NVIDIA Tegra host1x

Required properties:
- compatible: "nvidia,tegra<chip>-host1x"
- reg: Physical base address and length of the controller's registers.
  For pre-Tegra186, one entry describing the whole register area.
  For Tegra186, one entry for each entry in reg-names:
    "vm" - VM region assigned to Linux
    "hypervisor" - Hypervisor region (only if Linux acts as hypervisor)
- interrupts: The interrupt outputs from the controller.
- #address-cells: The number of cells used to represent physical base addresses
  in the host1x address space. Should be 1.
- #size-cells: The number of cells used to represent the size of an address
  range in the host1x address space. Should be 1.
- ranges: The mapping of the host1x address space to the CPU address space.
- clocks: Must contain one entry, for the module clock.
  See ../clocks/clock-bindings.txt for details.
- resets: Must contain an entry for each entry in reset-names.
  See ../reset/reset.txt for details.
- reset-names: Must include the following entries:
  - host1x

The host1x top-level node defines a number of children, each representing one
of the following host1x client modules:

- mpe: video encoder

  Required properties:
  - compatible: "nvidia,tegra<chip>-mpe"
  - reg: Physical base address and length of the controller's registers.
  - interrupts: The interrupt outputs from the controller.
  - clocks: Must contain one entry, for the module clock.
    See ../clocks/clock-bindings.txt for details.
  - resets: Must contain an entry for each entry in reset-names.
    See ../reset/reset.txt for details.
  - reset-names: Must include the following entries:
    - mpe

- vi: video input

  Required properties:
  - compatible: "nvidia,tegra<chip>-vi"
  - reg: Physical base address and length of the controller registers.
  - interrupts: The interrupt outputs from the controller.
  - clocks: clocks: Must contain one entry, for the module clock.
    See ../clocks/clock-bindings.txt for details.
  - Tegra20/Tegra30/Tegra114/Tegra124:
    - resets: Must contain an entry for each entry in reset-names.
      See ../reset/reset.txt for details.
    - reset-names: Must include the following entries:
      - vi
  - Tegra210:
    - power-domains: Must include venc powergate node as vi is in VE partition.

  ports (optional node)
  vi can have optional ports node and max 6 ports are supported. Each port
  should have single 'endpoint' child node. All port nodes are grouped under
  ports node. Please refer to the bindings defined in

  csi (required node)
  Tegra210 has CSI part of VI sharing same host interface and register space.
  So, VI device node should have CSI child node.

    - csi: mipi csi interface to vi

      Required properties:
      - compatible: "nvidia,tegra210-csi"
      - reg: Physical base address offset to parent and length of the controller
      - clocks: Must contain entries csi, cilab, cilcd, cile, csi_tpg clocks.
        See ../clocks/clock-bindings.txt for details.
      - power-domains: Must include sor powergate node as csicil is in
        SOR partition.

      channel (optional nodes)
      Maximum 6 channels are supported with each csi brick as either x4 or x2
      based on hw connectivity to sensor.

      Required properties:
      - reg: csi port number. Valid port numbers are 0 through 5.
      - nvidia,mipi-calibrate: Should contain a phandle and a specifier
        specifying which pads are used by this CSI port and need to be
	calibrated. See also ../display/tegra/nvidia,tegra114-mipi.txt.

      Each channel node must contain 2 port nodes which can be grouped
      under 'ports' node and each port should have a single child 'endpoint'

        ports node
        Please refer to the bindings defined in

        ports node must contain below 2 port nodes.
        port@0 with single child 'endpoint' node always a sink.
        port@1 with single child 'endpoint' node always a source.

        port@0 (required node)
        Required properties:
        - reg: 0

	  endpoint (required node)
	  Required properties:
	  - data-lanes: an array of data lane from 1 to 4. Valid array
	    lengths are 1/2/4.
	  - remote-endpoint: phandle to sensor 'endpoint' node.

        port@1 (required node)
        Required properties:
        - reg: 1

	  endpoint (required node)
	  Required properties:
	  - remote-endpoint: phandle to vi port 'endpoint' node.

