# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
%YAML 1.2
$id: http://devicetree.org/schemas/soc/qcom/qcom,rpmh-rsc.yaml#
$schema: http://devicetree.org/meta-schemas/core.yaml#

title: Qualcomm RPMH RSC

  - Bjorn Andersson <bjorn.andersson@linaro.org>

description: |
  Resource Power Manager Hardened (RPMH) is the mechanism for communicating
  with the hardened resource accelerators on Qualcomm SoCs. Requests to the
  resources can be written to the Trigger Command Set (TCS)  registers and
  using a (addr, val) pair and triggered. Messages in the TCS are then sent in
  sequence over an internal bus.

  The hardware block (Direct Resource Voter or DRV) is a part of the h/w entity
  (Resource State Coordinator a.k.a RSC) that can handle multiple sleep and
  active/wake resource requests. Multiple such DRVs can exist in a SoC and can
  be written to from Linux. The structure of each DRV follows the same template
  with a few variations that are captured by the properties here.

  A TCS may be triggered from Linux or triggered by the F/W after all the CPUs
  have powered off to facilitate idle power saving. TCS could be classified as::
    ACTIVE  - Triggered by Linux
    SLEEP   - Triggered by F/W
    WAKE    - Triggered by F/W
    CONTROL - Triggered by F/W
  See also:: <dt-bindings/soc/qcom,rpmh-rsc.h>

  The order in which they are described in the DT, should match the hardware

  Requests can be made for the state of a resource, when the subsystem is
  active or idle. When all subsystems like Modem, GPU, CPU are idle, the
  resource state will be an aggregate of the sleep votes from each of those
  subsystems. Clients may request a sleep value for their shared resources in
  addition to the active mode requests.

  Drivers that want to use the RSC to communicate with RPMH must specify their
  bindings as child nodes of the RSC controllers they wish to communicate with.

    const: qcom,rpmh-rsc

    minItems: 1
    maxItems: 4
      The interrupt that trips when a message complete/response is received for
      this DRV from the accelerators.
      Number of interrupts must match number of DRV blocks.

      Name for the RSC. The name would be used in trace logs.

    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
      The ID of the DRV in the RSC block that will be used by this controller.

    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-matrix
    minItems: 4
    maxItems: 4
        - description: |
            TCS type::
             - ACTIVE_TCS
             - SLEEP_TCS
             - WAKE_TCS
             - CONTROL_TCS
          enum: [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
        - description: Number of TCS
    description: |
      The tuple defining the configuration of TCS. Must have two cells which
      describe each TCS type.  The order of the TCS must match the hardware

    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
      The offset of the TCS blocks.

    minItems: 1
    maxItems: 4

    minItems: 1
      - const: drv-0
      - const: drv-1
      - const: drv-2
      - const: drv-3

    $ref: /schemas/interconnect/qcom,bcm-voter.yaml#

    $ref: /schemas/clock/qcom,rpmhcc.yaml#

    $ref: /schemas/power/qcom,rpmpd.yaml#

    $ref: /schemas/regulator/qcom,rpmh-regulator.yaml#

  - compatible
  - interrupts
  - qcom,drv-id
  - qcom,tcs-config
  - qcom,tcs-offset
  - reg
  - reg-names

additionalProperties: false

  - |
    // For a TCS whose RSC base address is 0x179C0000 and is at a DRV id of
    // 2, the register offsets for DRV2 start at 0D00, the register
    // calculations are like this::
    // DRV0: 0x179C0000
    // DRV2: 0x179C0000 + 0x10000 = 0x179D0000
    // DRV2: 0x179C0000 + 0x10000 * 2 = 0x179E0000
    // TCS-OFFSET: 0xD00
    #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/arm-gic.h>
    #include <dt-bindings/soc/qcom,rpmh-rsc.h>

