Texas Instruments - tlv320aic32x4 Codec module

The tlv320aic32x4 serial control bus communicates through I2C protocols

Required properties:
 - compatible - "string" - One of:
	"ti,tlv320aic32x4" TLV320AIC3204
	"ti,tlv320aic32x6" TLV320AIC3206, TLV320AIC3256
	"ti,tas2505" TAS2505, TAS2521
 - reg: I2C slave address
 - supply-*: Required supply regulators are:
    "iov" - digital IO power supply
    "ldoin" - LDO power supply
    "dv" - Digital core power supply
    "av" - Analog core power supply
    If you supply ldoin, dv and av are optional. Otherwise they are required
   See regulator/regulator.txt for more information about the detailed binding

Optional properties:
 - reset-gpios: Reset-GPIO phandle with args as described in gpio/gpio.txt
 - clocks/clock-names: Clock named 'mclk' for the master clock of the codec.
   See clock/clock-bindings.txt for information about the detailed format.
 - aic32x4-gpio-func - <array of 5 int>
	- Types are defined in include/sound/tlv320aic32x4.h


codec: tlv320aic32x4@18 {
	compatible = "ti,tlv320aic32x4";
	reg = <0x18>;
	clocks = <&clks 201>;
	clock-names = "mclk";
	aic32x4-gpio-func= <
			0xff /* AIC32X4_MFPX_DEFAULT_VALUE */
			0xff /* AIC32X4_MFPX_DEFAULT_VALUE */
			0x04 /* MFP3 AIC32X4_MFP3_GPIO_ENABLED */
			0xff /* AIC32X4_MFPX_DEFAULT_VALUE */
			0x08 /* MFP5 AIC32X4_MFP5_GPIO_INPUT */