/* SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC * * Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Matt Dunwoodie <ncon@noconroy.net> * Copyright (c) 2022 The FreeBSD Foundation */ #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/ck.h> #include <sys/endian.h> #include <sys/epoch.h> #include <sys/kernel.h> #include <sys/lock.h> #include <sys/malloc.h> #include <sys/mutex.h> #include <sys/refcount.h> #include <sys/rwlock.h> #include <crypto/siphash/siphash.h> #include "crypto.h" #include "wg_noise.h" /* Protocol string constants */ #define NOISE_HANDSHAKE_NAME "Noise_IKpsk2_25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s" #define NOISE_IDENTIFIER_NAME "WireGuard v1 zx2c4 Jason@zx2c4.com" /* Constants for the counter */ #define COUNTER_BITS_TOTAL 8192 #ifdef __LP64__ #define COUNTER_ORDER 6 #define COUNTER_BITS 64 #else #define COUNTER_ORDER 5 #define COUNTER_BITS 32 #endif #define COUNTER_REDUNDANT_BITS COUNTER_BITS #define COUNTER_WINDOW_SIZE (COUNTER_BITS_TOTAL - COUNTER_REDUNDANT_BITS) /* Constants for the keypair */ #define REKEY_AFTER_MESSAGES (1ull << 60) #define REJECT_AFTER_MESSAGES (UINT64_MAX - COUNTER_WINDOW_SIZE - 1) #define REKEY_AFTER_TIME 120 #define REKEY_AFTER_TIME_RECV 165 #define REJECT_INTERVAL (1000000000 / 50) /* fifty times per sec */ /* 24 = floor(log2(REJECT_INTERVAL)) */ #define REJECT_INTERVAL_MASK (~((1ull<<24)-1)) #define TIMER_RESET (SBT_1S * -(REKEY_TIMEOUT+1)) #define HT_INDEX_SIZE (1 << 13) #define HT_INDEX_MASK (HT_INDEX_SIZE - 1) #define HT_REMOTE_SIZE (1 << 11) #define HT_REMOTE_MASK (HT_REMOTE_SIZE - 1) #define MAX_REMOTE_PER_LOCAL (1 << 20) struct noise_index { CK_LIST_ENTRY(noise_index) i_entry; uint32_t i_local_index; uint32_t i_remote_index; int i_is_keypair; }; struct noise_keypair { struct noise_index kp_index; u_int kp_refcnt; bool kp_can_send; bool kp_is_initiator; sbintime_t kp_birthdate; /* sbinuptime */ struct noise_remote *kp_remote; uint8_t kp_send[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN]; uint8_t kp_recv[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN]; /* Counter elements */ struct rwlock kp_nonce_lock; uint64_t kp_nonce_send; uint64_t kp_nonce_recv; unsigned long kp_backtrack[COUNTER_BITS_TOTAL / COUNTER_BITS]; struct epoch_context kp_smr; }; struct noise_handshake { uint8_t hs_e[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]; uint8_t hs_hash[NOISE_HASH_LEN]; uint8_t hs_ck[NOISE_HASH_LEN]; }; enum noise_handshake_state { HANDSHAKE_DEAD, HANDSHAKE_INITIATOR, HANDSHAKE_RESPONDER, }; struct noise_remote { struct noise_index r_index; CK_LIST_ENTRY(noise_remote) r_entry; bool r_entry_inserted; uint8_t r_public[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]; struct rwlock r_handshake_lock; struct noise_handshake r_handshake; enum noise_handshake_state r_handshake_state; sbintime_t r_last_sent; /* sbinuptime */ sbintime_t r_last_init_recv; /* sbinuptime */ uint8_t r_timestamp[NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN]; uint8_t r_psk[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN]; uint8_t r_ss[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]; u_int r_refcnt; struct noise_local *r_local; void *r_arg; struct mtx r_keypair_mtx; struct noise_keypair *r_next, *r_current, *r_previous; struct epoch_context r_smr; void (*r_cleanup)(struct noise_remote *); }; struct noise_local { struct rwlock l_identity_lock; bool l_has_identity; uint8_t l_public[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]; uint8_t l_private[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]; u_int l_refcnt; uint8_t l_hash_key[SIPHASH_KEY_LENGTH]; void *l_arg; void (*l_cleanup)(struct noise_local *); struct mtx l_remote_mtx; size_t l_remote_num; CK_LIST_HEAD(,noise_remote) l_remote_hash[HT_REMOTE_SIZE]; struct mtx l_index_mtx; CK_LIST_HEAD(,noise_index) l_index_hash[HT_INDEX_SIZE]; }; static void noise_precompute_ss(struct noise_local *, struct noise_remote *); static void noise_remote_index_insert(struct noise_local *, struct noise_remote *); static struct noise_remote * noise_remote_index_lookup(struct noise_local *, uint32_t, bool); static int noise_remote_index_remove(struct noise_local *, struct noise_remote *); static void noise_remote_expire_current(struct noise_remote *); static void noise_add_new_keypair(struct noise_local *, struct noise_remote *, struct noise_keypair *); static int noise_begin_session(struct noise_remote *); static void noise_keypair_drop(struct noise_keypair *); static void noise_kdf(uint8_t *, uint8_t *, uint8_t *, const uint8_t *, size_t, size_t, size_t, size_t, const uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN]); static int noise_mix_dh(uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t [NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN], const uint8_t [NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN], const uint8_t [NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]); static int noise_mix_ss(uint8_t ck[NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t [NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN], const uint8_t [NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]); static void noise_mix_hash(uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN], const uint8_t *, size_t); static void noise_mix_psk(uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t [NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN], const uint8_t [NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN]); static void noise_param_init(uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN], const uint8_t [NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]); static void noise_msg_encrypt(uint8_t *, const uint8_t *, size_t, uint8_t [NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN], uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN]); static int noise_msg_decrypt(uint8_t *, const uint8_t *, size_t, uint8_t [NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN], uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN]); static void noise_msg_ephemeral(uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t [NOISE_HASH_LEN], const uint8_t [NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]); static void noise_tai64n_now(uint8_t [NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN]); static int noise_timer_expired(sbintime_t, uint32_t, uint32_t); static uint64_t siphash24(const uint8_t [SIPHASH_KEY_LENGTH], const void *, size_t); MALLOC_DEFINE(M_NOISE, "NOISE", "wgnoise"); /* Local configuration */ struct noise_local * noise_local_alloc(void *arg) { struct noise_local *l; size_t i; l = malloc(sizeof(*l), M_NOISE, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); rw_init(&l->l_identity_lock, "noise_identity"); l->l_has_identity = false; bzero(l->l_public, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN); bzero(l->l_private, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN); refcount_init(&l->l_refcnt, 1); arc4random_buf(l->l_hash_key, sizeof(l->l_hash_key)); l->l_arg = arg; l->l_cleanup = NULL; mtx_init(&l->l_remote_mtx, "noise_remote", NULL, MTX_DEF); l->l_remote_num = 0; for (i = 0; i < HT_REMOTE_SIZE; i++) CK_LIST_INIT(&l->l_remote_hash[i]); mtx_init(&l->l_index_mtx, "noise_index", NULL, MTX_DEF); for (i = 0; i < HT_INDEX_SIZE; i++) CK_LIST_INIT(&l->l_index_hash[i]); return (l); } struct noise_local * noise_local_ref(struct noise_local *l) { refcount_acquire(&l->l_refcnt); return (l); } void noise_local_put(struct noise_local *l) { if (refcount_release(&l->l_refcnt)) { if (l->l_cleanup != NULL) l->l_cleanup(l); rw_destroy(&l->l_identity_lock); mtx_destroy(&l->l_remote_mtx); mtx_destroy(&l->l_index_mtx); zfree(l, M_NOISE); } } void noise_local_free(struct noise_local *l, void (*cleanup)(struct noise_local *)) { l->l_cleanup = cleanup; noise_local_put(l); } void * noise_local_arg(struct noise_local *l) { return (l->l_arg); } void noise_local_private(struct noise_local *l, const uint8_t private[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]) { struct epoch_tracker et; struct noise_remote *r; size_t i; rw_wlock(&l->l_identity_lock); memcpy(l->l_private, private, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN); curve25519_clamp_secret(l->l_private); l->l_has_identity = curve25519_generate_public(l->l_public, l->l_private); NET_EPOCH_ENTER(et); for (i = 0; i < HT_REMOTE_SIZE; i++) { CK_LIST_FOREACH(r, &l->l_remote_hash[i], r_entry) { noise_precompute_ss(l, r); noise_remote_expire_current(r); } } NET_EPOCH_EXIT(et); rw_wunlock(&l->l_identity_lock); } int noise_local_keys(struct noise_local *l, uint8_t public[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN], uint8_t private[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]) { int has_identity; rw_rlock(&l->l_identity_lock); if ((has_identity = l->l_has_identity)) { if (public != NULL) memcpy(public, l->l_public, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN); if (private != NULL) memcpy(private, l->l_private, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN); } rw_runlock(&l->l_identity_lock); return (has_identity ? 0 : ENXIO); } static void noise_precompute_ss(struct noise_local *l, struct noise_remote *r) { rw_wlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); if (!l->l_has_identity || !curve25519(r->r_ss, l->l_private, r->r_public)) bzero(r->r_ss, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN); rw_wunlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); } /* Remote configuration */ struct noise_remote * noise_remote_alloc(struct noise_local *l, void *arg, const uint8_t public[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]) { struct noise_remote *r; r = malloc(sizeof(*r), M_NOISE, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); memcpy(r->r_public, public, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN); rw_init(&r->r_handshake_lock, "noise_handshake"); r->r_handshake_state = HANDSHAKE_DEAD; r->r_last_sent = TIMER_RESET; r->r_last_init_recv = TIMER_RESET; noise_precompute_ss(l, r); refcount_init(&r->r_refcnt, 1); r->r_local = noise_local_ref(l); r->r_arg = arg; mtx_init(&r->r_keypair_mtx, "noise_keypair", NULL, MTX_DEF); return (r); } int noise_remote_enable(struct noise_remote *r) { struct noise_local *l = r->r_local; uint64_t idx; int ret = 0; /* Insert to hashtable */ idx = siphash24(l->l_hash_key, r->r_public, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN) & HT_REMOTE_MASK; mtx_lock(&l->l_remote_mtx); if (!r->r_entry_inserted) { if (l->l_remote_num < MAX_REMOTE_PER_LOCAL) { r->r_entry_inserted = true; l->l_remote_num++; CK_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&l->l_remote_hash[idx], r, r_entry); } else { ret = ENOSPC; } } mtx_unlock(&l->l_remote_mtx); return ret; } void noise_remote_disable(struct noise_remote *r) { struct noise_local *l = r->r_local; /* remove from hashtable */ mtx_lock(&l->l_remote_mtx); if (r->r_entry_inserted) { r->r_entry_inserted = false; CK_LIST_REMOVE(r, r_entry); l->l_remote_num--; }; mtx_unlock(&l->l_remote_mtx); } struct noise_remote * noise_remote_lookup(struct noise_local *l, const uint8_t public[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]) { struct epoch_tracker et; struct noise_remote *r, *ret = NULL; uint64_t idx; idx = siphash24(l->l_hash_key, public, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN) & HT_REMOTE_MASK; NET_EPOCH_ENTER(et); CK_LIST_FOREACH(r, &l->l_remote_hash[idx], r_entry) { if (timingsafe_bcmp(r->r_public, public, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN) == 0) { if (refcount_acquire_if_not_zero(&r->r_refcnt)) ret = r; break; } } NET_EPOCH_EXIT(et); return (ret); } static void noise_remote_index_insert(struct noise_local *l, struct noise_remote *r) { struct noise_index *i, *r_i = &r->r_index; struct epoch_tracker et; uint32_t idx; noise_remote_index_remove(l, r); NET_EPOCH_ENTER(et); assign_id: r_i->i_local_index = arc4random(); idx = r_i->i_local_index & HT_INDEX_MASK; CK_LIST_FOREACH(i, &l->l_index_hash[idx], i_entry) { if (i->i_local_index == r_i->i_local_index) goto assign_id; } mtx_lock(&l->l_index_mtx); CK_LIST_FOREACH(i, &l->l_index_hash[idx], i_entry) { if (i->i_local_index == r_i->i_local_index) { mtx_unlock(&l->l_index_mtx); goto assign_id; } } CK_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&l->l_index_hash[idx], r_i, i_entry); mtx_unlock(&l->l_index_mtx); NET_EPOCH_EXIT(et); } static struct noise_remote * noise_remote_index_lookup(struct noise_local *l, uint32_t idx0, bool lookup_keypair) { struct epoch_tracker et; struct noise_index *i; struct noise_keypair *kp; struct noise_remote *r, *ret = NULL; uint32_t idx = idx0 & HT_INDEX_MASK; NET_EPOCH_ENTER(et); CK_LIST_FOREACH(i, &l->l_index_hash[idx], i_entry) { if (i->i_local_index == idx0) { if (!i->i_is_keypair) { r = (struct noise_remote *) i; } else if (lookup_keypair) { kp = (struct noise_keypair *) i; r = kp->kp_remote; } else { break; } if (refcount_acquire_if_not_zero(&r->r_refcnt)) ret = r; break; } } NET_EPOCH_EXIT(et); return (ret); } struct noise_remote * noise_remote_index(struct noise_local *l, uint32_t idx) { return noise_remote_index_lookup(l, idx, true); } static int noise_remote_index_remove(struct noise_local *l, struct noise_remote *r) { rw_assert(&r->r_handshake_lock, RA_WLOCKED); if (r->r_handshake_state != HANDSHAKE_DEAD) { mtx_lock(&l->l_index_mtx); r->r_handshake_state = HANDSHAKE_DEAD; CK_LIST_REMOVE(&r->r_index, i_entry); mtx_unlock(&l->l_index_mtx); return (1); } return (0); } struct noise_remote * noise_remote_ref(struct noise_remote *r) { refcount_acquire(&r->r_refcnt); return (r); } static void noise_remote_smr_free(struct epoch_context *smr) { struct noise_remote *r; r = __containerof(smr, struct noise_remote, r_smr); if (r->r_cleanup != NULL) r->r_cleanup(r); noise_local_put(r->r_local); rw_destroy(&r->r_handshake_lock); mtx_destroy(&r->r_keypair_mtx); zfree(r, M_NOISE); } void noise_remote_put(struct noise_remote *r) { if (refcount_release(&r->r_refcnt)) NET_EPOCH_CALL(noise_remote_smr_free, &r->r_smr); } void noise_remote_free(struct noise_remote *r, void (*cleanup)(struct noise_remote *)) { r->r_cleanup = cleanup; noise_remote_disable(r); /* now clear all keypairs and handshakes, then put this reference */ noise_remote_handshake_clear(r); noise_remote_keypairs_clear(r); noise_remote_put(r); } struct noise_local * noise_remote_local(struct noise_remote *r) { return (noise_local_ref(r->r_local)); } void * noise_remote_arg(struct noise_remote *r) { return (r->r_arg); } void noise_remote_set_psk(struct noise_remote *r, const uint8_t psk[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN]) { rw_wlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); if (psk == NULL) bzero(r->r_psk, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN); else memcpy(r->r_psk, psk, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN); rw_wunlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); } int noise_remote_keys(struct noise_remote *r, uint8_t public[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN], uint8_t psk[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN]) { static uint8_t null_psk[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN]; int ret; if (public != NULL) memcpy(public, r->r_public, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN); rw_rlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); if (psk != NULL) memcpy(psk, r->r_psk, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN); ret = timingsafe_bcmp(r->r_psk, null_psk, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN); rw_runlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); return (ret ? 