#!/bin/sh # Install loader, kernel, and enough of userland to boot in QEMU and echo # "Hello world." from init, as a very quick smoke test for CI. Uses QEMU's # virtual FAT filesystem to avoid the need to create a disk image. While # designed for CI automated testing, this script can also be run by hand as # a quick smoke-test. The rootgen.sh and related scripts generate much more # extensive tests for many combinations of boot env (ufs, zfs, geli, etc). # # $FreeBSD$ set -e die() { echo "$*" 1>&2 exit 1 } tempdir_cleanup() { trap - EXIT SIGINT SIGHUP SIGTERM SIGQUIT rm -rf ${ROOTDIR} } tempdir_setup() { # Create minimal directory structure and populate it. # Caller must cd ${SRCTOP} before calling this function. for dir in dev bin efi/boot etc lib libexec sbin usr/lib usr/libexec; do mkdir -p ${ROOTDIR}/${dir} done # Install kernel, loader and minimal userland. make -DNO_ROOT DESTDIR=${ROOTDIR} \ MODULES_OVERRIDE= \ WITHOUT_DEBUG_FILES=yes \ WITHOUT_KERNEL_SYMBOLS=yes \ installkernel for dir in stand \ lib/libc lib/libedit lib/ncurses \ libexec/rtld-elf \ bin/sh sbin/init sbin/shutdown sbin/sysctl; do make -DNO_ROOT DESTDIR=${ROOTDIR} INSTALL="install -U" \ WITHOUT_DEBUG_FILES= \ WITHOUT_MAN= \ WITHOUT_PROFILE= \ WITHOUT_TESTS= \ WITHOUT_TOOLCHAIN= \ -C ${dir} install done # Put loader in standard EFI location. mv ${ROOTDIR}/boot/loader.efi ${ROOTDIR}/efi/boot/BOOTx64.EFI # Configuration files. cat > ${ROOTDIR}/boot/loader.conf <<EOF vfs.root.mountfrom="msdosfs:/dev/ada0s1" autoboot_delay=-1 boot_verbose=YES EOF cat > ${ROOTDIR}/etc/rc <<EOF #!/bin/sh echo "Hello world." /sbin/sysctl vm.stats.vm.v_wire_count /sbin/shutdown -p now EOF # Entropy needed to boot, see r346250 and followup commits/discussion. dd if=/dev/random of=${ROOTDIR}/boot/entropy bs=4k count=1 # Remove unnecessary files to keep FAT filesystem size down. rm -rf ${ROOTDIR}/METALOG ${ROOTDIR}/usr/lib } # Locate the top of the source tree, to run make install from. : ${SRCTOP:=$(make -V SRCTOP)} if [ -z "${SRCTOP}" ]; then die "Cannot locate top of source tree" fi # Locate the uefi firmware file used by qemu. : ${OVMF:=/usr/local/share/uefi-edk2-qemu/QEMU_UEFI_CODE-x86_64.fd} if [ ! -r "${OVMF}" ]; then echo "NOTE: UEFI firmware available in the uefi-edk2-qemu-x86_64 package" >&2 die "Cannot read UEFI firmware file ${OVMF}" fi # Create a temp dir to hold the boot image. ROOTDIR=$(mktemp -d -t ci-qemu-test-fat-root) trap tempdir_cleanup EXIT SIGINT SIGHUP SIGTERM SIGQUIT # Populate the boot image in a temp dir. ( cd ${SRCTOP} && tempdir_setup ) # And, boot in QEMU. : ${BOOTLOG:=${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/ci-qemu-test-boot.log} timeout 300 \ qemu-system-x86_64 -m 256M -nodefaults \ -drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly,file=${OVMF} \ -serial stdio -vga none -nographic -monitor none \ -snapshot -hda fat:${ROOTDIR} 2>&1 | tee ${BOOTLOG} # Check whether we succesfully booted... if grep -q 'Hello world.' ${BOOTLOG}; then echo "OK" else die "Did not boot successfully, see ${BOOTLOG}" fi