/*- * Copyright (c) 2010 Damien Bergamini <damien.bergamini@free.fr> * Copyright (c) 2015 Stefan Sperling <stsp@openbsd.org> * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Andriy Voskoboinyk <avos@FreeBSD.org> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * $OpenBSD: if_urtwnreg.h,v 1.3 2010/11/16 18:02:59 damien Exp $ * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef R92C_REG_H #define R92C_REG_H /* * MAC registers. */ /* System Configuration. */ #define R92C_SYS_ISO_CTRL 0x000 #define R92C_SYS_FUNC_EN 0x002 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO 0x004 #define R92C_SYS_CLKR 0x008 #define R92C_AFE_MISC 0x010 #define R92C_SPS0_CTRL 0x011 #define R92C_SPS_OCP_CFG 0x018 #define R92C_RSV_CTRL 0x01c #define R92C_RF_CTRL 0x01f #define R92C_LDOA15_CTRL 0x020 #define R92C_LDOV12D_CTRL 0x021 #define R92C_LDOHCI12_CTRL 0x022 #define R92C_LPLDO_CTRL 0x023 #define R92C_AFE_XTAL_CTRL 0x024 #define R92C_AFE_PLL_CTRL 0x028 #define R92C_APE_PLL_CTRL_EXT 0x02c #define R92C_MAC_PHY_CTRL R92C_APE_PLL_CTRL_EXT #define R92C_EFUSE_CTRL 0x030 #define R92C_EFUSE_TEST 0x034 #define R92C_PWR_DATA 0x038 #define R92C_CAL_TIMER 0x03c #define R92C_ACLK_MON 0x03e #define R92C_GPIO_MUXCFG 0x040 #define R92C_GPIO_IO_SEL 0x042 #define R92C_MAC_PINMUX_CFG 0x043 #define R92C_GPIO_PIN_CTRL 0x044 #define R92C_GPIO_IN 0x044 #define R92C_GPIO_OUT 0x045 #define R92C_GPIO_IOSEL 0x046 #define R92C_GPIO_MOD 0x047 #define R92C_GPIO_INTM 0x048 #define R92C_LEDCFG0 0x04c #define R92C_LEDCFG1 0x04d #define R92C_LEDCFG2 0x04e #define R92C_LEDCFG3 0x04f #define R92C_FSIMR 0x050 #define R92C_FSISR 0x054 #define R92C_HSIMR 0x058 #define R92C_HSISR 0x05c #define R92C_MULTI_FUNC_CTRL 0x068 #define R92C_LDO_SWR_CTRL 0x07c #define R92C_MCUFWDL 0x080 #define R92C_HMEBOX_EXT(idx) (0x088 + (idx) * 2) #define R92C_EFUSE_ACCESS 0x0cf #define R92C_BIST_SCAN 0x0d0 #define R92C_BIST_RPT 0x0d4 #define R92C_BIST_ROM_RPT 0x0d8 #define R92C_HPON_FSM 0x0ec #define R92C_SYS_CFG 0x0f0 #define R92C_TYPE_ID 0x0fc /* MAC General Configuration. */ #define R92C_CR 0x100 #define R92C_MSR 0x102 #define R92C_PBP 0x104 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL 0x10c #define R92C_TRXFF_BNDY 0x114 #define R92C_TRXFF_STATUS 0x118 #define R92C_RXFF_PTR 0x11c #define R92C_HIMR 0x120 #define R92C_HISR 0x124 #define R92C_HIMRE 0x128 #define R92C_HISRE 0x12c #define R92C_CPWM 0x12f #define R92C_FWIMR 0x130 #define R92C_FWISR 0x134 #define R92C_PKTBUF_DBG_CTRL 0x140 #define R92C_PKTBUF_DBG_DATA_L 0x144 #define R92C_PKTBUF_DBG_DATA_H 0x148 #define R92C_TC0_CTRL(i) (0x150 + (i) * 4) #define R92C_TCUNIT_BASE 0x164 #define R92C_MBIST_START 0x174 #define R92C_MBIST_DONE 0x178 #define R92C_MBIST_FAIL 0x17c #define R92C_C2H_EVT_MSG 0x1a0 #define R92C_C2H_EVT_CLEAR 0x1af #define R92C_C2H_EVT_MSG_TEST 0x1b8 #define R92C_MCUTST_1 0x1c0 #define R92C_FMETHR 0x1c8 #define R92C_HMETFR 0x1cc #define R92C_HMEBOX(idx) (0x1d0 + (idx) * 4) #define R92C_LLT_INIT 0x1e0 #define R92C_BB_ACCESS_CTRL 0x1e8 #define R92C_BB_ACCESS_DATA 0x1ec /* Tx DMA Configuration. */ #define R92C_RQPN 0x200 #define R92C_FIFOPAGE 0x204 #define R92C_TDECTRL 0x208 #define R92C_TXDMA_OFFSET_CHK 0x20c #define R92C_TXDMA_STATUS 0x210 #define R92C_RQPN_NPQ 0x214 #define R92C_AUTO_LLT 0x224 /* Rx DMA Configuration. */ #define R92C_RXDMA_AGG_PG_TH 0x280 #define R92C_RXPKT_NUM 0x284 #define R92C_RXDMA_STATUS 0x288 /* Protocol Configuration. */ #define R92C_VOQ_INFORMATION 0x400 #define R92C_VIQ_INFORMATION 0x404 #define R92C_BEQ_INFORMATION 0x408 #define R92C_BKQ_INFORMATION 0x40c #define R92C_MGQ_INFORMATION 0x410 #define R92C_HGQ_INFORMATION 0x414 #define R92C_BCNQ_INFORMATION 0x418 #define R92C_CPU_MGQ_INFORMATION 0x41c #define R92C_FWHW_TXQ_CTRL 0x420 #define R92C_HWSEQ_CTRL 0x423 #define R92C_TXPKTBUF_BCNQ_BDNY 0x424 #define R92C_TXPKTBUF_MGQ_BDNY 0x425 #define R92C_SPEC_SIFS 