# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause) %YAML 1.2 --- $id: http://devicetree.org/schemas/input/azoteq,iqs7222.yaml# $schema: http://devicetree.org/meta-schemas/core.yaml# title: Azoteq IQS7222A/B/C Capacitive Touch Controller maintainers: - Jeff LaBundy <jeff@labundy.com> description: | The Azoteq IQS7222A, IQS7222B and IQS7222C are multichannel capacitive touch controllers that feature additional sensing capabilities. Link to datasheets: https://www.azoteq.com/ properties: compatible: enum: - azoteq,iqs7222a - azoteq,iqs7222b - azoteq,iqs7222c reg: maxItems: 1 irq-gpios: maxItems: 1 description: Specifies the GPIO connected to the device's active-low RDY output. reset-gpios: maxItems: 1 description: Specifies the GPIO connected to the device's active-low MCLR input. The device is temporarily held in hardware reset prior to initialization if this property is present. azoteq,max-counts: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] description: | Specifies the maximum number of conversion periods (counts) that can be reported as follows: 0: 1023 1: 2047 2: 4095 3: 16384 azoteq,auto-mode: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] description: | Specifies the number of conversions to occur before an interrupt is generated as follows: 0: 4 1: 8 2: 16 3: 32 azoteq,ati-frac-div-fine: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 31 description: Specifies the preloaded ATI fine fractional divider. azoteq,ati-frac-div-coarse: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 31 description: Specifies the preloaded ATI coarse fractional divider. azoteq,ati-comp-select: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 1023 description: Specifies the preloaded ATI compensation selection. azoteq,lta-beta-lp: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 15 description: Specifies the long-term average filter damping factor to be applied during low-power mode. azoteq,lta-beta-np: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 15 description: Specifies the long-term average filter damping factor to be applied during normal-power mode. azoteq,counts-beta-lp: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 15 description: Specifies the counts filter damping factor to be applied during low-power mode. azoteq,counts-beta-np: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 15 description: Specifies the counts filter damping factor to be applied during normal- power mode. azoteq,lta-fast-beta-lp: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 15 description: Specifies the long-term average filter fast damping factor to be applied during low-power mode. azoteq,lta-fast-beta-np: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 15 description: Specifies the long-term average filter fast damping factor to be applied during normal-power mode. azoteq,timeout-ati-ms: multipleOf: 500 minimum: 0 maximum: 32767500 description: Specifies the delay (in ms) before ATI is retried following an ATI error. azoteq,rate-ati-ms: minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 description: Specifies the rate (in ms) at which ATI status is evaluated. azoteq,timeout-np-ms: minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 description: Specifies the length of time (in ms) to wait for an event before moving from normal-power mode to low-power mode. azoteq,rate-np-ms: minimum: 0 maximum: 3000 description: Specifies the report rate (in ms) during normal-power mode. azoteq,timeout-lp-ms: minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 description: Specifies the length of time (in ms) to wait for an event before moving from low-power mode to ultra-low-power mode. azoteq,rate-lp-ms: minimum: 0 maximum: 3000 description: Specifies the report rate (in ms) during low-power mode. azoteq,timeout-ulp-ms: minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 description: Specifies the rate (in ms) at which channels not regularly sampled during ultra-low-power mode are updated. azoteq,rate-ulp-ms: minimum: 0 maximum: 3000 description: Specifies the report rate (in ms) during ultra-low-power mode. patternProperties: "^cycle-[0-9]$": type: object description: Represents a conversion cycle serving two sensing channels. properties: azoteq,conv-period: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 255 description: Specifies the cycle's conversion period. azoteq,conv-frac: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 255 description: Specifies the cycle's conversion frequency fraction. azoteq,tx-enable: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array minItems: 1 maxItems: 9 items: minimum: 0 maximum: 8 description: Specifies the CTx pin(s) associated with the cycle. azoteq,rx-float-inactive: type: boolean description: Floats any inactive CRx pins instead of grounding them. azoteq,dead-time-enable: type: boolean description: Increases the denominator of the conversion frequency formula by one. azoteq,tx-freq-fosc: type: boolean description: Fixes the conversion frequency to that of the device's core clock. azoteq,vbias-enable: type: boolean description: Enables the bias voltage for use