Texas Instruments - tlv320aic3x Codec module

The tlv320aic3x serial control bus communicates through both I2C and SPI bus protocols

Required properties:

- compatible - "string" - One of:
    "ti,tlv320aic3x" - Generic TLV320AIC3x device
    "ti,tlv320aic33" - TLV320AIC33
    "ti,tlv320aic3007" - TLV320AIC3007
    "ti,tlv320aic3106" - TLV320AIC3106
    "ti,tlv320aic3104" - TLV320AIC3104

- reg - <int> -  I2C slave address

Optional properties:

- reset-gpios - GPIO specification for the active low RESET input.
- ai3x-gpio-func - <array of 2 int> - AIC3X_GPIO1 & AIC3X_GPIO2 Functionality
				    - Not supported on tlv320aic3104
- ai3x-micbias-vg - MicBias Voltage required.
	1 - MICBIAS output is powered to 2.0V,
	2 - MICBIAS output is powered to 2.5V,
	3 - MICBIAS output is connected to AVDD,
	If this node is not mentioned or if the value is incorrect, then MicBias
	is powered down.
- ai3x-ocmv - Output Common-Mode Voltage selection:
	0 - 1.35V,
	1 - 1.5V,
	2 - 1.65V,
	3 - 1.8V
- AVDD-supply, IOVDD-supply, DRVDD-supply, DVDD-supply : power supplies for the
  device as covered in Documentation/devicetree/bindings/regulator/regulator.txt

Deprecated properties:

- gpio-reset - gpio pin number used for codec reset

CODEC output pins:

CODEC input pins for TLV320AIC3104:
  * MIC2L
  * MIC2R
  * LINE1L
  * LINE1R

CODEC input pins for other compatible codecs:
  * MIC3L
  * MIC3R
  * LINE1L
  * LINE2L
  * LINE1R
  * LINE2R

The pins can be used in referring sound node's audio-routing property.

I2C example:

#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>

tlv320aic3x: tlv320aic3x@1b {
	compatible = "ti,tlv320aic3x";
	reg = <0x1b>;

	reset-gpios = <&gpio1 17 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;

	AVDD-supply = <&regulator>;
	IOVDD-supply = <&regulator>;
	DRVDD-supply = <&regulator>;
	DVDD-supply = <&regulator>;

SPI example:

spi0: spi@f0000000 {
	tlv320aic3x: codec@0 {
		compatible = "ti,tlv320aic3x";
		reg = <0>; /* CS number */
		#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
		spi-max-frequency = <1000000>;

		AVDD-supply = <&regulator>;
		IOVDD-supply = <&regulator>;
		DRVDD-supply = <&regulator>;
		DVDD-supply = <&regulator>;
		ai3x-ocmv = <0>;