- epp: encoder pre-processor

  Required properties:
  - compatible: "nvidia,tegra<chip>-epp"
  - reg: Physical base address and length of the controller's registers.
  - interrupts: The interrupt outputs from the controller.
  - clocks: Must contain one entry, for the module clock.
    See ../clocks/clock-bindings.txt for details.
  - resets: Must contain an entry for each entry in reset-names.
    See ../reset/reset.txt for details.
  - reset-names: Must include the following entries:
    - epp

- isp: image signal processor

  Required properties:
  - compatible: "nvidia,tegra<chip>-isp"
  - reg: Physical base address and length of the controller's registers.
  - interrupts: The interrupt outputs from the controller.
  - clocks: Must contain one entry, for the module clock.
    See ../clocks/clock-bindings.txt for details.
  - resets: Must contain an entry for each entry in reset-names.
    See ../reset/reset.txt for details.
  - reset-names: Must include the following entries:
    - isp

- gr2d: 2D graphics engine

  Required properties:
  - compatible: "nvidia,tegra<chip>-gr2d"
  - reg: Physical base address and length of the controller's registers.
  - interrupts: The interrupt outputs from the controller.
  - clocks: Must contain one entry, for the module clock.
    See ../clocks/clock-bindings.txt for details.
  - resets: Must contain an entry for each entry in reset-names.
    See ../reset/reset.txt for details.
  - reset-names: Must include the following entries:
    - 2d

- gr3d: 3D graphics engine

  Required properties:
  - compatible: "nvidia,tegra<chip>-gr3d"
  - reg: Physical base address and length of the controller's registers.
  - clocks: Must contain an entry for each entry in clock-names.
    See ../clocks/clock-bindings.txt for details.
  - clock-names: Must include the following entries:
    (This property may be omitted if the only clock in the list is "3d")
    - 3d
      This MUST be the first entry.
    - 3d2 (Only required on SoCs with two 3D clocks)
  - resets: Must contain an entry for each entry in reset-names.
    See ../reset/reset.txt for details.
  - reset-names: Must include the following entries:
    - 3d
    - 3d2 (Only required on SoCs with two 3D clocks)

- dc: display controller

  Required properties:
  - compatible: "nvidia,tegra<chip>-dc"
  - reg: Physical base address and length of the controller's registers.
  - interrupts: The interrupt outputs from the controller.
  - clocks: Must contain an entry for each entry in clock-names.
    See ../clocks/clock-bindings.txt for details.
  - clock-names: Must include the following entries:
    - dc
      This MUST be the first entry.
    - parent
  - resets: Must contain an entry for each entry in reset-names.
    See ../reset/reset.txt for details.
  - reset-names: Must include the following entries:
    - dc
  - nvidia,head: The number of the display controller head. This is used to
    setup the various types of output to receive video data from the given

  Each display controller node has a child node, named "rgb", that represents
  the RGB output associated with the controller. It can take the following
  optional properties:
  - nvidia,ddc-i2c-bus: phandle of an I2C controller used for DDC EDID probing
  - nvidia,hpd-gpio: specifies a GPIO used for hotplug detection
  - nvidia,edid: supplies a binary EDID blob
  - nvidia,panel: phandle of a display panel

- hdmi: High Definition Multimedia Interface

  Required properties:
  - compatible: "nvidia,tegra<chip>-hdmi"
  - reg: Physical base address and length of the controller's registers.
  - interrupts: The interrupt outputs from the controller.
  - hdmi-supply: supply for the +5V HDMI connector pin
  - vdd-supply: regulator for supply voltage
  - pll-supply: regulator for PLL
  - clocks: Must contain an entry for each entry in clock-names.
    See ../clocks/clock-bindings.txt for details.
  - clock-names: Must include the following entries:
    - hdmi
      This MUST be the first entry.
    - parent
  - resets: Must contain an entry for each entry in reset-names.
    See ../reset/reset.txt for details.
  - reset-names: Must include the following entries:
    - hdmi

