/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Cavium, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "bcm_osal.h" #include "ecore.h" #include "reg_addr.h" #include "ecore_sriov.h" #include "ecore_status.h" #include "ecore_hw.h" #include "ecore_hw_defs.h" #include "ecore_int.h" #include "ecore_hsi_eth.h" #include "ecore_l2.h" #include "ecore_vfpf_if.h" #include "ecore_rt_defs.h" #include "ecore_init_ops.h" #include "pcics_reg_driver.h" #include "ecore_gtt_reg_addr.h" #include "ecore_iro.h" #include "ecore_mcp.h" #include "ecore_cxt.h" #include "ecore_vf.h" #include "ecore_init_fw_funcs.h" #include "ecore_sp_commands.h" static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_sriov_eqe_event(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u8 opcode, __le16 echo, union event_ring_data *data, u8 fw_return_code); const char *ecore_channel_tlvs_string[] = { "CHANNEL_TLV_NONE", /* ends tlv sequence */ "CHANNEL_TLV_ACQUIRE", "CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_START", "CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE", "CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_TEARDOWN", "CHANNEL_TLV_START_RXQ", "CHANNEL_TLV_START_TXQ", "CHANNEL_TLV_STOP_RXQ", "CHANNEL_TLV_STOP_TXQ", "CHANNEL_TLV_UPDATE_RXQ", "CHANNEL_TLV_INT_CLEANUP", "CHANNEL_TLV_CLOSE", "CHANNEL_TLV_RELEASE", "CHANNEL_TLV_LIST_END", "CHANNEL_TLV_UCAST_FILTER", "CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE", "CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_TX_SWITCH", "CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_VLAN_STRIP", "CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_MCAST", "CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_ACCEPT_PARAM", "CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_RSS", "CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_ACCEPT_ANY_VLAN", "CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_SGE_TPA", "CHANNEL_TLV_UPDATE_TUNN_PARAM", "CHANNEL_TLV_COALESCE_UPDATE", "CHANNEL_TLV_QID", "CHANNEL_TLV_COALESCE_READ", "CHANNEL_TLV_MAX" }; static u8 ecore_vf_calculate_legacy(struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf) { u8 legacy = 0; if (p_vf->acquire.vfdev_info.eth_fp_hsi_minor == ETH_HSI_VER_NO_PKT_LEN_TUNN) legacy |= ECORE_QCID_LEGACY_VF_RX_PROD; if (!(p_vf->acquire.vfdev_info.capabilities & VFPF_ACQUIRE_CAP_QUEUE_QIDS)) legacy |= ECORE_QCID_LEGACY_VF_CID; return legacy; } /* IOV ramrods */ static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_sp_vf_start(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf) { struct vf_start_ramrod_data *p_ramrod = OSAL_NULL; struct ecore_spq_entry *p_ent = OSAL_NULL; struct ecore_sp_init_data init_data; enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_NOTIMPL; u8 fp_minor; /* Get SPQ entry */ OSAL_MEMSET(&init_data, 0, sizeof(init_data)); init_data.cid = ecore_spq_get_cid(p_hwfn); init_data.opaque_fid = p_vf->opaque_fid; init_data.comp_mode = ECORE_SPQ_MODE_EBLOCK; rc = ecore_sp_init_request(p_hwfn, &p_ent, COMMON_RAMROD_VF_START, PROTOCOLID_COMMON, &init_data); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) return rc; p_ramrod = &p_ent->ramrod.vf_start; p_ramrod->vf_id = GET_FIELD(p_vf->concrete_fid, PXP_CONCRETE_FID_VFID); p_ramrod->opaque_fid = OSAL_CPU_TO_LE16(p_vf->opaque_fid); switch (p_hwfn->hw_info.personality) { case ECORE_PCI_ETH: p_ramrod->personality = PERSONALITY_ETH; break; case ECORE_PCI_ETH_ROCE: case ECORE_PCI_ETH_IWARP: p_ramrod->personality = PERSONALITY_RDMA_AND_ETH; break; default: DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "Unknown VF personality %d\n", p_hwfn->hw_info.personality); return ECORE_INVAL; } fp_minor = p_vf->acquire.vfdev_info.eth_fp_hsi_minor; if (fp_minor > ETH_HSI_VER_MINOR && fp_minor != ETH_HSI_VER_NO_PKT_LEN_TUNN) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF [%d] - Requested fp hsi %02x.%02x which is slightly newer than PF's %02x.%02x; Configuring PFs version\n", p_vf->abs_vf_id, ETH_HSI_VER_MAJOR, fp_minor, ETH_HSI_VER_MAJOR, ETH_HSI_VER_MINOR); fp_minor = ETH_HSI_VER_MINOR; } p_ramrod->hsi_fp_ver.major_ver_arr[ETH_VER_KEY] = ETH_HSI_VER_MAJOR; p_ramrod->hsi_fp_ver.minor_ver_arr[ETH_VER_KEY] = fp_minor; DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d] - Starting using HSI %02x.%02x\n", p_vf->abs_vf_id, ETH_HSI_VER_MAJOR, fp_minor); return ecore_spq_post(p_hwfn, p_ent, OSAL_NULL); } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_sp_vf_stop(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u32 concrete_vfid, u16 opaque_vfid) { struct vf_stop_ramrod_data *p_ramrod = OSAL_NULL; struct ecore_spq_entry *p_ent = OSAL_NULL; struct ecore_sp_init_data init_data; enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_NOTIMPL; /* Get SPQ entry */ OSAL_MEMSET(&init_data, 0, sizeof(init_data)); init_data.cid = ecore_spq_get_cid(p_hwfn); init_data.opaque_fid = opaque_vfid; init_data.comp_mode = ECORE_SPQ_MODE_EBLOCK; rc = ecore_sp_init_request(p_hwfn, &p_ent, COMMON_RAMROD_VF_STOP, PROTOCOLID_COMMON, &init_data); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) return rc; p_ramrod = &p_ent->ramrod.vf_stop; p_ramrod->vf_id = GET_FIELD(concrete_vfid, PXP_CONCRETE_FID_VFID); return ecore_spq_post(p_hwfn, p_ent, OSAL_NULL); } bool ecore_iov_is_valid_vfid(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, int rel_vf_id, bool b_enabled_only, bool b_non_malicious) { if (!p_hwfn->pf_iov_info) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn->p_dev, true, "No iov info\n"); return false; } if ((rel_vf_id >= p_hwfn->p_dev->p_iov_info->total_vfs) || (rel_vf_id < 0)) return false; if ((!p_hwfn->pf_iov_info->vfs_array[rel_vf_id].b_init) && b_enabled_only) return false; if ((p_hwfn->pf_iov_info->vfs_array[rel_vf_id].b_malicious) && b_non_malicious) return false; return true; } struct ecore_vf_info *ecore_iov_get_vf_info(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 relative_vf_id, bool b_enabled_only) { struct ecore_vf_info *vf = OSAL_NULL; if (!p_hwfn->pf_iov_info) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn->p_dev, true, "No iov info\n"); return OSAL_NULL; } if (ecore_iov_is_valid_vfid(p_hwfn, relative_vf_id, b_enabled_only, false)) vf = &p_hwfn->pf_iov_info->vfs_array[relative_vf_id]; else DP_ERR(p_hwfn, "ecore_iov_get_vf_info: VF[%d] is not enabled\n", relative_vf_id); return vf; } static struct ecore_queue_cid * ecore_iov_get_vf_rx_queue_cid(struct ecore_vf_queue *p_queue) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_QUEUES_PER_QZONE; i++) { if (p_queue->cids[i].p_cid && !p_queue->cids[i].b_is_tx) return p_queue->cids[i].p_cid; } return OSAL_NULL; } enum ecore_iov_validate_q_mode { ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_NA, ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_ENABLE, ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_DISABLE, }; static bool ecore_iov_validate_queue_mode(struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, u16 qid, enum ecore_iov_validate_q_mode mode, bool b_is_tx) { int i; if (mode == ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_NA) return true; for (i = 0; i < MAX_QUEUES_PER_QZONE; i++) { struct ecore_vf_queue_cid *p_qcid; p_qcid = &p_vf->vf_queues[qid].cids[i]; if (p_qcid->p_cid == OSAL_NULL) continue; if (p_qcid->b_is_tx != b_is_tx) continue; /* Found. It's enabled. */ return (mode == ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_ENABLE); } /* In case we haven't found any valid cid, then its disabled */ return (mode == ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_DISABLE); } static bool ecore_iov_validate_rxq(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, u16 rx_qid, enum ecore_iov_validate_q_mode mode) { if (rx_qid >= p_vf->num_rxqs) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[0x%02x] - can't touch Rx queue[%04x]; Only 0x%04x are allocated\n", p_vf->abs_vf_id, rx_qid, p_vf->num_rxqs); return false; } return ecore_iov_validate_queue_mode(p_vf, rx_qid, mode, false); } static bool ecore_iov_validate_txq(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, u16 tx_qid, enum ecore_iov_validate_q_mode mode) { if (tx_qid >= p_vf->num_txqs) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[0x%02x] - can't touch Tx queue[%04x]; Only 0x%04x are allocated\n", p_vf->abs_vf_id, tx_qid, p_vf->num_txqs); return false; } return ecore_iov_validate_queue_mode(p_vf, tx_qid, mode, true); } static bool ecore_iov_validate_sb(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, u16 sb_idx) { int i; for (i = 0; i < p_vf->num_sbs; i++) if (p_vf->igu_sbs[i] == sb_idx) return true; DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[0%02x] - tried using sb_idx %04x which doesn't exist as one of its 0x%02x SBs\n", p_vf->abs_vf_id, sb_idx, p_vf->num_sbs); return false; } /* Is there at least 1 queue open? */ static bool ecore_iov_validate_active_rxq(struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < p_vf->num_rxqs; i++) if (ecore_iov_validate_queue_mode(p_vf, i, ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_ENABLE, false)) return true; return false; } static bool ecore_iov_validate_active_txq(struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < p_vf->num_txqs; i++) if (ecore_iov_validate_queue_mode(p_vf, i, ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_ENABLE, true)) return true; return false; } enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_post_vf_bulletin(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, int vfid, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt) { struct ecore_bulletin_content *p_bulletin; int crc_size = sizeof(p_bulletin->crc); struct ecore_dmae_params params; struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf; p_vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)vfid, true); if (!p_vf) return ECORE_INVAL; /* TODO - check VF is in a state where it can accept message */ if (!p_vf->vf_bulletin) return ECORE_INVAL; p_bulletin = p_vf->bulletin.p_virt; /* Increment bulletin board version and compute crc */ p_bulletin->version++; p_bulletin->crc = OSAL_CRC32(0, (u8 *)p_bulletin + crc_size, p_vf->bulletin.size - crc_size); DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "Posting Bulletin 0x%08x to VF[%d] (CRC 0x%08x)\n", p_bulletin->version, p_vf->relative_vf_id, p_bulletin->crc); /* propagate bulletin board via dmae to vm memory */ OSAL_MEMSET(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); params.flags = ECORE_DMAE_FLAG_VF_DST; params.dst_vfid = p_vf->abs_vf_id; return ecore_dmae_host2host(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf->bulletin.phys, p_vf->vf_bulletin, p_vf->bulletin.size / 4, ¶ms); } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_pci_cfg_info(struct ecore_dev *p_dev) { struct ecore_hw_sriov_info *iov = p_dev->p_iov_info; int pos = iov->pos; DP_VERBOSE(p_dev, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "sriov ext pos %d\n", pos); OSAL_PCI_READ_CONFIG_WORD(p_dev, pos + PCI_SRIOV_CTRL, &iov->ctrl); OSAL_PCI_READ_CONFIG_WORD(p_dev, pos + PCI_SRIOV_TOTAL_VF, &iov->total_vfs); OSAL_PCI_READ_CONFIG_WORD(p_dev, pos + PCI_SRIOV_INITIAL_VF, &iov->initial_vfs); OSAL_PCI_READ_CONFIG_WORD(p_dev, pos + PCI_SRIOV_NUM_VF, &iov->num_vfs); if (iov->num_vfs) { /* @@@TODO - in future we might want to add an OSAL here to * allow each OS to decide on its own how to act. */ DP_VERBOSE(p_dev, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "Number of VFs are already set to non-zero value. Ignoring PCI configuration value\n"); iov->num_vfs = 0; } OSAL_PCI_READ_CONFIG_WORD(p_dev, pos + PCI_SRIOV_VF_OFFSET, &iov->offset); OSAL_PCI_READ_CONFIG_WORD(p_dev, pos + PCI_SRIOV_VF_STRIDE, &iov->stride); OSAL_PCI_READ_CONFIG_WORD(p_dev, pos + PCI_SRIOV_VF_DID, &iov->vf_device_id); OSAL_PCI_READ_CONFIG_DWORD(p_dev, pos + PCI_SRIOV_SUP_PGSIZE, &iov->pgsz); OSAL_PCI_READ_CONFIG_DWORD(p_dev, pos + PCI_SRIOV_CAP, &iov->cap); OSAL_PCI_READ_CONFIG_BYTE(p_dev, pos + PCI_SRIOV_FUNC_LINK, &iov->link); DP_VERBOSE(p_dev, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "IOV info: nres %d, cap 0x%x, ctrl 0x%x, total %d, initial %d, num vfs %d, offset %d, stride %d, page size 0x%x\n", iov->nres, iov->cap, iov->ctrl, iov->total_vfs, iov->initial_vfs, iov->nr_virtfn, iov->offset, iov->stride, iov->pgsz); /* Some sanity checks */ if (iov->num_vfs > NUM_OF_VFS(p_dev) || iov->total_vfs > NUM_OF_VFS(p_dev)) { /* This can happen only due to a bug. In this case we set * num_vfs to zero to avoid memory corruption in the code that * assumes max number of vfs */ DP_NOTICE(p_dev, false, "IOV: Unexpected number of vfs set: %d setting num_vf to zero\n", iov->num_vfs); iov->num_vfs = 0; iov->total_vfs = 0; } return ECORE_SUCCESS; } static void ecore_iov_setup_vfdb(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn) { struct ecore_hw_sriov_info *p_iov = p_hwfn->p_dev->p_iov_info; struct ecore_pf_iov *p_iov_info = p_hwfn->pf_iov_info; struct ecore_bulletin_content *p_bulletin_virt; dma_addr_t req_p, rply_p, bulletin_p; union pfvf_tlvs *p_reply_virt_addr; union vfpf_tlvs *p_req_virt_addr; u8 idx = 0; OSAL_MEMSET(p_iov_info->vfs_array, 0, sizeof(p_iov_info->vfs_array)); p_req_virt_addr = p_iov_info->mbx_msg_virt_addr; req_p = p_iov_info->mbx_msg_phys_addr; p_reply_virt_addr = p_iov_info->mbx_reply_virt_addr; rply_p = p_iov_info->mbx_reply_phys_addr; p_bulletin_virt = p_iov_info->p_bulletins; bulletin_p = p_iov_info->bulletins_phys; if (!p_req_virt_addr || !p_reply_virt_addr || !p_bulletin_virt) { DP_ERR(p_hwfn, "ecore_iov_setup_vfdb called without allocating mem first\n"); return; } for (idx = 0; idx < p_iov->total_vfs; idx++) { struct ecore_vf_info *vf = &p_iov_info->vfs_array[idx]; u32 concrete; vf->vf_mbx.req_virt = p_req_virt_addr + idx; vf->vf_mbx.req_phys = req_p + idx * sizeof(union vfpf_tlvs); vf->vf_mbx.reply_virt = p_reply_virt_addr + idx; vf->vf_mbx.reply_phys = rply_p + idx * sizeof(union pfvf_tlvs); #ifdef CONFIG_ECORE_SW_CHANNEL vf->vf_mbx.sw_mbx.request_size = sizeof(union vfpf_tlvs); vf->vf_mbx.sw_mbx.mbx_state = VF_PF_WAIT_FOR_START_REQUEST; #endif vf->state = VF_STOPPED; vf->b_init = false; vf->bulletin.phys = idx * sizeof(struct ecore_bulletin_content) + bulletin_p; vf->bulletin.p_virt = p_bulletin_virt + idx; vf->bulletin.size = sizeof(struct ecore_bulletin_content); vf->relative_vf_id = idx; vf->abs_vf_id = idx + p_iov->first_vf_in_pf; concrete = ecore_vfid_to_concrete(p_hwfn, vf->abs_vf_id); vf->concrete_fid = concrete; /* TODO - need to devise a better way of getting opaque */ vf->opaque_fid = (p_hwfn->hw_info.opaque_fid & 0xff) | (vf->abs_vf_id << 8); vf->num_mac_filters = ECORE_ETH_VF_NUM_MAC_FILTERS; vf->num_vlan_filters = ECORE_ETH_VF_NUM_VLAN_FILTERS; } } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_allocate_vfdb(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn) { struct ecore_pf_iov *p_iov_info = p_hwfn->pf_iov_info; void **p_v_addr; u16 num_vfs = 0; num_vfs = p_hwfn->p_dev->p_iov_info->total_vfs; DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "ecore_iov_allocate_vfdb for %d VFs\n", num_vfs); /* Allocate PF Mailbox buffer (per-VF) */ p_iov_info->mbx_msg_size = sizeof(union vfpf_tlvs) * num_vfs; p_v_addr = &p_iov_info->mbx_msg_virt_addr; *p_v_addr = OSAL_DMA_ALLOC_COHERENT(p_hwfn->p_dev, &p_iov_info->mbx_msg_phys_addr, p_iov_info->mbx_msg_size); if (!*p_v_addr) return ECORE_NOMEM; /* Allocate PF Mailbox Reply buffer (per-VF) */ p_iov_info->mbx_reply_size = sizeof(union pfvf_tlvs) * num_vfs; p_v_addr = &p_iov_info->mbx_reply_virt_addr; *p_v_addr = OSAL_DMA_ALLOC_COHERENT(p_hwfn->p_dev, &p_iov_info->mbx_reply_phys_addr, p_iov_info->mbx_reply_size); if (!*p_v_addr) return ECORE_NOMEM; p_iov_info->bulletins_size = sizeof(struct ecore_bulletin_content) * num_vfs; p_v_addr = &p_iov_info->p_bulletins; *p_v_addr = OSAL_DMA_ALLOC_COHERENT(p_hwfn->p_dev, &p_iov_info->bulletins_phys, p_iov_info->bulletins_size); if (!