0x428 #define R92C_RL 0x42a #define R92C_DARFRC 0x430 #define R92C_RARFRC 0x438 #define R92C_RRSR 0x440 #define R92C_ARFR(i) (0x444 + (i) * 4) #define R92C_AGGLEN_LMT 0x458 #define R92C_AMPDU_MIN_SPACE 0x45c #define R92C_TXPKTBUF_WMAC_LBK_BF_HD 0x45d #define R92C_FAST_EDCA_CTRL 0x460 #define R92C_RD_RESP_PKT_TH 0x463 #define R92C_INIRTS_RATE_SEL 0x480 #define R92C_INIDATA_RATE_SEL(macid) (0x484 + (macid)) #define R92C_QUEUE_CTRL 0x4c6 #define R92C_MAX_AGGR_NUM 0x4ca #define R92C_BAR_MODE_CTRL 0x4cc /* EDCA Configuration. */ #define R92C_EDCA_VO_PARAM 0x500 #define R92C_EDCA_VI_PARAM 0x504 #define R92C_EDCA_BE_PARAM 0x508 #define R92C_EDCA_BK_PARAM 0x50c #define R92C_BCNTCFG 0x510 #define R92C_PIFS 0x512 #define R92C_RDG_PIFS 0x513 #define R92C_SIFS_CCK 0x514 #define R92C_SIFS_OFDM 0x516 #define R92C_AGGR_BREAK_TIME 0x51a #define R92C_SLOT 0x51b #define R92C_TX_PTCL_CTRL 0x520 #define R92C_TXPAUSE 0x522 #define R92C_DIS_TXREQ_CLR 0x523 #define R92C_RD_CTRL 0x524 #define R92C_TBTT_PROHIBIT 0x540 #define R92C_RD_NAV_NXT 0x544 #define R92C_NAV_PROT_LEN 0x546 #define R92C_BCN_CTRL(id) ((id) + 0x550) /* WARNING: R92C_USTIME_TSF == 0x55c, not 0x551 */ #define R92C_MBID_NUM 0x552 #define R92C_DUAL_TSF_RST 0x553 #define R92C_BCN_INTERVAL(id) (0x554 + (id) * 2) #define R92C_DRVERLYINT 0x558 #define R92C_BCNDMATIM 0x559 #define R92C_ATIMWND 0x55a #define R92C_USTIME_TSF 0x55c #define R92C_BCN_MAX_ERR 0x55d #define R92C_RXTSF_OFFSET_CCK 0x55e #define R92C_RXTSF_OFFSET_OFDM 0x55f #define R92C_TSFTR(i) (0x560 + (i) * 8) #define R92C_PSTIMER 0x580 #define R92C_TIMER0 0x584 #define R92C_TIMER1 0x588 #define R92C_ACMHWCTRL 0x5c0 #define R92C_ACMRSTCTRL 0x5c1 #define R92C_ACMAVG 0x5c2 #define R92C_VO_ADMTIME 0x5c4 #define R92C_VI_ADMTIME 0x5c6 #define R92C_BE_ADMTIME 0x5c8 #define R92C_EDCA_RANDOM_GEN 0x5cc #define R92C_SCH_TXCMD 0x5d0 /* WMAC Configuration. */ #define R92C_APSD_CTRL 0x600 #define R92C_BWOPMODE 0x603 #define R92C_TCR 0x604 #define R92C_RCR 0x608 #define R92C_RX_PKT_LIMIT 0x60c #define R92C_RX_DRVINFO_SZ 0x60f #define R92C_MACID0 0x610 #define R92C_BSSID0 0x618 #define R92C_MAR 0x620 #define R92C_USTIME_EDCA 0x638 #define R92C_MAC_SPEC_SIFS 0x63a #define R92C_R2T_SIFS 0x63c #define R92C_T2T_SIFS 0x63e #define R92C_ACKTO 0x640 #define R92C_NAV_UPPER 0x652 #define R92C_WMAC_TRXPTCL_CTL 0x668 #define R92C_CAMCMD 0x670 #define R92C_CAMWRITE 0x674 #define R92C_CAMREAD 0x678 #define R92C_CAMDBG 0x67c #define R92C_SECCFG 0x680 #define R92C_RXFLTMAP0 0x6a0 #define R92C_RXFLTMAP1 0x6a2 #define R92C_RXFLTMAP2 0x6a4 #define R92C_BCN_PSR_RPT 0x6a8 #define R92C_MACID1 0x700 #define R92C_BSSID1 0x708 #define R92C_MACID(id) ((id) == 0 ? R92C_MACID0 : R92C_MACID1) #define R92C_BSSID(id) ((id) == 0 ? R92C_BSSID0 : R92C_BSSID1) /* Bits for R92C_SYS_ISO_CTRL. */ #define R92C_SYS_ISO_CTRL_MD2PP 0x0001 #define R92C_SYS_ISO_CTRL_UA2USB 0x0002 #define R92C_SYS_ISO_CTRL_UD2CORE 0x0004 #define R92C_SYS_ISO_CTRL_PA2PCIE 0x0008 #define R92C_SYS_ISO_CTRL_PD2CORE 0x0010 #define R92C_SYS_ISO_CTRL_IP2MAC 0x0020 #define R92C_SYS_ISO_CTRL_DIOP 0x0040 #define R92C_SYS_ISO_CTRL_DIOE 0x0080 #define R92C_SYS_ISO_CTRL_EB2CORE 0x0100 #define R92C_SYS_ISO_CTRL_DIOR 0x0200 #define R92C_SYS_ISO_CTRL_PWC_EV25V 0x4000 #define R92C_SYS_ISO_CTRL_PWC_EV12V 0x8000 /* Bits for R92C_SYS_FUNC_EN. */ #define R92C_SYS_FUNC_EN_BBRSTB 0x0001 #define R92C_SYS_FUNC_EN_BB_GLB_RST 0x0002 #define R92C_SYS_FUNC_EN_USBA 0x0004 #define R92C_SYS_FUNC_EN_UPLL 0x0008 #define R92C_SYS_FUNC_EN_USBD 0x0010 #define R92C_SYS_FUNC_EN_DIO_PCIE 0x0020 #define R92C_SYS_FUNC_EN_PCIEA 0x0040 #define R92C_SYS_FUNC_EN_PPLL 0x0080 #define R92C_SYS_FUNC_EN_PCIED 0x0100 #define R92C_SYS_FUNC_EN_DIOE 0x0200 #define R92C_SYS_FUNC_EN_CPUEN 0x0400 #define R92C_SYS_FUNC_EN_DCORE 0x0800 #define R92C_SYS_FUNC_EN_ELDR 0x1000 #define R92C_SYS_FUNC_EN_DIO_RF 0x2000 #define