0 : ENOENT); } int noise_remote_initiation_expired(struct noise_remote *r) { int expired; rw_rlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); expired = noise_timer_expired(r->r_last_sent, REKEY_TIMEOUT, 0); rw_runlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); return (expired); } void noise_remote_handshake_clear(struct noise_remote *r) { rw_wlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); if (noise_remote_index_remove(r->r_local, r)) bzero(&r->r_handshake, sizeof(r->r_handshake)); r->r_last_sent = TIMER_RESET; rw_wunlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); } void noise_remote_keypairs_clear(struct noise_remote *r) { struct noise_keypair *kp; mtx_lock(&r->r_keypair_mtx); kp = atomic_load_ptr(&r->r_next); atomic_store_ptr(&r->r_next, NULL); noise_keypair_drop(kp); kp = atomic_load_ptr(&r->r_current); atomic_store_ptr(&r->r_current, NULL); noise_keypair_drop(kp); kp = atomic_load_ptr(&r->r_previous); atomic_store_ptr(&r->r_previous, NULL); noise_keypair_drop(kp); mtx_unlock(&r->r_keypair_mtx); } static void noise_remote_expire_current(struct noise_remote *r) { struct epoch_tracker et; struct noise_keypair *kp; noise_remote_handshake_clear(r); NET_EPOCH_ENTER(et); kp = atomic_load_ptr(&r->r_next); if (kp != NULL) atomic_store_bool(&kp->kp_can_send, false); kp = atomic_load_ptr(&r->r_current); if (kp != NULL) atomic_store_bool(&kp->kp_can_send, false); NET_EPOCH_EXIT(et); } /* Keypair functions */ static void noise_add_new_keypair(struct noise_local *l, struct noise_remote *r, struct noise_keypair *kp) { struct noise_keypair *next, *current, *previous; struct noise_index *r_i = &r->r_index; /* Insert into the keypair table */ mtx_lock(&r->r_keypair_mtx); next = atomic_load_ptr(&r->r_next); current = atomic_load_ptr(&r->r_current); previous = atomic_load_ptr(&r->r_previous); if (kp->kp_is_initiator) { if (next != NULL) { atomic_store_ptr(&r->r_next, NULL); atomic_store_ptr(&r->r_previous, next); noise_keypair_drop(current); } else { atomic_store_ptr(&r->r_previous, current); } noise_keypair_drop(previous); atomic_store_ptr(&r->r_current, kp); } else { atomic_store_ptr(&r->r_next, kp); noise_keypair_drop(next); atomic_store_ptr(&r->r_previous, NULL); noise_keypair_drop(previous); } mtx_unlock(&r->r_keypair_mtx); /* Insert into index table */ rw_assert(&r->r_handshake_lock, RA_WLOCKED); kp->kp_index.i_is_keypair = true; kp->kp_index.i_local_index = r_i->i_local_index; kp->kp_index.i_remote_index = r_i->i_remote_index; mtx_lock(&l->l_index_mtx); CK_LIST_INSERT_BEFORE(r_i, &kp->kp_index, i_entry); r->r_handshake_state = HANDSHAKE_DEAD; CK_LIST_REMOVE(r_i, i_entry); mtx_unlock(&l->l_index_mtx); explicit_bzero(&r->r_handshake, sizeof(r->r_handshake)); } static int noise_begin_session(struct noise_remote *r) { struct noise_keypair *kp; rw_assert(&r->r_handshake_lock, RA_WLOCKED); if ((kp = malloc(sizeof(*kp), M_NOISE, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO)) == NULL) return (ENOSPC); refcount_init(&kp->kp_refcnt, 1); kp->kp_can_send = true; kp->kp_is_initiator = r->r_handshake_state == HANDSHAKE_INITIATOR; kp->kp_birthdate = getsbinuptime(); kp->kp_remote = noise_remote_ref(r); if (kp->kp_is_initiator) noise_kdf(kp->kp_send, kp->kp_recv, NULL, NULL, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN, 0, 0, r->r_handshake.hs_ck); else noise_kdf(kp->kp_recv, kp->kp_send, NULL, NULL, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN, 0, 0, r->r_handshake.hs_ck); rw_init(&kp->kp_nonce_lock, "noise_nonce"); noise_add_new_keypair(r->r_local, r, kp); return (0); } struct noise_keypair * noise_keypair_lookup(struct noise_local *l, uint32_t idx0) { struct epoch_tracker et; struct noise_index *i; struct noise_keypair *kp, *ret = NULL; uint32_t idx = idx0 & HT_INDEX_MASK; NET_EPOCH_ENTER(et); CK_LIST_FOREACH(i, &l->l_index_hash[idx], i_entry) { if (i->i_local_index == idx0 && i->i_is_keypair) { kp = (struct noise_keypair *) i; if (refcount_acquire_if_not_zero(&kp->kp_refcnt)) ret = kp; break; } } NET_EPOCH_EXIT(et); return (ret); } struct noise_keypair * noise_keypair_current(struct noise_remote *r) { struct epoch_tracker et; struct noise_keypair *kp, *ret = NULL; NET_EPOCH_ENTER(et); kp = atomic_load_ptr(&r->r_current); if (kp != NULL && atomic_load_bool(&kp->kp_can_send)) { if (noise_timer_expired(kp->kp_birthdate, REJECT_AFTER_TIME, 0)) atomic_store_bool(&kp->kp_can_send, false); else if (refcount_acquire_if_not_zero(&kp->kp_refcnt)) ret = kp; } NET_EPOCH_EXIT(et); return (ret); } struct noise_keypair * noise_keypair_ref(struct