*p_v_addr) return ECORE_NOMEM; DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "PF's Requests mailbox [%p virt 0x%llx phys], Response mailbox [%p virt 0x%llx phys] Bulletins [%p virt 0x%llx phys]\n", p_iov_info->mbx_msg_virt_addr, (unsigned long long)p_iov_info->mbx_msg_phys_addr, p_iov_info->mbx_reply_virt_addr, (unsigned long long)p_iov_info->mbx_reply_phys_addr, p_iov_info->p_bulletins, (unsigned long long)p_iov_info->bulletins_phys); return ECORE_SUCCESS; } static void ecore_iov_free_vfdb(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn) { struct ecore_pf_iov *p_iov_info = p_hwfn->pf_iov_info; if (p_hwfn->pf_iov_info->mbx_msg_virt_addr) OSAL_DMA_FREE_COHERENT(p_hwfn->p_dev, p_iov_info->mbx_msg_virt_addr, p_iov_info->mbx_msg_phys_addr, p_iov_info->mbx_msg_size); if (p_hwfn->pf_iov_info->mbx_reply_virt_addr) OSAL_DMA_FREE_COHERENT(p_hwfn->p_dev, p_iov_info->mbx_reply_virt_addr, p_iov_info->mbx_reply_phys_addr, p_iov_info->mbx_reply_size); if (p_iov_info->p_bulletins) OSAL_DMA_FREE_COHERENT(p_hwfn->p_dev, p_iov_info->p_bulletins, p_iov_info->bulletins_phys, p_iov_info->bulletins_size); } enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_alloc(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn) { struct ecore_pf_iov *p_sriov; if (!IS_PF_SRIOV(p_hwfn)) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "No SR-IOV - no need for IOV db\n"); return ECORE_SUCCESS; } p_sriov = OSAL_ZALLOC(p_hwfn->p_dev, GFP_KERNEL, sizeof(*p_sriov)); if (!p_sriov) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, false, "Failed to allocate `struct ecore_sriov'\n"); return ECORE_NOMEM; } p_hwfn->pf_iov_info = p_sriov; ecore_spq_register_async_cb(p_hwfn, PROTOCOLID_COMMON, ecore_sriov_eqe_event); return ecore_iov_allocate_vfdb(p_hwfn); } void ecore_iov_setup(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn) { if (!IS_PF_SRIOV(p_hwfn) || !IS_PF_SRIOV_ALLOC(p_hwfn)) return; ecore_iov_setup_vfdb(p_hwfn); } void ecore_iov_free(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn) { ecore_spq_unregister_async_cb(p_hwfn, PROTOCOLID_COMMON); if (IS_PF_SRIOV_ALLOC(p_hwfn)) { ecore_iov_free_vfdb(p_hwfn); OSAL_FREE(p_hwfn->p_dev, p_hwfn->pf_iov_info); p_hwfn->pf_iov_info = OSAL_NULL; } } void ecore_iov_free_hw_info(struct ecore_dev *p_dev) { OSAL_FREE(p_dev, p_dev->p_iov_info); p_dev->p_iov_info = OSAL_NULL; } enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_hw_info(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn) { struct ecore_dev *p_dev = p_hwfn->p_dev; int pos; enum _ecore_status_t rc; if (IS_VF(p_hwfn->p_dev)) return ECORE_SUCCESS; /* Learn the PCI configuration */ pos = OSAL_PCI_FIND_EXT_CAPABILITY(p_hwfn->p_dev, PCI_EXT_CAP_ID_SRIOV); if (!pos) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "No PCIe IOV support\n"); return ECORE_SUCCESS; } /* Allocate a new struct for IOV information */ /* TODO - can change to VALLOC when its available */ p_dev->p_iov_info = OSAL_ZALLOC(p_dev, GFP_KERNEL, sizeof(*p_dev->p_iov_info)); if (!p_dev->p_iov_info) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, false, "Can't support IOV due to lack of memory\n"); return ECORE_NOMEM; } p_dev->p_iov_info->pos = pos; rc = ecore_iov_pci_cfg_info(p_dev); if (rc) return rc; /* We want PF IOV to be synonemous with the existance of p_iov_info; * In case the capability is published but there are no VFs, simply * de-allocate the struct. */ if (!p_dev->p_iov_info->total_vfs) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "IOV capabilities, but no VFs are published\n"); OSAL_FREE(p_dev, p_dev->p_iov_info); p_dev->p_iov_info = OSAL_NULL; return ECORE_SUCCESS; } /* First VF index based on offset is tricky: * - If ARI is supported [likely], offset - (16 - pf_id) would * provide the number for eng0. 2nd engine Vfs would begin * after the first engine's VFs. * - If !ARI, VFs would start on next device. * so offset - (256 - pf_id) would provide the number. * Utilize the fact that (256 - pf_id) is achieved only be later * to diffrentiate between the two. */ if (p_hwfn->p_dev->p_iov_info->offset < (256 - p_hwfn->abs_pf_id)) { u32 first = p_hwfn->p_dev->p_iov_info->offset + p_hwfn->abs_pf_id - 16; p_dev->p_iov_info->first_vf_in_pf = first; if (ECORE_PATH_ID(p_hwfn)) p_dev->p_iov_info->first_vf_in_pf -= MAX_NUM_VFS_BB; } else { u32 first = p_hwfn->p_dev->p_iov_info->offset + p_hwfn->abs_pf_id - 256; p_dev->p_iov_info->first_vf_in_pf = first; } DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "First VF in hwfn 0x%08x\n", p_dev->p_iov_info->first_vf_in_pf); return ECORE_SUCCESS; } static bool _ecore_iov_pf_sanity_check(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, int vfid, bool b_fail_malicious) { /* Check PF supports sriov */ if (IS_VF(p_hwfn->p_dev) || !IS_ECORE_SRIOV(p_hwfn->p_dev) || !IS_PF_SRIOV_ALLOC(p_hwfn)) return false; /* Check VF validity */ if (!ecore_iov_is_valid_vfid(p_hwfn, vfid, true, b_fail_malicious)) return false; return true; } bool ecore_iov_pf_sanity_check(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, int vfid) { return _ecore_iov_pf_sanity_check(p_hwfn, vfid, true); } void ecore_iov_set_vf_to_disable(struct ecore_dev *p_dev, u16 rel_vf_id, u8 to_disable) { struct ecore_vf_info *vf; int i; for_each_hwfn(p_dev, i) { struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn = &p_dev->hwfns[i]; vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, rel_vf_id, false); if (!vf) continue; vf->to_disable = to_disable; } } void ecore_iov_set_vfs_to_disable(struct ecore_dev *p_dev, u8 to_disable) { u16 i; if (!IS_ECORE_SRIOV(p_dev)) return; for (i = 0; i < p_dev->p_iov_info->total_vfs; i++) ecore_iov_set_vf_to_disable(p_dev, i, to_disable); } #ifndef LINUX_REMOVE /* @@@TBD Consider taking outside of ecore... */ enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_set_vf_ctx(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 vf_id, void *ctx) { enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_SUCCESS; struct ecore_vf_info *vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, vf_id, true); if (vf != OSAL_NULL) { vf->ctx = ctx; #ifdef CONFIG_ECORE_SW_CHANNEL vf->vf_mbx.sw_mbx.mbx_state = VF_PF_WAIT_FOR_START_REQUEST; #endif } else { rc = ECORE_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } return rc; } #endif static void ecore_iov_vf_pglue_clear_err(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, u8 abs_vfid) { ecore_wr(p_hwfn, p_ptt, PGLUE_B_REG_WAS_ERROR_VF_31_0_CLR + (abs_vfid >> 5) * 4, 1 << (abs_vfid & 0x1f)); } static void ecore_iov_vf_igu_reset(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf) { int i; /* Set VF masks and configuration - pretend */ ecore_fid_pretend(p_hwfn, p_ptt, (u16)vf->concrete_fid); ecore_wr(p_hwfn, p_ptt, IGU_REG_STATISTIC_NUM_VF_MSG_SENT, 0); /* unpretend */ ecore_fid_pretend(p_hwfn, p_ptt, (u16)p_hwfn->hw_info.concrete_fid); /* iterate over all queues, clear sb consumer */ for (i = 0; i < vf->num_sbs; i++) ecore_int_igu_init_pure_rt_single(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf->igu_sbs[i], vf->opaque_fid, true); } static void ecore_iov_vf_igu_set_int(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf, bool enable) { u32 igu_vf_conf; ecore_fid_pretend(p_hwfn, p_ptt, (u16)vf->concrete_fid); igu_vf_conf = ecore_rd(p_hwfn, p_ptt, IGU_REG_VF_CONFIGURATION); if (enable) { igu_vf_conf |= IGU_VF_CONF_MSI_MSIX_EN; } else { igu_vf_conf &= ~IGU_VF_CONF_MSI_MSIX_EN; } ecore_wr(p_hwfn, p_ptt, IGU_REG_VF_CONFIGURATION, igu_vf_conf); /* unpretend */ ecore_fid_pretend(p_hwfn, p_ptt, (u16)p_hwfn->hw_info.concrete_fid); } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_enable_vf_access_msix(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, u8 abs_vf_id, u8 num_sbs) { u8 current_max = 0; int i; /* If client overrides this, don't do anything */ if (p_hwfn->p_dev->b_dont_override_vf_msix) return ECORE_SUCCESS; /* For AH onward, configuration is per-PF. Find maximum of all * the currently enabled child VFs, and set the number to be that. */ if (!ECORE_IS_BB(p_hwfn->p_dev)) { ecore_for_each_vf(p_hwfn, i) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf; p_vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)i, true); if (!p_vf) continue; current_max = OSAL_MAX_T(u8, current_max, p_vf->num_sbs); } } if (num_sbs > current_max) return ecore_mcp_config_vf_msix(p_hwfn, p_ptt, abs_vf_id, num_sbs); return ECORE_SUCCESS; } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_enable_vf_access(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf) { u32 igu_vf_conf = IGU_VF_CONF_FUNC_EN; enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_SUCCESS; /* It's possible VF was previously considered malicious - * clear the indication even if we're only going to disable VF. */ vf->b_malicious = false; if (vf->to_disable) return ECORE_SUCCESS; DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "Enable internal access for vf %x [abs %x]\n", vf->abs_vf_id, ECORE_VF_ABS_ID(p_hwfn, vf)); ecore_iov_vf_pglue_clear_err(p_hwfn, p_ptt, ECORE_VF_ABS_ID(p_hwfn, vf)); ecore_iov_vf_igu_reset(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf); rc = ecore_iov_enable_vf_access_msix(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf->abs_vf_id, vf->num_sbs); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) return rc; ecore_fid_pretend(p_hwfn, p_ptt, (u16)vf->concrete_fid); SET_FIELD(igu_vf_conf, IGU_VF_CONF_PARENT, p_hwfn->rel_pf_id); STORE_RT_REG(p_hwfn, IGU_REG_VF_CONFIGURATION_RT_OFFSET, igu_vf_conf); ecore_init_run(p_hwfn, p_ptt, PHASE_VF, vf->abs_vf_id, p_hwfn->hw_info.hw_mode); /* unpretend */ ecore_fid_pretend(p_hwfn, p_ptt, (u16)p_hwfn->hw_info.concrete_fid); vf->state = VF_FREE; return rc; } /** * @brief ecore_iov_config_perm_table - configure the permission * zone table. * In E4, queue zone permission table size is 320x9. There * are 320 VF queues for single engine device (256 for dual * engine device), and each entry has the following format: * {Valid, VF[7:0]} * @param p_hwfn * @param p_ptt * @param vf * @param enable */ static void ecore_iov_config_perm_table(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf, u8 enable) { u32 reg_addr, val; u16 qzone_id = 0; int qid; for (qid = 0; qid < vf->num_rxqs; qid++) { ecore_fw_l2_queue(p_hwfn, vf->vf_queues[qid].fw_rx_qid, &qzone_id); reg_addr = PSWHST_REG_ZONE_PERMISSION_TABLE + qzone_id * 4; val = enable ? (vf->abs_vf_id | (1 << 8)) : 0; ecore_wr(p_hwfn, p_ptt, reg_addr, val); } } static void ecore_iov_enable_vf_traffic(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf) { /* Reset vf in IGU - interrupts are still disabled */ ecore_iov_vf_igu_reset(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf); ecore_iov_vf_igu_set_int(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, 1); /* Permission Table */ ecore_iov_config_perm_table(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, true); } static u8 ecore_iov_alloc_vf_igu_sbs(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf, u16 num_rx_queues) { struct ecore_igu_block *p_block; struct cau_sb_entry sb_entry; int qid = 0; u32 val = 0; if (num_rx_queues > p_hwfn->hw_info.p_igu_info->usage.free_cnt_iov) num_rx_queues = (u16)p_hwfn->hw_info.p_igu_info->usage.free_cnt_iov; p_hwfn->hw_info.p_igu_info->usage.free_cnt_iov -= num_rx_queues; SET_FIELD(val, IGU_MAPPING_LINE_FUNCTION_NUMBER, vf->abs_vf_id); SET_FIELD(val, IGU_MAPPING_LINE_VALID, 1); SET_FIELD(val, IGU_MAPPING_LINE_PF_VALID, 0); for (qid = 0; qid < num_rx_queues; qid++) { p_block = ecore_get_igu_free_sb(p_hwfn, false); vf->igu_sbs[qid] = p_block->igu_sb_id; p_block->status &= ~ECORE_IGU_STATUS_FREE; SET_FIELD(val, IGU_MAPPING_LINE_VECTOR_NUMBER, qid); ecore_wr(p_hwfn, p_ptt, IGU_REG_MAPPING_MEMORY + sizeof(u32) * p_block->igu_sb_id, val); /* Configure igu sb in CAU which were marked valid */ ecore_init_cau_sb_entry(p_hwfn, &sb_entry, p_hwfn->rel_pf_id, vf->abs_vf_id, 1); ecore_dmae_host2grc(p_hwfn, p_ptt, (u64)(osal_uintptr_t)&sb_entry, CAU_REG_SB_VAR_MEMORY + p_block->igu_sb_id * sizeof(u64), 2, OSAL_NULL /* default parameters */); } vf->num_sbs = (u8)num_rx_queues; return vf->num_sbs; } /** * * @brief The function invalidates all the VF entries, * technically this isn't required, but added for * cleaness and ease of debugging incase a VF attempts to * produce an interrupt after it has been taken down. * * @param p_hwfn * @param p_ptt * @param vf */ static void ecore_iov_free_vf_igu_sbs(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf) { struct ecore_igu_info *p_info = p_hwfn->hw_info.p_igu_info; int idx, igu_id; u32 addr, val; /* Invalidate igu CAM lines and mark them as free */ for (idx = 0; idx < vf->num_sbs; idx++) { igu_id = vf->igu_sbs[idx]; addr = IGU_REG_MAPPING_MEMORY + sizeof(u32) * igu_id; val = ecore_rd(p_hwfn, p_ptt, addr); SET_FIELD(val, IGU_MAPPING_LINE_VALID, 0); ecore_wr(p_hwfn, p_ptt, addr, val); p_info->entry[igu_id].status |= ECORE_IGU_STATUS_FREE; p_hwfn->hw_info.p_igu_info->usage.free_cnt_iov++; } vf->num_sbs = 0; } void ecore_iov_set_link(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 vfid, struct ecore_mcp_link_params *params, struct ecore_mcp_link_state *link, struct ecore_mcp_link_capabilities *p_caps) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, vfid, false); struct ecore_bulletin_content *p_bulletin; if (!p_vf) return; p_bulletin = p_vf->bulletin.p_virt; p_bulletin->req_autoneg = params->speed.autoneg; p_bulletin->req_adv_speed = params->speed.advertised_speeds; p_bulletin->req_forced_speed = params->speed.forced_speed; p_bulletin->req_autoneg_pause = params->pause.autoneg; p_bulletin->req_forced_rx = params->pause.forced_rx; p_bulletin->req_forced_tx = params->pause.forced_tx; p_bulletin->req_loopback = params->loopback_mode; p_bulletin->link_up = link->link_up; p_bulletin->speed = link->speed; p_bulletin->full_duplex = link->full_duplex; p_bulletin->autoneg = link->an; p_bulletin->autoneg_complete = link->an_complete; p_bulletin->parallel_detection = link->parallel_detection; p_bulletin->pfc_enabled = link->pfc_enabled; p_bulletin->partner_adv_speed = link->partner_adv_speed; p_bulletin->partner_tx_flow_ctrl_en = link->partner_tx_flow_ctrl_en; p_bulletin->partner_rx_flow_ctrl_en = link->partner_rx_flow_ctrl_en; p_bulletin->partner_adv_pause = link->partner_adv_pause; p_bulletin->sfp_tx_fault = link->sfp_tx_fault; p_bulletin->capability_speed = p_caps->speed_capabilities; } enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_init_hw_for_vf(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_iov_vf_init_params *p_params) { struct ecore_mcp_link_capabilities link_caps; struct ecore_mcp_link_params link_params; struct ecore_mcp_link_state link_state; u8 num_of_vf_avaiable_chains = 0; struct ecore_vf_info *vf = OSAL_NULL; u16 qid, num_irqs; enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_SUCCESS; u32 cids; u8 i; vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, p_params->rel_vf_id, false); if (!vf) { DP_ERR(p_hwfn, "ecore_iov_init_hw_for_vf : vf is OSAL_NULL\n"); return ECORE_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } if (vf->b_init) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "VF[%d] is already active.\n", p_params->rel_vf_id); return ECORE_INVAL; } /* Perform sanity checking on the requested vport/rss */ if (p_params->vport_id >= RESC_NUM(p_hwfn, ECORE_VPORT)) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "VF[%d] - can't use VPORT %02x\n", p_params->rel_vf_id, p_params->vport_id); return ECORE_INVAL; } if ((p_params->num_queues > 1) && (p_params->rss_eng_id >= RESC_NUM(p_hwfn, ECORE_RSS_ENG))) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "VF[%d] - can't use RSS_ENG %02x\n", p_params->rel_vf_id, p_params->rss_eng_id); return ECORE_INVAL; } /* TODO - remove this once we get confidence of change */ if (!p_params->vport_id) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, false, "VF[%d] - Unlikely that VF uses vport0. Forgotten?\n", p_params->rel_vf_id); } if ((!p_params->rss_eng_id) && (p_params->num_queues > 1)) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, false, "VF[%d] - Unlikely that VF uses RSS_eng0. Forgotten?\n", p_params->rel_vf_id); } vf->vport_id = p_params->vport_id; vf->rss_eng_id = p_params->rss_eng_id; /* Since it's possible to relocate SBs, it's a bit difficult to check * things here. Simply check whether the index falls in the range * belonging to the PF. */ for (i = 0; i < p_params->num_queues; i++) { qid = p_params->req_rx_queue[i]; if (qid > (u16)RESC_NUM(p_hwfn, ECORE_L2_QUEUE)) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "Can't enable Rx qid [%04x] for VF[%d]: qids [0,,...,0x%04x] available\n", qid, p_params->rel_vf_id, (u16)RESC_NUM(p_hwfn, ECORE_L2_QUEUE)); return ECORE_INVAL; } qid = p_params->req_tx_queue[i]; if (qid > (u16)RESC_NUM(p_hwfn, ECORE_L2_QUEUE)) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "Can't enable Tx qid [%04x] for VF[%d]: qids [0,,...,0x%04x] available\n", qid, p_params->rel_vf_id, (u16)RESC_NUM(p_hwfn, ECORE_L2_QUEUE)); return ECORE_INVAL; } } /* Limit number of queues according to number of CIDs */ ecore_cxt_get_proto_cid_count(p_hwfn, PROTOCOLID_ETH, &cids); DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d] - requesting to initialize for 0x%04x queues [0x%04x CIDs available]\n", vf->relative_vf_id, p_params->num_queues, (u16)cids); num_irqs = OSAL_MIN_T(u16, p_params->num_queues, ((u16)cids)); num_of_vf_avaiable_chains = ecore_iov_alloc_vf_igu_sbs(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, num_irqs); if (num_of_vf_avaiable_chains == 0) { DP_ERR(p_hwfn, "no available igu sbs\n"); return ECORE_NOMEM; } /* Choose queue number and index ranges */ vf->num_rxqs = num_of_vf_avaiable_chains; vf->num_txqs = num_of_vf_avaiable_chains; for (i = 0; i < vf->num_rxqs; i++) { struct ecore_vf_queue *p_queue = &vf->vf_queues[i]; p_queue->fw_rx_qid = p_params->req_rx_queue[i]; p_queue->fw_tx_qid = p_params->req_tx_queue[i]; DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d] - Q[%d] SB %04x, qid [Rx %04x Tx %04x]\n", vf->relative_vf_id, i, vf->igu_sbs[i], p_queue->fw_rx_qid, p_queue->fw_tx_qid); } /* Update the link configuration in bulletin. */ OSAL_MEMCPY(&link_params, ecore_mcp_get_link_params(p_hwfn), sizeof(link_params)); OSAL_MEMCPY(&link_state, ecore_mcp_get_link_state(p_hwfn), sizeof(link_state)); OSAL_MEMCPY(&link_caps, ecore_mcp_get_link_capabilities(p_hwfn), sizeof(link_caps)); ecore_iov_set_link(p_hwfn, p_params->rel_vf_id, &link_params, &link_state, &link_caps); rc = ecore_iov_enable_vf_access(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf); if (rc == ECORE_SUCCESS) { vf->b_init = true; #ifndef REMOVE_DBG p_hwfn->pf_iov_info->active_vfs[vf->relative_vf_id / 64] |= (1ULL << (vf->relative_vf_id % 64)); #endif if (IS_LEAD_HWFN(p_hwfn)) p_hwfn->p_dev->p_iov_info->num_vfs++; } return rc; } enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_release_hw_for_vf(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, u16 rel_vf_id) { struct ecore_mcp_link_capabilities caps; struct ecore_mcp_link_params params; struct ecore_mcp_link_state link; struct ecore_vf_info *vf = OSAL_NULL; vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, rel_vf_id, true); if (!vf) { DP_ERR(p_hwfn, "ecore_iov_release_hw_for_vf : vf is NULL\n"); return ECORE_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } if (vf->bulletin.p_virt) OSAL_MEMSET(vf->bulletin.p_virt, 0, sizeof(*vf->bulletin.p_virt)); OSAL_MEMSET(&vf->p_vf_info, 