/******************************************************************************* *Copyright (c) 2014 PMC-Sierra, Inc. All rights reserved. * *Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided *that the following conditions are met: *1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the *following disclaimer. *2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, *this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided *with the distribution. * *THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED *WARRANTIES,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS *FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE *FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT *NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR *BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT *LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS *SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE * * $FreeBSD$ * ********************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************** ** ** Version Control Information: ** ** *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************** ** * tidefs.h * * Abstract: This module contains enum and #define definition used * by Transport Independent API (TIAPI) Layer. * ********************************************************************************/ #ifndef TIDEFS_H #define TIDEFS_H #include <dev/pms/freebsd/driver/common/osenv.h> #include <dev/pms/freebsd/driver/common/ostypes.h> #include <dev/pms/freebsd/driver/common/osdebug.h> /***************************************************************************** * INITIATOR/TARGET SHARED DEFINES AND ENUMS *****************************************************************************/ /* * Option mask parameter for tiCOMPortStart() */ #define PORTAL_ADD_MASK 0x00000001 /* * Maximum memory descriptor for Low-Level layer. */ #define MAX_LL_LAYER_MEM_DESCRIPTORS 64 /* * TI API function return types */ typedef enum { tiSuccess, tiError, tiBusy, tiIONoDevice, tiMemoryTooLarge, tiMemoryNotAvail, tiInvalidHandle, tiNotSupported, tiReject, tiIncorrectLun, tiDeviceBusy, } tiStatus_t; /* * Type of memory, OR-ed the bit fields. */ /* Bit 0-1, cached or dma-uncached dma-cached */ #define TI_DMA_MEM 0x00000000 /* uncached DMA capable memory */ #define TI_CACHED_MEM 0x00000001 /* cached non-DMA capable memory */ #define TI_CACHED_DMA_MEM 0x00000002 /* cached DMA capable memory */ #define TI_DMA_MEM_CHIP 0x00000003 /* Internal HW/chip memory */ /* Bit2-3: location of memory */ #define TI_LOC_HOST 0x00000000 /* default, allocated from host */ #define TI_LOC_ON_CHIP 0x00000004 /* memory is from on-chip RAM */ #define TI_LOC_ON_CARD 0x00000008 /* memory is from on-card RAM */ /* Type of SGL list * */ typedef enum { tiSgl=0, tiSglList=0x80000000, tiExtHdr }tiSglType_t; /* * Type of mutex semaphoring/synchronization */ typedef enum { tiSingleMutexLockPerPort, tiOneMutexLockPerQueue }tiMutexType_t; /* * Context (interrupt or non-interrupt) */ typedef enum { tiInterruptContext, tiNonInterruptContext }tiIntContextType_t; /* * Port Event type. */ typedef enum { tiPortPanic, tiPortResetComplete, tiPortNameServerDown, tiPortLinkDown, tiPortLinkUp, tiPortStarted, tiPortStopped, tiPortShutdown, tiPortDiscoveryReady, tiPortResetNeeded, tiEncryptOperation, tiModePageOperation } tiPortEvent_t; /* * tiEncryptOperation Event types */ typedef enum { tiEncryptGetInfo, tiEncryptSetMode, tiEncryptKekAdd, tiEncryptDekInvalidate, tiEncryptKekStore, tiEncryptKekLoad, tiEncryptAttribRegUpdate, tiEncryptDekAdd, /* new */ tiEncryptOperatorManagement, tiEncryptSelfTest, tiEncryptSetOperator, tiEncryptGetOperator } tiEncryptOp_t; /* * ostiPortEvent() status values for tiCOMOperatorManagement() */ typedef enum { tiOMNotSupported, tiOMIllegalParam, tiOMKENUnwrapFail, tiOMNvramOpFailure, } tiOperatorManagementStatus_t; /* * ostiInitiatorIOCompleted() and ostiTargetIOError() status values */ typedef enum { tiIOSuccess, tiIOOverRun, tiIOUnderRun, tiIOFailed, tiIODifError, tiIOEncryptError, } tiIOStatus_t; /* * ostiInitiatorIOCompleted() and ostiTargetIOError() statusDetail values */ typedef enum { tiSMPSuccess, tiSMPAborted, tiSMPFailed, } tiSMPStatus_t; typedef enum { tiDetailBusy, tiDetailNotValid, tiDetailNoLogin, tiDetailAbortLogin, tiDetailAbortReset, tiDetailAborted, tiDetailDifMismatch, tiDetailDifAppTagMismatch, tiDetailDifRefTagMismatch, tiDetailDifCrcMismatch, tiDetailDekKeyCacheMiss, tiDetailCipherModeInvalid, tiDetailDekIVMismatch, tiDetailDekRamInterfaceError, tiDetailDekIndexOutofBounds, tiDetailOtherError, tiDetailOtherErrorNoRetry, } tiIOStatusDetail_t; /* * IOCTL Status Codes */ #define IOCTL_ERR_STATUS_OK 0x00 #define IOCTL_ERR_STATUS_MORE_DATA 0x01 #define IOCTL_ERR_STATUS_NO_MORE_DATA 0x02 #define IOCTL_ERR_STATUS_INVALID_CODE 0x03 #define IOCTL_ERR_STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE 0x04 #define IOCTL_ERR_STATUS_NOT_RESPONDING 0x05 #define IOCTL_ERR_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x06 #define IOCTL_ERR_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x07 #define IOCTL_ERR_FW_EVENTLOG_DISABLED 0x08 #define IOCTL_MJ_FATAL_ERROR_SOFT_RESET_TRIG 0x72 #define IOCTL_MJ_FATAL_ERR_CHK_SEND_TRUE 0x77 #define IOCTL_MJ_FATAL_ERR_CHK_SEND_FALSE 0x76 #define IOCTL_ERROR_NO_FATAL_ERROR 0x77 #define ADAPTER_WWN_START_OFFSET 0x804 #define ADAPTER_WWN_END_OFFSET 0x80b #define ADAPTER_WWN_SPC_START_OFFSET 0x704 #define ADAPTER_WWN_SPC_END_OFFSET 0x70b /* * IOCTL Return Codes */ #define IOCTL_CALL_SUCCESS 0x00 #define IOCTL_CALL_FAIL 0x01 #define IOCTL_CALL_PENDING 0x02 #define IOCTL_CALL_INVALID_CODE 0x03 #define IOCTL_CALL_INVALID_DEVICE 0x04 #define IOCTL_CALL_TIMEOUT 0x08 /* * DIF operation */ #define DIF_INSERT 0 #define