R92C_SYS_FUNC_EN_HWPDN 0x4000 #define R92C_SYS_FUNC_EN_MREGEN 0x8000 /* Bits for R92C_APS_FSMCO. */ #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_PFM_LDALL 0x00000001 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_PFM_ALDN 0x00000002 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_PFM_LDKP 0x00000004 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_PFM_WOWL 0x00000008 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_PDN_EN 0x00000010 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_PDN_PL 0x00000020 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_APFM_ONMAC 0x00000100 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_APFM_OFF 0x00000200 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_APFM_RSM 0x00000400 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_AFSM_HSUS 0x00000800 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_AFSM_PCIE 0x00001000 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_APDM_MAC 0x00002000 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_APDM_HOST 0x00004000 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_APDM_HPDN 0x00008000 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_RDY_MACON 0x00010000 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_SUS_HOST 0x00020000 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_ROP_ALD 0x00100000 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_ROP_PWR 0x00200000 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_ROP_SPS 0x00400000 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_SOP_MRST 0x02000000 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_SOP_FUSE 0x04000000 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_SOP_ABG 0x08000000 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_SOP_AMB 0x10000000 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_SOP_RCK 0x20000000 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_SOP_A8M 0x40000000 #define R92C_APS_FSMCO_XOP_BTCK 0x80000000 /* Bits for R92C_SYS_CLKR. */ #define R92C_SYS_CLKR_ANAD16V_EN 0x00000001 #define R92C_SYS_CLKR_ANA8M 0x00000002 #define R92C_SYS_CLKR_MACSLP 0x00000010 #define R92C_SYS_CLKR_LOADER_EN 0x00000020 #define R92C_SYS_CLKR_80M_SSC_DIS 0x00000080 #define R92C_SYS_CLKR_80M_SSC_EN_HO 0x00000100 #define R92C_SYS_CLKR_PHY_SSC_RSTB 0x00000200 #define R92C_SYS_CLKR_SEC_EN 0x00000400 #define R92C_SYS_CLKR_MAC_EN 0x00000800 #define R92C_SYS_CLKR_SYS_EN 0x00001000 #define R92C_SYS_CLKR_RING_EN 0x00002000 /* Bits for R92C_RSV_CTRL. */ #define R92C_RSV_CTRL_WLOCK_ALL 0x01 #define R92C_RSV_CTRL_WLOCK_00 0x02 #define R92C_RSV_CTRL_WLOCK_04 0x04 #define R92C_RSV_CTRL_WLOCK_08 0x08 #define R92C_RSV_CTRL_WLOCK_40 0x10 #define R92C_RSV_CTRL_R_DIS_PRST_0 0x20 #define R92C_RSV_CTRL_R_DIS_PRST_1 0x40 #define R92C_RSV_CTRL_LOCK_ALL_EN 0x80 /* Bits for R92C_RF_CTRL. */ #define R92C_RF_CTRL_EN 0x01 #define R92C_RF_CTRL_RSTB 0x02 #define R92C_RF_CTRL_SDMRSTB 0x04 /* Bits for R92C_LDOA15_CTRL. */ #define R92C_LDOA15_CTRL_EN 0x01 #define R92C_LDOA15_CTRL_STBY 0x02 #define R92C_LDOA15_CTRL_OBUF 0x04 #define R92C_LDOA15_CTRL_REG_VOS 0x08 /* Bits for R92C_LDOV12D_CTRL. */ #define R92C_LDOV12D_CTRL_LDV12_EN 0x01 /* Bits for R92C_LPLDO_CTRL. */ #define R92C_LPLDO_CTRL_SLEEP 0x10 /* Bits for R92C_AFE_XTAL_CTRL. */ #define R92C_AFE_XTAL_CTRL_ADDR_M 0x007ff800 #define R92C_AFE_XTAL_CTRL_ADDR_S 11 /* Bits for R92C_AFE_PLL_CTRL. */ #define R92C_AFE_PLL_CTRL_EN 0x0001 #define R92C_AFE_PLL_CTRL_320_EN 0x0002 #define R92C_AFE_PLL_CTRL_FREF_SEL 0x0004 #define R92C_AFE_PLL_CTRL_EDGE_SEL 0x0008 #define R92C_AFE_PLL_CTRL_WDOGB 0x0010 #define R92C_AFE_PLL_CTRL_LPFEN 0x0020 /* Bits for R92C_EFUSE_CTRL. */ #define R92C_EFUSE_CTRL_DATA_M 0x000000ff #define R92C_EFUSE_CTRL_DATA_S 0 #define R92C_EFUSE_CTRL_ADDR_M 0x0003ff00 #define R92C_EFUSE_CTRL_ADDR_S 8 #define R92C_EFUSE_CTRL_VALID 