during inductive sensing. azoteq,sense-mode: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] description: | Specifies the cycle's sensing mode as follows: 0: None 1: Self capacitive 2: Mutual capacitive 3: Inductive Note that in the case of IQS7222A, cycles 5 and 6 are restricted to Hall-effect sensing. azoteq,iref-enable: type: boolean description: Enables the current reference for use during various sensing modes. azoteq,iref-level: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 15 description: Specifies the cycle's current reference level. azoteq,iref-trim: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 15 description: Specifies the cycle's current reference trim. dependencies: azoteq,iref-level: ["azoteq,iref-enable"] azoteq,iref-trim: ["azoteq,iref-enable"] additionalProperties: false "^channel-([0-9]|1[0-9])$": type: object description: Represents a single sensing channel. A channel is active if defined and inactive otherwise. Note that in the case of IQS7222A, channels 10 and 11 are restricted to Hall-effect sensing with events reported on channel 10 only. properties: azoteq,ulp-allow: type: boolean description: Permits the device to enter ultra-low-power mode while the channel lies in a state of touch or proximity. azoteq,ref-select: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 9 description: Specifies a separate reference channel to be followed. azoteq,ref-weight: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 description: Specifies the relative weight of the reference channel. azoteq,use-prox: type: boolean description: Activates the reference channel in response to proximity events instead of touch events. azoteq,ati-band: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] description: | Specifies the channel's ATI band as a fraction of its ATI target as follows: 0: 1/16 1: 1/8 2: 1/4 3: 1/2 azoteq,global-halt: type: boolean description: Specifies that the channel's long-term average is to freeze if any other participating channel lies in a proximity or touch state. azoteq,invert-enable: type: boolean description: Inverts the polarity of the states reported for proximity and touch events relative to their respective thresholds. azoteq,dual-direction: type: boolean description: Specifies that the channel's long-term average is to freeze in the presence of either increasing or decreasing counts, thereby permit- ting events to be reported in either direction. azoteq,rx-enable: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array minItems: 1 maxItems: 4 items: minimum: 0 maximum: 7 description: Specifies the CRx pin(s) associated with the channel. azoteq,samp-cap-double: type: boolean description: Doubles the sampling capacitance from 40 pF to 80 pF. azoteq,vref-half: type: boolean description: Halves the discharge threshold from 1.0 V to 0.5 V. azoteq,proj-bias: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] description: | Specifies the bias current applied during mutual (projected) capacitive sensing as follows: 0: 2 uA 1: 5 uA 2: 7 uA 3: 10 uA azoteq,ati-target: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 multipleOf: 8 minimum: 0 maximum: 2040 description: Specifies the channel's ATI target. azoteq,ati-base: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 multipleOf: 16 minimum: 0 maximum: 496 description: Specifies the channel's ATI base. azoteq,ati-mode: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 enum: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] description: | Specifies the channel's ATI mode as follows: 0: Disabled 1: Compensation 2: Compensation divider 3: Fine fractional divider 4: Coarse fractional divider 5: Full azoteq,ati-frac-div-fine: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 31 description: Specifies the channel's ATI fine fractional divider. azoteq,ati-frac-mult-coarse: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 15 description: Specifies the channel's ATI coarse fractional multiplier. azoteq,ati-frac-div-coarse: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 31 description: Specifies the channel's ATI coarse fractional divider. azoteq,ati-comp-div: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 31 description: Specifies the channel's ATI compensation divider. azoteq,ati-comp-select: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 1023 description: Specifies the channel's ATI compensation selection. azoteq,debounce-enter: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 15 description: Specifies the channel's debounce entrance factor. azoteq,debounce-exit: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 15 description: Specifies the channel's debounce exit factor. patternProperties: "^event-(prox|touch)$": type: object $ref: input.yaml# description: Represents a proximity or touch event reported by the channel. properties: azoteq,gpio-select: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array minItems: 1 maxItems: 3 items: minimum: 0 maximum: 2 description: | Specifies one or more GPIO mapped to the event as follows: 0: GPIO0 1: GPIO3 (IQS7222C only) 2: GPIO4 (IQS7222C only) Note that although multiple events