#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2014 Marcel Moolenaar # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # ''' Simple diagnostics program fo the AMD Am89c900 series ILACC. This ethernet controller is emulated by VMware Fusion among possibly other virtualization platforms. The datasheet can be found here: http://support.amd.com/TechDocs/18219.pdf This example program sends a single DHCP discovery packet, waits 2 seconds and then iterates over the receive ring for a targeted packet. For this program to function, connect the network interface to a network with a DHCP server. In VMware Fusion this can best be done by configuring the interface as a NAT interface using the "Share with my Mac" setting. ''' import ctypes import logging import os import sys import time sys.path.append('/usr/lib') import bus from bus import dma as busdma # ILACC initialization block definition class initblock(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure): _fields_ = [('mode', ctypes.c_uint32), ('hwaddr', ctypes.c_uint8 * 6), ('_pad1_', ctypes.c_uint16), ('filter', ctypes.c_uint16 * 4), ('rxdesc', ctypes.c_uint32), ('txdesc', ctypes.c_uint32), ('_pad2_', ctypes.c_uint32)] # ILACC ring buffer descriptor class bufdesc(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure): _fields_ = [('buffer', ctypes.c_uint32), ('flags', ctypes.c_uint32), ('length', ctypes.c_uint32), ('_pad_', ctypes.c_uint32)] # The DHCP packet definition (incl. all headers) class packet(ctypes.BigEndianStructure): _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [('eth_dest', ctypes.c_uint8 * 6), ('eth_src', ctypes.c_uint8 * 6), ('eth_type', ctypes.c_uint16), ('ip_vl', ctypes.c_uint8), ('ip_de', ctypes.c_uint8), ('ip_len', ctypes.c_uint16), ('ip_id', ctypes.c_uint16), ('ip_ff', ctypes.c_uint16), ('ip_ttl', ctypes.c_uint8), ('ip_proto', ctypes.c_uint8), ('ip_cksum', ctypes.c_uint16), ('ip_src', ctypes.c_uint32), ('ip_dest', ctypes.c_uint32), ('udp_src', ctypes.c_uint16), ('udp_dest', ctypes.c_uint16), ('udp_len', ctypes.c_uint16), ('udp_cksum', ctypes.c_uint16), ('bootp_op', ctypes.c_uint8), ('bootp_htype', ctypes.c_uint8), ('bootp_hlen', ctypes.c_uint8), ('bootp_hops', ctypes.c_uint8), ('bootp_xid', ctypes.c_uint32), ('bootp_secs', ctypes.c_uint16), ('bootp_flags', ctypes.c_uint16), ('bootp_ciaddr', ctypes.c_uint32), ('bootp_yiaddr', ctypes.c_uint32), ('bootp_siaddr', ctypes.c_uint32), ('bootp_giaddr', ctypes.c_uint32), ('bootp_chaddr', ctypes.c_uint8 * 16), ('bootp_sname', ctypes.c_uint8 * 64), ('bootp_file', ctypes.c_uint8 * 128), ('dhcp_magic', ctypes.c_uint32), ('dhcp_options', ctypes.c_uint8 * 60)] MACFMT = '%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x' dev = 'pci0:2:1:0' logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) pcicfg = bus.map(dev, 'pcicfg') logging.debug('pcicfg=%s (%s)' % (pcicfg, dev)) vendor = bus.read_2(pcicfg, 0) device = bus.read_2(pcicfg, 2) if vendor != 0x1022 or device != 0x2000: logging.error('Not an AMD PCnet-PCI (vendor=%x, device=%x)' % (vendor, device)) sys.exit(1) command = bus.read_2(pcicfg, 4) if not (command & 1): logging.info('enabling I/O port decoding') command |= 1 bus.write_2(pcicfg, 4, command) if not (command & 4): logging.info('enabling bus mastering') command |= 4 bus.write_2(pcicfg, 4, command) bus.unmap(pcicfg) io = bus.map(dev, '10.io') logging.debug('io=%s (%s)' % (io, dev)) def delay(msec): time.sleep(msec / 1000.0) def ffs(x): y = (1 + (x ^ (x-1))) >> 1 return y.bit_length() def ip_str(a): return '%d.%d.%d.