0x80000000 /* Bits for R92C_GPIO_MUXCFG. */ #define R92C_GPIO_MUXCFG_ENBT 0x0020 /* Bits for R92C_LEDCFG0. */ #define R92C_LEDCFG0_DIS 0x08 /* Bits for R92C_LEDCFG1. */ #define R92C_LEDCFG1_DIS 0x80 /* Bits for R92C_MULTI_FUNC_CTRL. */ #define R92C_MULTI_BT_FUNC_EN 0x00040000 /* Bits for R92C_MCUFWDL. */ #define R92C_MCUFWDL_EN 0x00000001 #define R92C_MCUFWDL_RDY 0x00000002 #define R92C_MCUFWDL_CHKSUM_RPT 0x00000004 #define R92C_MCUFWDL_MACINI_RDY 0x00000008 #define R92C_MCUFWDL_BBINI_RDY 0x00000010 #define R92C_MCUFWDL_RFINI_RDY 0x00000020 #define R92C_MCUFWDL_WINTINI_RDY 0x00000040 #define R92C_MCUFWDL_RAM_DL_SEL 0x00000080 /* 1: RAM, 0: ROM */ #define R92C_MCUFWDL_PAGE_M 0x00070000 #define R92C_MCUFWDL_PAGE_S 16 #define R92C_MCUFWDL_ROM_DLEN 0x00080000 #define R92C_MCUFWDL_CPRST 0x00800000 /* Bits for R92C_EFUSE_ACCESS. */ #define R92C_EFUSE_ACCESS_OFF 0x00 #define R92C_EFUSE_ACCESS_ON 0x69 /* Bits for R92C_HPON_FSM. */ #define R92C_HPON_FSM_CHIP_BONDING_ID_S 22 #define R92C_HPON_FSM_CHIP_BONDING_ID_M 0x00c00000 #define R92C_HPON_FSM_CHIP_BONDING_ID_92C_1T2R 1 /* Bits for R92C_SYS_CFG. */ #define R92C_SYS_CFG_XCLK_VLD 0x00000001 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_ACLK_VLD 0x00000002 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_UCLK_VLD 0x00000004 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_PCLK_VLD 0x00000008 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_PCIRSTB 0x00000010 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_V15_VLD 0x00000020 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_TRP_B15V_EN 0x00000080 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_SIC_IDLE 0x00000100 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_BD_MAC2 0x00000200 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_BD_MAC1 0x00000400 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_IC_MACPHY_MODE 0x00000800 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_CHIP_VER_RTL_M 0x0000f000 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_CHIP_VER_RTL_S 12 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_BT_FUNC 0x00010000 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_VENDOR_UMC 0x00080000 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_PAD_HWPD_IDN 0x00400000 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_TRP_VAUX_EN 0x00800000 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_TRP_BT_EN 0x01000000 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_BD_PKG_SEL 0x02000000 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_BD_HCI_SEL 0x04000000 #define R92C_SYS_CFG_TYPE_92C 0x08000000 /* Bits for R92C_CR. */ #define R92C_CR_HCI_TXDMA_EN 0x0001 #define R92C_CR_HCI_RXDMA_EN 0x0002 #define R92C_CR_TXDMA_EN 0x0004 #define R92C_CR_RXDMA_EN 0x0008 #define R92C_CR_PROTOCOL_EN 0x0010 #define R92C_CR_SCHEDULE_EN 0x0020 #define R92C_CR_MACTXEN 0x0040 #define R92C_CR_MACRXEN 0x0080 #define R92C_CR_ENSWBCN 0x0100 #define R92C_CR_ENSEC 0x0200 #define R92C_CR_CALTMR_EN 0x0400 /* Bits for R92C_MSR. */ #define R92C_MSR_NOLINK 0x00 #define R92C_MSR_ADHOC 0x01 #define R92C_MSR_INFRA 0x02 #define R92C_MSR_AP 0x03 #define R92C_MSR_MASK (R92C_MSR_AP) /* Bits for R92C_PBP. */ #define R92C_PBP_PSRX_M 0x0f #define R92C_PBP_PSRX_S 0 #define R92C_PBP_PSTX_M 0xf0 #define R92C_PBP_PSTX_S 4 #define R92C_PBP_64 0 #define R92C_PBP_128 1 #define R92C_PBP_256 2 #define R92C_PBP_512 3 #define R92C_PBP_1024 4 /* Bits for R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL. */ #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_RX_SHIFT_EN 0x0002 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_RXDMA_AGG_EN 0x0004 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_TXDMA_VOQ_MAP_M 0x0030 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_TXDMA_VOQ_MAP_S 4 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_TXDMA_VIQ_MAP_M 