/* * Copyright (c) 2016-present, Przemyslaw Skibinski, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree). * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses. */ #if defined (__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif /*-**************************************** * Dependencies ******************************************/ #include "util.h" /* note : ensure that platform.h is included first ! */ #include <errno.h> #include <assert.h> int UTIL_fileExist(const char* filename) { stat_t statbuf; #if defined(_MSC_VER) int const stat_error = _stat64(filename, &statbuf); #else int const stat_error = stat(filename, &statbuf); #endif return !stat_error; } int UTIL_isRegularFile(const char* infilename) { stat_t statbuf; return UTIL_getFileStat(infilename, &statbuf); /* Only need to know whether it is a regular file */ } int UTIL_getFileStat(const char* infilename, stat_t *statbuf) { int r; #if defined(_MSC_VER) r = _stat64(infilename, statbuf); if (r || !(statbuf->st_mode & S_IFREG)) return 0; /* No good... */ #else r = stat(infilename, statbuf); if (r || !S_ISREG(statbuf->st_mode)) return 0; /* No good... */ #endif return 1; } int UTIL_setFileStat(const char *filename, stat_t *statbuf) { int res = 0; struct utimbuf timebuf; if (!UTIL_isRegularFile(filename)) return -1; timebuf.actime = time(NULL); timebuf.modtime = statbuf->st_mtime; res += utime(filename, &timebuf); /* set access and modification times */ #if !defined(_WIN32) res += chown(filename, statbuf->st_uid, statbuf->st_gid); /* Copy ownership */ #endif res += chmod(filename, statbuf->st_mode & 07777); /* Copy file permissions */ errno = 0; return -res; /* number of errors is returned */ } U32 UTIL_isDirectory(const char* infilename) { int r; stat_t statbuf; #if defined(_MSC_VER) r = _stat64(infilename, &statbuf); if (!r && (statbuf.st_mode & _S_IFDIR)) return 1; #else r = stat(infilename, &statbuf); if (!r && S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) return 1; #endif return 0; } U32 UTIL_isLink(const char* infilename) { /* macro guards, as defined in : https://linux.die.net/man/2/lstat */ #ifndef __STRICT_ANSI__ #if defined(_BSD_SOURCE) \ || (defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) && (_XOPEN_SOURCE >= 500)) \ || (defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) && defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED)) \ || (defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) && (_POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L)) \ || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) int r; stat_t statbuf; r = lstat(infilename, &statbuf); if (!r && S_ISLNK(statbuf.st_mode)) return 1; #endif #endif (void)infilename; return 0; } U64 UTIL_getFileSize(const char* infilename) { if (!UTIL_isRegularFile(infilename)) return UTIL_FILESIZE_UNKNOWN; { int r; #if defined(_MSC_VER) struct __stat64 statbuf; r = _stat64(infilename, &statbuf); if (r || !(statbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG)) return UTIL_FILESIZE_UNKNOWN; #elif defined(__MINGW32__) && defined (__MSVCRT__) struct _stati64 statbuf; r = _stati64(infilename, &statbuf); if (r || !(statbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG)) return UTIL_FILESIZE_UNKNOWN; #else struct stat statbuf; r = stat(infilename, &statbuf); if (r || !S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) return UTIL_FILESIZE_UNKNOWN; #endif return (U64)statbuf.st_size; } } U64 UTIL_getTotalFileSize(const char* const * const fileNamesTable, unsigned nbFiles) { U64 total = 0; int error = 0; unsigned n; for (n=0; n<nbFiles; n++) { U64 const size = UTIL_getFileSize(fileNamesTable[n]); error |= (size == UTIL_FILESIZE_UNKNOWN); total += size; } return error ? UTIL_FILESIZE_UNKNOWN : total; } #ifdef _WIN32 int