0, sizeof(vf->p_vf_info)); /* Get the link configuration back in bulletin so * that when VFs are re-enabled they get the actual * link configuration. */ OSAL_MEMCPY(¶ms, ecore_mcp_get_link_params(p_hwfn), sizeof(params)); OSAL_MEMCPY(&link, ecore_mcp_get_link_state(p_hwfn), sizeof(link)); OSAL_MEMCPY(&caps, ecore_mcp_get_link_capabilities(p_hwfn), sizeof(caps)); ecore_iov_set_link(p_hwfn, rel_vf_id, ¶ms, &link, &caps); /* Forget the VF's acquisition message */ OSAL_MEMSET(&vf->acquire, 0, sizeof(vf->acquire)); /* disablng interrupts and resetting permission table was done during * vf-close, however, we could get here without going through vf_close */ /* Disable Interrupts for VF */ ecore_iov_vf_igu_set_int(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, 0); /* Reset Permission table */ ecore_iov_config_perm_table(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, 0); vf->num_rxqs = 0; vf->num_txqs = 0; ecore_iov_free_vf_igu_sbs(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf); if (vf->b_init) { vf->b_init = false; #ifndef REMOVE_DBG p_hwfn->pf_iov_info->active_vfs[vf->relative_vf_id / 64] &= ~(1ULL << (vf->relative_vf_id / 64)); #endif if (IS_LEAD_HWFN(p_hwfn)) p_hwfn->p_dev->p_iov_info->num_vfs--; } return ECORE_SUCCESS; } static bool ecore_iov_tlv_supported(u16 tlvtype) { return CHANNEL_TLV_NONE < tlvtype && tlvtype < CHANNEL_TLV_MAX; } static void ecore_iov_lock_vf_pf_channel(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *vf, u16 tlv) { /* lock the channel */ /* mutex_lock(&vf->op_mutex); @@@TBD MichalK - add lock... */ /* record the locking op */ /* vf->op_current = tlv; @@@TBD MichalK */ /* log the lock */ if (ecore_iov_tlv_supported(tlv)) DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d]: vf pf channel locked by %s\n", vf->abs_vf_id, ecore_channel_tlvs_string[tlv]); else DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d]: vf pf channel locked by %04x\n", vf->abs_vf_id, tlv); } static void ecore_iov_unlock_vf_pf_channel(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *vf, u16 expected_tlv) { /*WARN(expected_tlv != vf->op_current, "lock mismatch: expected %s found %s", channel_tlvs_string[expected_tlv], channel_tlvs_string[vf->op_current]); @@@TBD MichalK */ /* lock the channel */ /* mutex_unlock(&vf->op_mutex); @@@TBD MichalK add the lock */ /* log the unlock */ if (ecore_iov_tlv_supported(expected_tlv)) DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d]: vf pf channel unlocked by %s\n", vf->abs_vf_id, ecore_channel_tlvs_string[expected_tlv]); else DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d]: vf pf channel unlocked by %04x\n", vf->abs_vf_id, expected_tlv); /* record the locking op */ /* vf->op_current = CHANNEL_TLV_NONE;*/ } /* place a given tlv on the tlv buffer, continuing current tlv list */ void *ecore_add_tlv(u8 **offset, u16 type, u16 length) { struct channel_tlv *tl = (struct channel_tlv *)*offset; tl->type = type; tl->length = length; /* Offset should keep pointing to next TLV (the end of the last) */ *offset += length; /* Return a pointer to the start of the added tlv */ return *offset - length; } /* list the types and lengths of the tlvs on the buffer */ void ecore_dp_tlv_list(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, void *tlvs_list) { u16 i = 1, total_length = 0; struct channel_tlv *tlv; do { /* cast current tlv list entry to channel tlv header*/ tlv = (struct channel_tlv *)((u8 *)tlvs_list + total_length); /* output tlv */ if (ecore_iov_tlv_supported(tlv->type)) DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "TLV number %d: type %s, length %d\n", i, ecore_channel_tlvs_string[tlv->type], tlv->length); else DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "TLV number %d: type %d, length %d\n", i, tlv->type, tlv->length); if (tlv->type == CHANNEL_TLV_LIST_END) return; /* Validate entry - protect against malicious VFs */ if (!tlv->length) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, false, "TLV of length 0 found\n"); return; } total_length += tlv->length; if (total_length >= sizeof(struct tlv_buffer_size)) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, false, "TLV ==> Buffer overflow\n"); return; } i++; } while (1); } static void ecore_iov_send_response(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, #ifdef CONFIG_ECORE_SW_CHANNEL u16 length, #else u16 OSAL_UNUSED length, #endif u8 status) { struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *mbx = &p_vf->vf_mbx; struct ecore_dmae_params params; u8 eng_vf_id; mbx->reply_virt->default_resp.hdr.status = status; ecore_dp_tlv_list(p_hwfn, mbx->reply_virt); #ifdef CONFIG_ECORE_SW_CHANNEL mbx->sw_mbx.response_size = length + sizeof(struct channel_list_end_tlv); if (!p_vf->b_hw_channel) return; #endif eng_vf_id = p_vf->abs_vf_id; OSAL_MEMSET(¶ms, 0, sizeof(struct ecore_dmae_params)); params.flags = ECORE_DMAE_FLAG_VF_DST; params.dst_vfid = eng_vf_id; ecore_dmae_host2host(p_hwfn, p_ptt, mbx->reply_phys + sizeof(u64), mbx->req_virt->first_tlv.reply_address + sizeof(u64), (sizeof(union pfvf_tlvs) - sizeof(u64)) / 4 , ¶ms); /* Once PF copies the rc to the VF, the latter can continue and * and send an additional message. So we have to make sure the * channel would be re-set to ready prior to that. */ REG_WR(p_hwfn, GTT_BAR0_MAP_REG_USDM_RAM + USTORM_VF_PF_CHANNEL_READY_OFFSET(eng_vf_id), 1); ecore_dmae_host2host(p_hwfn, p_ptt, mbx->reply_phys, mbx->req_virt->first_tlv.reply_address, sizeof(u64) / 4, ¶ms); OSAL_IOV_PF_RESP_TYPE(p_hwfn, p_vf->relative_vf_id, status); } static u16 ecore_iov_vport_to_tlv(enum ecore_iov_vport_update_flag flag) { switch (flag) { case ECORE_IOV_VP_UPDATE_ACTIVATE: return CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE; case ECORE_IOV_VP_UPDATE_VLAN_STRIP: return CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_VLAN_STRIP; case ECORE_IOV_VP_UPDATE_TX_SWITCH: return CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_TX_SWITCH; case ECORE_IOV_VP_UPDATE_MCAST: return CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_MCAST; case ECORE_IOV_VP_UPDATE_ACCEPT_PARAM: return CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_ACCEPT_PARAM; case ECORE_IOV_VP_UPDATE_RSS: return CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_RSS; case ECORE_IOV_VP_UPDATE_ACCEPT_ANY_VLAN: return CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_ACCEPT_ANY_VLAN; case ECORE_IOV_VP_UPDATE_SGE_TPA: return CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_SGE_TPA; default: return 0; } } static u16 ecore_iov_prep_vp_update_resp_tlvs(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *p_mbx, u8 status, u16 tlvs_mask, u16 tlvs_accepted) { struct pfvf_def_resp_tlv *resp; u16 size, total_len, i; OSAL_MEMSET(p_mbx->reply_virt, 0, sizeof(union pfvf_tlvs)); p_mbx->offset = (u8 *)p_mbx->reply_virt; size = sizeof(struct pfvf_def_resp_tlv); total_len = size; ecore_add_tlv(&p_mbx->offset, CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE, size); /* Prepare response for all extended tlvs if they are found by PF */ for (i = 0; i < ECORE_IOV_VP_UPDATE_MAX; i++) { if (!(tlvs_mask & (1 << i))) continue; resp = ecore_add_tlv(&p_mbx->offset, ecore_iov_vport_to_tlv(i), size); if (tlvs_accepted & (1 << i)) resp->hdr.status = status; else resp->hdr.status = PFVF_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d] - vport_update response: TLV %d, status %02x\n", p_vf->relative_vf_id, ecore_iov_vport_to_tlv(i), resp->hdr.status); total_len += size; } ecore_add_tlv(&p_mbx->offset, CHANNEL_TLV_LIST_END, sizeof(struct channel_list_end_tlv)); return total_len; } static void ecore_iov_prepare_resp(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf_info, u16 type, u16 length, u8 status) { struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *mbx = &vf_info->vf_mbx; mbx->offset = (u8 *)mbx->reply_virt; ecore_add_tlv(&mbx->offset, type, length); ecore_add_tlv(&mbx->offset, CHANNEL_TLV_LIST_END, sizeof(struct channel_list_end_tlv)); ecore_iov_send_response(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf_info, length, status); } struct ecore_public_vf_info * ecore_iov_get_public_vf_info(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 relative_vf_id, bool b_enabled_only) { struct ecore_vf_info *vf = OSAL_NULL; vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, relative_vf_id, b_enabled_only); if (!vf) return OSAL_NULL; return &vf->p_vf_info; } static void ecore_iov_vf_cleanup(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf) { u32 i, j; p_vf->vf_bulletin = 0; p_vf->vport_instance = 0; p_vf->configured_features = 0; /* If VF previously requested less resources, go back to default */ p_vf->num_rxqs = p_vf->num_sbs; p_vf->num_txqs = p_vf->num_sbs; p_vf->num_active_rxqs = 0; for (i = 0; i < ECORE_MAX_VF_CHAINS_PER_PF; i++) { struct ecore_vf_queue *p_queue = &p_vf->vf_queues[i]; for (j = 0; j < MAX_QUEUES_PER_QZONE; j++) { if (!p_queue->cids[j].p_cid) continue; ecore_eth_queue_cid_release(p_hwfn, p_queue->cids[j].p_cid); p_queue->cids[j].p_cid = OSAL_NULL; } } OSAL_MEMSET(&p_vf->shadow_config, 0, sizeof(p_vf->shadow_config)); OSAL_MEMSET(&p_vf->acquire, 0, sizeof(p_vf->acquire)); OSAL_IOV_VF_CLEANUP(p_hwfn, p_vf->relative_vf_id); } /* Returns either 0, or log(size) */ static u32 ecore_iov_vf_db_bar_size(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt) { u32 val = ecore_rd(p_hwfn, p_ptt, PGLUE_B_REG_VF_BAR1_SIZE); if (val) return val + 11; return 0; } static void ecore_iov_vf_mbx_acquire_resc_cids(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, struct vf_pf_resc_request *p_req, struct pf_vf_resc *p_resp) { u8 num_vf_cons = p_hwfn->pf_params.eth_pf_params.num_vf_cons; u8 db_size = DB_ADDR_VF(1, DQ_DEMS_LEGACY) - DB_ADDR_VF(0, DQ_DEMS_LEGACY); u32 bar_size; p_resp->num_cids = OSAL_MIN_T(u8, p_req->num_cids, num_vf_cons); /* If VF didn't bother asking for QIDs than don't bother limiting * number of CIDs. The VF doesn't care about the number, and this * has the likely result of causing an additional acquisition. */ if (!(p_vf->acquire.vfdev_info.capabilities & VFPF_ACQUIRE_CAP_QUEUE_QIDS)) return; /* If doorbell bar was mapped by VF, limit the VF CIDs to an amount * that would make sure doorbells for all CIDs fall within the bar. * If it doesn't, make sure regview window is sufficient. */ if (p_vf->acquire.vfdev_info.capabilities & VFPF_ACQUIRE_CAP_PHYSICAL_BAR) { bar_size = ecore_iov_vf_db_bar_size(p_hwfn, p_ptt); if (bar_size) bar_size = 1 << bar_size; if (ECORE_IS_CMT(p_hwfn->p_dev)) bar_size /= 2; } else { bar_size = PXP_VF_BAR0_DQ_LENGTH; } if (bar_size / db_size < 256) p_resp->num_cids = OSAL_MIN_T(u8, p_resp->num_cids, (u8)(bar_size / db_size)); } static u8 ecore_iov_vf_mbx_acquire_resc(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, struct vf_pf_resc_request *p_req, struct pf_vf_resc *p_resp) { u8 i; /* Queue related information */ p_resp->num_rxqs = p_vf->num_rxqs; p_resp->num_txqs = p_vf->num_txqs; p_resp->num_sbs = p_vf->num_sbs; for (i = 0; i < p_resp->num_sbs; i++) { p_resp->hw_sbs[i].hw_sb_id = p_vf->igu_sbs[i]; /* TODO - what's this sb_qid field? Is it deprecated? * or is there an ecore_client that looks at this? */ p_resp->hw_sbs[i].sb_qid = 0; } /* These fields are filled for backward compatibility. * Unused by modern vfs. */ for (i = 0; i < p_resp->num_rxqs; i++) { ecore_fw_l2_queue(p_hwfn, p_vf->vf_queues[i].fw_rx_qid, (u16 *)&p_resp->hw_qid[i]); p_resp->cid[i] = i; } /* Filter related information */ p_resp->num_mac_filters = OSAL_MIN_T(u8, p_vf->num_mac_filters, p_req->num_mac_filters); p_resp->num_vlan_filters = OSAL_MIN_T(u8, p_vf->num_vlan_filters, p_req->num_vlan_filters); ecore_iov_vf_mbx_acquire_resc_cids(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf, p_req, p_resp); /* This isn't really needed/enforced, but some legacy VFs might depend * on the correct filling of this field. */ p_resp->num_mc_filters = ECORE_MAX_MC_ADDRS; /* Validate sufficient resources for VF */ if (p_resp->num_rxqs < p_req->num_rxqs || p_resp->num_txqs < p_req->num_txqs || p_resp->num_sbs < p_req->num_sbs || p_resp->num_mac_filters < p_req->num_mac_filters || p_resp->num_vlan_filters < p_req->num_vlan_filters || p_resp->num_mc_filters < p_req->num_mc_filters || p_resp->num_cids < p_req->num_cids) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d] - Insufficient resources: rxq [%02x/%02x] txq [%02x/%02x] sbs [%02x/%02x] mac [%02x/%02x] vlan [%02x/%02x] mc [%02x/%02x] cids [%02x/%02x]\n", p_vf->abs_vf_id, p_req->num_rxqs, p_resp->num_rxqs, p_req->num_rxqs, p_resp->num_txqs, p_req->num_sbs, p_resp->num_sbs, p_req->num_mac_filters, p_resp->num_mac_filters, p_req->num_vlan_filters, p_resp->num_vlan_filters, p_req->num_mc_filters, p_resp->num_mc_filters, p_req->num_cids, p_resp->num_cids); /* Some legacy OSes are incapable of correctly handling this * failure. */ if ((p_vf->acquire.vfdev_info.eth_fp_hsi_minor == ETH_HSI_VER_NO_PKT_LEN_TUNN) && (p_vf->acquire.vfdev_info.os_type == VFPF_ACQUIRE_OS_WINDOWS)) return PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS; return PFVF_STATUS_NO_RESOURCE; } return PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static void ecore_iov_vf_mbx_acquire_stats(struct pfvf_stats_info *p_stats) { p_stats->mstats.address = PXP_VF_BAR0_START_MSDM_ZONE_B + OFFSETOF(struct mstorm_vf_zone, non_trigger.eth_queue_stat); p_stats->mstats.len = sizeof(struct eth_mstorm_per_queue_stat); p_stats->ustats.address = PXP_VF_BAR0_START_USDM_ZONE_B + OFFSETOF(struct ustorm_vf_zone, non_trigger.eth_queue_stat); p_stats->ustats.len = sizeof(struct eth_ustorm_per_queue_stat); p_stats->pstats.address = PXP_VF_BAR0_START_PSDM_ZONE_B + OFFSETOF(struct pstorm_vf_zone, non_trigger.eth_queue_stat); p_stats->pstats.len = sizeof(struct eth_pstorm_per_queue_stat); p_stats->tstats.address = 0; p_stats->tstats.len = 0; } static void ecore_iov_vf_mbx_acquire(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf) { struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *mbx = &vf->vf_mbx; struct pfvf_acquire_resp_tlv *resp = &mbx->reply_virt->acquire_resp; struct pf_vf_pfdev_info *pfdev_info = &resp->pfdev_info; struct vfpf_acquire_tlv *req = &mbx->req_virt->acquire; u8 vfpf_status = PFVF_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; struct pf_vf_resc *resc = &resp->resc; enum _ecore_status_t rc; OSAL_MEMSET(resp, 0, sizeof(*resp)); /* Write the PF version so that VF would know which version * is supported - might be later overriden. This guarantees that * VF could recognize legacy PF based on lack of versions in reply. */ pfdev_info->major_fp_hsi = ETH_HSI_VER_MAJOR; pfdev_info->minor_fp_hsi = ETH_HSI_VER_MINOR; /* TODO - not doing anything is bad since we'll assert, but this isn't * necessarily the right behavior - perhaps we should have allowed some * versatility here. */ if (vf->state != VF_FREE && vf->state != VF_STOPPED) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d] sent ACQUIRE but is already in state %d - fail request\n", vf->abs_vf_id, vf->state); goto out; } /* Validate FW compatibility */ if (req->vfdev_info.eth_fp_hsi_major != ETH_HSI_VER_MAJOR) { if (req->vfdev_info.capabilities & VFPF_ACQUIRE_CAP_PRE_FP_HSI) { struct vf_pf_vfdev_info *p_vfdev = &req->vfdev_info; /* This legacy support would need to be removed once * the major has changed. */ OSAL_BUILD_BUG_ON(ETH_HSI_VER_MAJOR != 3); DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d] is pre-fastpath HSI\n", vf->abs_vf_id); p_vfdev->eth_fp_hsi_major = ETH_HSI_VER_MAJOR; p_vfdev->eth_fp_hsi_minor = ETH_HSI_VER_NO_PKT_LEN_TUNN; } else { DP_INFO(p_hwfn, "VF[%d] needs fastpath HSI %02x.%02x, which is incompatible with loaded FW's faspath HSI %02x.%02x\n", vf->abs_vf_id, req->vfdev_info.eth_fp_hsi_major, req->vfdev_info.eth_fp_hsi_minor, ETH_HSI_VER_MAJOR, ETH_HSI_VER_MINOR); goto out; } } /* On 100g PFs, prevent old VFs from loading */ if (ECORE_IS_CMT(p_hwfn->p_dev) && !