0x00c0 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_TXDMA_VIQ_MAP_S 6 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_TXDMA_BEQ_MAP_M 0x0300 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_TXDMA_BEQ_MAP_S 8 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_TXDMA_BKQ_MAP_M 0x0c00 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_TXDMA_BKQ_MAP_S 10 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_TXDMA_MGQ_MAP_M 0x3000 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_TXDMA_MGQ_MAP_S 12 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_TXDMA_HIQ_MAP_M 0xc000 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_TXDMA_HIQ_MAP_S 14 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_QUEUE_LOW 1 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_QUEUE_NORMAL 2 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_QUEUE_HIGH 3 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_QMAP_M 0xfff0 /* Shortcuts. */ #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_QMAP_3EP 0xf5b0 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_QMAP_HQ_LQ 0xf5f0 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_QMAP_HQ_NQ 0xfaf0 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_QMAP_LQ 0x5550 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_QMAP_NQ 0xaaa0 #define R92C_TRXDMA_CTRL_QMAP_HQ 0xfff0 /* Bits for R92C_C2H_EVT_CLEAR. */ #define R92C_C2H_EVT_HOST_CLOSE 0x00 #define R92C_C2H_EVT_FW_CLOSE 0xff /* Bits for R92C_LLT_INIT. */ #define R92C_LLT_INIT_DATA_M 0x000000ff #define R92C_LLT_INIT_DATA_S 0 #define R92C_LLT_INIT_ADDR_M 0x0000ff00 #define R92C_LLT_INIT_ADDR_S 8 #define R92C_LLT_INIT_OP_M 0xc0000000 #define R92C_LLT_INIT_OP_S 30 #define R92C_LLT_INIT_OP_NO_ACTIVE 0 #define R92C_LLT_INIT_OP_WRITE 1 /* Bits for R92C_RQPN. */ #define R92C_RQPN_HPQ_M 0x000000ff #define R92C_RQPN_HPQ_S 0 #define R92C_RQPN_LPQ_M 0x0000ff00 #define R92C_RQPN_LPQ_S 8 #define R92C_RQPN_PUBQ_M 0x00ff0000 #define R92C_RQPN_PUBQ_S 16 #define R92C_RQPN_LD 0x80000000 /* Bits for R92C_TDECTRL. */ #define R92C_TDECTRL_BLK_DESC_NUM_M 0x000000f0 #define R92C_TDECTRL_BLK_DESC_NUM_S 4 #define R92C_TDECTRL_BCN_VALID 0x00010000 /* Bits for R92C_TXDMA_OFFSET_CHK. */ #define R92C_TXDMA_OFFSET_DROP_DATA_EN 0x00000200 /* Bits for R92C_AUTO_LLT. */ #define R92C_AUTO_LLT_INIT 0x00010000 /* Bits for R92C_FWHW_TXQ_CTRL. */ #define R92C_FWHW_TXQ_CTRL_AMPDU_RTY_NEW 0x80 #define R92C_FWHW_TXQ_CTRL_REAL_BEACON 0x400000 /* Bits for R92C_SPEC_SIFS. */ #define R92C_SPEC_SIFS_CCK_M 0x00ff #define R92C_SPEC_SIFS_CCK_S 0 #define R92C_SPEC_SIFS_OFDM_M 0xff00 #define R92C_SPEC_SIFS_OFDM_S 8 /* Bits for R92C_RL. */ #define R92C_RL_LRL_M 0x003f #define R92C_RL_LRL_S 0 #define R92C_RL_SRL_M 0x3f00 #define R92C_RL_SRL_S 8 /* Size of R92C_DARFRC. */ #define R92C_DARFRC_SIZE 8 /* Bits for R92C_RRSR. */ #define R92C_RRSR_RATE_BITMAP_M 0x000fffff #define R92C_RRSR_RATE_BITMAP_S 0 #define R92C_RRSR_RATE_CCK_ONLY_1M 0xffff1 #define R92C_RRSR_RATE_ALL 0xfffff #define R92C_RRSR_RSC_LOWSUBCHNL 0x00200000 #define R92C_RRSR_RSC_UPSUBCHNL 0x00400000 #define R92C_RRSR_SHORT 0x00800000 /* Bits for R92C_EDCA_XX_PARAM. */ #define R92C_EDCA_PARAM_AIFS_M 0x000000ff #define R92C_EDCA_PARAM_AIFS_S 0 #define R92C_EDCA_PARAM_ECWMIN_M 0x00000f00 #define R92C_EDCA_PARAM_ECWMIN_S 8 #define R92C_EDCA_PARAM_ECWMAX_M 0x0000f000 #define R92C_EDCA_PARAM_ECWMAX_S 12 #define R92C_EDCA_PARAM_TXOP_M 0xffff0000 #define R92C_EDCA_PARAM_TXOP_S 16 /* Bits for R92C_HWSEQ_CTRL / R92C_TXPAUSE. */ #define R92C_TX_QUEUE_VO 0x01 #define R92C_TX_QUEUE_VI 0x02 #define R92C_TX_QUEUE_BE 0x04 #define R92C_TX_QUEUE_BK 0x08 #define R92C_TX_QUEUE_MGT 0x10 #define R92C_TX_QUEUE_HIGH 0x20 #define R92C_TX_QUEUE_BCN 0x40 /* Shortcuts. */ #define R92C_TX_QUEUE_AC \ (R92C_TX_QUEUE_VO | R92C_TX_QUEUE_VI | \ R92C_TX_QUEUE_BE | R92C_TX_QUEUE_BK) #define