#!/usr/libexec/flua -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause -- -- Copyright (c) 2024 Tyler Baxter <agge@FreeBSD.org> -- Copyright (c) 2023 Warner Losh <imp@bsdimp.com> -- Copyright (c) 2019 Kyle Evans <kevans@FreeBSD.org> -- -- Setup to be a module, or ran as its own script. local systrace_args = {} local script = not pcall(debug.getlocal, 4, 1) -- TRUE if script. if script then -- Add library root to the package path. local path = arg[0]:gsub("/[^/]+.lua$", "") package.path = package.path .. ";" .. path .. "/../?.lua" end local FreeBSDSyscall = require("core.freebsd-syscall") local util = require("tools.util") local generator = require("tools.generator") -- File has not been decided yet; config will decide file. Default defined as -- /dev/null. systrace_args.file = "/dev/null" function systrace_args.generate(tbl, config, fh) -- Grab the master system calls table. local s = tbl.syscalls -- Bind the generator to the parameter file. local gen = generator:new({}, fh) gen.storage_levels = {} -- make sure storage is clear -- 64-bit padding preprocessor directive. gen:pad64(config.abiChanges("pair_64bit")) -- Write the generated preamble. gen:preamble( "System call argument to DTrace register array conversion.\n" .. "\n" .. "This file is part of the DTrace syscall provider.") gen:write(string.format([[ static void systrace_args(int sysnum, void *params, uint64_t *uarg, int *n_args) { int64_t *iarg = (int64_t *)uarg; int a = 0; switch (sysnum) { ]])) gen:store(string.format([[ static void systrace_entry_setargdesc(int sysnum, int ndx, char *desc, size_t descsz) { const char *p = NULL; switch (sysnum) { ]]), 1) gen:store(string.format([[ static void systrace_return_setargdesc(int sysnum, int ndx, char *desc, size_t descsz) { const char *p = NULL; switch (sysnum) { ]]), 2) for _, v in pairs(s) do -- Handle non compat: if v:native() then gen:write(string.format([[ /* %s */ case %d: { ]], v.name, v.num)) gen:store(string.format([[ /* %s */ case %d: ]], v.name, v.num), 1) gen:store(string.format([[ /* %s */ case %d: ]], v.name, v.num), 2) local n_args = #v.args if v.type.SYSMUX then n_args = 0 end if #v.args > 0 and not v.type.SYSMUX then local padding = "" gen:write(string.format([[ struct %s *p = params; ]], v.arg_alias)) gen:store([[ switch (ndx) { ]], 1) for idx, arg in ipairs(v.args) do local argtype = util.trim( arg.type:gsub( "__restrict$", ""), nil) if argtype == "int" and arg.name == "_pad" and config.abiChanges("pair_64bit") then gen:store( "#ifdef PAD64_REQUIRED\n", 1) end -- Pointer arg? local desc if argtype:find("*") then desc = "userland " .. argtype else desc = argtype; end gen:store(string.format([[ case %d%s: p = "%s"; break; ]], idx - 1, padding, desc), 1) if argtype == "int" and arg.name == "_pad" and config.abiChanges("pair_64bit") then padding = " - _P_" gen:store([[ #define _P_ 0 #else #define _P_ 1 #endif ]], 1) end if util.isPtrType(argtype, config.abi_intptr_t) then gen:write(string.format([[ uarg[a++] = (%s)p->%s; /* %s */ ]], config.ptr_intptr_t_cast, arg.name, argtype)) elseif argtype == "union l_semun" then gen:write(string.format([[ uarg[a++] = p->%s.buf; /* %s */ ]], arg.name, argtype)) elseif argtype:sub(1,1) == "u" or argtype == "size_t" then gen:write(string.format([[ uarg[a++] = p->%s; /* %s */ ]], arg.name, argtype)) else if argtype == "int" and arg.name == "_pad" and config.abiChanges( "pair_64bit") then gen:write([[ #ifdef PAD64_REQUIRED ]]) end gen:write(string.format([[ iarg[a++] = p->%s; /* %s */ ]], arg.name, argtype)) if argtype == "int" and arg.name == "_pad" and config.abiChanges( "pair_64bit") then gen:write("#endif\n") end end end gen:store([[ default: break; }; ]], 1) if padding ~= "" then gen:store("#undef _P_\n\n", 1) end gen:store(string.format([[ if (ndx == 0 || ndx == 1) p = "%s"; break; ]], v.ret), 2) end gen:write(string.format("\t\t*n_args = %d;\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n", n_args)) gen:store("\t\tbreak;\n", 1) -- Handle compat (everything >= FREEBSD3): -- Do nothing, only for native. end end gen:write([[ default: *n_args = 0; break; }; } ]]) gen:store([[ default: break; }; if (p != NULL) strlcpy(desc, p, descsz); } ]], 1) gen:store([[ default: break; }; if (p != NULL) strlcpy(desc, p, descsz); } ]], 2) -- Write all stored lines. if gen.storage_levels ~= nil then gen:writeStorage() end end -- Entry of script: if script then local config = require("config") if #arg < 1 or #arg > 2 then error("usage: " .. arg[0] .. " syscall.master") end local sysfile, configfile = arg[1], arg[2] config.merge(configfile) config.mergeCompat() -- The parsed system call table. local tbl = FreeBSDSyscall:new{sysfile = sysfile, config = config} systrace_args.file = config.systrace -- change file here systrace_args.generate(tbl, config, systrace_args.file) end -- Return the module. return systrace_args