#!/usr/libexec/flua -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause -- -- Copyright (c) 2024 Tyler Baxter <agge@FreeBSD.org> -- Copyright (c) 2023 Warner Losh <imp@bsdimp.com> -- Copyright (c) 2019 Kyle Evans <kevans@FreeBSD.org> -- -- Setup to be a module, or ran as its own script. local init_sysent = {} local script = not pcall(debug.getlocal, 4, 1) -- TRUE if script. if script then -- Add library root to the package path. local path = arg[0]:gsub("/[^/]+.lua$", "") package.path = package.path .. ";" .. path .. "/../?.lua" end local FreeBSDSyscall = require("core.freebsd-syscall") local generator = require("tools.generator") -- File has not been decided yet; config will decide file. Default defined as -- /dev/null. init_sysent.file = "/dev/null" function init_sysent.generate(tbl, config, fh) -- Grab the master system calls table. local s = tbl.syscalls -- Bind the generator to the parameter file. local gen = generator:new({}, fh) -- Write the generated preamble. gen:preamble("System call switch table.") gen:write(tbl.includes) -- Newline before and after this line. gen:write( "\n#define AS(name) (sizeof(struct name) / sizeof(syscallarg_t))\n") -- Write out all the compat directives from compat_options. for _, v in pairs(config.compat_options) do gen:write(string.format([[ #ifdef %s #define %s(n, name) .sy_narg = n, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)__CONCAT(%s, name) #else #define %s(n, name) .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)nosys #endif ]], v.definition, v.flag:lower(), v.prefix, v.flag:lower())) end -- Add a newline only if there were compat_options. if config.compat_options ~= nil then gen:write("\n") end gen:write(string.format([[ /* The casts are bogus but will do for now. */ struct sysent %s[] = { ]], config.switchname)) for _, v in pairs(s) do local c = v:compatLevel() -- Comment is the function name by default, but may change -- based on the type of system call. local comment = v.name -- Handle non-compat: if v:native() then gen:write(string.format( "\t{ .sy_narg = %s, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)", v.args_size)) -- Handle SYSMUX flag: if v.type.SYSMUX then gen:write(string.format("nosys, " .. ".sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, " .. ".sy_flags = %s, " .. ".sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },", v.cap)) -- Handle NOSTD flag: elseif v.type.NOSTD then gen:write(string.format("lkmressys, " .. ".sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, " .. ".sy_flags = %s, " .. ".sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_ABSENT },", v.cap)) -- Handle rest of non-compat: else if v.name == "nosys" or v.name == "lkmnosys" or v.name == "sysarch" or v.name:find("^freebsd") or v.name:find("^linux") then gen:write(string.format("%s, " .. ".sy_auevent = %s, " .. ".sy_flags = %s, " .. ".sy_thrcnt = %s },", v:symbol(), v.audit, v.cap, v.thr)) else gen:write(string.format("sys_%s, " .. ".sy_auevent = %s, " .. ".sy_flags = %s, " .. ".sy_thrcnt = %s },", v:symbol(), v.audit, v.cap, v.thr)) end end -- Handle compat (everything >= FREEBSD3): elseif c >= 3 then -- Lookup the info for this specific compat option. local flag, descr for _, opt in pairs(config.compat_options) do if opt.compatlevel == c then flag = opt.flag flag = flag:lower() descr = opt.descr break end end if v.type.NOSTD then gen:write(string.format("\t{ " .. ".sy_narg = %s, " .. ".sy_call = (sy_call_t *)%s, " .. ".sy_auevent = %s, " .. ".sy_flags = 0, " .. ".sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_ABSENT },", "0", "lkmressys", "AUE_NULL")) else gen:write(string.format("\t{ %s(%s,%s), " .. ".sy_auevent = %s, " .. ".sy_flags = %s, " .. ".sy_thrcnt = %s },", flag, v.args_size, v.name, v.audit, v.cap, v.thr)) end comment = descr .. " " .. v.name -- Handle obsolete: elseif v.type.OBSOL then gen:write("\t{ " .. ".sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)nosys, " .. ".sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, " .. ".sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_ABSENT },") comment = "obsolete " .. v.name -- Handle unimplemented: elseif v.type.UNIMPL then gen:write("\t{ " .. ".sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)nosys, " .. ".sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, " .. ".sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_ABSENT },") -- UNIMPL comment is not different in sysent. -- Handle reserved: elseif v.type.RESERVED then gen:write("\t{ " .. ".sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)nosys, " .. ".sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, " .. ".sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_ABSENT },") comment = "reserved for local use" end gen:write(string.format("\t/* %d = %s */\n", v.num, comment)) end -- End gen:write("};\n") end -- Entry of script: if script then local config = require("config") if #arg < 1 or #arg > 2 then error("usage: " .. arg[0] .. " syscall.master") end local sysfile, configfile = arg[1], arg[2] config.merge(configfile) config.mergeCompat() -- The parsed syscall table. local tbl = FreeBSDSyscall:new{sysfile = sysfile, config = config} init_sysent.file = config.syssw -- change file here init_sysent.generate(tbl, config, init_sysent.file) end -- Return the module. return init_sysent