R92C_TX_QUEUE_ALL \ (R92C_TX_QUEUE_AC | R92C_TX_QUEUE_MGT | \ R92C_TX_QUEUE_HIGH | R92C_TX_QUEUE_BCN | 0x80) /* XXX */ /* Bits for R92C_BCN_CTRL. */ #define R92C_BCN_CTRL_EN_MBSSID 0x02 #define R92C_BCN_CTRL_TXBCN_RPT 0x04 #define R92C_BCN_CTRL_EN_BCN 0x08 #define R92C_BCN_CTRL_DIS_TSF_UDT0 0x10 /* Bits for R92C_DUAL_TSF_RST. */ #define R92C_DUAL_TSF_RESET(id) (0x01 << (id)) #define R92C_DUAL_TSF_RST_TXOK 0x20 /* Bits for R92C_ACMHWCTRL. */ #define R92C_ACMHWCTRL_EN 0x01 #define R92C_ACMHWCTRL_BE 0x02 #define R92C_ACMHWCTRL_VI 0x04 #define R92C_ACMHWCTRL_VO 0x08 #define R92C_ACMHWCTRL_ACM_MASK 0x0f /* Bits for R92C_APSD_CTRL. */ #define R92C_APSD_CTRL_OFF 0x40 #define R92C_APSD_CTRL_OFF_STATUS 0x80 /* Bits for R92C_BWOPMODE. */ #define R92C_BWOPMODE_11J 0x01 #define R92C_BWOPMODE_5G 0x02 #define R92C_BWOPMODE_20MHZ 0x04 /* Bits for R92C_TCR. */ #define R92C_TCR_TSFRST 0x00000001 #define R92C_TCR_DIS_GCLK 0x00000002 #define R92C_TCR_PAD_SEL 0x00000004 #define R92C_TCR_PWR_ST 0x00000040 #define R92C_TCR_PWRBIT_OW_EN 0x00000080 #define R92C_TCR_ACRC 0x00000100 #define R92C_TCR_CFENDFORM 0x00000200 #define R92C_TCR_ICV 0x00000400 /* Bits for R92C_RCR. */ #define R92C_RCR_AAP 0x00000001 #define R92C_RCR_APM 0x00000002 #define R92C_RCR_AM 0x00000004 #define R92C_RCR_AB 0x00000008 #define R92C_RCR_ADD3 0x00000010 #define R92C_RCR_APWRMGT 0x00000020 #define R92C_RCR_CBSSID_DATA 0x00000040 #define R92C_RCR_CBSSID_BCN 0x00000080 #define R92C_RCR_ACRC32 0x00000100 #define R92C_RCR_AICV 0x00000200 #define R92C_RCR_ADF 0x00000800 #define R92C_RCR_ACF 0x00001000 #define R92C_RCR_AMF 0x00002000 #define R92C_RCR_HTC_LOC_CTRL 0x00004000 #define R92C_RCR_MFBEN 0x00400000 #define R92C_RCR_LSIGEN 0x00800000 #define R92C_RCR_ENMBID 0x01000000 #define R92C_RCR_APP_BA_SSN 0x08000000 #define R92C_RCR_APP_PHYSTS 0x10000000 #define R92C_RCR_APP_ICV 0x20000000 #define R92C_RCR_APP_MIC 0x40000000 #define R92C_RCR_APPFCS 0x80000000 /* Bits for R92C_RX_DRVINFO_SZ. */ /* XXX other values will not work */ #define R92C_RX_DRVINFO_SZ_DEF ((RTWN_PHY_STATUS_SIZE) / 8) /* Bits for R92C_WMAC_TRXPTCL_CTL. */ #define R92C_WMAC_TRXPTCL_SHPRE 0x00020000 /* Bits for R92C_CAMCMD. */ #define R92C_CAMCMD_ADDR_M 0x0000ffff #define R92C_CAMCMD_ADDR_S 0 #define R92C_CAMCMD_WRITE 0x00010000 #define R92C_CAMCMD_CLR 0x40000000 #define R92C_CAMCMD_POLLING 0x80000000 /* * CAM entries. */ #define R92C_CAM_CTL0(entry) ((entry) * 8 + 0) #define R92C_CAM_CTL1(entry) ((entry) * 8 + 1) #define R92C_CAM_KEY(entry, i) ((entry) * 8 + 2 + (i)) #define R92C_CAM_CTL6(entry) ((entry) * 8 + 6) #define R92C_CAM_CTL7(entry) ((entry) * 8 + 7) /* Bits for R92C_CAM_CTL0(i). */ #define R92C_CAM_KEYID_M 0x00000003 #define R92C_CAM_KEYID_S 0 #define R92C_CAM_ALGO_M 0x0000001c #define R92C_CAM_ALGO_S 2 #define R92C_CAM_ALGO_NONE 0 #define R92C_CAM_ALGO_WEP40 1 #define R92C_CAM_ALGO_TKIP 2 #define R92C_CAM_ALGO_AES 4 #define R92C_CAM_ALGO_WEP104 5 #define R92C_CAM_VALID 0x00008000 #define R92C_CAM_MACLO_M 0xffff0000 #define R92C_CAM_MACLO_S 16 /* Bits for R92C_SECCFG. */ #define R92C_SECCFG_TXUCKEY_DEF 0x0001 #define R92C_SECCFG_RXUCKEY_DEF 0x0002 #define R92C_SECCFG_TXENC_ENA 0x0004 #define R92C_SECCFG_RXDEC_ENA 0x0008 #define R92C_SECCFG_CMP_A2 0x0010 #define R92C_SECCFG_MC_SRCH_DIS 0x0020 #define R92C_SECCFG_TXBCKEY_DEF 0x0040 #define R92C_SECCFG_RXBCKEY_DEF 0x0080 /* Bits for R92C_RXFLTMAP*. */ #define R92C_RXFLTMAP_SUBTYPE(subtype) \ (1 << ((subtype) >> IEEE80211_FC0_SUBTYPE_SHIFT)) /* * Baseband registers. */ #define R92C_FPGA0_RFMOD 0x800 #define R92C_FPGA0_TXINFO 0x804 #define R92C_HSSI_PARAM1(chain) (0x820 + (chain) * 8) #define R92C_HSSI_PARAM2(chain) (0x824 + (chain) * 8) #define R92C_TXAGC_RATE18_06(i) (((i) == 0) ? 0xe00 : 0x830) #define R92C_TXAGC_RATE54_24(i) (((i) == 0) ? 