DIF_VERIFY_FORWARD 1 #define DIF_VERIFY_DELETE 2 #define DIF_VERIFY_REPLACE 3 #define DIF_UDT_SIZE 6 /* * Login state in tiDeviceInfo_t */ #define INI_LGN_STATE_FREE 0x00000000 #define INI_LGN_STATE_LOGIN 0x00000001 #define INI_LGN_STATE_FAIL 0x00000002 #define INI_LGN_STATE_OTHERS 0x0000000F /* * SecurityCipherMode in tiEncryptInfo_t and tiCOMEncryptSetMode() */ #define TI_ENCRYPT_SEC_MODE_FACT_INIT 0x00000000 #define TI_ENCRYPT_SEC_MODE_A 0x40000000 #define TI_ENCRYPT_SEC_MODE_B 0x80000000 #define TI_ENCRYPT_ATTRIB_ALLOW_SMF 0x00000200 #define TI_ENCRYPT_ATTRIB_AUTH_REQ 0x00000100 #define TI_ENCRYPT_ATTRIB_CIPHER_XTS 0x00000002 #define TI_ENCRYPT_ATTRIB_CIPHER_ECB 0x00000001 /* * Status in tiEncryptInfo_t */ #define TI_ENCRYPT_STATUS_NO_NVRAM 0x00000001 #define TI_ENCRYPT_STATUS_NVRAM_ERROR 0x00000002 #define TI_ENCRYPT_STATUS_ENGINE_ERROR 0x00000004 /* * EncryptMode in tiEncrypt_t */ #define TI_ENCRYPT_MODE_XTS_AES 0x00400000 #define TI_ENCRYPT_MODE_ECB_AES 0x00000000 /* * Encrypt blob types */ #define TI_PLAINTEXT 0 #define TI_ENCRYPTED_KEK_PMCA 1 #define TI_ENCRYPTED_KEK_PMCB 2 /* * Encrypt DEK table key entry sizes */ #define TI_DEK_TABLE_KEY_SIZE16 0 #define TI_DEK_TABLE_KEY_SIZE24 1 #define TI_DEK_TABLE_KEY_SIZE32 2 #define TI_DEK_TABLE_KEY_SIZE40 3 #define TI_DEK_TABLE_KEY_SIZE48 4 #define TI_DEK_TABLE_KEY_SIZE56 5 #define TI_DEK_TABLE_KEY_SIZE64 6 #define TI_DEK_TABLE_KEY_SIZE72 7 #define TI_DEK_TABLE_KEY_SIZE80 8 /* KEK blob size and DEK blob size and host DEK table entry number */ #define TI_KEK_BLOB_SIZE 48 #define TI_KEK_MAX_TABLE_ENTRIES 8 #define TI_DEK_MAX_TABLES 2 #define TI_DEK_MAX_TABLE_ENTRIES (1024*4) #define TI_DEK_BLOB_SIZE 80 /************************************************************ * tiHWEventMode_t page operation definitions ************************************************************/ #define tiModePageGet 1 #define tiModePageSet 2 /* controller configuration page code */ #define TI_SAS_PROTOCOL_TIMER_CONFIG_PAGE 0x04 #define TI_INTERRUPT_CONFIGURATION_PAGE 0x05 #define TI_ENCRYPTION_GENERAL_CONFIG_PAGE 0x20 #define TI_ENCRYPTION_DEK_CONFIG_PAGE 0x21 #define TI_ENCRYPTION_CONTROL_PARM_PAGE 0x22 #define TI_ENCRYPTION_HMAC_CONFIG_PAGE 0x23 /* encryption self test type */ #define TI_ENCRYPTION_TEST_TYPE_BIST 0x01 #define TI_ENCRYPTION_TEST_TYPE_HMAC 0x02 /* SHA algorithm type */ #define TI_SHA_ALG_1 0x04 #define TI_SHA_ALG_256 0x08 #define TI_SHA_ALG_224 0x10 #define TI_SHA_ALG_512 0x20 #define TI_SHA_ALG_384 0x40 #define TI_SHA_1_DIGEST_SIZE 20 #define TI_SHA_256_DIGEST_SIZE 32 #define TI_SHA_224_DIGEST_SIZE 28 #define TI_SHA_512_DIGEST_SIZE 64 #define TI_SHA_384_DIGEST_SIZE 48 /***************************************************************************** * INITIATOR SPECIFIC DEFINES AND ENUMS *****************************************************************************/ /* * ostiInitiatorIOCompleted() statusDetail