can be mapped to a single GPIO, they must all be of the same type (proximity, touch or slider gesture). azoteq,thresh: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 description: Specifies the threshold for the event. Valid entries range from 0-127 and 0-255 for proximity and touch events, respectively. azoteq,hyst: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 255 description: Specifies the hysteresis for the event (touch events only). azoteq,timeout-press-ms: multipleOf: 500 minimum: 0 maximum: 127500 description: Specifies the length of time (in ms) to wait before automatically releasing a press event. Specify zero to allow the press state to persist indefinitely. The IQS7222B does not feature channel-specific timeouts; the time- out specified for any one channel applies to all channels. linux,code: true linux,input-type: enum: [1, 5] default: 1 description: Specifies whether the event is to be interpreted as a key (1) or a switch (5). required: - linux,code additionalProperties: false dependencies: azoteq,ref-weight: ["azoteq,ref-select"] azoteq,use-prox: ["azoteq,ref-select"] additionalProperties: false "^slider-[0-1]$": type: object description: Represents a slider comprising three or four channels. properties: azoteq,channel-select: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array minItems: 3 maxItems: 4 items: minimum: 0 maximum: 9 description: Specifies the order of the channels that participate in the slider. azoteq,slider-size: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 description: Specifies the slider's one-dimensional resolution, equal to the maximum coordinate plus one. azoteq,lower-cal: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 255 description: Specifies the slider's lower starting point. azoteq,upper-cal: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 255 description: Specifies the slider's upper starting point. azoteq,top-speed: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 description: Specifies the speed of movement after which coordinate filtering is no longer applied. azoteq,bottom-speed: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 255 description: Specifies the speed of movement after which coordinate filtering is linearly reduced. azoteq,bottom-beta: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 minimum: 0 maximum: 7 description: Specifies the coordinate filter damping factor to be applied while the speed of movement is below that which is specified by azoteq,bottom-speed. azoteq,static-beta: type: boolean description: Applies the coordinate filter damping factor specified by azoteq,bottom-beta regardless of the speed of movement. azoteq,use-prox: type: boolean description: Directs the slider to respond to the proximity states of the selected channels instead of their corresponding touch states. Note the slider cannot report granular coordinates during a state of proximity. linux,axis: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 description: Specifies the absolute axis to which coordinates are mapped. Specify ABS_WHEEL to operate the slider as a wheel (IQS7222C only). patternProperties: "^event-(press|tap|(swipe|flick)-(pos|neg))$": type: object $ref: input.yaml# description: Represents a press or gesture (IQS7222A only) event reported by the slider. properties: linux,code: true azoteq,gesture-max-ms: multipleOf: 4 minimum: 0 maximum: 1020 description: Specifies the length of time (in ms) within which a tap, swipe or flick gesture must be completed in order to be acknowledged by the device. The number specified for any one swipe or flick gesture applies to all remaining swipe or flick gestures. azoteq,gesture-min-ms: multipleOf: 4 minimum: 0 maximum: 124 description: Specifies the length of time (in ms) for which a tap gesture must be held in order to be acknowledged by the device. azoteq,gesture-dist: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 multipleOf: 16 minimum: 0 maximum: 4080 description: Specifies the distance across which a swipe or flick gesture must travel in order to be acknowledged by the device. The number spec- ified for any one swipe or flick gesture applies to all remaining swipe or flick gestures. azoteq,gpio-select: $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array minItems: 1 maxItems: 3 items: minimum: 0 maximum: 2 description: | Specifies one or more GPIO mapped to the event as follows: 0: GPIO0 1: GPIO3 (IQS7222C only) 2: GPIO4 (IQS7222C only) Note that although multiple events can be mapped to a single GPIO, they must all be of the same type (proximity, touch or slider gesture). required: - linux,code additionalProperties: false required: - azoteq,channel-select additionalProperties: false "^gpio-[0-2]$": type: object description: | Represents a GPIO mapped to one or more events as follows: gpio-0: GPIO0 gpio-1: GPIO3 (IQS7222C only) gpio-2: GPIO4 (IQS7222C only) allOf: - $ref: ../pinctrl/pincfg-node.yaml# properties: drive-open-drain: true additionalProperties: false allOf: - if: properties: compatible: contains: const: azoteq,iqs7222b then: patternProperties: "^cycle-[0-9]$": properties: azoteq,iref-enable: false "^channel-([0-9]|1[0-9])$": properties: azoteq,ref-select: false patternProperties: "^event-(prox|touch)$": properties: azoteq,gpio-select: false "^slider-[0-1]$": false "^gpio-[0-2]$": false - if: properties: compatible: contains: const: azoteq,iqs7222a then: patternProperties: "^channel-([0-9]|1[0-9])$": patternProperties: "^event-(prox|touch)$": properties: azoteq,gpio-select: maxItems: 1 items: maximum: 0 "^slider-[0-1]$": properties: azoteq,slider-size: multipleOf: 16 maximum: 4080 azoteq,top-speed: multipleOf: 4 maximum: 1020 patternProperties: "^event-(press|tap|(swipe|flick)-(pos|neg))$": properties: azoteq,gpio-select: maxItems: 1 items: maximum: 0 else: patternProperties: "^channel-([0-9]|1[0-9])$": properties: azoteq,ulp-allow: false "^slider-[0-1]$": patternProperties: "^event-(press|tap|(swipe|flick)-(pos|neg))$": properties: azoteq,gesture-max-ms: false azoteq,gesture-min-ms: false azoteq,gesture-dist: false required: - compatible - reg - irq-gpios additionalProperties: false examples: - | #include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h> #include <dt-bindings/input/input.h> i2c { #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; iqs7222a@44 { compatible = "azoteq,iqs7222a"; reg = <0x44>; irq-gpios = <&gpio 4 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; azoteq,lta-beta-lp = <7>; azoteq,lta-beta-np = <8>; azoteq,counts-beta-lp = <2>; azoteq,counts-beta-np = <3>; azoteq,lta-fast-beta-lp = <3>; azoteq,lta-fast-beta-np = <4>; cycle-0 { azoteq,conv-period = <5>; azoteq,conv-frac = <127>; azoteq,tx-enable = <1>, <2>, <4>, <5>; azoteq,dead-time-enable; azoteq,sense-mode = <2>; }; cycle-1 { azoteq,conv-period = <5>; azoteq,conv-frac = <127>; azoteq,tx-enable = <5>; azoteq,dead-time-enable; azoteq,sense-mode = <2>; }; cycle-2 { azoteq,conv-period = <5>; azoteq,conv-frac = <127>; azoteq,tx-enable = <4>; azoteq,dead-time-enable; azoteq,sense-mode = <2>; }; cycle-3 { azoteq,conv-period = <5>; azoteq,conv-frac = <127>; azoteq,tx-enable = <2>; azoteq,dead-time-enable; azoteq,sense-mode = <2>; }; cycle-4 { azoteq,conv-period = <5>; azoteq,conv-frac = <127>; azoteq,tx-enable = <1>; azoteq,dead-time-enable; azoteq,sense-mode = <2>; }; cycle-5 { azoteq,conv-period = <2>; azoteq,conv-frac = <0>; }; cycle-6 { azoteq,conv-period = <2>; azoteq,conv-frac = <0>; }; channel-0 { azoteq,ulp-allow; azoteq,global-halt; azoteq,invert-enable; azoteq,rx-enable = <3>; azoteq,ati-target = <800>; azoteq,ati-base = <208>; azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; }; channel-1 { azoteq,global-halt; azoteq,invert-enable; azoteq,rx-enable = <3>; azoteq,ati-target = <496>; azoteq,ati-base = <208>; azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; }; channel-2 { azoteq,global-halt; azoteq,invert-enable; azoteq,rx-enable = <3>; azoteq,ati-target = <496>; azoteq,ati-base = <208>; azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; }; channel-3 { azoteq,global-halt; azoteq,invert-enable; azoteq,rx-enable = <3>; azoteq,ati-target = <496>; azoteq,ati-base = <208>; azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; }; channel-4 { azoteq,global-halt; azoteq,invert-enable; azoteq,rx-enable = <3>; azoteq,ati-target = <496>; azoteq,ati-base = <208>; azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; }; channel-5 { azoteq,ulp-allow; azoteq,global-halt; azoteq,invert-enable; azoteq,rx-enable = <6>; azoteq,ati-target = <800>; azoteq,ati-base = <144>; azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; }; channel-6 { azoteq,global-halt; azoteq,invert-enable; azoteq,rx-enable = <6>; azoteq,ati-target = <496>; azoteq,ati-base = <160>; azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; event-touch { linux,code = <KEY_MUTE>; }; }; channel-7 { azoteq,global-halt; azoteq,invert-enable; azoteq,rx-enable = <6>; azoteq,ati-target = <496>; azoteq,ati-base = <160>; azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; event-touch { linux,code = <KEY_VOLUMEDOWN>; }; }; channel-8 { azoteq,global-halt; azoteq,invert-enable; azoteq,rx-enable = <6>; azoteq,ati-target = <496>; azoteq,ati-base = <160>; azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; event-touch { linux,code = <KEY_VOLUMEUP>; }; }; channel-9 { azoteq,global-halt; azoteq,invert-enable; azoteq,rx-enable = <6>; azoteq,ati-target = <496>; azoteq,ati-base = <160>; azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; event-touch { linux,code = <KEY_POWER>; }; }; channel-10 { azoteq,ulp-allow; azoteq,ati-target = <496>; azoteq,ati-base = <112>; event-touch { linux,code = <SW_LID>; linux,input-type = <EV_SW>; }; }; channel-11 { azoteq,ati-target = <496>; azoteq,ati-base = <112>; }; slider-0 { azoteq,channel-select = <1>, <2>, <3>, <4>; azoteq,slider-size = <4080>; azoteq,upper-cal = <50>; azoteq,lower-cal = <30>; azoteq,top-speed = <200>; azoteq,bottom-speed = <1>; azoteq,bottom-beta = <3>; event-tap { linux,code = <KEY_PLAYPAUSE>; azoteq,gesture-max-ms = <600>; azoteq,gesture-min-ms = <24>; }; event-flick-pos { linux,code = <KEY_NEXTSONG>; azoteq,gesture-max-ms = <600>; azoteq,gesture-dist = <816>; }; event-flick-neg { linux,code = <KEY_PREVIOUSSONG>; }; }; }; }; ...