0xe04 : 0x834) #define R92C_TXAGC_A_CCK1_MCS32 0xe08 #define R92C_TXAGC_B_CCK1_55_MCS32 0x838 #define R92C_TXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11 0x86c #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS03_MCS00(i) (((i) == 0) ? 0xe10 : 0x83c) #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS07_MCS04(i) (((i) == 0) ? 0xe14 : 0x848) #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS11_MCS08(i) (((i) == 0) ? 0xe18 : 0x84c) #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS15_MCS12(i) (((i) == 0) ? 0xe1c : 0x868) #define R92C_LSSI_PARAM(chain) (0x840 + (chain) * 4) #define R92C_FPGA0_RFIFACEOE(chain) (0x860 + (chain) * 4) #define R92C_FPGA0_RFIFACESW(idx) (0x870 + (idx) * 4) #define R92C_FPGA0_RFPARAM(idx) (0x878 + (idx) * 4) #define R92C_FPGA0_ANAPARAM2 0x884 #define R92C_LSSI_READBACK(chain) (0x8a0 + (chain) * 4) #define R92C_HSPI_READBACK(chain) (0x8b8 + (chain) * 4) #define R92C_FPGA1_RFMOD 0x900 #define R92C_FPGA1_TXINFO 0x90c #define R92C_CCK0_SYSTEM 0xa00 #define R92C_CCK0_AFESETTING 0xa04 #define R92C_OFDM0_TRXPATHENA 0xc04 #define R92C_OFDM0_TRMUXPAR 0xc08 #define R92C_OFDM0_RXIQIMBALANCE(chain) (0xc14 + (chain) * 8) #define R92C_OFDM0_ECCATHRESHOLD 0xc4c #define R92C_OFDM0_AGCCORE1(chain) (0xc50 + (chain) * 8) #define R92C_OFDM0_AGCPARAM1 0xc70 #define R92C_OFDM0_AGCRSSITABLE 0xc78 #define R92C_OFDM0_TXIQIMBALANCE(chain) (0xc80 + (chain) * 8) #define R92C_OFDM0_TXAFE(chain) (0xc94 + (chain) * 8) #define R92C_OFDM0_RXIQEXTANTA 0xca0 #define R92C_OFDM0_TXPSEUDONOISEWGT 0xce4 #define R92C_OFDM1_LSTF 0xd00 /* Bits for R92C_FPGA[01]_RFMOD. */ #define R92C_RFMOD_40MHZ 0x00000001 #define R92C_RFMOD_JAPAN 0x00000002 #define R92C_RFMOD_CCK_TXSC 0x00000030 #define R92C_RFMOD_CCK_EN 0x01000000 #define R92C_RFMOD_OFDM_EN 0x02000000 /* Bits for R92C_HSSI_PARAM1(i). */ #define R92C_HSSI_PARAM1_PI 0x00000100 /* Bits for R92C_HSSI_PARAM2(i). */ #define R92C_HSSI_PARAM2_CCK_HIPWR 0x00000200 #define R92C_HSSI_PARAM2_ADDR_LENGTH 0x00000400 #define R92C_HSSI_PARAM2_DATA_LENGTH 0x00000800 #define R92C_HSSI_PARAM2_READ_ADDR_M 0x7f800000 #define R92C_HSSI_PARAM2_READ_ADDR_S 23 #define R92C_HSSI_PARAM2_READ_EDGE 0x80000000 /* Bits for R92C_TXAGC_A_CCK1_MCS32. */ #define R92C_TXAGC_A_CCK1_M 0x0000ff00 #define R92C_TXAGC_A_CCK1_S 8 /* Bits for R92C_TXAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11. */ #define R92C_TXAGC_B_CCK11_M 0x000000ff #define R92C_TXAGC_B_CCK11_S 0 #define R92C_TXAGC_A_CCK2_M 0x0000ff00 #define R92C_TXAGC_A_CCK2_S 8 #define R92C_TXAGC_A_CCK55_M 0x00ff0000 #define R92C_TXAGC_A_CCK55_S 16 #define R92C_TXAGC_A_CCK11_M 0xff000000 #define R92C_TXAGC_A_CCK11_S 24 /* Bits for R92C_TXAGC_B_CCK1_55_MCS32. */ #define R92C_TXAGC_B_CCK1_M 0x0000ff00 #define R92C_TXAGC_B_CCK1_S 8 #define R92C_TXAGC_B_CCK2_M 0x00ff0000 #define R92C_TXAGC_B_CCK2_S 16 #define R92C_TXAGC_B_CCK55_M 0xff000000 #define R92C_TXAGC_B_CCK55_S 24 /* Bits for R92C_TXAGC_RATE18_06(x). */ #define R92C_TXAGC_RATE06_M 0x000000ff #define R92C_TXAGC_RATE06_S 0 #define R92C_TXAGC_RATE09_M 0x0000ff00 #define R92C_TXAGC_RATE09_S 8 #define R92C_TXAGC_RATE12_M 0x00ff0000 #define R92C_TXAGC_RATE12_S 16 #define R92C_TXAGC_RATE18_M 0xff000000 #define R92C_TXAGC_RATE18_S 24 /* Bits for R92C_TXAGC_RATE54_24(x). */ #define R92C_TXAGC_RATE24_M 0x000000ff #define R92C_TXAGC_RATE24_S 0 #define R92C_TXAGC_RATE36_M 0x0000ff00 #define R92C_TXAGC_RATE36_S 8 #define R92C_TXAGC_RATE48_M 0x00ff0000 #define R92C_TXAGC_RATE48_S 16 #define R92C_TXAGC_RATE54_M 0xff000000 #define R92C_TXAGC_RATE54_S 24 /* Bits for R92C_TXAGC_MCS03_MCS00(x). */ #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS00_M 0x000000ff #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS00_S 0 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS01_M 0x0000ff00 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS01_S 8 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS02_M 0x00ff0000 