(req->vfdev_info.capabilities & VFPF_ACQUIRE_CAP_100G)) { DP_INFO(p_hwfn, "VF[%d] is running an old driver that doesn't support 100g\n", vf->abs_vf_id); goto out; } #ifndef __EXTRACT__LINUX__ if (OSAL_IOV_VF_ACQUIRE(p_hwfn, vf->relative_vf_id) != ECORE_SUCCESS) { vfpf_status = PFVF_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; goto out; } #endif /* Store the acquire message */ OSAL_MEMCPY(&vf->acquire, req, sizeof(vf->acquire)); vf->opaque_fid = req->vfdev_info.opaque_fid; vf->vf_bulletin = req->bulletin_addr; vf->bulletin.size = (vf->bulletin.size < req->bulletin_size) ? vf->bulletin.size : req->bulletin_size; /* fill in pfdev info */ pfdev_info->chip_num = p_hwfn->p_dev->chip_num; pfdev_info->db_size = 0; /* @@@ TBD MichalK Vf Doorbells */ pfdev_info->indices_per_sb = PIS_PER_SB_E4; pfdev_info->capabilities = PFVF_ACQUIRE_CAP_DEFAULT_UNTAGGED | PFVF_ACQUIRE_CAP_POST_FW_OVERRIDE; if (ECORE_IS_CMT(p_hwfn->p_dev)) pfdev_info->capabilities |= PFVF_ACQUIRE_CAP_100G; /* Share our ability to use multiple queue-ids only with VFs * that request it. */ if (req->vfdev_info.capabilities & VFPF_ACQUIRE_CAP_QUEUE_QIDS) pfdev_info->capabilities |= PFVF_ACQUIRE_CAP_QUEUE_QIDS; /* Share the sizes of the bars with VF */ resp->pfdev_info.bar_size = (u8)ecore_iov_vf_db_bar_size(p_hwfn, p_ptt); ecore_iov_vf_mbx_acquire_stats(&pfdev_info->stats_info); OSAL_MEMCPY(pfdev_info->port_mac, p_hwfn->hw_info.hw_mac_addr, ETH_ALEN); pfdev_info->fw_major = FW_MAJOR_VERSION; pfdev_info->fw_minor = FW_MINOR_VERSION; pfdev_info->fw_rev = FW_REVISION_VERSION; pfdev_info->fw_eng = FW_ENGINEERING_VERSION; /* Incorrect when legacy, but doesn't matter as legacy isn't reading * this field. */ pfdev_info->minor_fp_hsi = OSAL_MIN_T(u8, ETH_HSI_VER_MINOR, req->vfdev_info.eth_fp_hsi_minor); pfdev_info->os_type = OSAL_IOV_GET_OS_TYPE(); ecore_mcp_get_mfw_ver(p_hwfn, p_ptt, &pfdev_info->mfw_ver, OSAL_NULL); pfdev_info->dev_type = p_hwfn->p_dev->type; pfdev_info->chip_rev = p_hwfn->p_dev->chip_rev; /* Fill resources available to VF; Make sure there are enough to * satisfy the VF's request. */ vfpf_status = ecore_iov_vf_mbx_acquire_resc(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, &req->resc_request, resc); if (vfpf_status != PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS) goto out; /* Start the VF in FW */ rc = ecore_sp_vf_start(p_hwfn, vf); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "Failed to start VF[%02x]\n", vf->abs_vf_id); vfpf_status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; goto out; } /* Fill agreed size of bulletin board in response, and post * an initial image to the bulletin board. */ resp->bulletin_size = vf->bulletin.size; ecore_iov_post_vf_bulletin(p_hwfn, vf->relative_vf_id, p_ptt); DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d] ACQUIRE_RESPONSE: pfdev_info- chip_num=0x%x, db_size=%d, idx_per_sb=%d, pf_cap=0x%llx\n" "resources- n_rxq-%d, n_txq-%d, n_sbs-%d, n_macs-%d, n_vlans-%d\n", vf->abs_vf_id, resp->pfdev_info.chip_num, resp->pfdev_info.db_size, resp->pfdev_info.indices_per_sb, (unsigned long long)resp->pfdev_info.capabilities, resc->num_rxqs, resc->num_txqs, resc->num_sbs, resc->num_mac_filters, resc->num_vlan_filters); vf->state = VF_ACQUIRED; out: /* Prepare Response */ ecore_iov_prepare_resp(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, CHANNEL_TLV_ACQUIRE, sizeof(struct pfvf_acquire_resp_tlv), vfpf_status); } static enum _ecore_status_t __ecore_iov_spoofchk_set(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, bool val) { struct ecore_sp_vport_update_params params; enum _ecore_status_t rc; if (val == p_vf->spoof_chk) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "Spoofchk value[%d] is already configured\n", val); return ECORE_SUCCESS; } OSAL_MEMSET(¶ms, 0, sizeof(struct ecore_sp_vport_update_params)); params.opaque_fid = p_vf->opaque_fid; params.vport_id = p_vf->vport_id; params.update_anti_spoofing_en_flg = 1; params.anti_spoofing_en = val; rc = ecore_sp_vport_update(p_hwfn, ¶ms, ECORE_SPQ_MODE_EBLOCK, OSAL_NULL); if (rc == ECORE_SUCCESS) { p_vf->spoof_chk = val; p_vf->req_spoofchk_val = p_vf->spoof_chk; DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "Spoofchk val[%d] configured\n", val); } else { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "Spoofchk configuration[val:%d] failed for VF[%d]\n", val, p_vf->relative_vf_id); } return rc; } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_reconfigure_unicast_vlan(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf) { struct ecore_filter_ucast filter; enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_SUCCESS; int i; OSAL_MEMSET(&filter, 0, sizeof(filter)); filter.is_rx_filter = 1; filter.is_tx_filter = 1; filter.vport_to_add_to = p_vf->vport_id; filter.opcode = ECORE_FILTER_ADD; /* Reconfigure vlans */ for (i = 0; i < ECORE_ETH_VF_NUM_VLAN_FILTERS + 1; i++) { if (!p_vf->shadow_config.vlans[i].used) continue; filter.type = ECORE_FILTER_VLAN; filter.vlan = p_vf->shadow_config.vlans[i].vid; DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "Reconfiguring VLAN [0x%04x] for VF [%04x]\n", filter.vlan, p_vf->relative_vf_id); rc = ecore_sp_eth_filter_ucast(p_hwfn, p_vf->opaque_fid, &filter, ECORE_SPQ_MODE_CB, OSAL_NULL); if (rc) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "Failed to configure VLAN [%04x] to VF [%04x]\n", filter.vlan, p_vf->relative_vf_id); break; } } return rc; } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_reconfigure_unicast_shadow(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, u64 events) { enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_SUCCESS; /*TODO - what about MACs? */ if ((events & (1 << VLAN_ADDR_FORCED)) && !(p_vf->configured_features & (1 << VLAN_ADDR_FORCED))) rc = ecore_iov_reconfigure_unicast_vlan(p_hwfn, p_vf); return rc; } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_configure_vport_forced(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, u64 events) { enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_SUCCESS; struct ecore_filter_ucast filter; if (!p_vf->vport_instance) return ECORE_INVAL; if (events & (1 << MAC_ADDR_FORCED)) { /* Since there's no way [currently] of removing the MAC, * we can always assume this means we need to force it. */ OSAL_MEMSET(&filter, 0, sizeof(filter)); filter.type = ECORE_FILTER_MAC; filter.opcode = ECORE_FILTER_REPLACE; filter.is_rx_filter = 1; filter.is_tx_filter = 1; filter.vport_to_add_to = p_vf->vport_id; OSAL_MEMCPY(filter.mac, p_vf->bulletin.p_virt->mac, ETH_ALEN); rc = ecore_sp_eth_filter_ucast(p_hwfn, p_vf->opaque_fid, &filter, ECORE_SPQ_MODE_CB, OSAL_NULL); if (rc) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "PF failed to configure MAC for VF\n"); return rc; } p_vf->configured_features |= 1 << MAC_ADDR_FORCED; } if (events & (1 << VLAN_ADDR_FORCED)) { struct ecore_sp_vport_update_params vport_update; u8 removal; int i; OSAL_MEMSET(&filter, 0, sizeof(filter)); filter.type = ECORE_FILTER_VLAN; filter.is_rx_filter = 1; filter.is_tx_filter = 1; filter.vport_to_add_to = p_vf->vport_id; filter.vlan = p_vf->bulletin.p_virt->pvid; filter.opcode = filter.vlan ? ECORE_FILTER_REPLACE : ECORE_FILTER_FLUSH; /* Send the ramrod */ rc = ecore_sp_eth_filter_ucast(p_hwfn, p_vf->opaque_fid, &filter, ECORE_SPQ_MODE_CB, OSAL_NULL); if (rc) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "PF failed to configure VLAN for VF\n"); return rc; } /* Update the default-vlan & silent vlan stripping */ OSAL_MEMSET(&vport_update, 0, sizeof(vport_update)); vport_update.opaque_fid = p_vf->opaque_fid; vport_update.vport_id = p_vf->vport_id; vport_update.update_default_vlan_enable_flg = 1; vport_update.default_vlan_enable_flg = filter.vlan ? 1 : 0; vport_update.update_default_vlan_flg = 1; vport_update.default_vlan = filter.vlan; vport_update.update_inner_vlan_removal_flg = 1; removal = filter.vlan ? 1 : p_vf->shadow_config.inner_vlan_removal; vport_update.inner_vlan_removal_flg = removal; vport_update.silent_vlan_removal_flg = filter.vlan ? 1 : 0; rc = ecore_sp_vport_update(p_hwfn, &vport_update, ECORE_SPQ_MODE_EBLOCK, OSAL_NULL); if (rc) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "PF failed to configure VF vport for vlan\n"); return rc; } /* Update all the Rx queues */ for (i = 0; i < ECORE_MAX_VF_CHAINS_PER_PF; i++) { struct ecore_vf_queue *p_queue = &p_vf->vf_queues[i]; struct ecore_queue_cid *p_cid = OSAL_NULL; /* There can be at most 1 Rx queue on qzone. Find it */ p_cid = ecore_iov_get_vf_rx_queue_cid(p_queue); if (p_cid == OSAL_NULL) continue; rc = ecore_sp_eth_rx_queues_update(p_hwfn, (void **)&p_cid, 1, 0, 1, ECORE_SPQ_MODE_EBLOCK, OSAL_NULL); if (rc) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "Failed to send Rx update fo queue[0x%04x]\n", p_cid->rel.queue_id); return rc; } } if (filter.vlan) p_vf->configured_features |= 1 << VLAN_ADDR_FORCED; else p_vf->configured_features &= ~(1 << VLAN_ADDR_FORCED); } /* If forced features are terminated, we need to configure the shadow * configuration back again. */ if (events) ecore_iov_reconfigure_unicast_shadow(p_hwfn, p_vf, events); return rc; } static void ecore_iov_vf_mbx_start_vport(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf) { struct ecore_sp_vport_start_params params = {0}; struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *mbx = &vf->vf_mbx; struct vfpf_vport_start_tlv *start; u8 status = PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct ecore_vf_info *vf_info; u64 *p_bitmap; int sb_id; enum _ecore_status_t rc; vf_info = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)vf->relative_vf_id, true); if (!vf_info) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn->p_dev, true, "Failed to get VF info, invalid vfid [%d]\n", vf->relative_vf_id); return; } vf->state = VF_ENABLED; start = &mbx->req_virt->start_vport; ecore_iov_enable_vf_traffic(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf); /* Initialize Status block in CAU */ for (sb_id = 0; sb_id < vf->num_sbs; sb_id++) { if (!start->sb_addr[sb_id]) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d] did not fill the address of SB %d\n", vf->relative_vf_id, sb_id); break; } ecore_int_cau_conf_sb(p_hwfn, p_ptt, start->sb_addr[sb_id], vf->igu_sbs[sb_id], vf->abs_vf_id, 1); } vf->mtu = start->mtu; vf->shadow_config.inner_vlan_removal = start->inner_vlan_removal; /* Take into consideration configuration forced by hypervisor; * If none is configured, use the supplied VF values [for old * vfs that would still be fine, since they passed '0' as padding]. */ p_bitmap = &vf_info->bulletin.p_virt->valid_bitmap; if (!(*p_bitmap & (1 << VFPF_BULLETIN_UNTAGGED_DEFAULT_FORCED))) { u8 vf_req = start->only_untagged; vf_info->bulletin.p_virt->default_only_untagged = vf_req; *p_bitmap |= 1 << VFPF_BULLETIN_UNTAGGED_DEFAULT; } params.tpa_mode = start->tpa_mode; params.remove_inner_vlan = start->inner_vlan_removal; params.tx_switching = true; params.zero_placement_offset = start->zero_placement_offset; #ifndef ASIC_ONLY if (CHIP_REV_IS_FPGA(p_hwfn->p_dev)) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, false, "FPGA: Don't configure VF for Tx-switching [no pVFC]\n"); params.tx_switching = false; } #endif params.only_untagged = vf_info->bulletin.p_virt->default_only_untagged; params.drop_ttl0 = false; params.concrete_fid = vf->concrete_fid; params.opaque_fid = vf->opaque_fid; params.vport_id = vf->vport_id; params.max_buffers_per_cqe = start->max_buffers_per_cqe; params.mtu = vf->mtu; params.check_mac = true; #ifndef ECORE_UPSTREAM rc = OSAL_IOV_PRE_START_VPORT(p_hwfn, vf->relative_vf_id, ¶ms); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) { DP_ERR(p_hwfn, "OSAL_IOV_PRE_START_VPORT returned error %d\n", rc); status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; goto exit; } #endif rc = ecore_sp_eth_vport_start(p_hwfn, ¶ms); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) { DP_ERR(p_hwfn, "ecore_iov_vf_mbx_start_vport returned error %d\n", rc); status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; } else { vf->vport_instance++; /* Force configuration if needed on the newly opened vport */ ecore_iov_configure_vport_forced(p_hwfn, vf, *p_bitmap); OSAL_IOV_POST_START_VPORT(p_hwfn, vf->relative_vf_id, vf->vport_id, vf->opaque_fid); __ecore_iov_spoofchk_set(p_hwfn, vf, vf->req_spoofchk_val); } #ifndef ECORE_UPSTREAM exit: #endif ecore_iov_prepare_resp(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_START, sizeof(struct pfvf_def_resp_tlv), status); } static void ecore_iov_vf_mbx_stop_vport(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf) { u8 status = PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS; enum _ecore_status_t rc; OSAL_IOV_VF_VPORT_STOP(p_hwfn, vf); vf->vport_instance--; vf->spoof_chk = false; if ((ecore_iov_validate_active_rxq(vf)) || (ecore_iov_validate_active_txq(vf))) { vf->b_malicious = true; DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, false, " VF [%02x] - considered malicious; Unable to stop RX/TX queuess\n", vf->abs_vf_id); status = PFVF_STATUS_MALICIOUS; goto out; } rc = ecore_sp_vport_stop(p_hwfn, vf->opaque_fid, vf->vport_id); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) { DP_ERR(p_hwfn, "ecore_iov_vf_mbx_stop_vport returned error %d\n", rc); status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; } /* Forget the configuration on the vport */ vf->configured_features = 0; OSAL_MEMSET(&vf->shadow_config, 0, sizeof(vf->shadow_config)); out: ecore_iov_prepare_resp(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_TEARDOWN, sizeof(struct pfvf_def_resp_tlv), status); } static void ecore_iov_vf_mbx_start_rxq_resp(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf, u8 status, bool b_legacy) { struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *mbx = &vf->vf_mbx; struct pfvf_start_queue_resp_tlv *p_tlv; struct vfpf_start_rxq_tlv *req; u16 length; mbx->offset = (u8 *)mbx->reply_virt; /* Taking a bigger struct instead of adding a TLV to list was a * mistake, but one which we're now stuck with, as some older * clients assume the size of the previous response. */ if (!b_legacy) length = sizeof(*p_tlv); else length = sizeof(struct pfvf_def_resp_tlv); p_tlv = ecore_add_tlv(&mbx->offset, CHANNEL_TLV_START_RXQ, length); ecore_add_tlv(&mbx->offset, CHANNEL_TLV_LIST_END, sizeof(struct channel_list_end_tlv)); /* Update the TLV with the response */ if ((status == PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS) && !b_legacy) { req = &mbx->req_virt->start_rxq; p_tlv->offset = PXP_VF_BAR0_START_MSDM_ZONE_B + OFFSETOF(struct mstorm_vf_zone, non_trigger.eth_rx_queue_producers) + sizeof(struct eth_rx_prod_data) * req->rx_qid; } ecore_iov_send_response(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, length, status); } static u8 ecore_iov_vf_mbx_qid(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, bool b_is_tx) { struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *p_mbx = &p_vf->vf_mbx; struct vfpf_qid_tlv *p_qid_tlv; /* Search for the qid if the VF published if its going to provide it */ if (!(p_vf->acquire.vfdev_info.capabilities & VFPF_ACQUIRE_CAP_QUEUE_QIDS)) { if (b_is_tx) return ECORE_IOV_LEGACY_QID_TX; else return ECORE_IOV_LEGACY_QID_RX; } p_qid_tlv = (struct vfpf_qid_tlv *) ecore_iov_search_list_tlvs(p_hwfn, p_mbx->req_virt, CHANNEL_TLV_QID); if (p_qid_tlv == OSAL_NULL) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%2x]: Failed to provide qid\n", p_vf->relative_vf_id); return ECORE_IOV_QID_INVALID; } if (p_qid_tlv->qid >= MAX_QUEUES_PER_QZONE) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%02x]: Provided qid out-of-bounds %02x\n", p_vf->relative_vf_id, p_qid_tlv->qid); return ECORE_IOV_QID_INVALID; } return p_qid_tlv->qid; } static void ecore_iov_vf_mbx_start_rxq(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf) { struct ecore_queue_start_common_params params; struct ecore_queue_cid_vf_params vf_params; struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *mbx = &vf->vf_mbx; u8 status = PFVF_STATUS_NO_RESOURCE; u8 qid_usage_idx, vf_legacy = 0; struct ecore_vf_queue *p_queue; struct vfpf_start_rxq_tlv *req; struct ecore_queue_cid *p_cid; struct ecore_sb_info sb_dummy; enum _ecore_status_t rc; req = &mbx->req_virt->start_rxq; if (!ecore_iov_validate_rxq(p_hwfn, vf, req->rx_qid, ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_DISABLE) || !ecore_iov_validate_sb(p_hwfn, vf, req->hw_sb)) goto out; qid_usage_idx = ecore_iov_vf_mbx_qid(p_hwfn, vf, false); if (qid_usage_idx == ECORE_IOV_QID_INVALID) goto out; p_queue = &vf->vf_queues[req->rx_qid]; if (p_queue->cids[qid_usage_idx].p_cid) goto out; vf_legacy = ecore_vf_calculate_legacy(vf); /* Acquire a new queue-cid */ OSAL_MEMSET(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); params.queue_id = (u8)p_queue->fw_rx_qid; params.vport_id = vf->vport_id; params.stats_id = vf->abs_vf_id + 0x10; /* Since IGU index is passed via sb_info, construct a dummy one */ OSAL_MEM_ZERO(&sb_dummy, sizeof(sb_dummy)); sb_dummy.igu_sb_id = req->hw_sb; params.p_sb = &sb_dummy; params.sb_idx = req->sb_index; OSAL_MEM_ZERO(&vf_params, sizeof(vf_params)); vf_params.vfid = vf->relative_vf_id; vf_params.vf_qid = (u8)req->rx_qid; vf_params.vf_legacy = vf_legacy; vf_params.qid_usage_idx = qid_usage_idx; p_cid = ecore_eth_queue_to_cid(p_hwfn, vf->opaque_fid, ¶ms, true, &vf_params); if (p_cid == OSAL_NULL) goto out; /* Legacy VFs have their Producers in a different location, which they * calculate on their own and clean the producer prior to this. */ if (!(vf_legacy & ECORE_QCID_LEGACY_VF_RX_PROD)) REG_WR(p_hwfn, GTT_BAR0_MAP_REG_MSDM_RAM + MSTORM_ETH_VF_PRODS_OFFSET(vf->abs_vf_id, req->rx_qid), 0); rc = ecore_eth_rxq_start_ramrod(p_hwfn, p_cid, req->bd_max_bytes, req->rxq_addr, req->cqe_pbl_addr, req->cqe_pbl_size); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) { status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; ecore_eth_queue_cid_release(p_hwfn, p_cid); } else { p_queue->cids[qid_usage_idx].p_cid = p_cid; p_queue->cids[qid_usage_idx].b_is_tx = false; status = PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS; vf->num_active_rxqs++; } out: ecore_iov_vf_mbx_start_rxq_resp(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, status, !!