  Optional properties:
  - nvidia,ddc-i2c-bus: phandle of an I2C controller used for DDC EDID probing
  - nvidia,hpd-gpio: specifies a GPIO used for hotplug detection
  - nvidia,edid: supplies a binary EDID blob
  - nvidia,panel: phandle of a display panel

- tvo: TV encoder output

  Required properties:
  - compatible: "nvidia,tegra<chip>-tvo"
  - reg: Physical base address and length of the controller's registers.
  - interrupts: The interrupt outputs from the controller.
  - clocks: Must contain one entry, for the module clock.
    See ../clocks/clock-bindings.txt for details.

- dsi: display serial interface

  Required properties:
  - compatible: "nvidia,tegra<chip>-dsi"
  - reg: Physical base address and length of the controller's registers.
  - clocks: Must contain an entry for each entry in clock-names.
    See ../clocks/clock-bindings.txt for details.
  - clock-names: Must include the following entries:
    - dsi
      This MUST be the first entry.
    - lp
    - parent
  - resets: Must contain an entry for each entry in reset-names.
    See ../reset/reset.txt for details.
  - reset-names: Must include the following entries:
    - dsi
  - avdd-dsi-supply: phandle of a supply that powers the DSI controller
  - nvidia,mipi-calibrate: Should contain a phandle and a specifier specifying
    which pads are used by this DSI output and need to be calibrated. See also

  Optional properties:
  - nvidia,ddc-i2c-bus: phandle of an I2C controller used for DDC EDID probing
  - nvidia,hpd-gpio: specifies a GPIO used for hotplug detection
  - nvidia,edid: supplies a binary EDID blob
  - nvidia,panel: phandle of a display panel
  - nvidia,ganged-mode: contains a phandle to a second DSI controller to gang
    up with in order to support up to 8 data lanes

- sor: serial output resource

  Required properties:
  - compatible: Should be:
    - "nvidia,tegra124-sor": for Tegra124 and Tegra132
    - "nvidia,tegra132-sor": for Tegra132
    - "nvidia,tegra210-sor": for Tegra210
    - "nvidia,tegra210-sor1": for Tegra210
    - "nvidia,tegra186-sor": for Tegra186
    - "nvidia,tegra186-sor1": for Tegra186
  - reg: Physical base address and length of the controller's registers.
  - interrupts: The interrupt outputs from the controller.
  - clocks: Must contain an entry for each entry in clock-names.
    See ../clocks/clock-bindings.txt for details.
  - clock-names: Must include the following entries:
    - sor: clock input for the SOR hardware
    - out: SOR output clock
    - parent: input for the pixel clock
    - dp: reference clock for the SOR clock
    - safe: safe reference for the SOR clock during power up

    For Tegra186 and later:
    - pad: SOR pad output clock (on Tegra186 and later)

    - source: source clock for the SOR clock (obsolete, use "out" instead)

  - resets: Must contain an entry for each entry in reset-names.
    See ../reset/reset.txt for details.
  - reset-names: Must include the following entries:
    - sor

  Required properties on Tegra186 and later:
  - nvidia,interface: index of the SOR interface

  Optional properties:
  - nvidia,ddc-i2c-bus: phandle of an I2C controller used for DDC EDID probing
  - nvidia,hpd-gpio: specifies a GPIO used for hotplug detection
  - nvidia,edid: supplies a binary EDID blob
  - nvidia,panel: phandle of a display panel
  - nvidia,xbar-cfg: 5 cells containing the crossbar configuration. Each lane
    of the SOR, identified by the cell's index, is mapped via the crossbar to
    the pad specified by the cell's value.