    rsc@179c0000 {
        compatible = "qcom,rpmh-rsc";
        reg = <0x179c0000 0x10000>,
              <0x179d0000 0x10000>,
              <0x179e0000 0x10000>;
        reg-names = "drv-0", "drv-1", "drv-2";
        interrupts = <GIC_SPI 3 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
                     <GIC_SPI 4 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
                     <GIC_SPI 5 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
        label = "apps_rsc";
        qcom,tcs-offset = <0xd00>;
        qcom,drv-id = <2>;
        qcom,tcs-config = <ACTIVE_TCS  2>,
                          <SLEEP_TCS   3>,
                          <WAKE_TCS    3>,
                          <CONTROL_TCS 1>;

  - |
    // For a TCS whose RSC base address is 0xAF20000 and is at DRV id of 0, the
    // register offsets for DRV0 start at 01C00, the register calculations are
    // like this::
    // DRV0: 0xAF20000
    // TCS-OFFSET: 0x1C00
    #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/arm-gic.h>
    #include <dt-bindings/soc/qcom,rpmh-rsc.h>

    rsc@af20000 {
        compatible = "qcom,rpmh-rsc";
        reg = <0xaf20000 0x10000>;
        reg-names = "drv-0";
        interrupts = <GIC_SPI 129 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
        label = "disp_rsc";
        qcom,tcs-offset = <0x1c00>;
        qcom,drv-id = <0>;
        qcom,tcs-config = <ACTIVE_TCS  0>,
                          <SLEEP_TCS   1>,
                          <WAKE_TCS    1>,
                          <CONTROL_TCS 0>;

  - |
    #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/arm-gic.h>
    #include <dt-bindings/soc/qcom,rpmh-rsc.h>
    #include <dt-bindings/power/qcom-rpmpd.h>

    rsc@18200000 {
        compatible = "qcom,rpmh-rsc";
        reg = <0x18200000 0x10000>,
              <0x18210000 0x10000>,
              <0x18220000 0x10000>;
        reg-names = "drv-0", "drv-1", "drv-2";
        interrupts = <GIC_SPI 3 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
                     <GIC_SPI 4 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
                     <GIC_SPI 5 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
        label = "apps_rsc";
        qcom,tcs-offset = <0xd00>;
        qcom,drv-id = <2>;
        qcom,tcs-config = <ACTIVE_TCS  2>,
                          <SLEEP_TCS   3>,
                          <WAKE_TCS    3>,
                          <CONTROL_TCS 0>;

        clock-controller {
            compatible = "qcom,sm8350-rpmh-clk";
            #clock-cells = <1>;
            clock-names = "xo";
            clocks = <&xo_board>;

        power-controller {
            compatible = "qcom,sm8350-rpmhpd";
            #power-domain-cells = <1>;
            operating-points-v2 = <&rpmhpd_opp_table>;

            rpmhpd_opp_table: opp-table {
                compatible = "operating-points-v2";

                rpmhpd_opp_ret: opp1 {
                    opp-level = <RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_RETENTION>;

                rpmhpd_opp_min_svs: opp2 {
                    opp-level = <RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_MIN_SVS>;

                rpmhpd_opp_low_svs: opp3 {
                    opp-level = <RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_LOW_SVS>;

                rpmhpd_opp_svs: opp4 {
                    opp-level = <RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_SVS>;

                rpmhpd_opp_svs_l1: opp5 {
                    opp-level = <RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_SVS_L1>;

                rpmhpd_opp_nom: opp6 {
                    opp-level = <RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_NOM>;

                rpmhpd_opp_nom_l1: opp7 {
                    opp-level = <RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_NOM_L1>;

                rpmhpd_opp_nom_l2: opp8 {
                    opp-level = <RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_NOM_L2>;

                rpmhpd_opp_turbo: opp9 {
                    opp-level = <RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_TURBO>;

                rpmhpd_opp_turbo_l1: opp10 {
                    opp-level = <RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_TURBO_L1>;

        bcm-voter {
            compatible = "qcom,bcm-voter";