(vf_legacy & ECORE_QCID_LEGACY_VF_RX_PROD)); } static void ecore_iov_pf_update_tun_response(struct pfvf_update_tunn_param_tlv *p_resp, struct ecore_tunnel_info *p_tun, u16 tunn_feature_mask) { p_resp->tunn_feature_mask = tunn_feature_mask; p_resp->vxlan_mode = p_tun->vxlan.b_mode_enabled; p_resp->l2geneve_mode = p_tun->l2_geneve.b_mode_enabled; p_resp->ipgeneve_mode = p_tun->ip_geneve.b_mode_enabled; p_resp->l2gre_mode = p_tun->l2_gre.b_mode_enabled; p_resp->ipgre_mode = p_tun->l2_gre.b_mode_enabled; p_resp->vxlan_clss = p_tun->vxlan.tun_cls; p_resp->l2gre_clss = p_tun->l2_gre.tun_cls; p_resp->ipgre_clss = p_tun->ip_gre.tun_cls; p_resp->l2geneve_clss = p_tun->l2_geneve.tun_cls; p_resp->ipgeneve_clss = p_tun->ip_geneve.tun_cls; p_resp->geneve_udp_port = p_tun->geneve_port.port; p_resp->vxlan_udp_port = p_tun->vxlan_port.port; } static void __ecore_iov_pf_update_tun_param(struct vfpf_update_tunn_param_tlv *p_req, struct ecore_tunn_update_type *p_tun, enum ecore_tunn_mode mask, u8 tun_cls) { if (p_req->tun_mode_update_mask & (1 << mask)) { p_tun->b_update_mode = true; if (p_req->tunn_mode & (1 << mask)) p_tun->b_mode_enabled = true; } p_tun->tun_cls = tun_cls; } static void ecore_iov_pf_update_tun_param(struct vfpf_update_tunn_param_tlv *p_req, struct ecore_tunn_update_type *p_tun, struct ecore_tunn_update_udp_port *p_port, enum ecore_tunn_mode mask, u8 tun_cls, u8 update_port, u16 port) { if (update_port) { p_port->b_update_port = true; p_port->port = port; } __ecore_iov_pf_update_tun_param(p_req, p_tun, mask, tun_cls); } static bool ecore_iov_pf_validate_tunn_param(struct vfpf_update_tunn_param_tlv *p_req) { bool b_update_requested = false; if (p_req->tun_mode_update_mask || p_req->update_tun_cls || p_req->update_geneve_port || p_req->update_vxlan_port) b_update_requested = true; return b_update_requested; } static void ecore_iov_vf_mbx_update_tunn_param(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf) { struct ecore_tunnel_info *p_tun = &p_hwfn->p_dev->tunnel; struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *mbx = &p_vf->vf_mbx; struct pfvf_update_tunn_param_tlv *p_resp; struct vfpf_update_tunn_param_tlv *p_req; enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_SUCCESS; u8 status = PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS; bool b_update_required = false; struct ecore_tunnel_info tunn; u16 tunn_feature_mask = 0; int i; mbx->offset = (u8 *)mbx->reply_virt; OSAL_MEM_ZERO(&tunn, sizeof(tunn)); p_req = &mbx->req_virt->tunn_param_update; if (!ecore_iov_pf_validate_tunn_param(p_req)) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "No tunnel update requested by VF\n"); status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; goto send_resp; } tunn.b_update_rx_cls = p_req->update_tun_cls; tunn.b_update_tx_cls = p_req->update_tun_cls; ecore_iov_pf_update_tun_param(p_req, &tunn.vxlan, &tunn.vxlan_port, ECORE_MODE_VXLAN_TUNN, p_req->vxlan_clss, p_req->update_vxlan_port, p_req->vxlan_port); ecore_iov_pf_update_tun_param(p_req, &tunn.l2_geneve, &tunn.geneve_port, ECORE_MODE_L2GENEVE_TUNN, p_req->l2geneve_clss, p_req->update_geneve_port, p_req->geneve_port); __ecore_iov_pf_update_tun_param(p_req, &tunn.ip_geneve, ECORE_MODE_IPGENEVE_TUNN, p_req->ipgeneve_clss); __ecore_iov_pf_update_tun_param(p_req, &tunn.l2_gre, ECORE_MODE_L2GRE_TUNN, p_req->l2gre_clss); __ecore_iov_pf_update_tun_param(p_req, &tunn.ip_gre, ECORE_MODE_IPGRE_TUNN, p_req->ipgre_clss); /* If PF modifies VF's req then it should * still return an error in case of partial configuration * or modified configuration as opposed to requested one. */ rc = OSAL_PF_VALIDATE_MODIFY_TUNN_CONFIG(p_hwfn, &tunn_feature_mask, &b_update_required, &tunn); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; /* If ECORE client is willing to update anything ? */ if (b_update_required) { u16 geneve_port; rc = ecore_sp_pf_update_tunn_cfg(p_hwfn, p_ptt, &tunn, ECORE_SPQ_MODE_EBLOCK, OSAL_NULL); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; geneve_port = p_tun->geneve_port.port; ecore_for_each_vf(p_hwfn, i) { ecore_iov_bulletin_set_udp_ports(p_hwfn, i, p_tun->vxlan_port.port, geneve_port); } } send_resp: p_resp = ecore_add_tlv(&mbx->offset, CHANNEL_TLV_UPDATE_TUNN_PARAM, sizeof(*p_resp)); ecore_iov_pf_update_tun_response(p_resp, p_tun, tunn_feature_mask); ecore_add_tlv(&mbx->offset, CHANNEL_TLV_LIST_END, sizeof(struct channel_list_end_tlv)); ecore_iov_send_response(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf, sizeof(*p_resp), status); } static void ecore_iov_vf_mbx_start_txq_resp(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, u32 cid, u8 status) { struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *mbx = &p_vf->vf_mbx; struct pfvf_start_queue_resp_tlv *p_tlv; bool b_legacy = false; u16 length; mbx->offset = (u8 *)mbx->reply_virt; /* Taking a bigger struct instead of adding a TLV to list was a * mistake, but one which we're now stuck with, as some older * clients assume the size of the previous response. */ if (p_vf->acquire.vfdev_info.eth_fp_hsi_minor == ETH_HSI_VER_NO_PKT_LEN_TUNN) b_legacy = true; if (!b_legacy) length = sizeof(*p_tlv); else length = sizeof(struct pfvf_def_resp_tlv); p_tlv = ecore_add_tlv(&mbx->offset, CHANNEL_TLV_START_TXQ, length); ecore_add_tlv(&mbx->offset, CHANNEL_TLV_LIST_END, sizeof(struct channel_list_end_tlv)); /* Update the TLV with the response */ if ((status == PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS) && !b_legacy) p_tlv->offset = DB_ADDR_VF(cid, DQ_DEMS_LEGACY); ecore_iov_send_response(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf, length, status); } static void ecore_iov_vf_mbx_start_txq(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf) { struct ecore_queue_start_common_params params; struct ecore_queue_cid_vf_params vf_params; struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *mbx = &vf->vf_mbx; u8 status = PFVF_STATUS_NO_RESOURCE; struct ecore_vf_queue *p_queue; struct vfpf_start_txq_tlv *req; struct ecore_queue_cid *p_cid; struct ecore_sb_info sb_dummy; u8 qid_usage_idx, vf_legacy; u32 cid = 0; enum _ecore_status_t rc; u16 pq; OSAL_MEMSET(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); req = &mbx->req_virt->start_txq; if (!ecore_iov_validate_txq(p_hwfn, vf, req->tx_qid, ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_NA) || !ecore_iov_validate_sb(p_hwfn, vf, req->hw_sb)) goto out; qid_usage_idx = ecore_iov_vf_mbx_qid(p_hwfn, vf, true); if (qid_usage_idx == ECORE_IOV_QID_INVALID) goto out; p_queue = &vf->vf_queues[req->tx_qid]; if (p_queue->cids[qid_usage_idx].p_cid) goto out; vf_legacy = ecore_vf_calculate_legacy(vf); /* Acquire a new queue-cid */ params.queue_id = p_queue->fw_tx_qid; params.vport_id = vf->vport_id; params.stats_id = vf->abs_vf_id + 0x10; /* Since IGU index is passed via sb_info, construct a dummy one */ OSAL_MEM_ZERO(&sb_dummy, sizeof(sb_dummy)); sb_dummy.igu_sb_id = req->hw_sb; params.p_sb = &sb_dummy; params.sb_idx = req->sb_index; OSAL_MEM_ZERO(&vf_params, sizeof(vf_params)); vf_params.vfid = vf->relative_vf_id; vf_params.vf_qid = (u8)req->tx_qid; vf_params.vf_legacy = vf_legacy; vf_params.qid_usage_idx = qid_usage_idx; p_cid = ecore_eth_queue_to_cid(p_hwfn, vf->opaque_fid, ¶ms, false, &vf_params); if (p_cid == OSAL_NULL) goto out; pq = ecore_get_cm_pq_idx_vf(p_hwfn, vf->relative_vf_id); rc = ecore_eth_txq_start_ramrod(p_hwfn, p_cid, req->pbl_addr, req->pbl_size, pq); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) { status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; ecore_eth_queue_cid_release(p_hwfn, p_cid); } else { status = PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS; p_queue->cids[qid_usage_idx].p_cid = p_cid; p_queue->cids[qid_usage_idx].b_is_tx = true; cid = p_cid->cid; } out: ecore_iov_vf_mbx_start_txq_resp(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, cid, status); } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_vf_stop_rxqs(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *vf, u16 rxq_id, u8 qid_usage_idx, bool cqe_completion) { struct ecore_vf_queue *p_queue; enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_SUCCESS; if (!ecore_iov_validate_rxq(p_hwfn, vf, rxq_id, ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_NA)) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d] Tried Closing Rx 0x%04x.%02x which is inactive\n", vf->relative_vf_id, rxq_id, qid_usage_idx); return ECORE_INVAL; } p_queue = &vf->vf_queues[rxq_id]; /* We've validated the index and the existance of the active RXQ - * now we need to make sure that it's using the correct qid. */ if (!p_queue->cids[qid_usage_idx].p_cid || p_queue->cids[qid_usage_idx].b_is_tx) { struct ecore_queue_cid *p_cid; p_cid = ecore_iov_get_vf_rx_queue_cid(p_queue); DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d] - Tried Closing Rx 0x%04x.%02x, but Rx is at %04x.%02x\n", vf->relative_vf_id, rxq_id, qid_usage_idx, rxq_id, p_cid->qid_usage_idx); return ECORE_INVAL; } /* Now that we know we have a valid Rx-queue - close it */ rc = ecore_eth_rx_queue_stop(p_hwfn, p_queue->cids[qid_usage_idx].p_cid, false, cqe_completion); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) return rc; p_queue->cids[qid_usage_idx].p_cid = OSAL_NULL; vf->num_active_rxqs--; return ECORE_SUCCESS; } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_vf_stop_txqs(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *vf, u16 txq_id, u8 qid_usage_idx) { struct ecore_vf_queue *p_queue; enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_SUCCESS; if (!ecore_iov_validate_txq(p_hwfn, vf, txq_id, ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_NA)) return ECORE_INVAL; p_queue = &vf->vf_queues[txq_id]; if (!p_queue->cids[qid_usage_idx].p_cid || !p_queue->cids[qid_usage_idx].b_is_tx) return ECORE_INVAL; rc = ecore_eth_tx_queue_stop(p_hwfn, p_queue->cids[qid_usage_idx].p_cid); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) return rc; p_queue->cids[qid_usage_idx].p_cid = OSAL_NULL; return ECORE_SUCCESS; } static void ecore_iov_vf_mbx_stop_rxqs(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf) { u16 length = sizeof(struct pfvf_def_resp_tlv); struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *mbx = &vf->vf_mbx; u8 status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; struct vfpf_stop_rxqs_tlv *req; u8 qid_usage_idx; enum _ecore_status_t rc; /* Starting with CHANNEL_TLV_QID, it's assumed the 'num_rxqs' * would be one. Since no older ecore passed multiple queues * using this API, sanitize on the value. */ req = &mbx->req_virt->stop_rxqs; if (req->num_rxqs != 1) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "Odd; VF[%d] tried stopping multiple Rx queues\n", vf->relative_vf_id); status = PFVF_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; goto out; } /* Find which qid-index is associated with the queue */ qid_usage_idx = ecore_iov_vf_mbx_qid(p_hwfn, vf, false); if (qid_usage_idx == ECORE_IOV_QID_INVALID) goto out; rc = ecore_iov_vf_stop_rxqs(p_hwfn, vf, req->rx_qid, qid_usage_idx, req->cqe_completion); if (rc == ECORE_SUCCESS) status = PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS; out: ecore_iov_prepare_resp(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, CHANNEL_TLV_STOP_RXQS, length, status); } static void ecore_iov_vf_mbx_stop_txqs(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf) { u16 length = sizeof(struct pfvf_def_resp_tlv); struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *mbx = &vf->vf_mbx; u8 status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; struct vfpf_stop_txqs_tlv *req; u8 qid_usage_idx; enum _ecore_status_t rc; /* Starting with CHANNEL_TLV_QID, it's assumed the 'num_txqs' * would be one. Since no older ecore passed multiple queues * using this API, sanitize on the value. */ req = &mbx->req_virt->stop_txqs; if (req->num_txqs != 1) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "Odd; VF[%d] tried stopping multiple Tx queues\n", vf->relative_vf_id); status = PFVF_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; goto out; } /* Find which qid-index is associated with the queue */ qid_usage_idx = ecore_iov_vf_mbx_qid(p_hwfn, vf, true); if (qid_usage_idx == ECORE_IOV_QID_INVALID) goto out; rc = ecore_iov_vf_stop_txqs(p_hwfn, vf, req->tx_qid, qid_usage_idx); if (rc == ECORE_SUCCESS) status = PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS; out: ecore_iov_prepare_resp(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, CHANNEL_TLV_STOP_TXQS, length, status); } static void ecore_iov_vf_mbx_update_rxqs(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf) { struct ecore_queue_cid *handlers[ECORE_MAX_VF_CHAINS_PER_PF]; u16 length = sizeof(struct pfvf_def_resp_tlv); struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *mbx = &vf->vf_mbx; struct vfpf_update_rxq_tlv *req; u8 status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; u8 complete_event_flg; u8 complete_cqe_flg; u8 qid_usage_idx; enum _ecore_status_t rc; u16 i; req = &mbx->req_virt->update_rxq; complete_cqe_flg = !!(req->flags & VFPF_RXQ_UPD_COMPLETE_CQE_FLAG); complete_event_flg = !!(req->flags & VFPF_RXQ_UPD_COMPLETE_EVENT_FLAG); qid_usage_idx = ecore_iov_vf_mbx_qid(p_hwfn, vf, false); if (qid_usage_idx == ECORE_IOV_QID_INVALID) goto out; /* Starting with the addition of CHANNEL_TLV_QID, this API started * expecting a single queue at a time. Validate this. */ if ((vf->acquire.vfdev_info.capabilities & VFPF_ACQUIRE_CAP_QUEUE_QIDS) && req->num_rxqs != 1) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d] supports QIDs but sends multiple queues\n", vf->relative_vf_id); goto out; } /* Validate inputs - for the legacy case this is still true since * qid_usage_idx for each Rx queue would be LEGACY_QID_RX. */ for (i = req->rx_qid; i < req->rx_qid + req->num_rxqs; i++) { if (!ecore_iov_validate_rxq(p_hwfn, vf, i, ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_NA) || !vf->vf_queues[i].cids[qid_usage_idx].p_cid || vf->vf_queues[i].cids[qid_usage_idx].b_is_tx) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d]: Incorrect Rxqs [%04x, %02x]\n", vf->relative_vf_id, req->rx_qid, req->num_rxqs); goto out; } } for (i = 0; i < req->num_rxqs; i++) { u16 qid = req->rx_qid + i; handlers[i] = vf->vf_queues[qid].cids[qid_usage_idx].p_cid; } rc = ecore_sp_eth_rx_queues_update(p_hwfn, (void **)&handlers, req->num_rxqs, complete_cqe_flg, complete_event_flg, ECORE_SPQ_MODE_EBLOCK, OSAL_NULL); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) goto out; status = PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS; out: ecore_iov_prepare_resp(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, CHANNEL_TLV_UPDATE_RXQ, length, status); } void *ecore_iov_search_list_tlvs(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, void *p_tlvs_list, u16 req_type) { struct channel_tlv *p_tlv = (struct channel_tlv *)p_tlvs_list; int len = 0; do { if (!p_tlv->length) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "Zero length TLV found\n"); return OSAL_NULL; } if (p_tlv->type == req_type) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "Extended tlv type %s, length %d found\n", ecore_channel_tlvs_string[p_tlv->type], p_tlv->length); return p_tlv; } len += p_tlv->length; p_tlv = (struct channel_tlv *)((u8 *)p_tlv + p_tlv->length); if ((len + p_tlv->length) > TLV_BUFFER_SIZE) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "TLVs has overrun the buffer size\n"); return OSAL_NULL; } } while (p_tlv->type != CHANNEL_TLV_LIST_END); return OSAL_NULL; } static void ecore_iov_vp_update_act_param(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_sp_vport_update_params *p_data, struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *p_mbx, u16 *tlvs_mask) { struct vfpf_vport_update_activate_tlv *p_act_tlv; u16 tlv = CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE; p_act_tlv = (struct vfpf_vport_update_activate_tlv *) ecore_iov_search_list_tlvs(p_hwfn, p_mbx->req_virt, tlv); if (!p_act_tlv) return; p_data->update_vport_active_rx_flg = p_act_tlv->update_rx; p_data->vport_active_rx_flg = p_act_tlv->active_rx; p_data->update_vport_active_tx_flg = p_act_tlv->update_tx; p_data->vport_active_tx_flg = p_act_tlv->active_tx; *tlvs_mask |= 1 << ECORE_IOV_VP_UPDATE_ACTIVATE; } static void ecore_iov_vp_update_vlan_param(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_sp_vport_update_params *p_data, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *p_mbx, u16 *tlvs_mask) { struct vfpf_vport_update_vlan_strip_tlv *p_vlan_tlv; u16 tlv = CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_VLAN_STRIP; p_vlan_tlv = (struct vfpf_vport_update_vlan_strip_tlv *) ecore_iov_search_list_tlvs(p_hwfn, p_mbx->req_virt, tlv); if (!p_vlan_tlv) return; p_vf->shadow_config.inner_vlan_removal = p_vlan_tlv->remove_vlan; /* Ignore the VF request if we're forcing a vlan */ if (!(p_vf->configured_features & (1 << VLAN_ADDR_FORCED))) { p_data->update_inner_vlan_removal_flg = 1; p_data->inner_vlan_removal_flg = p_vlan_tlv->remove_vlan; } *tlvs_mask |= 1 << ECORE_IOV_VP_UPDATE_VLAN_STRIP; } static void ecore_iov_vp_update_tx_switch(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_sp_vport_update_params *p_data, struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *p_mbx, u16 *tlvs_mask) { struct vfpf_vport_update_tx_switch_tlv *p_tx_switch_tlv; u16 tlv = CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_TX_SWITCH; p_tx_switch_tlv = (struct vfpf_vport_update_tx_switch_tlv *) ecore_iov_search_list_tlvs(p_hwfn, p_mbx->req_virt, tlv); if (!p_tx_switch_tlv) return; #ifndef ASIC_ONLY if (CHIP_REV_IS_FPGA(p_hwfn->p_dev)) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, false, "FPGA: Ignore tx-switching configuration originating from VFs\n"); return; } #endif p_data->update_tx_switching_flg = 1; p_data->tx_switching_flg = p_tx_switch_tlv->tx_switching; *tlvs_mask |= 1 << ECORE_IOV_VP_UPDATE_TX_SWITCH; } static void ecore_iov_vp_update_mcast_bin_param(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_sp_vport_update_params *p_data, struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *p_mbx, u16 *tlvs_mask) { struct vfpf_vport_update_mcast_bin_tlv *p_mcast_tlv; u16 tlv = CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_MCAST; p_mcast_tlv = (struct vfpf_vport_update_mcast_bin_tlv *) ecore_iov_search_list_tlvs(p_hwfn, p_mbx->req_virt, tlv); if (!p_mcast_tlv) return; p_data->update_approx_mcast_flg = 1; OSAL_MEMCPY(p_data->bins, p_mcast_tlv->bins, sizeof(u32) * ETH_MULTICAST_MAC_BINS_IN_REGS); *tlvs_mask |= 1 << ECORE_IOV_VP_UPDATE_MCAST; } static void ecore_iov_vp_update_accept_flag(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_sp_vport_update_params *p_data, struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *p_mbx, u16 *tlvs_mask) { struct ecore_filter_accept_flags *p_flags = &p_data->accept_flags; struct vfpf_vport_update_accept_param_tlv *p_accept_tlv; u16 tlv = CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_ACCEPT_PARAM; p_accept_tlv = (struct vfpf_vport_update_accept_param_tlv *) ecore_iov_search_list_tlvs(p_hwfn, p_mbx->req_virt, tlv); if (!p_accept_tlv) return; p_flags->update_rx_mode_config = p_accept_tlv->update_rx_mode; p_flags->rx_accept_filter = p_accept_tlv->rx_accept_filter; p_flags->update_tx_mode_config = p_accept_tlv->update_tx_mode; p_flags->tx_accept_filter = p_accept_tlv->tx_accept_filter; *tlvs_mask |= 1 << ECORE_IOV_VP_UPDATE_ACCEPT_PARAM; } static void ecore_iov_vp_update_accept_any_vlan(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_sp_vport_update_params *p_data, struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *p_mbx, u16 *tlvs_mask) { struct vfpf_vport_update_accept_any_vlan_tlv *p_accept_any_vlan; u16 tlv = CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_ACCEPT_ANY_VLAN; p_accept_any_vlan = (struct vfpf_vport_update_accept_any_vlan_tlv *) ecore_iov_search_list_tlvs(p_hwfn, p_mbx->req_virt, tlv); if (!p_accept_any_vlan) return; p_data->accept_any_vlan = p_accept_any_vlan->accept_any_vlan; p_data->update_accept_any_vlan_flg = p_accept_any_vlan->update_accept_any_vlan_flg; *tlvs_mask |= 1 << ECORE_IOV_VP_UPDATE_ACCEPT_ANY_VLAN; } static void ecore_iov_vp_update_rss_param(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *vf, struct ecore_sp_vport_update_params *p_data, struct ecore_rss_params *p_rss, struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *p_mbx, u16 *tlvs_mask, u16 *tlvs_accepted) { struct vfpf_vport_update_rss_tlv *p_rss_tlv; u16 tlv = CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_RSS; bool b_reject = false; u16 table_size; u16 i, q_idx; p_rss_tlv = (struct vfpf_vport_update_rss_tlv *) ecore_iov_search_list_tlvs(p_hwfn, p_mbx->req_virt, tlv); if (!p_rss_tlv) { p_data->rss_params = OSAL_NULL; return; } OSAL_MEMSET(p_rss, 0, sizeof(struct ecore_rss_params)); p_rss->update_rss_config = !!