  Optional properties when driving an eDP output:
  - nvidia,dpaux: phandle to a DispayPort AUX interface

- dpaux: DisplayPort AUX interface
  - compatible : Should contain one of the following:
    - "nvidia,tegra124-dpaux": for Tegra124 and Tegra132
    - "nvidia,tegra210-dpaux": for Tegra210
  - reg: Physical base address and length of the controller's registers.
  - interrupts: The interrupt outputs from the controller.
  - clocks: Must contain an entry for each entry in clock-names.
    See ../clocks/clock-bindings.txt for details.
  - clock-names: Must include the following entries:
    - dpaux: clock input for the DPAUX hardware
    - parent: reference clock
  - resets: Must contain an entry for each entry in reset-names.
    See ../reset/reset.txt for details.
  - reset-names: Must include the following entries:
    - dpaux
  - vdd-supply: phandle of a supply that powers the DisplayPort link
  - i2c-bus: Subnode where I2C slave devices are listed. This subnode
    must be always present. If there are no I2C slave devices, an empty
    node should be added. See ../../i2c/i2c.txt for more information.

  See ../pinctrl/nvidia,tegra124-dpaux-padctl.txt for information
  regarding the DPAUX pad controller bindings.

- vic: Video Image Compositor
  - compatible : "nvidia,tegra<chip>-vic"
  - reg: Physical base address and length of the controller's registers.
  - interrupts: The interrupt outputs from the controller.
  - clocks: Must contain an entry for each entry in clock-names.
    See ../clocks/clock-bindings.txt for details.
  - clock-names: Must include the following entries:
    - vic: clock input for the VIC hardware
  - resets: Must contain an entry for each entry in reset-names.
    See ../reset/reset.txt for details.
  - reset-names: Must include the following entries:
    - vic


/ {

	host1x {
		compatible = "nvidia,tegra20-host1x", "simple-bus";
		reg = <0x50000000 0x00024000>;
		interrupts = <0 65 0x04   /* mpcore syncpt */
			      0 67 0x04>; /* mpcore general */
		clocks = <&tegra_car TEGRA20_CLK_HOST1X>;
		resets = <&tegra_car 28>;
		reset-names = "host1x";

		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <1>;

		ranges = <0x54000000 0x54000000 0x04000000>;

		mpe {
			compatible = "nvidia,tegra20-mpe";
			reg = <0x54040000 0x00040000>;
			interrupts = <0 68 0x04>;
			clocks = <&tegra_car TEGRA20_CLK_MPE>;
			resets = <&tegra_car 60>;
			reset-names = "mpe";

		vi@54080000 {
			compatible = "nvidia,tegra210-vi";
			reg = <0x0 0x54080000 0x0 0x700>;
			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 69 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			assigned-clocks = <&tegra_car TEGRA210_CLK_VI>;
			assigned-clock-parents = <&tegra_car TEGRA210_CLK_PLL_C4_OUT0>;

			clocks = <&tegra_car TEGRA210_CLK_VI>;
			power-domains = <&pd_venc>;

			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;

			ranges = <0x0 0x0 0x54080000 0x2000>;

			ports {
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;

				port@0 {
					reg = <0>;
					imx219_vi_in0: endpoint {
						remote-endpoint = <&imx219_csi_out0>;

			csi@838 {
				compatible = "nvidia,tegra210-csi";
				reg = <0x838 0x1300>;
				assigned-clocks = <&tegra_car TEGRA210_CLK_CILAB>,
						  <&tegra_car TEGRA210_CLK_CILCD>,
						  <&tegra_car TEGRA210_CLK_CILE>,
						  <&tegra_car TEGRA210_CLK_CSI_TPG>;
				assigned-clock-parents = <&tegra_car TEGRA210_CLK_PLL_P>,
							 <&tegra_car TEGRA210_CLK_PLL_P>,
							 <&tegra_car TEGRA210_CLK_PLL_P>;
				assigned-clock-rates = <102000000>,

				clocks = <&tegra_car TEGRA210_CLK_CSI>,
					 <&tegra_car TEGRA210_CLK_CILAB>,
					 <&tegra_car TEGRA210_CLK_CILCD>,
					 <&tegra_car TEGRA210_CLK_CILE>,
					 <&tegra_car TEGRA210_CLK_CSI_TPG>;
				clock-names = "csi", "cilab", "cilcd", "cile", "csi_tpg";
				power-domains = <&pd_sor>;

