/*- * Copyright (c) 2017 Juniper Networks, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* File contains 9P protocol definitions */ #ifndef FS_P9FS_P9_PROTOCOL_H #define FS_P9FS_P9_PROTOCOL_H #include <sys/types.h> /* 9P message types */ enum p9_cmds_t { P9PROTO_TLERROR = 6, /* not used */ P9PROTO_RLERROR, /* response for any failed request */ P9PROTO_TSTATFS = 8, /* file system status request */ P9PROTO_RSTATFS, /* file system status response */ P9PROTO_TLOPEN = 12, /* open a file (9P2000.L) */ P9PROTO_RLOPEN, /* response to opne request (9P2000.L) */ P9PROTO_TLCREATE = 14, /* prepare for handle for I/O on a new file (9P2000.L) */ P9PROTO_RLCREATE, /* response with file access information (9P2000.L) */ P9PROTO_TSYMLINK = 16, /* symlink creation request */ P9PROTO_RSYMLINK, /* symlink creation response */ P9PROTO_TMKNOD = 18, /* create a special file object request */ P9PROTO_RMKNOD, /* create a special file object response */ P9PROTO_TRENAME = 20, /* rename a file request */ P9PROTO_RRENAME, /* rename a file response */ P9PROTO_TREADLINK = 22, /* request to read value of symbolic link */ P9PROTO_RREADLINK, /* response to read value of symbolic link request */ P9PROTO_TGETATTR = 24, /* get file attributes request */ P9PROTO_RGETATTR, /* get file attributes response */ P9PROTO_TSETATTR = 26, /* set file attributes request */ P9PROTO_RSETATTR, /* set file attributes response */ P9PROTO_TXATTRWALK = 30,/* request to read extended attributes */ P9PROTO_RXATTRWALK, /* response from server with attributes */ P9PROTO_TXATTRCREATE = 32,/* request to set extended attribute */ P9PROTO_RXATTRCREATE, /* response from server for setting extended attribute */ P9PROTO_TREADDIR = 40, /* request to read a directory */ P9PROTO_RREADDIR, /* response from server for read request */ P9PROTO_TFSYNC = 50, /* request to flush an cached data to disk */ P9PROTO_RFSYNC, /* response when cache dat is flushed */ P9PROTO_TLOCK = 52, /* acquire or release a POSIX record lock */ P9PROTO_RLOCK, /* response with the status of the lock */ P9PROTO_TGETLOCK = 54, /* request to check for presence of a POSIX record lock */ P9PROTO_RGETLOCK, /* response with the details of the lock if acquired */ P9PROTO_TLINK = 70, /* request to create hard link */ P9PROTO_RLINK, /* create hard link response */ P9PROTO_TMKDIR = 72, /* create a directory request */ P9PROTO_RMKDIR, /* create a directory response */ P9PROTO_TRENAMEAT = 74, /* request to rename a file or directory */ P9PROTO_RRENAMEAT, /* reponse to rename request */ P9PROTO_TUNLINKAT = 76, /* unlink a file or directory */ P9PROTO_RUNLINKAT, /* reponse to unlink request */ P9PROTO_TVERSION = 100, /* request for version handshake */ P9PROTO_RVERSION, /* response for version handshake */ P9PROTO_TAUTH = 102, /* request to establish authentication channel */ P9PROTO_RAUTH, /* response with authentication information */ P9PROTO_TATTACH = 104, /* establish a user access to a file system*/ P9PROTO_RATTACH, /* response with top level handle to file hierarchy */ P9PROTO_TERROR = 106, /* not used */ P9PROTO_RERROR, /* response for any failed request */ P9PROTO_TFLUSH = 108, /* request to abort a previous request */ P9PROTO_RFLUSH, /* response when previous request has been cancelled */ P9PROTO_TWALK = 110, /* descend a directory hierarchy */ P9PROTO_RWALK, /* response with new handle for position within hierarchy */ P9PROTO_TOPEN = 112, /* prepare file handle for I/O for an existing file */ P9PROTO_ROPEN, /* response with file access information */ P9PROTO_TCREATE = 114, /* prepare for handle for I/O on a new file */ P9PROTO_RCREATE, /* response with file access information */ P9PROTO_TREAD = 116, /* request to transfer data from a file */ P9PROTO_RREAD, /* response with data requested */ P9PROTO_TWRITE = 118, /* request to