(p_rss_tlv->update_rss_flags & VFPF_UPDATE_RSS_CONFIG_FLAG); p_rss->update_rss_capabilities = !!(p_rss_tlv->update_rss_flags & VFPF_UPDATE_RSS_CAPS_FLAG); p_rss->update_rss_ind_table = !!(p_rss_tlv->update_rss_flags & VFPF_UPDATE_RSS_IND_TABLE_FLAG); p_rss->update_rss_key = !!(p_rss_tlv->update_rss_flags & VFPF_UPDATE_RSS_KEY_FLAG); p_rss->rss_enable = p_rss_tlv->rss_enable; p_rss->rss_eng_id = vf->rss_eng_id; p_rss->rss_caps = p_rss_tlv->rss_caps; p_rss->rss_table_size_log = p_rss_tlv->rss_table_size_log; OSAL_MEMCPY(p_rss->rss_key, p_rss_tlv->rss_key, sizeof(p_rss->rss_key)); table_size = OSAL_MIN_T(u16, OSAL_ARRAY_SIZE(p_rss->rss_ind_table), (1 << p_rss_tlv->rss_table_size_log)); for (i = 0; i < table_size; i++) { struct ecore_queue_cid *p_cid; q_idx = p_rss_tlv->rss_ind_table[i]; if (!ecore_iov_validate_rxq(p_hwfn, vf, q_idx, ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_ENABLE)) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d]: Omitting RSS due to wrong queue %04x\n", vf->relative_vf_id, q_idx); b_reject = true; goto out; } p_cid = ecore_iov_get_vf_rx_queue_cid(&vf->vf_queues[q_idx]); p_rss->rss_ind_table[i] = p_cid; } p_data->rss_params = p_rss; out: *tlvs_mask |= 1 << ECORE_IOV_VP_UPDATE_RSS; if (!b_reject) *tlvs_accepted |= 1 << ECORE_IOV_VP_UPDATE_RSS; } static void ecore_iov_vp_update_sge_tpa_param(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_sp_vport_update_params *p_data, struct ecore_sge_tpa_params *p_sge_tpa, struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *p_mbx, u16 *tlvs_mask) { struct vfpf_vport_update_sge_tpa_tlv *p_sge_tpa_tlv; u16 tlv = CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE_SGE_TPA; p_sge_tpa_tlv = (struct vfpf_vport_update_sge_tpa_tlv *) ecore_iov_search_list_tlvs(p_hwfn, p_mbx->req_virt, tlv); if (!p_sge_tpa_tlv) { p_data->sge_tpa_params = OSAL_NULL; return; } OSAL_MEMSET(p_sge_tpa, 0, sizeof(struct ecore_sge_tpa_params)); p_sge_tpa->update_tpa_en_flg = !!(p_sge_tpa_tlv->update_sge_tpa_flags & VFPF_UPDATE_TPA_EN_FLAG); p_sge_tpa->update_tpa_param_flg = !!(p_sge_tpa_tlv->update_sge_tpa_flags & VFPF_UPDATE_TPA_PARAM_FLAG); p_sge_tpa->tpa_ipv4_en_flg = !!(p_sge_tpa_tlv->sge_tpa_flags & VFPF_TPA_IPV4_EN_FLAG); p_sge_tpa->tpa_ipv6_en_flg = !!(p_sge_tpa_tlv->sge_tpa_flags & VFPF_TPA_IPV6_EN_FLAG); p_sge_tpa->tpa_pkt_split_flg = !!(p_sge_tpa_tlv->sge_tpa_flags & VFPF_TPA_PKT_SPLIT_FLAG); p_sge_tpa->tpa_hdr_data_split_flg = !!(p_sge_tpa_tlv->sge_tpa_flags & VFPF_TPA_HDR_DATA_SPLIT_FLAG); p_sge_tpa->tpa_gro_consistent_flg = !!(p_sge_tpa_tlv->sge_tpa_flags & VFPF_TPA_GRO_CONSIST_FLAG); p_sge_tpa->tpa_max_aggs_num = p_sge_tpa_tlv->tpa_max_aggs_num; p_sge_tpa->tpa_max_size = p_sge_tpa_tlv->tpa_max_size; p_sge_tpa->tpa_min_size_to_start = p_sge_tpa_tlv->tpa_min_size_to_start; p_sge_tpa->tpa_min_size_to_cont = p_sge_tpa_tlv->tpa_min_size_to_cont; p_sge_tpa->max_buffers_per_cqe = p_sge_tpa_tlv->max_buffers_per_cqe; p_data->sge_tpa_params = p_sge_tpa; *tlvs_mask |= 1 << ECORE_IOV_VP_UPDATE_SGE_TPA; } static void ecore_iov_vf_mbx_vport_update(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf) { struct ecore_rss_params *p_rss_params = OSAL_NULL; struct ecore_sp_vport_update_params params; struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *mbx = &vf->vf_mbx; struct ecore_sge_tpa_params sge_tpa_params; u16 tlvs_mask = 0, tlvs_accepted = 0; u8 status = PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS; u16 length; enum _ecore_status_t rc; /* Valiate PF can send such a request */ if (!vf->vport_instance) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "No VPORT instance available for VF[%d], failing vport update\n", vf->abs_vf_id); status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; goto out; } p_rss_params = OSAL_VZALLOC(p_hwfn->p_dev, sizeof(*p_rss_params)); if (p_rss_params == OSAL_NULL) { status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; goto out; } OSAL_MEMSET(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); params.opaque_fid = vf->opaque_fid; params.vport_id = vf->vport_id; params.rss_params = OSAL_NULL; /* Search for extended tlvs list and update values * from VF in struct ecore_sp_vport_update_params. */ ecore_iov_vp_update_act_param(p_hwfn, ¶ms, mbx, &tlvs_mask); ecore_iov_vp_update_vlan_param(p_hwfn, ¶ms, vf, mbx, &tlvs_mask); ecore_iov_vp_update_tx_switch(p_hwfn, ¶ms, mbx, &tlvs_mask); ecore_iov_vp_update_mcast_bin_param(p_hwfn, ¶ms, mbx, &tlvs_mask); ecore_iov_vp_update_accept_flag(p_hwfn, ¶ms, mbx, &tlvs_mask); ecore_iov_vp_update_accept_any_vlan(p_hwfn, ¶ms, mbx, &tlvs_mask); ecore_iov_vp_update_sge_tpa_param(p_hwfn, ¶ms, &sge_tpa_params, mbx, &tlvs_mask); tlvs_accepted = tlvs_mask; /* Some of the extended TLVs need to be validated first; In that case, * they can update the mask without updating the accepted [so that * PF could communicate to VF it has rejected request]. */ ecore_iov_vp_update_rss_param(p_hwfn, vf, ¶ms, p_rss_params, mbx, &tlvs_mask, &tlvs_accepted); /* Just log a message if there is no single extended tlv in buffer. * When all features of vport update ramrod would be requested by VF * as extended TLVs in buffer then an error can be returned in response * if there is no extended TLV present in buffer. */ if (OSAL_IOV_VF_VPORT_UPDATE(p_hwfn, vf->relative_vf_id, ¶ms, &tlvs_accepted) != ECORE_SUCCESS) { tlvs_accepted = 0; status = PFVF_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; goto out; } if (!tlvs_accepted) { if (tlvs_mask) DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "Upper-layer prevents said VF configuration\n"); else DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "No feature tlvs found for vport update\n"); status = PFVF_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; goto out; } rc = ecore_sp_vport_update(p_hwfn, ¶ms, ECORE_SPQ_MODE_EBLOCK, OSAL_NULL); if (rc) status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; out: OSAL_VFREE(p_hwfn->p_dev, p_rss_params); length = ecore_iov_prep_vp_update_resp_tlvs(p_hwfn, vf, mbx, status, tlvs_mask, tlvs_accepted); ecore_iov_send_response(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, length, status); } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_vf_update_vlan_shadow(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, struct ecore_filter_ucast *p_params) { int i; /* First remove entries and then add new ones */ if (p_params->opcode == ECORE_FILTER_REMOVE) { for (i = 0; i < ECORE_ETH_VF_NUM_VLAN_FILTERS + 1; i++) if (p_vf->shadow_config.vlans[i].used && p_vf->shadow_config.vlans[i].vid == p_params->vlan) { p_vf->shadow_config.vlans[i].used = false; break; } if (i == ECORE_ETH_VF_NUM_VLAN_FILTERS + 1) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF [%d] - Tries to remove a non-existing vlan\n", p_vf->relative_vf_id); return ECORE_INVAL; } } else if (p_params->opcode == ECORE_FILTER_REPLACE || p_params->opcode == ECORE_FILTER_FLUSH) { for (i = 0; i < ECORE_ETH_VF_NUM_VLAN_FILTERS + 1; i++) p_vf->shadow_config.vlans[i].used = false; } /* In forced mode, we're willing to remove entries - but we don't add * new ones. */ if (p_vf->bulletin.p_virt->valid_bitmap & (1 << VLAN_ADDR_FORCED)) return ECORE_SUCCESS; if (p_params->opcode == ECORE_FILTER_ADD || p_params->opcode == ECORE_FILTER_REPLACE) { for (i = 0; i < ECORE_ETH_VF_NUM_VLAN_FILTERS + 1; i++) { if (p_vf->shadow_config.vlans[i].used) continue; p_vf->shadow_config.vlans[i].used = true; p_vf->shadow_config.vlans[i].vid = p_params->vlan; break; } if (i == ECORE_ETH_VF_NUM_VLAN_FILTERS + 1) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF [%d] - Tries to configure more than %d vlan filters\n", p_vf->relative_vf_id, ECORE_ETH_VF_NUM_VLAN_FILTERS + 1); return ECORE_INVAL; } } return ECORE_SUCCESS; } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_vf_update_mac_shadow(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, struct ecore_filter_ucast *p_params) { char empty_mac[ETH_ALEN]; int i; OSAL_MEM_ZERO(empty_mac, ETH_ALEN); /* If we're in forced-mode, we don't allow any change */ /* TODO - this would change if we were ever to implement logic for * removing a forced MAC altogether [in which case, like for vlans, * we should be able to re-trace previous configuration. */ if (p_vf->bulletin.p_virt->valid_bitmap & (1 << MAC_ADDR_FORCED)) return ECORE_SUCCESS; /* First remove entries and then add new ones */ if (p_params->opcode == ECORE_FILTER_REMOVE) { for (i = 0; i < ECORE_ETH_VF_NUM_MAC_FILTERS; i++) { if (!OSAL_MEMCMP(p_vf->shadow_config.macs[i], p_params->mac, ETH_ALEN)) { OSAL_MEM_ZERO(p_vf->shadow_config.macs[i], ETH_ALEN); break; } } if (i == ECORE_ETH_VF_NUM_MAC_FILTERS) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "MAC isn't configured\n"); return ECORE_INVAL; } } else if (p_params->opcode == ECORE_FILTER_REPLACE || p_params->opcode == ECORE_FILTER_FLUSH) { for (i = 0; i < ECORE_ETH_VF_NUM_MAC_FILTERS; i++) OSAL_MEM_ZERO(p_vf->shadow_config.macs[i], ETH_ALEN); } /* List the new MAC address */ if (p_params->opcode != ECORE_FILTER_ADD && p_params->opcode != ECORE_FILTER_REPLACE) return ECORE_SUCCESS; for (i = 0; i < ECORE_ETH_VF_NUM_MAC_FILTERS; i++) { if (!OSAL_MEMCMP(p_vf->shadow_config.macs[i], empty_mac, ETH_ALEN)) { OSAL_MEMCPY(p_vf->shadow_config.macs[i], p_params->mac, ETH_ALEN); DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "Added MAC at %d entry in shadow\n", i); break; } } if (i == ECORE_ETH_VF_NUM_MAC_FILTERS) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "No available place for MAC\n"); return ECORE_INVAL; } return ECORE_SUCCESS; } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_vf_update_unicast_shadow(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, struct ecore_filter_ucast *p_params) { enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_SUCCESS; if (p_params->type == ECORE_FILTER_MAC) { rc = ecore_iov_vf_update_mac_shadow(p_hwfn, p_vf, p_params); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) return rc; } if (p_params->type == ECORE_FILTER_VLAN) rc = ecore_iov_vf_update_vlan_shadow(p_hwfn, p_vf, p_params); return rc; } static void ecore_iov_vf_mbx_ucast_filter(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf) { struct ecore_bulletin_content *p_bulletin = vf->bulletin.p_virt; struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *mbx = &vf->vf_mbx; struct vfpf_ucast_filter_tlv *req; u8 status = PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct ecore_filter_ucast params; enum _ecore_status_t rc; /* Prepare the unicast filter params */ OSAL_MEMSET(¶ms, 0, sizeof(struct ecore_filter_ucast)); req = &mbx->req_virt->ucast_filter; params.opcode = (enum ecore_filter_opcode)req->opcode; params.type = (enum ecore_filter_ucast_type)req->type; /* @@@TBD - We might need logic on HV side in determining this */ params.is_rx_filter = 1; params.is_tx_filter = 1; params.vport_to_remove_from = vf->vport_id; params.vport_to_add_to = vf->vport_id; OSAL_MEMCPY(params.mac, req->mac, ETH_ALEN); params.vlan = req->vlan; DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d]: opcode 0x%02x type 0x%02x [%s %s] [vport 0x%02x] MAC %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x, vlan 0x%04x\n", vf->abs_vf_id, params.opcode, params.type, params.is_rx_filter ? "RX" : "", params.is_tx_filter ? "TX" : "", params.vport_to_add_to, params.mac[0], params.mac[1], params.mac[2], params.mac[3], params.mac[4], params.mac[5], params.vlan); if (!vf->vport_instance) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "No VPORT instance available for VF[%d], failing ucast MAC configuration\n", vf->abs_vf_id); status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; goto out; } /* Update shadow copy of the VF configuration. In case shadow indicates * the action should be blocked return success to VF to imitate the * firmware behaviour in such case. */ if (ecore_iov_vf_update_unicast_shadow(p_hwfn, vf, ¶ms) != ECORE_SUCCESS) goto out; /* Determine if the unicast filtering is acceptible by PF */ if ((p_bulletin->valid_bitmap & (1 << VLAN_ADDR_FORCED)) && (params.type == ECORE_FILTER_VLAN || params.type == ECORE_FILTER_MAC_VLAN)) { /* Once VLAN is forced or PVID is set, do not allow * to add/replace any further VLANs. */ if (params.opcode == ECORE_FILTER_ADD || params.opcode == ECORE_FILTER_REPLACE) status = PFVF_STATUS_FORCED; goto out; } if ((p_bulletin->valid_bitmap & (1 << MAC_ADDR_FORCED)) && (params.type == ECORE_FILTER_MAC || params.type == ECORE_FILTER_MAC_VLAN)) { if (OSAL_MEMCMP(p_bulletin->mac, params.mac, ETH_ALEN) || (params.opcode != ECORE_FILTER_ADD && params.opcode != ECORE_FILTER_REPLACE)) status = PFVF_STATUS_FORCED; goto out; } rc = OSAL_IOV_CHK_UCAST(p_hwfn, vf->relative_vf_id, ¶ms); if (rc == ECORE_EXISTS) { goto out; } else if (rc == ECORE_INVAL) { status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; goto out; } rc = ecore_sp_eth_filter_ucast(p_hwfn, vf->opaque_fid, ¶ms, ECORE_SPQ_MODE_CB, OSAL_NULL); if (rc) status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; out: ecore_iov_prepare_resp(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, CHANNEL_TLV_UCAST_FILTER, sizeof(struct pfvf_def_resp_tlv), status); } static void ecore_iov_vf_mbx_int_cleanup(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf) { int i; /* Reset the SBs */ for (i = 0; i < vf->num_sbs; i++) ecore_int_igu_init_pure_rt_single(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf->igu_sbs[i], vf->opaque_fid, false); ecore_iov_prepare_resp(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, CHANNEL_TLV_INT_CLEANUP, sizeof(struct pfvf_def_resp_tlv), PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS); } static void ecore_iov_vf_mbx_close(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf) { u16 length = sizeof(struct pfvf_def_resp_tlv); u8 status = PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* Disable Interrupts for VF */ ecore_iov_vf_igu_set_int(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, 0); /* Reset Permission table */ ecore_iov_config_perm_table(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, 0); ecore_iov_prepare_resp(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, CHANNEL_TLV_CLOSE, length, status); } static void ecore_iov_vf_mbx_release(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf) { u16 length = sizeof(struct pfvf_def_resp_tlv); u8 status = PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS; enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_SUCCESS; ecore_iov_vf_cleanup(p_hwfn, p_vf); if (p_vf->state != VF_STOPPED && p_vf->state != VF_FREE) { /* Stopping the VF */ rc = ecore_sp_vf_stop(p_hwfn, p_vf->concrete_fid, p_vf->opaque_fid); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) { DP_ERR(p_hwfn, "ecore_sp_vf_stop returned error %d\n", rc); status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; } p_vf->state = VF_STOPPED; } ecore_iov_prepare_resp(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf, CHANNEL_TLV_RELEASE, length, status); } static void ecore_iov_vf_pf_get_coalesce(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf) { struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *mbx = &p_vf->vf_mbx; struct pfvf_read_coal_resp_tlv *p_resp; struct vfpf_read_coal_req_tlv *req; u8 status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; struct ecore_vf_queue *p_queue; struct ecore_queue_cid *p_cid; enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_SUCCESS; u16 coal = 0, qid, i; bool b_is_rx; mbx->offset = (u8 *)mbx->reply_virt; req = &mbx->req_virt->read_coal_req; qid = req->qid; b_is_rx = req->is_rx ? true : false; if (b_is_rx) { if (!ecore_iov_validate_rxq(p_hwfn, p_vf, qid, ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_ENABLE)) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d]: Invalid Rx queue_id = %d\n", p_vf->abs_vf_id, qid); goto send_resp; } p_cid = ecore_iov_get_vf_rx_queue_cid(&p_vf->vf_queues[qid]); rc = ecore_get_rxq_coalesce(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_cid, &coal); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) goto send_resp; } else { if (!ecore_iov_validate_txq(p_hwfn, p_vf, qid, ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_ENABLE)) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d]: Invalid Tx queue_id = %d\n", p_vf->abs_vf_id, qid); goto send_resp; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_QUEUES_PER_QZONE; i++) { p_queue = &p_vf->vf_queues[qid]; if ((p_queue->cids[i].p_cid == OSAL_NULL) || (!p_queue->cids[i].b_is_tx)) continue; p_cid = p_queue->cids[i].p_cid; rc = ecore_get_txq_coalesce(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_cid, &coal); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) goto send_resp; break; } } status = PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS; send_resp: p_resp = ecore_add_tlv(&mbx->offset, CHANNEL_TLV_COALESCE_READ, sizeof(*p_resp)); p_resp->coal = coal; ecore_add_tlv(&mbx->offset, CHANNEL_TLV_LIST_END, sizeof(struct channel_list_end_tlv)); ecore_iov_send_response(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf, sizeof(*p_resp), status); } static void ecore_iov_vf_pf_set_coalesce(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, struct ecore_vf_info *vf) { struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *mbx = &vf->vf_mbx; enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_SUCCESS; struct vfpf_update_coalesce *req; u8 status = PFVF_STATUS_FAILURE; struct ecore_queue_cid *p_cid; u16 rx_coal, tx_coal; u16 qid; int i; req = &mbx->req_virt->update_coalesce; rx_coal = req->rx_coal; tx_coal = req->tx_coal; qid = req->qid; if (!ecore_iov_validate_rxq(p_hwfn, vf, qid, ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_ENABLE) && rx_coal) { DP_ERR(p_hwfn, "VF[%d]: Invalid Rx queue_id = %d\n", vf->abs_vf_id, qid); goto out; } if (!ecore_iov_validate_txq(p_hwfn, vf, qid, ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_ENABLE) && tx_coal) { DP_ERR(p_hwfn, "VF[%d]: Invalid Tx queue_id = %d\n", vf->abs_vf_id, qid); goto out; } DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d]: Setting coalesce for VF rx_coal = %d, tx_coal = %d at queue = %d\n", vf->abs_vf_id, rx_coal, tx_coal, qid); if (rx_coal) { p_cid = ecore_iov_get_vf_rx_queue_cid(&vf->vf_queues[qid]); rc = ecore_set_rxq_coalesce(p_hwfn, p_ptt, rx_coal, p_cid); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d]: Unable to set rx queue = %d coalesce\n", vf->abs_vf_id, vf->vf_queues[qid].fw_rx_qid); goto out; } vf->rx_coal = rx_coal; } /* TODO - in future, it might be possible to pass this in a per-cid * granularity. For now, do this for all Tx queues. */ if (tx_coal) { struct ecore_vf_queue *p_queue = &vf->vf_queues[qid]; for (i = 0; i < MAX_QUEUES_PER_QZONE; i++) { if (p_queue->cids[i].p_cid == OSAL_NULL) continue; if (!p_queue->cids[i].b_is_tx) continue; rc = ecore_set_txq_coalesce(p_hwfn, p_ptt, tx_coal, p_queue->cids[i].p_cid); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d]: Unable to set tx queue coalesce\n", vf->abs_vf_id); goto out; } } vf->tx_coal = tx_coal; } status = PFVF_STATUS_SUCCESS; out: ecore_iov_prepare_resp(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vf, CHANNEL_TLV_COALESCE_UPDATE, sizeof(struct pfvf_def_resp_tlv), status); } enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_pf_configure_vf_queue_coalesce(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 rx_coal, u16 tx_coal, u16 vf_id, u16 qid) { struct ecore_queue_cid *p_cid; struct ecore_vf_info *vf; struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt; int i, rc = 0; if (!ecore_iov_is_valid_vfid(p_hwfn, vf_id, true, true)) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "VF[%d] - Can not set coalescing: VF is not active\n", vf_id); return ECORE_INVAL; } vf = &p_hwfn->pf_iov_info->vfs_array[vf_id]; p_ptt = ecore_ptt_acquire(p_hwfn); if (!p_ptt) return ECORE_AGAIN; if (!ecore_iov_validate_rxq(p_hwfn, vf, qid, ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_ENABLE) && rx_coal) { DP_ERR(p_hwfn, "VF[%d]: Invalid Rx queue_id = %d\n", vf->abs_vf_id, qid); goto out; } if (!ecore_iov_validate_txq(p_hwfn, vf, qid, ECORE_IOV_VALIDATE_Q_ENABLE) && tx_coal) { DP_ERR(p_hwfn, "VF[%d]: Invalid Tx queue_id = %d\n", vf->abs_vf_id, qid); goto out; } DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d]: Setting coalesce for VF rx_coal = %d, tx_coal = %d at queue = %d\n", vf->abs_vf_id, rx_coal, tx_coal, qid); if (rx_coal) { p_cid = ecore_iov_get_vf_rx_queue_cid(&vf->vf_queues[qid]); rc = ecore_set_rxq_coalesce(p_hwfn, p_ptt, rx_coal, p_cid); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d]: Unable to set rx queue = %d coalesce\n", vf->abs_vf_id, vf->vf_queues[qid].fw_rx_qid); goto out; } vf->rx_coal = rx_coal; } /* TODO - in future, it might be possible to pass this in a per-cid * granularity. For now, do this for all Tx queues. */ if (tx_coal) { struct ecore_vf_queue *p_queue = &vf->vf_queues[qid]; for (i = 0; i < MAX_QUEUES_PER_QZONE; i++) { if (p_queue->cids[i].p_cid == OSAL_NULL) continue; if (!p_queue->cids[i].b_is_tx) continue; rc = ecore_set_txq_coalesce(p_hwfn, p_ptt, tx_coal, p_queue->cids[i].p_cid); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d]: Unable to set tx queue coalesce\n", vf->abs_vf_id); goto out; } } vf->tx_coal = tx_coal; } out: ecore_ptt_release(p_hwfn, p_ptt); return rc; } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_vf_flr_poll_dorq(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt) { int cnt; u32 val; ecore_fid_pretend(p_hwfn, p_ptt, (u16)p_vf->concrete_fid); for (cnt = 0; cnt < 50; cnt++) { val = ecore_rd(p_hwfn, p_ptt, DORQ_REG_VF_USAGE_CNT); if (!val) break; OSAL_MSLEEP(20); } ecore_fid_pretend(p_hwfn, p_ptt, (u16)p_hwfn->hw_info.concrete_fid); if (cnt == 50) { DP_ERR(p_hwfn, "VF[%d] - dorq failed to cleanup [usage 0x%08x]\n", p_vf->abs_vf_id, val); return ECORE_TIMEOUT; } return ECORE_SUCCESS; } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_vf_flr_poll_pbf(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt) { u32 cons[MAX_NUM_VOQS_E4], distance[MAX_NUM_VOQS_E4]; int i, cnt; /* Read initial consumers & producers */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_VOQS_E4; i++) { u32 prod; cons[i] = ecore_rd(p_hwfn, p_ptt, PBF_REG_NUM_BLOCKS_ALLOCATED_CONS_VOQ0 + i * 0x40); prod = ecore_rd(p_hwfn, p_ptt, PBF_REG_NUM_BLOCKS_ALLOCATED_PROD_VOQ0 + i * 0x40); distance[i] = prod - cons[i]; } /* Wait for consumers to pass the producers */ i = 0; for (cnt = 0; cnt < 50; cnt++) { for (; i < MAX_NUM_VOQS_E4; i++) { u32 tmp; tmp = ecore_rd(p_hwfn, p_ptt, PBF_REG_NUM_BLOCKS_ALLOCATED_CONS_VOQ0 + i * 0x40); if (distance[i] > tmp - cons[i]) break; } if (i == MAX_NUM_VOQS_E4) break; OSAL_MSLEEP(20); } if (cnt == 50) { DP_ERR(p_hwfn, "VF[%d] - pbf polling failed on VOQ %d\n", p_vf->abs_vf_id, i); return ECORE_TIMEOUT; } return ECORE_SUCCESS; } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_vf_flr_poll(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt) { enum _ecore_status_t rc; /* TODO - add SRC and TM polling once we add storage IOV */ rc = ecore_iov_vf_flr_poll_dorq(p_hwfn, p_vf, p_ptt); if (rc) return rc; rc = ecore_iov_vf_flr_poll_pbf(p_hwfn, p_vf, p_ptt); if (rc) return rc; return ECORE_SUCCESS; } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_execute_vf_flr_cleanup(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, u16 rel_vf_id, u32 *ack_vfs) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf; enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_SUCCESS; p_vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, rel_vf_id, false); if (!p_vf) return ECORE_SUCCESS; if (p_hwfn->pf_iov_info->pending_flr[rel_vf_id / 64] & (1ULL << (rel_vf_id % 64))) { u16 vfid = p_vf->abs_vf_id; /* TODO - should we lock channel? */ DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d] - Handling FLR\n", vfid); ecore_iov_vf_cleanup(p_hwfn, p_vf); /* If VF isn't active, no need for anything but SW */ if (!p_vf->b_init) goto cleanup; /* TODO - what to do in case of failure? */ rc = ecore_iov_vf_flr_poll(p_hwfn, p_vf, p_ptt); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; rc = ecore_final_cleanup(p_hwfn, p_ptt, vfid, true); if (rc) { /* TODO - what's now? What a mess.... */ DP_ERR(p_hwfn, "Failed handle FLR of VF[%d]\n", vfid); return rc; } /* Workaround to make VF-PF channel ready, as FW * doesn't do that as a part of FLR. */ REG_WR(p_hwfn, GTT_BAR0_MAP_REG_USDM_RAM + USTORM_VF_PF_CHANNEL_READY_OFFSET(vfid), 1); /* VF_STOPPED has to be set only after final cleanup * but prior to re-enabling the VF. */ p_vf->state = VF_STOPPED; rc = ecore_iov_enable_vf_access(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf); if (rc) { /* TODO - again, a mess... */ DP_ERR(p_hwfn, "Failed to re-enable VF[%d] acces\n", vfid); return rc; } cleanup: /* Mark VF for ack and clean pending state */ if (p_vf->state == VF_RESET) p_vf->state = VF_STOPPED; ack_vfs[vfid / 32] |= (1 << (vfid % 32)); p_hwfn->pf_iov_info->pending_flr[rel_vf_id / 64] &= ~(1ULL << (rel_vf_id % 64)); p_vf->vf_mbx.b_pending_msg = false; } return rc; } enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_vf_flr_cleanup(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt) { u32 ack_vfs[VF_MAX_STATIC / 32]; enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_SUCCESS; u16 i; OSAL_MEMSET(ack_vfs, 0, sizeof(u32) * (VF_MAX_STATIC / 32)); /* Since BRB <-> PRS interface can't be tested as part of the flr * polling due to HW limitations, simply sleep a bit. And since * there's no need to wait per-vf, do it before looping. */ OSAL_MSLEEP(100); for (i = 0; i < p_hwfn->p_dev->p_iov_info->total_vfs; i++) ecore_iov_execute_vf_flr_cleanup(p_hwfn, p_ptt, i, ack_vfs); rc = ecore_mcp_ack_vf_flr(p_hwfn, p_ptt, ack_vfs); return rc; } #ifndef LINUX_REMOVE enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_single_vf_flr_cleanup(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, u16 rel_vf_id) { u32 ack_vfs[VF_MAX_STATIC / 32]; enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_SUCCESS; OSAL_MEMSET(ack_vfs, 0, sizeof(u32) * (VF_MAX_STATIC / 32)); /* Wait instead of polling the BRB <-> PRS interface */ OSAL_MSLEEP(100); ecore_iov_execute_vf_flr_cleanup(p_hwfn, p_ptt, rel_vf_id, ack_vfs); rc = ecore_mcp_ack_vf_flr(p_hwfn, p_ptt, ack_vfs); return rc; } #endif bool ecore_iov_mark_vf_flr(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u32 *p_disabled_vfs) { bool found = false; u16 i; DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "Marking FLR-ed VFs\n"); for (i = 0; i < (VF_MAX_STATIC / 32); i++) DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "[%08x,...,%08x]: %08x\n", i * 32, (i + 1) * 32 - 1, p_disabled_vfs[i]); if (!p_hwfn->p_dev->p_iov_info) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "VF flr but no IOV\n"); return false; } /* Mark VFs */ for (i = 0; i < p_hwfn->p_dev->p_iov_info->total_vfs; i++) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf; u8 vfid; p_vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, i, false); if (!p_vf) continue; vfid = p_vf->abs_vf_id; if ((1 << (vfid % 32)) & p_disabled_vfs[vfid / 32]) { u64 *p_flr = p_hwfn->pf_iov_info->pending_flr; u16 rel_vf_id = p_vf->relative_vf_id; DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%d] [rel %d] got FLR-ed\n", vfid, rel_vf_id); p_vf->state = VF_RESET; /* No need to lock here, since pending_flr should * only change here and before ACKing MFw. Since * MFW will not trigger an additional attention for * VF flr until ACKs, we're safe. */ p_flr[rel_vf_id / 64] |= 1ULL << (rel_vf_id % 64); found = true; } } return found; } void ecore_iov_get_link(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 vfid, struct ecore_mcp_link_params *p_params, struct ecore_mcp_link_state *p_link, struct ecore_mcp_link_capabilities *p_caps) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, vfid, false); struct ecore_bulletin_content *p_bulletin; if (!p_vf) return; p_bulletin = p_vf->bulletin.p_virt; if (p_params) __ecore_vf_get_link_params(p_params, p_bulletin); if (p_link) __ecore_vf_get_link_state(p_link, p_bulletin); if (p_caps) __ecore_vf_get_link_caps(p_caps, p_bulletin); } void ecore_iov_process_mbx_req(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, int vfid) { struct ecore_iov_vf_mbx *mbx; struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf; p_vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)vfid, true); if (!p_vf) return; mbx = &p_vf->vf_mbx; /* ecore_iov_process_mbx_request */ #ifndef CONFIG_ECORE_SW_CHANNEL if (!mbx->b_pending_msg) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "VF[%02x]: Trying to process mailbox message when none is pending\n", p_vf->abs_vf_id); return; } mbx->b_pending_msg = false; #endif mbx->first_tlv = mbx->req_virt->first_tlv; DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%02x]: Processing mailbox message [type %04x]\n", p_vf->abs_vf_id, mbx->first_tlv.tl.type); OSAL_IOV_VF_MSG_TYPE(p_hwfn, p_vf->relative_vf_id, mbx->first_tlv.tl.type); /* Lock the per vf op mutex and note the locker's identity. * The unlock will take place in mbx response. */ ecore_iov_lock_vf_pf_channel(p_hwfn, p_vf, mbx->first_tlv.tl.type); /* check if tlv type is known */ if (ecore_iov_tlv_supported(mbx->first_tlv.tl.type) && !p_vf->b_malicious) { /* switch on the opcode */ switch (mbx->first_tlv.tl.type) { case CHANNEL_TLV_ACQUIRE: ecore_iov_vf_mbx_acquire(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf); break; case CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_START: ecore_iov_vf_mbx_start_vport(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf); break; case CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_TEARDOWN: ecore_iov_vf_mbx_stop_vport(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf); break; case CHANNEL_TLV_START_RXQ: ecore_iov_vf_mbx_start_rxq(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf); break; case CHANNEL_TLV_START_TXQ: ecore_iov_vf_mbx_start_txq(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf); break; case CHANNEL_TLV_STOP_RXQS: ecore_iov_vf_mbx_stop_rxqs(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf); break; case CHANNEL_TLV_STOP_TXQS: ecore_iov_vf_mbx_stop_txqs(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf); break; case CHANNEL_TLV_UPDATE_RXQ: ecore_iov_vf_mbx_update_rxqs(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf); break; case CHANNEL_TLV_VPORT_UPDATE: ecore_iov_vf_mbx_vport_update(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf); break; case CHANNEL_TLV_UCAST_FILTER: ecore_iov_vf_mbx_ucast_filter(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf); break; case CHANNEL_TLV_CLOSE: ecore_iov_vf_mbx_close(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf); break; case CHANNEL_TLV_INT_CLEANUP: ecore_iov_vf_mbx_int_cleanup(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf); break; case CHANNEL_TLV_RELEASE: ecore_iov_vf_mbx_release(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf); break; case CHANNEL_TLV_UPDATE_TUNN_PARAM: ecore_iov_vf_mbx_update_tunn_param(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf); break; case CHANNEL_TLV_COALESCE_UPDATE: ecore_iov_vf_pf_set_coalesce(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf); break; case CHANNEL_TLV_COALESCE_READ: ecore_iov_vf_pf_get_coalesce(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf); break; } } else if (ecore_iov_tlv_supported(mbx->first_tlv.tl.type)) { /* If we've received a message from a VF we consider malicious * we ignore the messasge unless it's one for RELEASE, in which * case we'll let it have the benefit of doubt, allowing the * next loaded driver to start again. */ if (mbx->first_tlv.tl.type == CHANNEL_TLV_RELEASE) { /* TODO - initiate FLR, remove malicious indication */ DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF [%02x] - considered malicious, but wanted to RELEASE. TODO\n", p_vf->abs_vf_id); } else { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF [%02x] - considered malicious; Ignoring TLV [%04x]\n", p_vf->abs_vf_id, mbx->first_tlv.tl.type); } ecore_iov_prepare_resp(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf, mbx->first_tlv.tl.type, sizeof(struct pfvf_def_resp_tlv), PFVF_STATUS_MALICIOUS); } else { /* unknown TLV - this may belong to a VF driver from the future * - a version written after this PF driver was written, which * supports features unknown as of yet. Too bad since we don't * support them. Or this may be because someone wrote a crappy * VF driver and is sending garbage over the channel. */ DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, false, "VF[%02x]: unknown TLV. type %04x length %04x padding %08x reply address %llu\n", p_vf->abs_vf_id, mbx->first_tlv.tl.type, mbx->first_tlv.tl.length, mbx->first_tlv.padding, (unsigned long long)mbx->first_tlv.reply_address); /* Try replying in case reply address matches the acquisition's * posted address. */ if (p_vf->acquire.first_tlv.reply_address && (mbx->first_tlv.reply_address == p_vf->acquire.first_tlv.reply_address)) ecore_iov_prepare_resp(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_vf, mbx->first_tlv.tl.type, sizeof(struct pfvf_def_resp_tlv), PFVF_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED); else DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF[%02x]: Can't respond to TLV - no valid reply address\n", p_vf->abs_vf_id); } ecore_iov_unlock_vf_pf_channel(p_hwfn, p_vf, mbx->first_tlv.tl.type); #ifdef CONFIG_ECORE_SW_CHANNEL mbx->sw_mbx.mbx_state = VF_PF_RESPONSE_READY; mbx->sw_mbx.response_offset = 0; #endif } void ecore_iov_pf_get_pending_events(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u64 *events) { int i; OSAL_MEM_ZERO(events, sizeof(u64) * ECORE_VF_ARRAY_LENGTH); ecore_for_each_vf(p_hwfn, i) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf; p_vf = &p_hwfn->pf_iov_info->vfs_array[i]; if (p_vf->vf_mbx.b_pending_msg) events[i / 64] |= 1ULL << (i % 64); } } static struct ecore_vf_info * ecore_sriov_get_vf_from_absid(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 abs_vfid) { u8 min = (u8)p_hwfn->p_dev->p_iov_info->first_vf_in_pf; if (!