				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;

				channel@0 {
					reg = <0>;
					nvidia,mipi-calibrate = <&mipi 0x001>;

					ports {
						#address-cells = <1>;
						#size-cells = <0>;

						port@0 {
							reg = <0>;
							imx219_csi_in0: endpoint {
								data-lanes = <1 2>;
								remote-endpoint = <&imx219_out0>;

						port@1 {
							reg = <1>;
							imx219_csi_out0: endpoint {
								remote-endpoint = <&imx219_vi_in0>;

		epp {
			compatible = "nvidia,tegra20-epp";
			reg = <0x540c0000 0x00040000>;
			interrupts = <0 70 0x04>;
			clocks = <&tegra_car TEGRA20_CLK_EPP>;
			resets = <&tegra_car 19>;
			reset-names = "epp";

		isp {
			compatible = "nvidia,tegra20-isp";
			reg = <0x54100000 0x00040000>;
			interrupts = <0 71 0x04>;
			clocks = <&tegra_car TEGRA20_CLK_ISP>;
			resets = <&tegra_car 23>;
			reset-names = "isp";

		gr2d {
			compatible = "nvidia,tegra20-gr2d";
			reg = <0x54140000 0x00040000>;
			interrupts = <0 72 0x04>;
			clocks = <&tegra_car TEGRA20_CLK_GR2D>;
			resets = <&tegra_car 21>;
			reset-names = "2d";

		gr3d {
			compatible = "nvidia,tegra20-gr3d";
			reg = <0x54180000 0x00040000>;
			clocks = <&tegra_car TEGRA20_CLK_GR3D>;
			resets = <&tegra_car 24>;
			reset-names = "3d";

		dc@54200000 {
			compatible = "nvidia,tegra20-dc";
			reg = <0x54200000 0x00040000>;
			interrupts = <0 73 0x04>;
			clocks = <&tegra_car TEGRA20_CLK_DISP1>,
				 <&tegra_car TEGRA20_CLK_PLL_P>;
			clock-names = "dc", "parent";
			resets = <&tegra_car 27>;
			reset-names = "dc";

			rgb {
				status = "disabled";

		dc@54240000 {
			compatible = "nvidia,tegra20-dc";
			reg = <0x54240000 0x00040000>;
			interrupts = <0 74 0x04>;
			clocks = <&tegra_car TEGRA20_CLK_DISP2>,
				 <&tegra_car TEGRA20_CLK_PLL_P>;
			clock-names = "dc", "parent";
			resets = <&tegra_car 26>;
			reset-names = "dc";

			rgb {
				status = "disabled";

		hdmi {
			compatible = "nvidia,tegra20-hdmi";
			reg = <0x54280000 0x00040000>;
			interrupts = <0 75 0x04>;
			clocks = <&tegra_car TEGRA20_CLK_HDMI>,
				 <&tegra_car TEGRA20_CLK_PLL_D_OUT0>;
			clock-names = "hdmi", "parent";
			resets = <&tegra_car 51>;
			reset-names = "hdmi";
			status = "disabled";

		tvo {
			compatible = "nvidia,tegra20-tvo";
			reg = <0x542c0000 0x00040000>;
			interrupts = <0 76 0x04>;
			clocks = <&tegra_car TEGRA20_CLK_TVO>;
			status = "disabled";

		dsi {
			compatible = "nvidia,tegra20-dsi";
			reg = <0x54300000 0x00040000>;
			clocks = <&tegra_car TEGRA20_CLK_DSI>,
				 <&tegra_car TEGRA20_CLK_PLL_D_OUT0>;
			clock-names = "dsi", "parent";
			resets = <&tegra_car 48>;
			reset-names = "dsi";
			status = "disabled";