transfer data to a file */ P9PROTO_RWRITE, /* response with how much data was written to the file */ P9PROTO_TCLUNK = 120, /* forget about a handle to a file within the File System */ P9PROTO_RCLUNK, /* response from the server for forgetting the file handle */ P9PROTO_TREMOVE = 122, /* request to remove a file */ P9PROTO_RREMOVE, /* response when server has removed the file */ P9PROTO_TSTAT = 124, /* request file entity attributes */ P9PROTO_RSTAT, /* response with file entity attributes */ P9PROTO_TWSTAT = 126, /* request to update file entity attributes */ P9PROTO_RWSTAT, /* response when file entity attributes are updated */ }; /* File Open Modes */ enum p9_open_mode_t { P9PROTO_OREAD = 0x00, /* open file for reading only */ P9PROTO_OWRITE = 0x01, /* open file for writing only */ P9PROTO_ORDWR = 0x02, /* open file for both reading and writing */ P9PROTO_OEXEC = 0x03, /* open file for execution */ P9PROTO_OTRUNC = 0x10, /* truncate file to zero length before opening it */ P9PROTO_OREXEC = 0x20, /* close the file when exec system call is made */ P9PROTO_ORCLOSE = 0x40, /* remove the file when it is closed */ P9PROTO_OAPPEND = 0x80, /* open the file and seek to the end of the file */ P9PROTO_OEXCL = 0x1000, /* only create a file and not open it */ }; /* FIle Permissions */ enum p9_perm_t { P9PROTO_DMDIR = 0x80000000, /* permission bit for directories */ P9PROTO_DMAPPEND = 0x40000000, /* permission bit for is append-only */ P9PROTO_DMEXCL = 0x20000000, /* permission bit for exclusive use (only one open handle allowed) */ P9PROTO_DMMOUNT = 0x10000000, /* permission bit for mount points */ P9PROTO_DMAUTH = 0x08000000, /* permission bit for authentication file */ P9PROTO_DMTMP = 0x04000000, /* permission bit for non-backed-up files */ P9PROTO_DMSYMLINK = 0x02000000, /* permission bit for symbolic link (9P2000.u) */ P9PROTO_DMLINK = 0x01000000, /* permission bit for hard-link (9P2000.u) */ P9PROTO_DMDEVICE = 0x00800000, /* permission bit for device files (9P2000.u) */ P9PROTO_DMNAMEDPIPE = 0x00200000,/* permission bit for named pipe (9P2000.u) */ P9PROTO_DMSOCKET = 0x00100000, /* permission bit for socket (9P2000.u) */ P9PROTO_DMSETUID = 0x00080000, /* permission bit for setuid (9P2000.u) */ P9PROTO_DMSETGID = 0x00040000, /* permission bit for setgid (9P2000.u) */ P9PROTO_DMSETVTX = 0x00010000, /* permission bit for sticky bit (9P2000.u) */ }; /* * QID types - they are primarly used to * differentiate semantics for a file system */ enum p9_qid_t { P9PROTO_QTDIR = 0x80, /* directory */ P9PROTO_QTAPPEND = 0x40, /* append-only */ P9PROTO_QTEXCL = 0x20, /* exclusive use (only one open handle allowed)*/ P9PROTO_QTMOUNT = 0x10, /* mount points */ P9PROTO_QTAUTH = 0x08, /* authentication file */ P9PROTO_QTTMP = 0x04, /* non-backed-up files */ P9PROTO_QTSYMLINK = 0x02, /* symbolic links */ P9PROTO_QTLINK = 0x01, /* hard link */ P9PROTO_QTFILE = 0x00, /* normal files */ }; /* P9 Magic Numbers */ #define P9PROTO_NOFID (uint32_t)(~0) #define P9_DEFUNAME "nobody" #define P9_DEFANAME "" #define P9_NONUNAME (uint32_t)(~0) #define P9_MAXWELEM 16 /* Exchange unit between Qemu and Client */ struct p9_qid { uint8_t type; /* the type of the file */ uint32_t version; /* version number for given path */ uint64_t path; /* the file servers unique id for file */ }; /* FS information stat structure */ struct p9_statfs { uint32_t type; /* type of file system */ uint32_t bsize; /* optimal transfer block size */ uint64_t blocks; /* total data blocks in file system */ uint64_t bfree; /* free blocks in fs */ uint64_t bavail; /* free blocks avail to non-superuser */ uint64_t files; /* total file nodes in file system */ uint64_t ffree; /* free file nodes in fs */ uint64_t fsid; /* file system id */ uint32_t namelen; /* maximum length of filenames */ }; /* File system