_ecore_iov_pf_sanity_check(p_hwfn, (int)abs_vfid - min, false)) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "Got indication for VF [abs 0x%08x] that cannot be handled by PF\n", abs_vfid); return OSAL_NULL; } return &p_hwfn->pf_iov_info->vfs_array[(u8)abs_vfid - min]; } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_sriov_vfpf_msg(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 abs_vfid, struct regpair *vf_msg) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf = ecore_sriov_get_vf_from_absid(p_hwfn, abs_vfid); if (!p_vf) return ECORE_SUCCESS; /* List the physical address of the request so that handler * could later on copy the message from it. */ p_vf->vf_mbx.pending_req = (((u64)vf_msg->hi) << 32) | vf_msg->lo; p_vf->vf_mbx.b_pending_msg = true; return OSAL_PF_VF_MSG(p_hwfn, p_vf->relative_vf_id); } static void ecore_sriov_vfpf_malicious(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct malicious_vf_eqe_data *p_data) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf; p_vf = ecore_sriov_get_vf_from_absid(p_hwfn, p_data->vf_id); if (!p_vf) return; if (!p_vf->b_malicious) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, false, "VF [%d] - Malicious behavior [%02x]\n", p_vf->abs_vf_id, p_data->err_id); p_vf->b_malicious = true; } else { DP_INFO(p_hwfn, "VF [%d] - Malicious behavior [%02x]\n", p_vf->abs_vf_id, p_data->err_id); } OSAL_PF_VF_MALICIOUS(p_hwfn, p_vf->relative_vf_id); } static enum _ecore_status_t ecore_sriov_eqe_event(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u8 opcode, __le16 echo, union event_ring_data *data, u8 OSAL_UNUSED fw_return_code) { switch (opcode) { case COMMON_EVENT_VF_PF_CHANNEL: return ecore_sriov_vfpf_msg(p_hwfn, OSAL_LE16_TO_CPU(echo), &data->vf_pf_channel.msg_addr); case COMMON_EVENT_VF_FLR: DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "VF-FLR is still not supported\n"); return ECORE_SUCCESS; case COMMON_EVENT_MALICIOUS_VF: ecore_sriov_vfpf_malicious(p_hwfn, &data->malicious_vf); return ECORE_SUCCESS; default: DP_INFO(p_hwfn->p_dev, "Unknown sriov eqe event 0x%02x\n", opcode); return ECORE_INVAL; } } #ifndef LINUX_REMOVE bool ecore_iov_is_vf_pending_flr(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 rel_vf_id) { return !!(p_hwfn->pf_iov_info->pending_flr[rel_vf_id / 64] & (1ULL << (rel_vf_id % 64))); } #endif u16 ecore_iov_get_next_active_vf(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 rel_vf_id) { struct ecore_hw_sriov_info *p_iov = p_hwfn->p_dev->p_iov_info; u16 i; if (!p_iov) goto out; for (i = rel_vf_id; i < p_iov->total_vfs; i++) if (ecore_iov_is_valid_vfid(p_hwfn, rel_vf_id, true, false)) return i; out: return MAX_NUM_VFS_E4; } enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_copy_vf_msg(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *ptt, int vfid) { struct ecore_dmae_params params; struct ecore_vf_info *vf_info; vf_info = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)vfid, true); if (!vf_info) return ECORE_INVAL; OSAL_MEMSET(¶ms, 0, sizeof(struct ecore_dmae_params)); params.flags = ECORE_DMAE_FLAG_VF_SRC | ECORE_DMAE_FLAG_COMPLETION_DST; params.src_vfid = vf_info->abs_vf_id; if (ecore_dmae_host2host(p_hwfn, ptt, vf_info->vf_mbx.pending_req, vf_info->vf_mbx.req_phys, sizeof(union vfpf_tlvs) / 4, ¶ms)) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "Failed to copy message from VF 0x%02x\n", vfid); return ECORE_IO; } return ECORE_SUCCESS; } void ecore_iov_bulletin_set_forced_mac(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u8 *mac, int vfid) { struct ecore_vf_info *vf_info; u64 feature; vf_info = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)vfid, true); if (!vf_info) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn->p_dev, true, "Can not set forced MAC, invalid vfid [%d]\n", vfid); return; } if (vf_info->b_malicious) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn->p_dev, false, "Can't set forced MAC to malicious VF [%d]\n", vfid); return; } feature = 1 << MAC_ADDR_FORCED; OSAL_MEMCPY(vf_info->bulletin.p_virt->mac, mac, ETH_ALEN); vf_info->bulletin.p_virt->valid_bitmap |= feature; /* Forced MAC will disable MAC_ADDR */ vf_info->bulletin.p_virt->valid_bitmap &= ~(1 << VFPF_BULLETIN_MAC_ADDR); ecore_iov_configure_vport_forced(p_hwfn, vf_info, feature); } #ifndef LINUX_REMOVE enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_bulletin_set_mac(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u8 *mac, int vfid) { struct ecore_vf_info *vf_info; u64 feature; vf_info = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)vfid, true); if (!vf_info) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn->p_dev, true, "Can not set MAC, invalid vfid [%d]\n", vfid); return ECORE_INVAL; } if (vf_info->b_malicious) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn->p_dev, false, "Can't set MAC to malicious VF [%d]\n", vfid); return ECORE_INVAL; } if (vf_info->bulletin.p_virt->valid_bitmap & (1 << MAC_ADDR_FORCED)) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "Can not set MAC, Forced MAC is configured\n"); return ECORE_INVAL; } feature = 1 << VFPF_BULLETIN_MAC_ADDR; OSAL_MEMCPY(vf_info->bulletin.p_virt->mac, mac, ETH_ALEN); vf_info->bulletin.p_virt->valid_bitmap |= feature; return ECORE_SUCCESS; } enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_bulletin_set_forced_untagged_default(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, bool b_untagged_only, int vfid) { struct ecore_vf_info *vf_info; u64 feature; vf_info = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)vfid, true); if (!vf_info) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn->p_dev, true, "Can not set untagged default, invalid vfid [%d]\n", vfid); return ECORE_INVAL; } if (vf_info->b_malicious) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn->p_dev, false, "Can't set untagged default to malicious VF [%d]\n", vfid); return ECORE_INVAL; } /* Since this is configurable only during vport-start, don't take it * if we're past that point. */ if (vf_info->state == VF_ENABLED) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "Can't support untagged change for vfid[%d] - VF is already active\n", vfid); return ECORE_INVAL; } /* Set configuration; This will later be taken into account during the * VF initialization. */ feature = (1 << VFPF_BULLETIN_UNTAGGED_DEFAULT) | (1 << VFPF_BULLETIN_UNTAGGED_DEFAULT_FORCED); vf_info->bulletin.p_virt->valid_bitmap |= feature; vf_info->bulletin.p_virt->default_only_untagged = b_untagged_only ? 1 : 0; return ECORE_SUCCESS; } void ecore_iov_get_vfs_opaque_fid(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, int vfid, u16 *opaque_fid) { struct ecore_vf_info *vf_info; vf_info = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)vfid, true); if (!vf_info) return; *opaque_fid = vf_info->opaque_fid; } #endif void ecore_iov_bulletin_set_forced_vlan(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 pvid, int vfid) { struct ecore_vf_info *vf_info; u64 feature; vf_info = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)vfid, true); if (!vf_info) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn->p_dev, true, "Can not set forced MAC, invalid vfid [%d]\n", vfid); return; } if (vf_info->b_malicious) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn->p_dev, false, "Can't set forced vlan to malicious VF [%d]\n", vfid); return; } feature = 1 << VLAN_ADDR_FORCED; vf_info->bulletin.p_virt->pvid = pvid; if (pvid) vf_info->bulletin.p_virt->valid_bitmap |= feature; else vf_info->bulletin.p_virt->valid_bitmap &= ~feature; ecore_iov_configure_vport_forced(p_hwfn, vf_info, feature); } void ecore_iov_bulletin_set_udp_ports(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, int vfid, u16 vxlan_port, u16 geneve_port) { struct ecore_vf_info *vf_info; vf_info = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)vfid, true); if (!vf_info) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn->p_dev, true, "Can not set udp ports, invalid vfid [%d]\n", vfid); return; } if (vf_info->b_malicious) { DP_VERBOSE(p_hwfn, ECORE_MSG_IOV, "Can not set udp ports to malicious VF [%d]\n", vfid); return; } vf_info->bulletin.p_virt->vxlan_udp_port = vxlan_port; vf_info->bulletin.p_virt->geneve_udp_port = geneve_port; } bool ecore_iov_vf_has_vport_instance(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, int vfid) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf_info; p_vf_info = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)vfid, true); if (!p_vf_info) return false; return !!p_vf_info->vport_instance; } bool ecore_iov_is_vf_stopped(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, int vfid) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf_info; p_vf_info = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)vfid, true); if (!p_vf_info) return true; return p_vf_info->state == VF_STOPPED; } bool ecore_iov_spoofchk_get(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, int vfid) { struct ecore_vf_info *vf_info; vf_info = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)vfid, true); if (!vf_info) return false; return vf_info->spoof_chk; } enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_spoofchk_set(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, int vfid, bool val) { struct ecore_vf_info *vf; enum _ecore_status_t rc = ECORE_INVAL; if (!ecore_iov_pf_sanity_check(p_hwfn, vfid)) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "SR-IOV sanity check failed, can't set spoofchk\n"); goto out; } vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)vfid, true); if (!vf) goto out; if (!ecore_iov_vf_has_vport_instance(p_hwfn, vfid)) { /* After VF VPORT start PF will configure spoof check */ vf->req_spoofchk_val = val; rc = ECORE_SUCCESS; goto out; } rc = __ecore_iov_spoofchk_set(p_hwfn, vf, val); out: return rc; } #ifndef LINUX_REMOVE u8 ecore_iov_vf_chains_per_pf(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn) { u8 max_chains_per_vf = p_hwfn->hw_info.max_chains_per_vf; max_chains_per_vf = (max_chains_per_vf) ? max_chains_per_vf : ECORE_MAX_VF_CHAINS_PER_PF; return max_chains_per_vf; } void ecore_iov_get_vf_req_virt_mbx_params(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 rel_vf_id, void **pp_req_virt_addr, u16 *p_req_virt_size) { struct ecore_vf_info *vf_info = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, rel_vf_id, true); if (!vf_info) return; if (pp_req_virt_addr) *pp_req_virt_addr = vf_info->vf_mbx.req_virt; if (p_req_virt_size) *p_req_virt_size = sizeof(*vf_info->vf_mbx.req_virt); } void ecore_iov_get_vf_reply_virt_mbx_params(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 rel_vf_id, void **pp_reply_virt_addr, u16 *p_reply_virt_size) { struct ecore_vf_info *vf_info = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, rel_vf_id, true); if (!vf_info) return; if (pp_reply_virt_addr) *pp_reply_virt_addr = vf_info->vf_mbx.reply_virt; if (p_reply_virt_size) *p_reply_virt_size = sizeof(*vf_info->vf_mbx.reply_virt); } #ifdef CONFIG_ECORE_SW_CHANNEL struct ecore_iov_sw_mbx* ecore_iov_get_vf_sw_mbx(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 rel_vf_id) { struct ecore_vf_info *vf_info = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, rel_vf_id, true); if (!vf_info) return OSAL_NULL; return &vf_info->vf_mbx.sw_mbx; } #endif bool ecore_iov_is_valid_vfpf_msg_length(u32 length) { return (length >= sizeof(struct vfpf_first_tlv) && (length <= sizeof(union vfpf_tlvs))); } u32 ecore_iov_pfvf_msg_length(void) { return sizeof(union pfvf_tlvs); } #endif u8 *ecore_iov_bulletin_get_forced_mac(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 rel_vf_id) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf; p_vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, rel_vf_id, true); if (!p_vf || !p_vf->bulletin.p_virt) return OSAL_NULL; if (!(p_vf->bulletin.p_virt->valid_bitmap & (1 << MAC_ADDR_FORCED))) return OSAL_NULL; return p_vf->bulletin.p_virt->mac; } u16 ecore_iov_bulletin_get_forced_vlan(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 rel_vf_id) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf; p_vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, rel_vf_id, true); if (!p_vf || !p_vf->bulletin.p_virt) return 0; if (!(p_vf->bulletin.p_virt->valid_bitmap & (1 << VLAN_ADDR_FORCED))) return 0; return p_vf->bulletin.p_virt->pvid; } enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_configure_tx_rate(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, int vfid, int val) { struct ecore_mcp_link_state *p_link; struct ecore_vf_info *vf; u8 abs_vp_id = 0; enum _ecore_status_t rc; vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)vfid, true); if (!vf) return ECORE_INVAL; rc = ecore_fw_vport(p_hwfn, vf->vport_id, &abs_vp_id); if (rc != ECORE_SUCCESS) return rc; p_link = &ECORE_LEADING_HWFN(p_hwfn->p_dev)->mcp_info->link_output; return ecore_init_vport_rl(p_hwfn, p_ptt, abs_vp_id, (u32)val, p_link->speed); } enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_configure_min_tx_rate(struct ecore_dev *p_dev, int vfid, u32 rate) { struct ecore_vf_info *vf; u8 vport_id; int i; for_each_hwfn(p_dev, i) { struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn = &p_dev->hwfns[i]; if (!ecore_iov_pf_sanity_check(p_hwfn, vfid)) { DP_NOTICE(p_hwfn, true, "SR-IOV sanity check failed, can't set min rate\n"); return ECORE_INVAL; } } vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(ECORE_LEADING_HWFN(p_dev), (u16)vfid, true); vport_id = vf->vport_id; return ecore_configure_vport_wfq(p_dev, vport_id, rate); } #ifndef LINUX_REMOVE enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_get_vf_stats(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, struct ecore_ptt *p_ptt, int vfid, struct ecore_eth_stats *p_stats) { struct ecore_vf_info *vf; vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)vfid, true); if (!vf) return ECORE_INVAL; if (vf->state != VF_ENABLED) return ECORE_INVAL; __ecore_get_vport_stats(p_hwfn, p_ptt, p_stats, vf->abs_vf_id + 0x10, false); return ECORE_SUCCESS; } u8 ecore_iov_get_vf_num_rxqs(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 rel_vf_id) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf; p_vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, rel_vf_id, true); if (!p_vf) return 0; return p_vf->num_rxqs; } u8 ecore_iov_get_vf_num_active_rxqs(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 rel_vf_id) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf; p_vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, rel_vf_id, true); if (!p_vf) return 0; return p_vf->num_active_rxqs; } void *ecore_iov_get_vf_ctx(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 rel_vf_id) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf; p_vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, rel_vf_id, true); if (!p_vf) return OSAL_NULL; return p_vf->ctx; } u8 ecore_iov_get_vf_num_sbs(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 rel_vf_id) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf; p_vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, rel_vf_id, true); if (!p_vf) return 0; return p_vf->num_sbs; } bool ecore_iov_is_vf_wait_for_acquire(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 rel_vf_id) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf; p_vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, rel_vf_id, true); if (!p_vf) return false; return (p_vf->state == VF_FREE); } bool ecore_iov_is_vf_acquired_not_initialized(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 rel_vf_id) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf; p_vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, rel_vf_id, true); if (!p_vf) return false; return (p_vf->state == VF_ACQUIRED); } bool ecore_iov_is_vf_initialized(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 rel_vf_id) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf; p_vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, rel_vf_id, true); if (!p_vf) return false; return (p_vf->state == VF_ENABLED); } bool ecore_iov_is_vf_started(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, u16 rel_vf_id) { struct ecore_vf_info *p_vf; p_vf = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, rel_vf_id, true); if (!p_vf) return false; return (p_vf->state != VF_FREE && p_vf->state != VF_STOPPED); } #endif enum _ecore_status_t ecore_iov_get_vf_min_rate(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, int vfid) { struct ecore_wfq_data *vf_vp_wfq; struct ecore_vf_info *vf_info; vf_info = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)vfid, true); if (!vf_info) return 0; vf_vp_wfq = &p_hwfn->qm_info.wfq_data[vf_info->vport_id]; if (vf_vp_wfq->configured) return vf_vp_wfq->min_speed; else return 0; } #ifdef CONFIG_ECORE_SW_CHANNEL void ecore_iov_set_vf_hw_channel(struct ecore_hwfn *p_hwfn, int vfid, bool b_is_hw) { struct ecore_vf_info *vf_info; vf_info = ecore_iov_get_vf_info(p_hwfn, (u16)vfid, true); if (!vf_info) return; vf_info->b_hw_channel = b_is_hw; } #endif