noise_keypair *kp) { refcount_acquire(&kp->kp_refcnt); return (kp); } int noise_keypair_received_with(struct noise_keypair *kp) { struct noise_keypair *old; struct noise_remote *r = kp->kp_remote; if (kp != atomic_load_ptr(&r->r_next)) return (0); mtx_lock(&r->r_keypair_mtx); if (kp != atomic_load_ptr(&r->r_next)) { mtx_unlock(&r->r_keypair_mtx); return (0); } old = atomic_load_ptr(&r->r_previous); atomic_store_ptr(&r->r_previous, atomic_load_ptr(&r->r_current)); noise_keypair_drop(old); atomic_store_ptr(&r->r_current, kp); atomic_store_ptr(&r->r_next, NULL); mtx_unlock(&r->r_keypair_mtx); return (ECONNRESET); } static void noise_keypair_smr_free(struct epoch_context *smr) { struct noise_keypair *kp; kp = __containerof(smr, struct noise_keypair, kp_smr); noise_remote_put(kp->kp_remote); rw_destroy(&kp->kp_nonce_lock); zfree(kp, M_NOISE); } void noise_keypair_put(struct noise_keypair *kp) { if (refcount_release(&kp->kp_refcnt)) NET_EPOCH_CALL(noise_keypair_smr_free, &kp->kp_smr); } static void noise_keypair_drop(struct noise_keypair *kp) { struct noise_remote *r; struct noise_local *l; if (kp == NULL) return; r = kp->kp_remote; l = r->r_local; mtx_lock(&l->l_index_mtx); CK_LIST_REMOVE(&kp->kp_index, i_entry); mtx_unlock(&l->l_index_mtx); noise_keypair_put(kp); } struct noise_remote * noise_keypair_remote(struct noise_keypair *kp) { return (noise_remote_ref(kp->kp_remote)); } int noise_keypair_nonce_next(struct noise_keypair *kp, uint64_t *send) { if (!atomic_load_bool(&kp->kp_can_send)) return (EINVAL); #ifdef __LP64__ *send = atomic_fetchadd_64(&kp->kp_nonce_send, 1); #else rw_wlock(&kp->kp_nonce_lock); *send = kp->kp_nonce_send++; rw_wunlock(&kp->kp_nonce_lock); #endif if (*send < REJECT_AFTER_MESSAGES) return (0); atomic_store_bool(&kp->kp_can_send, false); return (EINVAL); } int noise_keypair_nonce_check(struct noise_keypair *kp, uint64_t recv) { unsigned long index, index_current, top, i, bit; int ret = EEXIST; rw_wlock(&kp->kp_nonce_lock); if (__predict_false(kp->kp_nonce_recv >= REJECT_AFTER_MESSAGES + 1 || recv >= REJECT_AFTER_MESSAGES)) goto error; ++recv; if (__predict_false(recv + COUNTER_WINDOW_SIZE < kp->kp_nonce_recv)) goto error; index = recv >> COUNTER_ORDER; if (__predict_true(recv > kp->kp_nonce_recv)) { index_current = kp->kp_nonce_recv >> COUNTER_ORDER; top = MIN(index - index_current, COUNTER_BITS_TOTAL / COUNTER_BITS); for (i = 1; i <= top; i++) kp->kp_backtrack[ (i + index_current) & ((COUNTER_BITS_TOTAL / COUNTER_BITS) - 1)] = 0; #ifdef __LP64__ atomic_store_64(&kp->kp_nonce_recv, recv); #else kp->kp_nonce_recv = recv; #endif } index &= (COUNTER_BITS_TOTAL / COUNTER_BITS) - 1; bit = 1ul << (recv & (COUNTER_BITS - 1)); if (kp->kp_backtrack[index] & bit) goto error; kp->kp_backtrack[index] |= bit; ret = 0; error: rw_wunlock(&kp->kp_nonce_lock); return (ret); } int noise_keep_key_fresh_send(struct noise_remote *r) { struct epoch_tracker et; struct noise_keypair *current; int keep_key_fresh; uint64_t nonce; NET_EPOCH_ENTER(et); current = atomic_load_ptr(&r->r_current); keep_key_fresh = current != NULL && atomic_load_bool(¤t->kp_can_send); if (!keep_key_fresh) goto out; #ifdef __LP64__ nonce = atomic_load_64(¤t->kp_nonce_send); #else rw_rlock(¤t->kp_nonce_lock); nonce = current->kp_nonce_send; rw_runlock(¤t->kp_nonce_lock); #endif keep_key_fresh = nonce > REKEY_AFTER_MESSAGES; if (keep_key_fresh) goto out; keep_key_fresh = current->kp_is_initiator && noise_timer_expired(current->kp_birthdate, REKEY_AFTER_TIME, 0); out: NET_EPOCH_EXIT(et); return (keep_key_fresh ? ESTALE : 0); } int noise_keep_key_fresh_recv(struct noise_remote *r) { struct epoch_tracker et; struct noise_keypair *current; int keep_key_fresh; NET_EPOCH_ENTER(et); current = atomic_load_ptr(&r->r_current); keep_key_fresh = current != NULL && atomic_load_bool(¤t->kp_can_send) && current->kp_is_initiator && noise_timer_expired(current->kp_birthdate, REJECT_AFTER_TIME - KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT - REKEY_TIMEOUT, 0); NET_EPOCH_EXIT(et); return (keep_key_fresh ? ESTALE : 0); } int noise_keypair_encrypt(struct noise_keypair *kp, uint32_t *r_idx, uint64_t nonce, struct mbuf *m) { int ret; ret = chacha20poly1305_encrypt_mbuf(m, nonce, kp->kp_send); if (ret) return (ret); *r_idx = kp->kp_index.i_remote_index; return (0); } int noise_keypair_decrypt(struct noise_keypair *kp, uint64_t nonce, struct mbuf *m) { uint64_t cur_nonce; int ret; #ifdef __LP64__ cur_nonce = atomic_load_64(&kp->kp_nonce_recv); #else rw_rlock(&kp->kp_nonce_lock); cur_nonce = kp->kp_nonce_recv; rw_runlock(&kp->kp_nonce_lock); #endif if (cur_nonce >= REJECT_AFTER_MESSAGES || noise_timer_expired(kp->kp_birthdate, REJECT_AFTER_TIME, 0)) return (EINVAL); ret = chacha20poly1305_decrypt_mbuf(m, nonce, kp->kp_recv); if (ret) return (ret); return (0); } /* Handshake functions */ int noise_create_initiation(struct noise_remote *r, uint32_t *s_idx, uint8_t ue[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN], uint8_t es[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN], uint8_t