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS02_S 16 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS03_M 0xff000000 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS03_S 24 /* Bits for R92C_TXAGC_MCS07_MCS04(x). */ #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS04_M 0x000000ff #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS04_S 0 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS05_M 0x0000ff00 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS05_S 8 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS06_M 0x00ff0000 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS06_S 16 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS07_M 0xff000000 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS07_S 24 /* Bits for R92C_TXAGC_MCS11_MCS08(x). */ #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS08_M 0x000000ff #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS08_S 0 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS09_M 0x0000ff00 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS09_S 8 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS10_M 0x00ff0000 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS10_S 16 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS11_M 0xff000000 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS11_S 24 /* Bits for R92C_TXAGC_MCS15_MCS12(x). */ #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS12_M 0x000000ff #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS12_S 0 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS13_M 0x0000ff00 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS13_S 8 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS14_M 0x00ff0000 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS14_S 16 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS15_M 0xff000000 #define R92C_TXAGC_MCS15_S 24 /* Bits for R92C_LSSI_PARAM(i). */ #define R92C_LSSI_PARAM_DATA_M 0x000fffff #define R92C_LSSI_PARAM_DATA_S 0 #define R92C_LSSI_PARAM_ADDR_M 0x03f00000 #define R92C_LSSI_PARAM_ADDR_S 20 /* Bits for R92C_FPGA0_RFIFACEOE(0). */ #define R92C_FPGA0_RFIFACEOE0_ANT_M 0x00000300 #define R92C_FPGA0_RFIFACEOE0_ANT_S 8 /* Bits for R92C_FPGA0_ANAPARAM2. */ #define R92C_FPGA0_ANAPARAM2_CBW20 0x00000400 /* Bits for R92C_LSSI_READBACK(i). */ #define R92C_LSSI_READBACK_DATA_M 0x000fffff #define R92C_LSSI_READBACK_DATA_S 0 /* Bits for R92C_CCK0_SYSTEM. */ #define R92C_CCK0_SYSTEM_CCK_SIDEBAND 0x00000010 /* Bits for R92C_OFDM0_AGCCORE1(i). */ #define R92C_OFDM0_AGCCORE1_GAIN_M 0x0000007f #define R92C_OFDM0_AGCCORE1_GAIN_S 0 /* * RF (6052) registers. */ #define R92C_RF_AC 0x00 #define R92C_RF_IQADJ_G(i) (0x01 + (i)) #define R92C_RF_POW_TRSW 0x05 #define R92C_RF_GAIN_RX 0x06 #define R92C_RF_GAIN_TX 0x07 #define R92C_RF_TXM_IDAC 0x08 #define R92C_RF_BS_IQGEN 0x0f #define R92C_RF_MODE1 0x10 #define R92C_RF_MODE2 0x11 #define R92C_RF_RX_AGC_HP 0x12 #define R92C_RF_TX_AGC 0x13 #define R92C_RF_BIAS 0x14 #define R92C_RF_IPA 0x15 #define R92C_RF_POW_ABILITY 0x17 #define R92C_RF_CHNLBW 0x18 #define R92C_RF_RX_G1 0x1a #define R92C_RF_RX_G2 0x1b #define R92C_RF_RX_BB2 0x1c #define R92C_RF_RX_BB1 0x1d #define R92C_RF_RCK1 0x1e #define R92C_RF_RCK2 0x1f #define R92C_RF_TX_G(i) (0x20 + (i)) #define R92C_RF_TX_BB1 0x23 #define R92C_RF_T_METER 0x24 #define R92C_RF_SYN_G(i) (0x25 + (i)) #define R92C_RF_RCK_OS 0x30 #define R92C_RF_TXPA_G(i) (0x31 + (i)) /* Bits for R92C_RF_AC. */ #define R92C_RF_AC_MODE_M 0x70000 #define R92C_RF_AC_MODE_S 16 #define R92C_RF_AC_MODE_STANDBY 1 /* Bits for R92C_RF_CHNLBW. */ #define R92C_RF_CHNLBW_CHNL_M 0x003ff #define R92C_RF_CHNLBW_CHNL_S 0 #define R92C_RF_CHNLBW_BW20 0x00400 #define R92C_RF_CHNLBW_LCSTART 0x08000 /* Bits for R92C_RF_T_METER. */ #define R92C_RF_T_METER_START 0x60 #define R92C_RF_T_METER_VAL_M 0x1f #define R92C_RF_T_METER_VAL_S 0 #endif /* R92C_REG_H */