 mount -t unionfs -o noatime $mp1 $mp2 set +e export 'INODES=100000' export CTRLDIR=$mp2/stressX.control export INCARNATIONS=10 export LOAD=80 export RUNDIR=$mp2/stressX export runRUNTIME=5m export rwLOAD=80 export symlinkLOAD=80 export TESTPROGS=" testcases/lockf2/lockf2 testcases/symlink/symlink testcases/openat/openat testcases/rw/rw testcases/fts/fts testcases/link/link testcases/lockf/lockf testcases/creat/creat testcases/mkdir/mkdir testcases/rename/rename testcases/mkfifo/mkfifo testcases/dirnprename/dirnprename testcases/dirrename/dirrename testcases/swap/swap " cp -r ../../stress2 $mp2 export TESTPROGS=`echo $TESTPROGS | sed 's/\n/ /g'` set +e chmod 777 $mp2 su $testuser -c \ "(cd $mp2/stress2; ./testcases/run/run $TESTPROGS)" while mount | grep -Eq "on $mp2 .*unionfs"; do umount $mp2 && break sleep 5 done umount $mp2 n=`find $mp1/stressX | wc -l` [ $n -eq 1 ] && s=0 || { find $mp1/stressX -ls | head -12; s=1; } umount $mp1 exit $s