ets[NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN]) { struct noise_handshake *hs = &r->r_handshake; struct noise_local *l = r->r_local; uint8_t key[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN]; int ret = EINVAL; rw_rlock(&l->l_identity_lock); rw_wlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); if (!l->l_has_identity) goto error; if (!noise_timer_expired(r->r_last_sent, REKEY_TIMEOUT, 0)) goto error; noise_param_init(hs->hs_ck, hs->hs_hash, r->r_public); /* e */ curve25519_generate_secret(hs->hs_e); if (curve25519_generate_public(ue, hs->hs_e) == 0) goto error; noise_msg_ephemeral(hs->hs_ck, hs->hs_hash, ue); /* es */ if (noise_mix_dh(hs->hs_ck, key, hs->hs_e, r->r_public) != 0) goto error; /* s */ noise_msg_encrypt(es, l->l_public, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN, key, hs->hs_hash); /* ss */ if (noise_mix_ss(hs->hs_ck, key, r->r_ss) != 0) goto error; /* {t} */ noise_tai64n_now(ets); noise_msg_encrypt(ets, ets, NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN, key, hs->hs_hash); noise_remote_index_insert(l, r); r->r_handshake_state = HANDSHAKE_INITIATOR; r->r_last_sent = getsbinuptime(); *s_idx = r->r_index.i_local_index; ret = 0; error: rw_wunlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); rw_runlock(&l->l_identity_lock); explicit_bzero(key, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN); return (ret); } int noise_consume_initiation(struct noise_local *l, struct noise_remote **rp, uint32_t s_idx, uint8_t ue[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN], uint8_t es[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN], uint8_t ets[NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN]) { struct noise_remote *r; struct noise_handshake hs; uint8_t key[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN]; uint8_t r_public[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]; uint8_t timestamp[NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN]; int ret = EINVAL; rw_rlock(&l->l_identity_lock); if (!l->l_has_identity) goto error; noise_param_init(hs.hs_ck, hs.hs_hash, l->l_public); /* e */ noise_msg_ephemeral(hs.hs_ck, hs.hs_hash, ue); /* es */ if (noise_mix_dh(hs.hs_ck, key, l->l_private, ue) != 0) goto error; /* s */ if (noise_msg_decrypt(r_public, es, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN, key, hs.hs_hash) != 0) goto error; /* Lookup the remote we received from */ if ((r = noise_remote_lookup(l, r_public)) == NULL) goto error; /* ss */ if (noise_mix_ss(hs.hs_ck, key, r->r_ss) != 0) goto error_put; /* {t} */ if (noise_msg_decrypt(timestamp, ets, NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN, key, hs.hs_hash) != 0) goto error_put; memcpy(hs.hs_e, ue, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN); /* We have successfully computed the same results, now we ensure that * this is not an initiation replay, or a flood attack */ rw_wlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); /* Replay */ if (memcmp(timestamp, r->r_timestamp, NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN) > 0) memcpy(r->r_timestamp, timestamp, NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN); else goto error_set; /* Flood attack */ if (noise_timer_expired(r->r_last_init_recv, 0, REJECT_INTERVAL)) r->r_last_init_recv = getsbinuptime(); else goto error_set; /* Ok, we're happy to accept this initiation now */ noise_remote_index_insert(l, r); r->r_index.i_remote_index = s_idx; r->r_handshake_state = HANDSHAKE_RESPONDER; r->r_handshake = hs; *rp = noise_remote_ref(r); ret = 0; error_set: rw_wunlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); error_put: noise_remote_put(r); error: rw_runlock(&l->l_identity_lock); explicit_bzero(key, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN); explicit_bzero(&hs, sizeof(hs)); return (ret); } int noise_create_response(struct noise_remote *r, uint32_t *s_idx, uint32_t *r_idx, uint8_t ue[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN], uint8_t en[0 + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN]) { struct noise_handshake *hs = &r->r_handshake; struct noise_local *l = r->r_local; uint8_t key[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN]; uint8_t e[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]; int ret = EINVAL; rw_rlock(&l->l_identity_lock); rw_wlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); if (r->r_handshake_state != HANDSHAKE_RESPONDER) goto error; /* e */ curve25519_generate_secret(e); if (curve25519_generate_public(ue, e) == 0) goto error; noise_msg_ephemeral(hs->hs_ck, hs->hs_hash, ue); /* ee */ if (noise_mix_dh(hs->hs_ck, NULL, e, hs->hs_e) != 0) goto error; /* se */ if (noise_mix_dh(hs->hs_ck, NULL, e, r->r_public) != 0) goto error; /* psk */ noise_mix_psk(hs->hs_ck, hs->hs_hash, key, r->r_psk); /* {} */ noise_msg_encrypt(en, NULL, 0, key, hs->hs_hash); if ((ret = noise_begin_session(r)) == 0) { r->r_last_sent = getsbinuptime(); *s_idx = r->r_index.i_local_index; *r_idx = r->r_index.i_remote_index; } error: rw_wunlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); rw_runlock(&l->l_identity_lock); explicit_bzero(key, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN); explicit_bzero(e, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN); return (ret); } int noise_consume_response(struct noise_local *l, struct noise_remote **rp, uint32_t s_idx, uint32_t r_idx, uint8_t ue[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN], uint8_t en[0 + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN]) { uint8_t preshared_key[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN]; uint8_t key[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN]; struct noise_handshake hs; struct noise_remote *r = NULL; int ret = EINVAL; if ((r = noise_remote_index_lookup(l, r_idx, false)) == NULL) return (ret); rw_rlock(&l->l_identity_lock); if (!l->l_has_identity) goto error; rw_rlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); if (r->r_handshake_state != HANDSHAKE_INITIATOR) { rw_runlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); goto error; } memcpy(preshared_key, r->r_psk, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN); hs = r->r_handshake; rw_runlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); /* e */ noise_msg_ephemeral(hs.hs_ck, hs.hs_hash, ue); /* ee */ if (noise_mix_dh(hs.hs_ck, NULL, hs.hs_e, ue) != 0) goto error_zero; /* se */ if (noise_mix_dh(hs.hs_ck, NULL, l->l_private, ue) != 0) goto error_zero; /* psk */ noise_mix_psk(hs.hs_ck, hs.hs_hash, key, preshared_key); /* {} */ if (noise_msg_decrypt(NULL, en, 0 + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN, key, hs.hs_hash) != 0) goto error_zero; rw_wlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); if (r->r_handshake_state == HANDSHAKE_INITIATOR && r->r_index.i_local_index == r_idx) { r->r_handshake = hs; r->r_index.i_remote_index = s_idx; if ((ret = noise_begin_session(r)) == 0) *rp = noise_remote_ref(r); } rw_wunlock(&r->r_handshake_lock); error_zero: explicit_bzero(preshared_key, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN); explicit_bzero(key, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN); explicit_bzero(&hs, sizeof(hs)); error: rw_runlock(&l->l_identity_lock); noise_remote_put(r); return (ret); } static void hmac(uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, const uint8_t *key, const size_t outlen, const size_t inlen, const size_t keylen) { struct blake2s_state state; uint8_t x_key[BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE] __aligned(sizeof(uint32_t)) = { 0 }; uint8_t i_hash[BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE] __aligned(sizeof(uint32_t)); int i; if (keylen > BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE) { blake2s_init(&state, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE); blake2s_update(&state, key, keylen); blake2s_final(&state, x_key); } else memcpy(x_key, key, keylen); for (i = 0; i < BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) x_key[i] ^= 0x36; blake2s_init(&state, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE); blake2s_update(&state, x_key, BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE); blake2s_update(&state, in, inlen); blake2s_final(&state, i_hash); for (i = 0; i < BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) x_key[i] ^= 0x5c ^ 0x36; blake2s_init(&state, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE); blake2s_update(&state, x_key, BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE); blake2s_update(&state, i_hash, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE); blake2s_final(&state, i_hash); memcpy(out, i_hash, outlen); explicit_bzero(x_key, BLAKE2S_BLOCK_SIZE); explicit_bzero(i_hash, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE); } /* Handshake helper functions */ static void noise_kdf(uint8_t *a, uint8_t *b, uint8_t *c, const uint8_t *x, size_t a_len, size_t b_len, size_t c_len, size_t x_len, const uint8_t ck[NOISE_HASH_LEN]) { uint8_t out[BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE + 1]; uint8_t sec[BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE]; /* Extract entropy from "x" into sec */ hmac(sec, x, ck, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE, x_len, NOISE_HASH_LEN); if (a == NULL || a_len == 0) goto out; /* Expand first key: key = sec, data = 0x1 */ out[0] = 1; hmac(out, out, sec, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE, 1, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE); memcpy(a, out, a_len); if (b == NULL || b_len == 0) goto out; /* Expand second key: key = sec, data = "a" || 0x2 */ out[BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE] = 2; hmac(out, out, sec, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE + 1, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE); memcpy(b, out, b_len); if (c == NULL || c_len == 0) goto out; /* Expand third key: key = sec, data = "b" || 0x3 */ out[BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE] = 3; hmac(out, out, sec, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE + 1, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE); memcpy(c, out, c_len); out: /* Clear sensitive data from stack */ explicit_bzero(sec, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE); explicit_bzero(out, BLAKE2S_HASH_SIZE + 1); } static int noise_mix_dh(uint8_t ck[NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t key[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN], const uint8_t private[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN], const uint8_t public[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]) { uint8_t dh[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]; if (!curve25519(dh, private, public)) return (EINVAL); noise_kdf(ck, key, NULL, dh, NOISE_HASH_LEN, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN, 0, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN, ck); explicit_bzero(dh, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN); return (0); } static int noise_mix_ss(uint8_t ck[NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t key[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN], const uint8_t ss[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]) { static uint8_t null_point[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]; if (timingsafe_bcmp(ss, null_point, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN) == 0) return (ENOENT); noise_kdf(ck, key, NULL, ss, NOISE_HASH_LEN, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN, 0, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN, ck); return (0); } static void noise_mix_hash(uint8_t hash[NOISE_HASH_LEN], const uint8_t *src, size_t src_len) { struct blake2s_state blake; blake2s_init(&blake, NOISE_HASH_LEN); blake2s_update(&blake, hash, NOISE_HASH_LEN); blake2s_update(&blake, src, src_len); blake2s_final(&blake, hash); } static void noise_mix_psk(uint8_t ck[NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t hash[NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t key[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN], const uint8_t psk[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN]) { uint8_t tmp[NOISE_HASH_LEN]; noise_kdf(ck, tmp, key, psk, NOISE_HASH_LEN, NOISE_HASH_LEN, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN, NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN, ck); noise_mix_hash(hash, tmp, NOISE_HASH_LEN); explicit_bzero(tmp, NOISE_HASH_LEN); } static void noise_param_init(uint8_t ck[NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t hash[NOISE_HASH_LEN], const uint8_t s[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]) { struct blake2s_state blake; blake2s(ck, (uint8_t *)NOISE_HANDSHAKE_NAME, NULL, NOISE_HASH_LEN, strlen(NOISE_HANDSHAKE_NAME), 0); blake2s_init(&blake, NOISE_HASH_LEN); blake2s_update(&blake, ck, NOISE_HASH_LEN); blake2s_update(&blake, (uint8_t *)NOISE_IDENTIFIER_NAME, strlen(NOISE_IDENTIFIER_NAME)); blake2s_final(&blake, hash); noise_mix_hash(hash, s, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN); } static void noise_msg_encrypt(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, size_t src_len, uint8_t key[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN], uint8_t hash[NOISE_HASH_LEN]) { /* Nonce always zero for Noise_IK */ chacha20poly1305_encrypt(dst, src, src_len, hash, NOISE_HASH_LEN, 0, key); noise_mix_hash(hash, dst, src_len + NOISE_AUTHTAG_LEN); } static int noise_msg_decrypt(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, size_t src_len, uint8_t key[NOISE_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LEN], uint8_t hash[NOISE_HASH_LEN]) { /* Nonce always zero for Noise_IK */ if (!chacha20poly1305_decrypt(dst, src, src_len, hash, NOISE_HASH_LEN, 0, key)) return (EINVAL); noise_mix_hash(hash, src, src_len); return (0); } static void noise_msg_ephemeral(uint8_t ck[NOISE_HASH_LEN], uint8_t hash[NOISE_HASH_LEN], const uint8_t src[NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]) { noise_mix_hash(hash, src, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN); noise_kdf(ck, NULL, NULL, src, NOISE_HASH_LEN, 0, 0, NOISE_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN, ck); } static void noise_tai64n_now(uint8_t output[NOISE_TIMESTAMP_LEN]) { struct timespec time; uint64_t sec; uint32_t nsec; getnanotime(&time); /* Round down the nsec counter to limit precise timing leak. */ time.tv_nsec &= REJECT_INTERVAL_MASK; /* https://cr.yp.to/libtai/tai64.html */ sec = htobe64(0x400000000000000aULL + time.tv_sec); nsec = htobe32(time.tv_nsec); /* memcpy to output buffer, assuming output could be unaligned. */ memcpy(output, &sec, sizeof(sec)); memcpy(output + sizeof(sec), &nsec, sizeof(nsec)); } static inline int noise_timer_expired(sbintime_t timer, uint32_t sec, uint32_t nsec) { sbintime_t now = getsbinuptime(); return (now > (timer + sec * SBT_1S + nstosbt(nsec))) ? ETIMEDOUT : 0; } static uint64_t siphash24(const uint8_t key[SIPHASH_KEY_LENGTH], const void *src, size_t len) { SIPHASH_CTX ctx; return (SipHashX(&ctx, 2, 4, key, src, len)); } #ifdef SELFTESTS #include "selftest/counter.c" #endif /* SELFTESTS */