UTIL_prepareFileList(const char *dirName, char** bufStart, size_t* pos, char** bufEnd, int followLinks) { char* path; int dirLength, fnameLength, pathLength, nbFiles = 0; WIN32_FIND_DATAA cFile; HANDLE hFile; dirLength = (int)strlen(dirName); path = (char*) malloc(dirLength + 3); if (!path) return 0; memcpy(path, dirName, dirLength); path[dirLength] = '\\'; path[dirLength+1] = '*'; path[dirLength+2] = 0; hFile=FindFirstFileA(path, &cFile); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { UTIL_DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "Cannot open directory '%s'\n", dirName); return 0; } free(path); do { fnameLength = (int)strlen(cFile.cFileName); path = (char*) malloc(dirLength + fnameLength + 2); if (!path) { FindClose(hFile); return 0; } memcpy(path, dirName, dirLength); path[dirLength] = '\\'; memcpy(path+dirLength+1, cFile.cFileName, fnameLength); pathLength = dirLength+1+fnameLength; path[pathLength] = 0; if (cFile.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if ( strcmp (cFile.cFileName, "..") == 0 || strcmp (cFile.cFileName, ".") == 0 ) continue; /* Recursively call "UTIL_prepareFileList" with the new path. */ nbFiles += UTIL_prepareFileList(path, bufStart, pos, bufEnd, followLinks); if (*bufStart == NULL) { free(path); FindClose(hFile); return 0; } } else if ( (cFile.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) || (cFile.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) || (cFile.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) ) { if (*bufStart + *pos + pathLength >= *bufEnd) { ptrdiff_t const newListSize = (*bufEnd - *bufStart) + LIST_SIZE_INCREASE; *bufStart = (char*)UTIL_realloc(*bufStart, newListSize); if (*bufStart == NULL) { free(path); FindClose(hFile); return 0; } *bufEnd = *bufStart + newListSize; } if (*bufStart + *pos + pathLength < *bufEnd) { memcpy(*bufStart + *pos, path, pathLength+1 /* include final \0 */); *pos += pathLength + 1; nbFiles++; } } free(path); } while (FindNextFileA(hFile, &cFile)); FindClose(hFile); return nbFiles; } #elif defined(__linux__) || (PLATFORM_POSIX_VERSION >= 200112L) /* opendir, readdir require POSIX.1-2001 */ int UTIL_prepareFileList(const char *dirName, char** bufStart, size_t* pos, char** bufEnd, int followLinks) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *entry; char* path; int dirLength, fnameLength, pathLength, nbFiles = 0; if (!(dir = opendir(dirName))) { UTIL_DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "Cannot open directory '%s': %s\n", dirName, strerror(errno)); return 0; } dirLength = (int)strlen(dirName); errno = 0; while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (strcmp (entry->d_name, "..") == 0 || strcmp (entry->d_name, ".") == 0) continue; fnameLength = (int)strlen(entry->d_name); path = (char*) malloc(dirLength + fnameLength + 2); if (!path) { closedir(dir); return 0; } memcpy(path, dirName, dirLength); path[dirLength] = '/'; memcpy(path+dirLength+1, entry->d_name, fnameLength); pathLength = dirLength+1+fnameLength; path[pathLength] = 0; if (!followLinks && UTIL_isLink(path)) { UTIL_DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "Warning : %s is a symbolic link, ignoring\n", path); continue; } if (UTIL_isDirectory(path)) { nbFiles += UTIL_prepareFileList(path, bufStart, pos, bufEnd, followLinks); /* Recursively call "UTIL_prepareFileList" with the new path. */ if (*bufStart == NULL) { free(path); closedir(dir); return 0; } } else { if (*bufStart + *pos + pathLength >= *bufEnd) { ptrdiff_t newListSize = (*bufEnd - *bufStart) + LIST_SIZE_INCREASE; *bufStart = (char*)UTIL_realloc(*bufStart, newListSize); *bufEnd = *bufStart + newListSize; if (*bufStart == NULL) { free(path); closedir(dir); return 0; } } if (*bufStart + *pos + pathLength < *bufEnd) { memcpy(*bufStart + *pos, path, pathLength + 1); /* with final \0 */ *pos += pathLength + 1; nbFiles++; } } free(path); errno = 0; /* clear errno after UTIL_isDirectory, UTIL_prepareFileList */ } if (errno != 0) { UTIL_DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "readdir(%s) error: %s\n", dirName, strerror(errno)); free(*bufStart); *bufStart = NULL; } closedir(dir); return nbFiles; } #else int UTIL_prepareFileList(const char *dirName, char** bufStart, size_t* pos, char** bufEnd, int followLinks) { (void)bufStart; (void)bufEnd; (void)pos; (void)followLinks; UTIL_DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "Directory %s ignored (compiled without _WIN32 or _POSIX_C_SOURCE)\n", dirName); return 0; } #endif /* #ifdef _WIN32 */ /* * UTIL_createFileList - takes a list of files and directories (params: inputNames, inputNamesNb), scans directories, * and returns a new list of files (params: return value, allocatedBuffer, allocatedNamesNb). * After finishing usage of the list the structures should be freed with UTIL_freeFileList(params: return value, allocatedBuffer) * In case of error UTIL_createFileList returns NULL and UTIL_freeFileList should not be called. */ const char** UTIL_createFileList(const char **inputNames, unsigned inputNamesNb, char** allocatedBuffer, unsigned* allocatedNamesNb, int followLinks) { size_t pos; unsigned i, nbFiles; char* buf = (char*)malloc(LIST_SIZE_INCREASE); char* bufend = buf + LIST_SIZE_INCREASE; const char** fileTable; if (!buf) return NULL; for (i=0, pos=0, nbFiles=0; i<inputNamesNb; i++) { if (!UTIL_isDirectory(inputNames[i])) { size_t const len = strlen(inputNames[i]); if (buf + pos + len >= bufend) { ptrdiff_t newListSize = (bufend - buf) + LIST_SIZE_INCREASE; buf = (char*)UTIL_realloc(buf, newListSize); bufend = buf + newListSize; if (!buf) return NULL; } if (buf + pos + len < bufend) { memcpy(buf+pos, inputNames[i], len+1); /* with final \0 */ pos += len + 1; nbFiles++; } } else { nbFiles += UTIL_prepareFileList(inputNames[i], &buf, &pos, &bufend, followLinks); if (buf == NULL) return NULL; } } if (nbFiles == 0) { free(buf); return NULL; } fileTable = (const char**)malloc((nbFiles+1) * sizeof(const char*)); if (!fileTable) { free(buf); return NULL; } for (i=0, pos=0; i<nbFiles; i++) { fileTable[i] = buf + pos; pos += strlen(fileTable[i]) + 1; } if (buf + pos > bufend) { free(buf); free((void*)fileTable); return NULL; } *allocatedBuffer = buf; *allocatedNamesNb = nbFiles; return fileTable; } /*-**************************************** * Console log ******************************************/ int g_utilDisplayLevel; /*-**************************************** * Time functions ******************************************/ #if defined(_WIN32) /* Windows */ UTIL_time_t UTIL_getTime(void) { UTIL_time_t x; QueryPerformanceCounter(&x); return x; } U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeMicro(UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t clockEnd) { static LARGE_INTEGER ticksPerSecond; static int init = 0; if (!init) { if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency(&ticksPerSecond)) UTIL_DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "ERROR: QueryPerformanceFrequency() failure\n"); init = 1; } return 1000000ULL*(clockEnd.QuadPart - clockStart.QuadPart)/ticksPerSecond.QuadPart; } U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeNano(UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t clockEnd) { static LARGE_INTEGER ticksPerSecond; static int init = 0; if (!init) { if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency(&ticksPerSecond)) UTIL_DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "ERROR: QueryPerformanceFrequency() failure\n"); init = 1; } return 1000000000ULL*(clockEnd.QuadPart - clockStart.QuadPart)/ticksPerSecond.QuadPart; } #elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) UTIL_time_t UTIL_getTime(void) { return mach_absolute_time(); } U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeMicro(UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t clockEnd) { static mach_timebase_info_data_t rate; static int init = 0; if (!init) { mach_timebase_info(&rate); init = 1; } return (((clockEnd - clockStart) * (U64)rate.numer) / ((U64)rate.denom))/1000ULL; } U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeNano(UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t clockEnd) { static mach_timebase_info_data_t rate; static int init = 0; if (!init) { mach_timebase_info(&rate); init = 1; } return ((clockEnd - clockStart) * (U64)rate.numer) / ((U64)rate.denom); } #elif (PLATFORM_POSIX_VERSION >= 200112L) \ && (defined(__UCLIBC__) \ || (defined(__GLIBC__) \ && ((__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 17) \ || (__GLIBC__ > 2)))) UTIL_time_t UTIL_getTime(void) { UTIL_time_t time; if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &time)) UTIL_DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "ERROR: Failed to get time\n"); /* we could also exit() */ return time; } UTIL_time_t UTIL_getSpanTime(UTIL_time_t begin, UTIL_time_t end) { UTIL_time_t diff; if (end.tv_nsec < begin.tv_nsec) { diff.tv_sec = (end.tv_sec - 1) - begin.tv_sec; diff.tv_nsec = (end.tv_nsec + 1000000000ULL) - begin.tv_nsec; } else { diff.tv_sec = end.tv_sec - begin.tv_sec; diff.tv_nsec = end.tv_nsec - begin.tv_nsec; } return diff; } U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeMicro(UTIL_time_t begin, UTIL_time_t end) { UTIL_time_t const diff = UTIL_getSpanTime(begin, end); U64 micro = 0; micro += 1000000ULL * diff.tv_sec; micro += diff.tv_nsec / 1000ULL; return micro; } U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeNano(UTIL_time_t begin, UTIL_time_t end) { UTIL_time_t const diff = UTIL_getSpanTime(begin, end); U64 nano = 0; nano += 1000000000ULL * diff.tv_sec; nano += diff.tv_nsec; return nano; } #else /* relies on standard C (note : clock_t measurements can be wrong when using multi-threading) */ UTIL_time_t UTIL_getTime(void) { return clock(); } U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeMicro(UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t clockEnd) { return 1000000ULL * (clockEnd - clockStart) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; } U64 UTIL_getSpanTimeNano(UTIL_time_t clockStart, UTIL_time_t clockEnd) { return 1000000000ULL * (clockEnd - clockStart) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; } #endif /* returns time span in microseconds */ U64 UTIL_clockSpanMicro(UTIL_time_t clockStart ) { UTIL_time_t const clockEnd = UTIL_getTime(); return UTIL_getSpanTimeMicro(clockStart, clockEnd); } /* returns time span in microseconds */ U64 UTIL_clockSpanNano(UTIL_time_t clockStart ) { UTIL_time_t const clockEnd = UTIL_getTime(); return UTIL_getSpanTimeNano(clockStart, clockEnd); } void UTIL_waitForNextTick(void) { UTIL_time_t const clockStart = UTIL_getTime(); UTIL_time_t clockEnd; do { clockEnd = UTIL_getTime(); } while (UTIL_getSpanTimeNano(clockStart, clockEnd) == 0); } /* count the number of physical cores */ #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) #include <windows.h> typedef BOOL(WINAPI* LPFN_GLPI)(PSYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION, PDWORD); int UTIL_countPhysicalCores(void) { static int numPhysicalCores = 0; if (numPhysicalCores != 0) return numPhysicalCores; { LPFN_GLPI glpi; BOOL done = FALSE; PSYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION buffer = NULL; PSYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION ptr = NULL; DWORD returnLength = 0; size_t byteOffset = 0; glpi = (LPFN_GLPI)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(TEXT("kernel32")), "GetLogicalProcessorInformation"); if (glpi == NULL) { goto failed; } while(!done) { DWORD rc = glpi(buffer, &returnLength); if (FALSE == rc) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { if (buffer) free(buffer); buffer = (PSYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION)malloc(returnLength); if (buffer == NULL) { perror("zstd"); exit(1); } } else { /* some other error */ goto failed; } } else { done = TRUE; } } ptr = buffer; while (byteOffset + sizeof(SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION) <= returnLength) { if (ptr->Relationship == RelationProcessorCore) { numPhysicalCores++; } ptr++; byteOffset += sizeof(SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION); } free(buffer); return numPhysicalCores; } failed: /* try to fall back on GetSystemInfo */ { SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo; GetSystemInfo(&sysinfo); numPhysicalCores = sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; if (numPhysicalCores == 0) numPhysicalCores = 1; /* just in case */ } return numPhysicalCores; } #elif defined(__APPLE__) #include <sys/sysctl.h> /* Use apple-provided syscall * see: man 3 sysctl */ int UTIL_countPhysicalCores(void) { static S32 numPhysicalCores = 0; /* apple specifies int32_t */ if (numPhysicalCores != 0) return numPhysicalCores; { size_t size = sizeof(S32); int const ret = sysctlbyname("hw.physicalcpu", &numPhysicalCores, &size, NULL, 0); if (ret != 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) { /* entry not present, fall back on 1 */ numPhysicalCores = 1; } else { perror("zstd: can't get number of physical cpus"); exit(1); } } return numPhysicalCores; } } #elif defined(__linux__) /* parse /proc/cpuinfo * siblings / cpu cores should give hyperthreading ratio * otherwise fall back on sysconf */ int UTIL_countPhysicalCores(void) { static int numPhysicalCores = 0; if (numPhysicalCores != 0) return numPhysicalCores; numPhysicalCores = (int)sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); if (numPhysicalCores == -1) { /* value not queryable, fall back on 1 */ return numPhysicalCores = 1; } /* try to determine if there's hyperthreading */ { FILE* const cpuinfo = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo", "r"); #define BUF_SIZE 80 char buff[BUF_SIZE]; int siblings = 0; int cpu_cores = 0; int ratio = 1; if (cpuinfo == NULL) { /* fall back on the sysconf value */ return numPhysicalCores; } /* assume the cpu cores/siblings values will be constant across all * present processors */ while (!feof(cpuinfo)) { if (fgets(buff, BUF_SIZE, cpuinfo) != NULL) { if (strncmp(buff, "siblings", 8) == 0) { const char* const sep = strchr(buff, ':'); if (*sep == '\0') { /* formatting was broken? */ goto failed; } siblings = atoi(sep + 1); } if (strncmp(buff, "cpu cores", 9) == 0) { const char* const sep = strchr(buff, ':'); if (*sep == '\0') { /* formatting was broken? */ goto failed; } cpu_cores = atoi(sep + 1); } } else if (ferror(cpuinfo)) { /* fall back on the sysconf value */ goto failed; } } if (siblings && cpu_cores) { ratio = siblings / cpu_cores; } failed: fclose(cpuinfo); return numPhysicalCores = numPhysicalCores / ratio; } } #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) /* Use apple-provided syscall * see: man 3 sysctl */ int UTIL_countPhysicalCores(void) { static int numPhysicalCores = 0; if (numPhysicalCores != 0) return numPhysicalCores; numPhysicalCores = (int)sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); if (numPhysicalCores == -1) { /* value not queryable, fall back on 1 */ return numPhysicalCores = 1; } return numPhysicalCores; } #else int UTIL_countPhysicalCores(void) { /* assume 1 */ return 1; } #endif #if defined (__cplusplus) } #endif