%d' % ((a >> 24) & 255, (a >> 16) & 255, (a >> 8) & 255, a & 255) def mac_is(l, r): for i in range(6): if l[i] != r[i]: return False return True def mac_str(m): return MACFMT % (m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]) def rdbcr(reg): bus.write_2(io, 0x12, reg & 0xffff) return bus.read_2(io, 0x16) def wrbcr(reg, val): bus.write_2(io, 0x12, reg & 0xffff) bus.write_2(io, 0x16, val & 0xffff) def rdcsr(reg): bus.write_2(io, 0x12, reg & 0xffff) return bus.read_2(io, 0x10) def wrcsr(reg, val): bus.write_2(io, 0x12, reg & 0xffff) bus.write_2(io, 0x10, val & 0xffff) def start(): wrcsr(0, 0x42) delay(100) def stop(): wrcsr(0, 4) delay(100) mac = () bcast = () for o in range(6): mac += (bus.read_1(io, o),) bcast += (0xff,) logging.info('ethernet address = ' + MACFMT % mac) stop() wrbcr(20, 2) # reset wrcsr(3, 0) # byte swapping mode wrbcr(2, rdbcr(2) | 2) # Autoneg memsize = 32*1024 bufsize = 1536 nrxbufs = 16 ntxbufs = 4 logging.debug("DMA memory: size = %#x (TX buffers: %u, RX buffers: %u)" % (memsize, ntxbufs, nrxbufs)) mem_tag = busdma.tag_create(dev, 16, 0, 0xffffffff, memsize, 1, memsize, 0, 0) dmamem = busdma.mem_alloc(mem_tag, 0) busseg = busdma.md_first_seg(dmamem, busdma.MD_BUS_SPACE) cpuseg = busdma.md_first_seg(dmamem, busdma.MD_VIRT_SPACE) busaddr = busdma.seg_get_addr(busseg) cpuaddr = busdma.seg_get_addr(cpuseg) logging.debug("DMA memory: CPU address: %#x, device address: %#x" % (cpuaddr, busaddr)) addr_initblock = cpuaddr addr_rxdesc = addr_initblock + ctypes.sizeof(initblock) addr_txdesc = addr_rxdesc + ctypes.sizeof(bufdesc) * nrxbufs addr_rxbufs = addr_txdesc + ctypes.sizeof(bufdesc) * ntxbufs addr_txbufs = addr_rxbufs + bufsize * nrxbufs ib = initblock.from_address(addr_initblock) ib.mode = ((ffs(ntxbufs) - 1) << 28) | ((ffs(nrxbufs) - 1) << 20) for i in range(len(mac)): ib.hwaddr[i] = mac[i] for i in range(4): ib.filter[i] = 0xffff ib.rxdesc = busaddr + (addr_rxdesc - cpuaddr) ib.txdesc = busaddr + (addr_txdesc - cpuaddr) ib._pad1_ = 0 ib._pad2_ = 0 for i in range(nrxbufs): bd = bufdesc.from_address(addr_rxdesc + ctypes.sizeof(bufdesc) * i) bd.buffer = busaddr + (addr_rxbufs - cpuaddr) + bufsize * i bd.flags = (1 << 31) | (15 << 12) | (-bufsize & 0xfff) bd.length = 0 bd._pad_ = 0 for i in range(ntxbufs): bd = bufdesc.from_address(addr_txdesc + ctypes.sizeof(bufdesc) * i) bd.buffer = busaddr + (addr_txbufs - cpuaddr) + bufsize * i bd.flags = (15 << 12) bd.length = 0 bd._pad_ = 0 busdma.sync_range(dmamem, busdma.SYNC_PREWRITE, 0, addr_rxbufs - cpuaddr) # Program address of DMA memory wrcsr(1, busaddr) wrcsr(2, busaddr >> 16) delay(100) # Initialize hardware wrcsr(0, 1) logging.debug('Waiting for initialization to complete') csr = rdcsr(0) while (csr & 0x100) == 0: logging.debug('CSR=%#x' % (csr)) csr = rdcsr(0) start() pkt = packet.from_address(addr_txbufs) ctypes.memset(addr_txbufs, 0, ctypes.sizeof(pkt)) options = [53, 1, 1] for i in range(len(options)): pkt.dhcp_options[i] = options[i] pkt.dhcp_magic = 0x63825363 for i in range(6): pkt.bootp_chaddr[i] = mac[i] pkt.bootp_hlen = 6 pkt.bootp_htype = 1 pkt.bootp_op = 1 pkt.udp_len = ctypes.sizeof(pkt) - 34 pkt.udp_dest = 67 pkt.udp_src = 68 pkt.ip_dest = 0xffffffff pkt.ip_cksum = 0x79a6 pkt.ip_proto = 17 pkt.ip_ttl = 64 pkt.ip_len = ctypes.sizeof(pkt) - 14 pkt.ip_vl = 0x45 pkt.eth_type = 0x0800 for i in range(6): pkt.eth_src[i] = mac[i] pkt.eth_dest[i] = bcast[i] pktlen = ctypes.sizeof(pkt) busdma.sync_range(dmamem, busdma.SYNC_PREWRITE, addr_txbufs - cpuaddr, bufsize) bd = bufdesc.from_address(addr_txdesc) bd.length = 0 bd.flags = (1 << 31) | (1 << 25) | (1 << 24) | (0xf << 12) | (-pktlen & 0xfff) busdma.sync_range(dmamem, busdma.SYNC_PREWRITE, addr_txdesc - cpuaddr, ctypes.sizeof(bufdesc)) wrcsr(0, 0x48) logging.info('DHCP discovery packet sent') # Now wait 2 seconds for a DHCP offer to be received. logging.debug('Waiting 2 seconds for an offer to be received') time.sleep(2) stop() busdma.sync_range(dmamem, busdma.SYNC_PREWRITE, addr_rxdesc - cpuaddr, ctypes.sizeof(bufdesc) * nrxbufs) for i in range(nrxbufs): bd = bufdesc.from_address(addr_rxdesc + ctypes.sizeof(bufdesc) * i) if (bd.flags & 0x80000000): continue pkt = packet.from_address(addr_rxbufs + i * bufsize) if mac_is(pkt.eth_dest, bcast): logging.debug('RX #%d: broadcast packet: length %u' % (i, bd.length)) continue if not mac_is(pkt.eth_dest, mac): logging.debug('RX #%d: packet for %s?' % (i, mac_str(pkt.eth_dest))) continue logging.debug('RX %d: packet from %s!' % (i, mac_str(pkt.eth_src))) logging.info('Our IP address = %s' % (ip_str(pkt.ip_dest))) busdma.mem_free(dmamem) busdma.tag_destroy(mem_tag) bus.unmap(io)