contains SCSI status, * when status passed in ostiInitiatorIOCompleted() is tiIOSuccess. */ #define SCSI_STAT_GOOD 0x00 #define SCSI_STAT_CHECK_CONDITION 0x02 #define SCSI_STAT_CONDITION_MET 0x04 #define SCSI_STAT_BUSY 0x08 #define SCSI_STAT_INTERMEDIATE 0x10 #define SCSI_STAT_INTER_CONDIT_MET 0x14 #define SCSI_STAT_RESV_CONFLICT 0x18 #define SCSI_STAT_COMMANDTERMINATED 0x22 #define SCSI_STAT_TASK_SET_FULL 0x28 #define SCSI_STAT_ACA_ACTIVE 0x30 #define SCSI_STAT_TASK_ABORTED 0x40 /* 01: soft error 02: not ready 03: medium error 04: hardware error 05: illegal request 06: unit attention 0b: abort command */ #define SCSI_SENSE_KEY_NO_SENSE 0x00 #define SCSI_SENSE_KEY_RECOVERED_ERROR 0x01 #define SCSI_SENSE_KEY_NOT_READY 0x02 #define SCSI_SENSE_KEY_MEDIUM_ERROR 0x03 #define SCSI_SENSE_KEY_HARDWARE_ERROR 0x04 #define SCSI_SENSE_KEY_ILLEGAL_REQUEST 0x05 #define SCSI_SENSE_KEY_UNIT_ATTENTION 0x06 #define SCSI_SENSE_KEY_DATA_PROTECT 0x07 #define SCSI_SENSE_KEY_BLANK_CHECK 0x08 #define SCSI_SENSE_KEY_UNIQUE 0x09 #define SCSI_SENSE_KEY_COPY_ABORTED 0x0A #define SCSI_SENSE_KEY_ABORTED_COMMAND 0x0B #define SCSI_SENSE_KEY_EQUAL 0x0C #define SCSI_SENSE_KEY_VOL_OVERFLOW 0x0D #define SCSI_SENSE_KEY_MISCOMPARE 0x0E #define SCSI_SENSE_KEY_RESERVED 0x0F /* * Reset option in tiCOMReset() */ typedef enum { tiSoftReset, tiHardReset, tiAutoReset } tiReset_t; /* * Bit 0 Mask for the persistent option in tiINIDiscoverTargets() */ #define NORMAL_ASSIGN_MASK 0x00000000 #define FORCE_PERSISTENT_ASSIGN_MASK 0x00000001 /* * Bit 1 Mask for the auto login option in tiINIDiscoverTargets() */ #define AUTO_LOGIN_MASK 0x00000000 #define NO_AUTO_LOGIN_MASK 0x00000002 /* * Task Management task used in tiINITaskManagement() * * 1 AG_ABORT TASK - aborts the task identified by the Referenced Task Tag field. * 2 AG_ABORT TASK SET - aborts all Tasks issued by this initiator on the Logical Unit * 3 AG_CLEAR ACA - clears the Auto Contingent Allegiance condition. * 4 AG_CLEAR TASK SET - Aborts all Tasks (from all initiators) for the Logical Unit. * 5 AG_LOGICAL UNIT RESET * 6 AG_TARGET WARM RESET - iSCSI only * 7 AG_TARGET_COLD_RESET - iSCSI only * 8 AG_TASK_REASSIGN - iSCSI only * 9 AG_QUERY_TASK - SAS only */ #define AG_ABORT_TASK 1 #define AG_ABORT_TASK_SET 2 #define AG_CLEAR_ACA 3 #define AG_CLEAR_TASK_SET 4 #define AG_LOGICAL_UNIT_RESET 5 #define AG_TARGET_WARM_RESET 6 /* iSCSI only */ #define AG_TARGET_COLD_RESET 7 /* iSCSI only */ #define AG_TASK_REASSIGN 8 /* iSCSI only */ #define AG_QUERY_TASK 9 /* SAS only */ /* * Event types for ostiInitiatorEvent() */ typedef enum { tiIntrEventTypeCnxError, tiIntrEventTypeDiscovery, tiIntrEventTypeTransportRecovery, tiIntrEventTypeTaskManagement, tiIntrEventTypeDeviceChange, tiIntrEventTypeLogin, tiIntrEventTypeLocalAbort } tiIntrEventType_t; /* * Event status for ostiInitiatorEvent() */ typedef enum { tiCnxUp, tiCnxDown } tiCnxEventStatus_t; typedef enum { tiDiscOK, tiDiscFailed } tiDiscEventStatus_t; typedef enum { tiLoginOK, tiLoginFailed, tiLogoutOK, tiLogoutFailed } tiLoginEventStatus_t; typedef enum { tiRecOK, tiRecFailed, tiRecStarted } tiRecEventStatus_t; typedef enum { tiTMOK, tiTMFailed } tiTMEventStatus_t; typedef enum { tiDeviceRemoval, tiDeviceArrival, tiDeviceLoginReceived } tiDevEventStatus_t; typedef enum { tiAbortOK, tiAbortFailed, tiAbortDelayed, tiAbortInProgress } tiAbortEventStatus_t; /* * SCSI SAM-2 Task Attribute */ #define TASK_UNTAGGED 0 /* Untagged */ #define TASK_SIMPLE 1 /* Simple */ #define TASK_ORDERED 2 /* Ordered */ #define TASK_HEAD_OF_QUEUE 3 /* Head of Queue */ #define TASK_ACA 4 /* ACA */ /* * Data direction for I/O request */ typedef enum { tiDirectionIn = 0x0000, tiDirectionOut = 0x0001 }tiDataDirection_t; /* * NVRAM error subEvents for encryption */ typedef enum { tiNVRAMSuccess = 0x0000, tiNVRAMWriteFail = 0x0001, tiNVRAMReadFail = 0x0002, tiNVRAMNotFound = 0x0003, tiNVRAMAccessTimeout = 0x0004 }tiEncryptSubEvent_t; /* Event Logging */ /* Event Severity Codes */ #define IOCTL_EVT_SEV_OFF 0x00 #define IOCTL_EVT_SEV_ALWAYS_ON 0x01 #define IOCTL_EVT_SEV_ERROR 0x02 #define IOCTL_EVT_SEV_WARNING 0x03 #define IOCTL_EVT_SEV_INFORMATIONAL 0x04 #define IOCTL_EVT_SEV_DEBUG_L1 0x05 #define IOCTL_EVT_SEV_DEBUG_L2 0x06 #define IOCTL_EVT_SEV_DEBUG_L3 0x07 /* Event Source */ #define IOCTL_EVT_SRC_HW 0xF0000000 #define IOCTL_EVT_SRC_ITSDK 0x0F000000 #define IOCTL_EVT_SRC_FW 0x00F00000 #define IOCTL_EVT_SRC_TD_LAYER 0x000F0000 #define IOCTL_EVT_SRC_TARGET 0x0000F000 #define IOCTL_EVT_SRC_OSLAYER 0x00000F00 #define IOCTL_EVT_SRC_RESERVED 0x000000F0 #define IOCTL_EVT_SRC_RESERVED1 0x0000000F /* Event Shifter */ #define IOCTL_EVT_SRC_HW_SHIFTER 28 #define IOCTL_EVT_SRC_ITSDK_SHIFTER 24 #define IOCTL_EVT_SRC_FW_SHIFTER 20 #define IOCTL_EVT_SRC_COMMON_LAYER_SHIFTER 16 #define IOCTL_EVT_SRC_TARGET_SHIFTER 12 #define IOCTL_EVT_SRC_OSLAYER_SHIFTER 8 #define IOCTL_EVT_SRC_RESERVED_SHIFTER 4 #define IOCTL_EVT_SRC_RESERVED1_SHIFTER 0 #define EVENTLOG_MAX_MSG_LEN 110 #define EVENT_ID_MAX 0xffffffff #define DISCOVERY_IN_PROGRESS 0xFFFFFFFF #define TI_SSP_INDIRECT_CDB_SIZE 64 /* * Flags in tiSuperScsiInitiatorRequest_t */ #define TI_SCSI_INITIATOR_DIF 0x00000001 #define TI_SCSI_INITIATOR_ENCRYPT 0x00000002 #define TI_SCSI_INITIATOR_INDIRECT_CDB 0x00000004 /***************************************************************************** * TARGET SPECIFIC DEFINES AND ENUMS *****************************************************************************/ /* * Event types for ostiTargetEvent() */ typedef enum { tiTgtEventTypeCnxError, tiTgtEventTypeDeviceChange } tiTgtEventType_t; /* * Flags in tiSuperScsiTargetRequest_t */ #define TI_SCSI_TARGET_DIF 0x00000001 #define TI_SCSI_TARGET_MIRROR 0x00000002 #define TI_SCSI_TARGET_ENCRYPT 0x00000004 #endif /* TIDEFS_H */