metadata information */ struct p9_wstat { uint16_t size; /* total byte count of the following data */ uint16_t type; /* type of file */ uint32_t dev; /* id of device containing file */ struct p9_qid qid; /* identifier used by server for file system entity information */ uint32_t mode; /* protection */ uint32_t atime; /* time of last access */ uint32_t mtime; /* time of last modification */ uint64_t length; /* length of file in bytes */ char *name; /* file name */ char *uid; /* user ID of owner */ char *gid; /* group ID of owner */ char *muid; /* name of the user who last modified the file */ char *extension; /* 9p2000.u extensions */ uid_t n_uid; /* 9p2000.u extensions */ gid_t n_gid; /* 9p2000.u extensions */ uid_t n_muid; /* 9p2000.u extensions */ }; /* The linux version of FS information stat structure*/ struct p9_stat_dotl { uint64_t st_result_mask;/* indicates fields that are requested */ struct p9_qid qid; /* identifier used by server for file system entity information */ uint32_t st_mode; /* protection */ uid_t st_uid; /* user ID of owner */ gid_t st_gid; /* group ID of owner */ uint64_t st_nlink; /* number of hard links */ uint64_t st_rdev; /* device ID (if special file) */ uint64_t st_size; /* total size, in bytes */ uint64_t st_blksize; /* blocksize for file system I/O */ uint64_t st_blocks; /* number of 512B blocks allocated */ uint64_t st_atime_sec; /* time of last access, seconds */ uint64_t st_atime_nsec; /* time of last access, nanoseconds */ uint64_t st_mtime_sec; /* time of last modification, seconds */ uint64_t st_mtime_nsec; /* time of last modifictaion, nanoseconds */ uint64_t st_ctime_sec; /* time of last status change, seconds*/ uint64_t st_ctime_nsec; /* time of last status change, nanoseconds*/ uint64_t st_btime_sec; /* following memebers are reserved for future use */ uint64_t st_btime_nsec; uint64_t st_gen; uint64_t st_data_version; }; /* P9 inode attribute for setattr */ struct p9_iattr_dotl { uint32_t valid; /* bit fields specifying which fields are valid */ uint32_t mode; /* protection */ uid_t uid; /* user id of owner */ gid_t gid; /* group id */ uint64_t size; /* file size */ uint64_t atime_sec; /* last access time in seconds */ uint64_t atime_nsec; /* last access time in nanoseconds */ uint64_t mtime_sec; /* last modification time in seconds */ uint64_t mtime_nsec; /* last modification time in nanoseconds */ }; #define P9PROTO_STATS_MODE 0x00000001ULL #define P9PROTO_STATS_NLINK 0x00000002ULL #define P9PROTO_STATS_UID 0x00000004ULL #define P9PROTO_STATS_GID 0x00000008ULL #define P9PROTO_STATS_RDEV 0x00000010ULL #define P9PROTO_STATS_ATIME 0x00000020ULL #define P9PROTO_STATS_MTIME 0x00000040ULL #define P9PROTO_STATS_CTIME 0x00000080ULL #define P9PROTO_STATS_INO 0x00000100ULL #define P9PROTO_STATS_SIZE 0x00000200ULL #define P9PROTO_STATS_BLOCKS 0x00000400ULL #define P9PROTO_STATS_BTIME 0x00000800ULL #define P9PROTO_STATS_GEN 0x00001000ULL #define P9PROTO_STATS_DATA_VERSION 0x00002000ULL #define P9PROTO_STATS_BASIC 0x000007ffULL /* Mask for fields up to BLOCKS */ #define P9PROTO_STATS_ALL 0x00003fffULL /* Mask for All fields above */ #define P9PROTO_SETATTR_MODE 0x00000001UL #define P9PROTO_SETATTR_UID 0x00000002UL #define P9PROTO_SETATTR_GID 0x00000004UL #define P9PROTO_SETATTR_SIZE 0x00000008UL #define P9PROTO_SETATTR_ATIME 0x00000010UL #define P9PROTO_SETATTR_MTIME 0x00000020UL #define P9PROTO_SETATTR_CTIME 0x00000040UL #define P9PROTO_SETATTR_ATIME_SET 0x00000080UL #define P9PROTO_SETATTR_MTIME_SET 0x00000100UL #define P9PROTO_SETATTR_MASK 0x000001bfUL #define P9PROTO_TGETATTR_BLK 512 #define P9PROTO_UNLINKAT_REMOVEDIR 0x200 /* PDU buffer used for SG lists. */ struct p9_buffer { uint32_t size; uint16_t tag; uint8_t id; size_t offset; size_t capacity; uint8_t *sdata; }; #endif /* FS_P9FS_P9_PROTOCOL_H */