/* $OpenBSD: if_rtwnreg.h,v 1.3 2015/06/14 08:02:47 stsp Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2010 Damien Bergamini <damien.bergamini@free.fr> * Copyright (c) 2015 Stefan Sperling <stsp@openbsd.org> * Copyright (c) 2016 Andriy Voskoboinyk <avos@FreeBSD.org> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #ifndef R92CE_REG_H #define R92CE_REG_H #include <dev/rtwn/rtl8192c/r92c_reg.h> /* * MAC registers. */ /* System Configuration. */ #define R92C_PCIE_MIO_INTF 0x0e4 #define R92C_PCIE_MIO_INTD 0x0e8 /* PCIe Configuration. */ #define R92C_PCIE_CTRL_REG 0x300 #define R92C_INT_MIG 0x304 #define R92C_BCNQ_DESA 0x308 #define R92C_HQ_DESA 0x310 #define R92C_MGQ_DESA 0x318 #define R92C_VOQ_DESA 0x320 #define R92C_VIQ_DESA 0x328 #define R92C_BEQ_DESA 0x330 #define R92C_BKQ_DESA 0x338 #define R92C_RX_DESA 0x340 #define R92C_DBI 0x348 #define R92C_MDIO 0x354 #define R92C_DBG_SEL 0x360 #define R92C_PCIE_HRPWM 0x361 #define R92C_PCIE_HCPWM 0x363 #define R92C_UART_CTRL 0x364 #define R92C_UART_TX_DES 0x370 #define R92C_UART_RX_DES 0x378 /* Bits for R92C_GPIO_MUXCFG. */ #define R92C_GPIO_MUXCFG_RFKILL 0x0008 /* Bits for R92C_GPIO_IO_SEL. */ #define R92C_GPIO_IO_SEL_RFKILL 0x0008 /* Bits for R92C_LEDCFG2. */ #define R92C_LEDCFG2_EN 0x60 #define R92C_LEDCFG2_DIS 0x68 /* Bits for R92C_HIMR. */ #define R92C_IMR_ROK 0x00000001 /* receive DMA OK */ #define R92C_IMR_VODOK 0x00000002 /* AC_VO DMA OK */ #define R92C_IMR_VIDOK 0x00000004 /* AC_VI DMA OK */ #define R92C_IMR_BEDOK 0x00000008 /* AC_BE DMA OK */ #define R92C_IMR_BKDOK 0x00000010 /* AC_BK DMA OK */ #define R92C_IMR_TXBDER 0x00000020 /* beacon transmit error */ #define R92C_IMR_MGNTDOK 0x00000040 /* management queue DMA OK */ #define R92C_IMR_TBDOK 0x00000080 /* beacon transmit OK */ #define R92C_IMR_HIGHDOK 0x00000100 /* high queue DMA OK */ #define R92C_IMR_BDOK 0x00000200 /* beacon queue DMA OK */ #define R92C_IMR_ATIMEND 0x00000400 /* ATIM window end interrupt */ #define R92C_IMR_RDU 0x00000800 /* Rx descriptor unavailable */ #define R92C_IMR_RXFOVW 0x00001000 /* receive FIFO overflow */ #define R92C_IMR_BCNINT 0x00002000 /* beacon DMA interrupt 0 */ #define R92C_IMR_PSTIMEOUT 0x00004000 /* powersave timeout */ #define R92C_IMR_TXFOVW 0x00008000 /* transmit FIFO overflow */ #define R92C_IMR_TIMEOUT1 0x00010000 /* timeout interrupt 1 */ #define R92C_IMR_TIMEOUT2 0x00020000 /* timeout interrupt 2 */ #define R92C_IMR_BCNDOK1 0x00040000 /* beacon queue DMA OK (1) */ #define R92C_IMR_BCNDOK2 0x00080000 /* beacon queue DMA OK (2) */ #define R92C_IMR_BCNDOK3 0x00100000 /* beacon queue DMA OK (3) */ #define R92C_IMR_BCNDOK4 0x00200000 /* beacon queue DMA OK (4) */ #define R92C_IMR_BCNDOK5 0x00400000 /* beacon queue DMA OK (5) */ #define R92C_IMR_BCNDOK6 0x00800000 /* beacon queue DMA OK (6) */ #define R92C_IMR_BCNDOK7 0x01000000 /* beacon queue DMA OK (7) */ #define R92C_IMR_BCNDOK8 0x02000000 /* beacon queue DMA OK (8) */ #define R92C_IMR_BCNDMAINT1 0x04000000 /* beacon DMA interrupt 1 */ #define R92C_IMR_BCNDMAINT2 0x08000000 /* beacon DMA interrupt 2 */ #define R92C_IMR_BCNDMAINT3 0x10000000 /* beacon DMA interrupt 3 */ #define R92C_IMR_BCNDMAINT4 0x20000000 /* beacon DMA interrupt 4 */ #define R92C_IMR_BCNDMAINT5 0x40000000 /* beacon DMA interrupt 5 */ #define R92C_IMR_BCNDMAINT6 0x80000000 /* beacon DMA interrupt 6 */ /* Shortcut. */ #define R92C_IBSS_INT_MASK \ (R92C_IMR_BCNINT | R92C_IMR_TBDOK | R92C_IMR_TBDER) #endif /* R92CE_REG_H */